April workout check in thread - aprilliant workouts here!



  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Hi ladies,
    I have missed my Friday workout because my hubby took us out to family dinner the first time since my baby born, and she is 15 months old now! I thought I will make it up on Saturday, but stomach bug or food poisoning? hit our family by Saturday afternoon. In a way I was lifting quite a bit as I ended up carrying my 45 lb son back and forth to the washroom dozens of times because he was so weak he could not walk :(

    Yesterday I went to th gym and did squat and bench press and my additional things, and I totally forget to do barbell row. I just realized when I got home. For the first time this year , I pull out my bike and used it for going to the gym. It was 5 minutes in each way, but it felt good. My ears got a bit cold as it was still -6 c here. Anyway I decided it is April,so it is biking time no matter what. I guess now I am a true Canadian , lol.
    Anyway these what I did yesterday:
    Warmup: 45lb 5x5, 65lb 5x5
    Set: 80lb, 5x5, it was kind of wobbly and not good form the last rep on the last 2 sets I probably should. to increase weight next time.
    Warmup:45lb 5x5, 65lb 5x5
    Set: 75lb, 5x5 , it was hard but still doable

    I went down under 90lb assistance (87.5lb) on my pull-ups and made me feel so good.
    I couldn't do the full sets though. I did 5,5,4,4,3. I will stick to this assistance for a couple of more times.
    On my knees ups I was able to do 4x12 at the firs time ever, so that felt good.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey Ladies workout A for me today.

    Did some HIIT yesterday and my belly is a bit sore but not too bad.

    I have been reading a lot about the "hip thrusts" lately and I workout at home so no need to find a corner I just can't seem to get comfortable in them...maybe I will give glute bridges a go someday...not much for accessory work tho...

    Had to laugh at doing them in the middle of the gym for money...teehee...

    DH is doing the workout with me today for the first time in 5 days...hehe...

    Squats I deloaded down to 115 as my leg is actually feeling better and I don't want to push it if it's getting healed up for good..
    removed the box and got quite deep today with the lighter weight...felt good.

    5x5 @ 115

    Bench is at 105 today 5x5

    Rows back at 115....not feel ing optomistic.

    1x5, 1x4 (hand placement got me), 2x5, 1x4...go figure jeez...

    All in all a good workout. Gonna start increasing the weights on my squats again on Monday (I hope)
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Stef! good to hear you're not messing up your leg more, and you chose a good weight. I remember reading something by Wendler that it really doesn't have to be super close to your max weight to be working, and helping you progress. I always try to remember that when I can't train at my full capacity.

    Todays workout:
    Front squats
    45x10, 95x5, 120x5, 155 2x5

    45x10, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x2

    Sumo Deadlifts
    135 3x5 These feel so weird, but I want to start adding them as an accessory when I switch to 531, so I figured I'd give it a try.

    Curls 15#x10
    Knee raisesx6

    Back extension 4x12

    Some slow relaxing arc trainer action for about 35 minutes.
  • myrealname
    myrealname Posts: 90 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Now that I'm into my third week of the SL program, I'd like to join this thread. Hopefully it will also help me remember what I've done; I swear my memory is getting worse everyday (lol). With that being said, do any of you use a spreadsheet or something like that to log what you're doing? I think I'd like to take something with me that I can write down right away what I've done. I haven't been able to find an app I particularly like for my phone (BlackBerry Z10) and I'm not entirely comfortable taking my phone with me yet anyway.

    I did workout A today:
    Squats: 3 x 5 45#, 4 x 5 65#
    BP: 2 x 5 45#, 1 x 5 55#

    Squats: 5 x 5 85#
    BP: 5 x 5 65#
    Row: 5 x 5 65#

    I also did some accessory pullups wide grip and a closer grip. I only tried this machine the other day for the first time. I'm not sure how the assistance part works but I had the weights set at 30#. I did 10! Then I changed my grip closer and I think I got 8 in and the next one I tried, I could only do 5. For dips I did 2 x 10. This may sound like a silly question but does that mean I did pull ups with a 30# assist?

    I also did ab crunches on a machine 2 x 12 80#, 1 x 12 85#
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Tonight was Legs night...

    Warm Ups: 65x5, 95x3, 115x1
    Working Sets: 127.5x3 for 5 sets

    Decided to change things up for a couple months and decrease the reps and add a couple sets. I plan on Squatting x2/week so the other workout will be higher rep.

    Workout Sets: 75x10 each leg for 3 sets

    Lost my balance on the second set - doh! :noway: Was able to recover it but I'm going to have a beautiful big purple bruise on my left knee that I slammed to the ground. First time I've ever lost it.

    Working Sets: 130x12 for 3 sets

    Working Sets: 130 x 40 seconds for 3 sets

    95 x 90 seconds for 3 sets

    Workout Analysis-Haven't done this workout in a few weeks plus I had to do a TRX Class as part of a job interview earlier in the afternoon so I was shocked I had such a good workout. Will increase the lbs for all lifts next workout.

    Have a wonderful night ladies. :smile:
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Leadfoot, Ouch!!! I hope your knee is ok! Awesome workout! Have I told you that I think your biceps is beautiful and I hope to have a couple like that some day!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    @randomtai cool, are you rich by now with a huge poschi? :-D

    @fisher not yet, but I am thinking about getting them. The wrist weights are a great idea, I have those. Didn't think about that. Thanks!

    I think Medhi does his program for men, not really thinking about women. I mean you can see that in his mails. We can/should lift like man, japp, but have a different possibility for progress, or the progress he recommends. We should just go in our own time. As long as we still see development in the whole process it's fine.

    About the smith machine for squats, bench etc, I totally agree, but for the hip thrusts I am not quite sure. The movement is pretty straight and since I also do squats etc. with free weights, maybe it's alright doing these on the machine.. Hm.. It's a bit ****ty to train alone and not having a proper power rack…

    Neon, I didn't get that you were talking about hip thrusts and I didn't know what they were so I googled them and there are some good videos on you tube of some people doing them with the bar. This one guy talks about using padding which seems like it might be a good idea. Have you looked at videos on you tube? what did you think? I am totally unfamiliar with this exercise so I really don't know why I'm even talking about it! LOL! I seem to be so tired after the normal workout I can't imagine doing extra!

    Myrealname, welcome! Awesome workout!

    Fit, 315 DL!! OMG!! You are a beast!
  • lizafava2
    lizafava2 Posts: 185
    @ Fittreelol “that it really doesn't have to be super close to your max weight to be working, and helping you progress. I always try to remember that when I can't train at my full capacity.”

    That is super good advice and helpful to hear. I should tape that on my bench.

    Also, I am super inspired by your workouts!

    @ all y'all – Now I am feeling very motivated to try out some hip thrusts and assisted pull-ups! I really liked doing assisted pull-ups with the bands in cross-fit and want to have a set up like that in my house someday (not sure about the kipping or whatever its called though...) Anyone have thoughts about bands vs. the assist machine?

    Today's workout

    I ran 3.5 miles fairly slow before lifting. I know my lifts would be better if I stopped doing this, but I am happy so far with my progress and nothing bad seems to be happening so I'm going to keep up my runs.

    Squat – I was really warm from the run, but in an effort to keep injury at bay I did more warm ups that usual.
    Air squats – 15x2
    45lb – 5x2
    65 – 5x2
    90 – 5x3
    135 – 5x1
    Working 160 5x5. I had some slight discomfort in my adductors but it was much, much better and I felt super strong.

    Bench Press
    115 – 5x5 I rocked these. Have repeated twice and am definitely ready to move up now :D

    95 – 5x5 I still sometimes feel like I don't “get” the rows. I dunno. I wish I had big bumper plates.

    I am considering doing some personal training with a powerlifting coach. Anyone done that? Thoughts?
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    @Liza:I have a pull-up bar in my basement, and I was doing p90x3 and really wanted to do the pull-ups , but I could't . I started to look into different bands type help. First I bought a generic copy cat thing, which supposed to do 100 lb help. Well I couldn't do a single pull-up with it. I was 210 lb at the time, so 100 lb help, still left me pulling up 110 lb.
    I got frustrated and I bought a Lifeline Revolution US pull-up assist thing with the blue bands. The 3 blue bands supposed to give you 150 lb help. I still could't do a single full pull-up with it. Since the thing should have give me 150 lb help, I only needed to pull up 60 lb . With this gadget help I was able to to reverse pull-ups , and it helped me to start somewhere. I was doing set of 8-10 reps reverse pull-ups with it when I started stronglift. I started to use the pull-up assist in the gym, and is immediately could do 8-10 FULL motion pull-up with a 130 lb assistance. Since this happened, I do not think those at home band type of help actually help as much as they claim. I have not use the simple band type of help though like the rubberbanditz.

    P90x3 workout had hip thrust , but it was so uncomfortable for me even with dumbbell.s. I am still quite fat ,so there is a lot of padding in the area, but the weight was bothering my hip bones a lot. Maybe I was doing is wrong, but the YouTube videos also show the girls having the bar on their hip bones.
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    @randomtai cool, are you rich by now with a huge poschi? :-D

    @fisher not yet, but I am thinking about getting them. The wrist weights are a great idea, I have those. Didn't think about that. Thanks!

    I think Medhi does his program for men, not really thinking about women. I mean you can see that in his mails. We can/should lift like man, japp, but have a different possibility for progress, or the progress he recommends. We should just go in our own time. As long as we still see development in the whole process it's fine.

    About the smith machine for squats, bench etc, I totally agree, but for the hip thrusts I am not quite sure. The movement is pretty straight and since I also do squats etc. with free weights, maybe it's alright doing these on the machine.. Hm.. It's a bit ****ty to train alone and not having a proper power rack…

    Neon, I didn't get that you were talking about hip thrusts and I didn't know what they were so I googled them and there are some good videos on you tube of some people doing them with the bar. This one guy talks about using padding which seems like it might be a good idea. Have you looked at videos on you tube? what did you think? I am totally unfamiliar with this exercise so I really don't know why I'm even talking about it! LOL! I seem to be so tired after the normal workout I can't imagine doing extra!

    Myrealname, welcome! Awesome workout!

    Fit, 315 DL!! OMG!! You are a beast!

    Haha, okay :-) yes, I watched a couple of videos and read a bit on the site of the glute guy and also his book. That's why I want to do them. But the weights are getting high there also and I am a bit scared of having to put the loaded bar on my hips while hanging with my shoulders on a bench... Today was deadlift day and I had enough, no extras :-D

    @Leadfoot oO get well soon!

    @all great workouts!

    @Redhead the videos I saw recommend padding and even an extra mat when the weight gets higher, check here:

    Everything You Need to Know About the Hip Thrust: http://youtu.be/cBrHdatPj9g

    I wasn't in good form today, menstruating, tired...And I really have to work on my squat form, a guy came over to tell me I bend forward too much - as I also thought. I have to make a video so you guys can advise me. I checked a couple of videos today and isn't it, that you go more forward doing a low bar squat?


    50kg 5x5 (110 lbs, like last time)


    20kg (45lbs, went a bit down today, from 22,5kg)


    57,5 kg - (126lbs, the only lift I increased weight today)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Today I rest. My TOM is here and I want a hot water pad and chocolate.
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    @myrealname i use the stronglifts app. My memory is terrible!

    @redheadmommy hope you are all feeling better!
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    This morning:
    Squats 115lbs 3x5
    OHP: 56lbs 3x5.
    DL: 1x5 135lbs. Meant to only drop down to 145 after failing 165 twice (too impatient to wait for fail again) but putting just one plate on is nice sometimes.

    Felt pretty easy all around for not focusing enough on protein this week...
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    Happy April folks. There are a few posts for me to catch up on and my brain just doesn't seem to be functioning as of late, so I will need to catch up on them later.

    Yesterday was my first lift since Friday... I have been feeling SO tired lately. I am really not sure what's up, but I feel like my body is just heavy.

    5x5 85lbs
    I had been suggested to deload from 110 to 85lbs and work on my form for 2 weeks. It has been two weeks and I will upload a new video to make sure my form is good, then I will add more weight.

    2,1,2,2,1, 85lbs

    Well that was a fail. I honestly just felt so tired. I just couldn't push the bar up!

    5x5 70lbs

    The rows (which are most hated move) actually went really well for me! I didn't feel like I struggled at all with these.

    I am hoping to get in a run today. I haven't ran all winter, so let's see how deathly I feel afterwards.
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    OHP: 55lbs 1x5, 50lbs 2x5, 45lbs 1x3
    Squats: 125lbs, 5x5 (low day)
    Deadlift: 135lbs 1x5, 155lbs 1x5, 165lbs 1x3, 170lbs 1x5

    Threw in between squat sets:
    Reverse Bodyweight Lunges, 3x5

    Oh, the shame! I'm still not doing proper "working sets" on my OHP and have to actually lower the weight as I go through the sets because I fatigue. But I got to 55lbs, so I'm proud of that!

    Really wanted to try barbell hip thrusts today but chickened out when I saw that two of the creepy guys (my gym has several) were really nearby... I don't want their dolla bills, y'all. :noway:

    I have a question: I tend to mix sumo deadlifts in with my conventional deadlifts, for one of my warm up sets, and even during my last set today, I dropped into sumo for two reps. Because... well, idk, sometimes the sumos are easier to lift. Should I be stricter about this and keep them separate? I read somewhere that some people are naturally more comfortable in sumo stance, but should I ever put conventional on the back burner?

    Fittreelol: 315lb DL?! Damn. That's beautiful! :flowerforyou:
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    OHP: 55lbs 1x5, 50lbs 2x5, 45lbs 1x3
    Squats: 125lbs, 5x5 (low day)
    Deadlift: 135lbs 1x5, 155lbs 1x5, 165lbs 1x3, 170lbs 1x5

    Threw in between squat sets:
    Reverse Bodyweight Lunges, 3x5

    Oh, the shame! I'm still not doing proper "working sets" on my OHP and have to actually lower the weight as I go through the sets because I fatigue. But I got to 55lbs, so I'm proud of that!

    Really wanted to try barbell hip thrusts today but chickened out when I saw that two of the creepy guys (my gym has several) were really nearby... I don't want their dolla bills, y'all. :noway:

    I have a question: I tend to mix sumo deadlifts in with my conventional deadlifts, for one of my warm up sets, and even during my last set today, I dropped into sumo for two reps. Because... well, idk, sometimes the sumos are easier to lift. Should I be stricter about this and keep them separate? I read somewhere that some people are naturally more comfortable in sumo stance, but should I ever put conventional on the back burner?

    Fittreelol: 315lb DL?! Damn. That's beautiful! :flowerforyou:

    Perhaps you're not resting enough between your OHP sets? How long do you wait between each? Maybe you should just try to stick to the same weight all over and not worry if you get all 5 reps?

    As for deadlifts, you might want to stick to one type per workout. The mechanics are slightly different, so warming up with one and switching in the middle is probably not as effective. I wouldn't drop conventional completely yet. Jason Blaha has a recent video about sumo vs conventional that you might wanna look into to decide what to do. At work right now so I can't dig it up. He also has videos on forms for bench press, barbell row and the deadlift which might be good pointers/reminders on form :) I think his channel is calle Juggernaut Fitness? I'll post a link in the useful thread later!

    I don't know about hip trust, but I do barbell glute bridges from time to time. On the ground. And yeah, I get bruises the next day even using a pad. xD
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Thanks everyone:blushing:

    As far as bruising goes for hip thrusts...I used to get really bad bruises from front squats. I stared at 95# and my shoulders would be bruised and sore for a week. Now I'm fine front squatting 180 for reps. I think your body adapts.
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    Perhaps you're not resting enough between your OHP sets? How long do you wait between each? Maybe you should just try to stick to the same weight all over and not worry if you get all 5 reps?

    Definitely waiting a long time. A minute to a minute and a half. I figure I'll just keep slogging along for a while to get the reps in.
    As for deadlifts, you might want to stick to one type per workout. The mechanics are slightly different, so warming up with one and switching in the middle is probably not as effective. I wouldn't drop conventional completely yet. Jason Blaha has a recent video about sumo vs conventional that you might wanna look into to decide what to do. At work right now so I can't dig it up. He also has videos on forms for bench press, barbell row and the deadlift which might be good pointers/reminders on form :) I think his channel is calle Juggernaut Fitness? I'll post a link in the useful thread later!
    Yeah, I figured. Thanks for answering! LOL, it's not all fun and games, Katerina! I'll keep them completely separate from now on (but I gotta say, the sumo makes it easier to activate my glutes, etc., so I feel like it's a more complete lift for me)
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Leadfoot, Ouch!!! I hope your knee is ok!
    @Leadfoot oO get well soon!

    Thanks - I'm okay, just a bruise. I'm pretty tough for an old chick-LOL.
    Awesome workout! Have I told you that I think your biceps is beautiful and I hope to have a couple like that some day!

    Thank you very much. :smile:
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Definitely waiting a long time. A minute to a minute and a half. I figure I'll just keep slogging along for a while to get the reps in.

    That isn't a long time in powerlifter terms. I typically rest 3-5 minutes between work sets sometimes even a bit longer if it's really close to my max.