April workout check in thread - aprilliant workouts here!



  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    There was the sugar filled weekend and then a funny pain behind my knee and then mourning the fish so I had two days of doing nothing, really, I'm not exaggerating, two whole days of sitting on my butt on the couch. Not even a walk around the block! I worked out today though. It felt good. I still have the funny knee pain but I feel better and more energetic today.

    Squats: 75 lb 5x5 up from 70

    OHP: 62 lb 5x5 up from 61. I'm loving these fractionals!

    DL: 115 lb 5x5 up from 110
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    If you add momentum it's no longer a strict press and more along the lines of a push press. While it's also a valid lift and might actually help you through plateaus because you can lift a bit more weight that way, it's not really the same thing! My view on this is, if you prefer to do it that way, measure your progress accordingly (and if you're going to add a bit of momentum, might as well do a full push press to get the explosiveness it's supposed to bring along with it).

    Okay, thank you for the advice! I'm going to try my current weight without bending my knees and deload of I have to. I want to make sure I'm doing the lift properly. I've only been doing the knee bend thing in the last 5 or so pounds, so hopefully I will be able to rectify it without too much trouble. Like I said, I definitely need to invest in fractionals. Trying to limit my spending right now, though, because I've got a trip to Vegas planned in a couple of weeks. :happy:

    Kayla, I wrote my comment about fractionals before I read yours! Sorry! I didn't mean to flaunt the fractional! I know how it is to have to be frugal But it sounds like you are doing it for a good cause!!
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I need some fractionals, ohp is driving me crazy. I am also thinking about moving to 3x5 and adding some accessories; after I finish 5x5 squats I can hardly stand up to do ohp.

    Any who here's todays:
    Squat 5x5 125 lbs, just deloaded them so they felt really good.
    Ohp 4x5 then 4 45 lbs
    Deadlift 1x3 160 lbs, I'm quite happy my grip held up.
    And the usual 20 minutes on the elliptical.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    :bigsmile: Happy Hump day all...:bigsmile:

    @redhead I workout at home but where tight shorts/pants and a tank...but i would wear the same thing at the gym too...if they wanna look have at is what I say...I wear a 36-38 B/C depending on if it's a push up...but you can tell by my pic I have some boobies..and once I rip off my hoodie yah they are out on display..I will update this summer after I get my trial membership at our gym going (for the air conditioning of course)

    Oh and haircut i will upload the one I look a couple weeks ago...inverted bob up in a tiny tail atm..usually behind my ears when working out...do miss my bun/pony tail tho..

    *sorry for the size and to lazy to resize...and I hate hate taking selfies...seriously...

    @Kaity yah for you...good job

    On rows yes I always feel it in my back...suppose to..Jstout shows a great pic, I feel it most in my lats...gotta squeez shoulders in more

    @dec yah no gloves..chalk or do grip work, My warm ups are 2x 90 then onto working weight which is anywhere between 170 and 200 for me atm...oh and go mixed grip for sure.

    @ Kat yah my bum is usually feeling it after squats..not sore just firery if that makes sense...hehe

    @ pad those are nice numbers tho regardless..

    @Kaylajane yah same thing happened to me so I tried to work it out on my spreadsheet..what a pain tho right. I put it at 15 instead of frigging around with 16.5-17...so my lifts are mostly under by about 2lbs now. If you can find weighted collars that would work too..mine together are 3.5lbs (weighed them on my food scale) On my OHP I take a wide stance, tighten up everything and just push with no pauses at top or bottom.

    so workout A for me today...

    Squats @ 130 5x5 no issue...getting ATG for sure which is making a huge difference in my leg (groin) for the better.

    Bench @ 115 my deload weight...crossing fingers (3:45 rests) 5x5 on those, easy with the good arch and tight....:drinker:
    should be moving onto 118.5 next time...iffy...here I am psyching myself out again....:noway:

    so these were okay form..eh...not tight enough on the first two so corrected that on 3rd and much better set.
    Husband spotting me tonight before his night shift..I told him for mother's day I want my squat rack modified so I can bench in it...and I usually get what i want...well not true...I always get what I want...:bigsmile:

    Rows @ 118.5 again tonight just for form (love the collars took BP bar down added weighted collars good to go) 5x5 on those.
    Form on first set was awful but my husband was being grabby...jeeeesus....:grumble: no excuse for poor form on set 4...:bigsmile: he has left the building

    Work out took (with warmup) from 4:09-5:35pm...only thing saving me is I am at home...I don't have to cook dinner and well I have nothing better to do but this summer I can see 3x5 being a great benefit during the week.

    Oh and went for a walk yesterday about 30min moderate pace up hills with the hubby. Will do it again tomorrow night on my own as he is working nights for the next two...big bed all to myself...then weigh myself on Friday and see since I have been extra special good this week...crosses fingers.

    Have a good downward swing to the Week everyone....
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Rugby I am totally impressed with your unassisted chin-up! Let us know when it is official! I can't imagine it and at this point i'm not even trying. Maybe after I lose a little on my body and increase a little on my lifts i'll try again. Even as a strong young person I was never able to do it.

    Padz, no need to cry! Those are awesome weights!!

    jstout you look awesome in your profile photo!!

    Stef, you look fabulous too!
  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    Hi, everyone. I hope it's okay for me to jump in here. Last night was the start of my 11th week doing Stronglifts and I have been so inspired by all of you (I may have been lurking here for a little while :blushing: ). Last night was workout A for me and I started with 115 on the first two sets of squats but went ahead and went back down to 100 for the last three sets because I am having a hard time not having my butt come up first. It's frustrating that I am not progressing with them as well as I would like to be but I definitely want to make sure I have form down before going back up. I am working on doing sets of 8 for 75# bench press before moving up and I got 4 sets of those in but only 3 reps for the last set. Almost ready to try 80# again. I did rows for the first time at 90# and only got 3 sets of 3 and 2 sets of 2 in. I'm really hoping for a better workout tomorrow.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Great job everyone!! :bigsmile:
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Workout B
    Squats - 5x5 @ 135lbs (repeat of last time, but my glutes are still sore from Monday)
    OHP - 5x5 @ 60lbs (another repeat weight from the last time)
    DL's - 1x5 @ 135lbs, 1x5 @ 145lbs
    Planks - 3x30sec w/ 10lb plate on my back
    Side bends - 3x10 w/ 35lb plate
    Upright rows - 3x5 @ 45lbs
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    Hi all. I've MIA for the past little bit, crazy busy and deloaded all my weights for a while so I wasn't posting but I'm back ;-) I felt good and strong today so I just went for it! I'm so glad I did I had an awesome day!! Such good night!!

    Squats 135lbs 5x5. a bit of a push but I got em all & felt awesome!
    Over head press YAY I broke my stupid 60lb stall..today 65lbs 5x5!!
    Dead-lifts 180lbs. my goodness :-) 5.
    Pull-ups 3x5
    Chin-ups 3x5
    Hip thrust, these were so hard after dead lifts I barely got though it 50lbs3x8.
    finally abs.

    Just out of curiosity does anyone else get a crazy strong craving for beer after dead lifts or is it just me? :drinker:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Just out of curiosity does anyone else get a crazy strong craving for beer after dead lifts or is it just me? :drinker:

    I crave margaritas after lifting. :drinker:
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Just out of curiosity does anyone else get a crazy strong craving for beer after dead lifts or is it just me? :drinker:
    Immediately after lifting, I usually have no appetite and have to force myself to refuel. The DAY after, however, I want EVERYTHING!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Today was snatch and T2B (which I regressed to knees to bows. And was heavily hampered by my poor grip strength or actually, endurance :()

    E.M.O.T.M. (every minute on the minute) for 20 minutes
    Odd: Snatch x3
    Even: K2B AMRAP

    Bar was at 65lbs. Grip started failing on the 3rd set. Yep, that,s how bad it was. I have huge blisters in my hands now :| But I kpet pushin through.

    Then decided to do pendlay rows 95x3x8 superset with dip station knee raises (to make up for the reps I couldn't do on K2B)

    I have had crap sleep all week and I'm really starting to feel it. Guh.
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    Squats: 3x5 145lbs

    OHP: 1x10 45lbs, 2x5 50lbs, 2x5 55lbs

    Deadlift: 1x5 175lbs

    My gym "buddy" (aka, the middle aged bodybuilder who lives in the weight room) was shouting at me during my last rep of OHP at 55lbs. "PUSH, HONEY." While I appreciated it, I almost dropped the bar, lol.

    I think I'm going to start adding in an extra day at the gym, starting tomorrow. Just going to do my accessory lifts!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Krok - You will get the endurance back along with the grip strength if you keep up with the hanging leg raises.

    Westend - I get hungry after deads, but I don't know that I can say I crave anything in particular.

    Fisher - Thanks!

    So I took yesterday day off of the gym to make it over to the chiro since I was feeling a bit tight and needed the rest due to work stress. Then at boxing class we did some slip and duck/roll drills and got to touch spar. It was a fun filled night of showing up the boys and laughing at a few of them.....well at least laughing in my head. So during the slip and roll work, you basically avoid a punch by twisting your upper body and then to roll you "sit down" into a squat type. So the guy I was working with is this college kid, good muscle definition, not lacking in mass by any means. We get going and he is bending at the waist. The instructor corrects him and tells him to sit into it. Less than a minute later he had to pause because his "legs were on fire"....I told him he needs to squat more. He indicated that he never squat except for the 30 seconds during warm-ups in class. :huh: :noway: In my head I was like "Bros don't let bros skip leg day" and "Do you even squat?" Apparently not. After those drills, we got to touch spar. This is like 50% power pillow fighting with your gloves. The point is more to get the feel for incorporating all the skills while facing an opponent. We went like 6 or 7 rounds of this. I know I can hold my own with the guys in my class, but I still struggled with the more advanced students. I figured out how to use my small size to my advantage and I can bury myself into the taller guy's chests and just attack the body then pop out and attack again, but then go for the head. I got knocked in face a few times and even had a contact lens fall out, but I had a great time. After class "Spastic Noodle" (he trows punches with wet noodle arms) and probably the best boxer in the level 2 class were hanging out and one of them showed off his arm/shoulder so of course I had to as well. Then one of them was like so can you do like pull ups? I was like of course I can....want to see? So I knocked 3 out on the rings. He tried and got 5. Needless to say....lifting for over a year has allowed me to show off and impress the boys. :laugh:
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Squats: 3x5 145lbs

    OHP: 1x10 45lbs, 2x5 50lbs, 2x5 55lbs

    Deadlift: 1x5 175lbs

    My gym "buddy" (aka, the middle aged bodybuilder who lives in the weight room) was shouting at me during my last rep of OHP at 55lbs. "PUSH, HONEY." While I appreciated it, I almost dropped the bar, lol.

    I think I'm going to start adding in an extra day at the gym, starting tomorrow. Just going to do my accessory lifts!

    :laugh: Your "gym buddy" sounds hilarious. I made a bro friend yesterday at my gym, too. Gave me some awful form pointers, but he let me share the power rack with him since my squat weight was only 20lbs more than what he was OHP-ing.
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    Workout B day. I'm thinking about moving my OHP from dumbbells to the bar for two reasons: better balance for my shoulders, and I can camp out on the squat rack.

    Okay, maybe that's not such a good reason.

    Squats: 2x5x45, 1x5x85, 1x3x115, 1x2x145, 5x5x175. I am definitely at my limit right now. I can't decide whether to deload some to work on form or just stay at this weight for a bit and then move up.

    OHP: 2x5x15, 5x5x27.5

    Deadlift: 2x5x45, 1x5x75, 1x3x95, 1x5x115

    Chest dips (machine): 3x10x-72

    Hanging leg raises: 3x12

    HOW do people do such huge deadlifts? I feel like I've reached the peak I'm ever going to be able to do with this lift.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member

    HOW do people do such huge deadlifts? I feel like I've reached the peak I'm ever going to be able to do with this lift.

    Even if they're hard, deadlifts are probably the "easiest" exercise to progress on because it doesn't take a lot of work to add 5lbs to the bar. They're always going to be tough. But they will also be doable. Your backside is one strong mofo, just trust in it :)
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    My gym "buddy" (aka, the middle aged bodybuilder who lives in the weight room) was shouting at me during my last rep of OHP at 55lbs. "PUSH, HONEY." While I appreciated it, I almost dropped the bar, lol.
    :laugh: Your "gym buddy" sounds hilarious. I made a bro friend yesterday at my gym, too. Gave me some awful form pointers, but he let me share the power rack with him since my squat weight was only 20lbs more than what he was OHP-ing.
    He really is. I always say good morning to him, and every so often he yells encouragement to me. Last month he told me that half the 45lb plates in the gym were mine; he was okay sharing them with me but not those "young boys." :blushing:
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    Got workout B in yesterday! Stupid OHP :angry:

    Squats 85 lbs 5x5
    OHP 45 5 sets 5,5,5,4,4
    Deadlift 125 1x5

    Felt good yesterday- I deloaded for OHP I was supposed to do 50 lbs last time it was awful- so deloaded

    Happy lifting y'all
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    Holy crap balls... DOMS from Monday's workout... in mah glutes... :sad:

    Hopefully the gym isn't bro-crowded today and I can snag the power rack this afternoon! Mid-week usually isn't bad, so I have high hopes.

    Wed night is my fave night to go... less BRO's :laugh: Trolling