April workout check in thread - aprilliant workouts here!



  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    Definitely waiting a long time. A minute to a minute and a half. I figure I'll just keep slogging along for a while to get the reps in.
    That isn't a long time in powerlifter terms. I typically rest 3-5 minutes between work sets sometimes even a bit longer if it's really close to my max.
    I guess I was thinking "this is still so low," but since it's so near my max (lol, my weak upper body) I should give even more time?

    Oof, I suppose I'll just have to be more patient. I honestly get bored during rests!
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Definitely waiting a long time. A minute to a minute and a half. I figure I'll just keep slogging along for a while to get the reps in.
    That isn't a long time in powerlifter terms. I typically rest 3-5 minutes between work sets sometimes even a bit longer if it's really close to my max.
    I guess I was thinking "this is still so low," but since it's so near my max (lol, my weak upper body) I should give even more time?

    Oof, I suppose I'll just have to be more patient. I honestly get bored during rests!

    I have the same problem, I start a new set pretty fast compared to what I should do... We need to find a nice distraction! But I think I would so feel weird occupying the squat rack even longer

    @viglet I decided today to do the same, deloading to 40kg and improve my form. How did you work on that specifically? I practiced at home today with a broomstick *harhar*
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    People have to rest and any lifter in the gym should recognize you are resting between sets. Myself-I pace back and forth around the rack. I've seen one guy do some crazy heavy deadlifts (I'd have to stare too long to do barbell math haha) and he props up on the rack to rest between sets with a book. When squats are heavy, I go upwards of 5 minute rests, today I did 3 for squat and OHP rests.
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    @viglet I decided today to do the same, deloading to 40kg and improve my form. How did you work on that specifically? I practiced at home today with a broomstick *harhar*

    Well I was told that my stance was more like a low bar squat than a high one. So I decided to try it out and MAN did it make a difference. I am engaging parts of my booty that I didn't even realized existed lol. I just stayed at 85lbs for 2 weeks and have been working on getting ATG, which is a lot easier for me with this stance. I am not really sure why it is, but it has worked and I feel that staying at the same weight has really given me the opportunity to understand what my body needs to do. Hopefully it will work as I increase the weight.
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    People have to rest and any lifter in the gym should recognize you are resting between sets. Myself-I pace back and forth around the rack. I've seen one guy do some crazy heavy deadlifts (I'd have to stare too long to do barbell math haha) and he props up on the rack to rest between sets with a book. When squats are heavy, I go upwards of 5 minute rests, today I did 3 for squat and OHP rests.

    Yeah, you're right. My brain knows that, I just have to get used to this.

    @viglet ah, thanks. Getting low is not THAT of a problem for me but I move too far forward and kinda bend my upper back downish. Really have problems keeping my back/chest up and straighter *hmpf* strangely my knees don't go over my toes.
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member

    @viglet ah, thanks. Getting low is not THAT of a problem for me but I move too far forward and kinda bend my upper back downish. Really have problems keeping my back/chest up and straighter *hmpf* strangely my knees don't go over my toes.

    I think that is the issue I was having which is why people recommended I move towards a low bar squat.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    double post
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member

    I also did some accessory pullups wide grip and a closer grip. I only tried this machine the other day for the first time. I'm not sure how the assistance part works but I had the weights set at 30#. I did 10! Then I changed my grip closer and I think I got 8 in and the next one I tried, I could only do 5. For dips I did 2 x 10. This may sound like a silly question but does that mean I did pull ups with a 30# assist?
    The pull-up/ chin up assist machine work the opposite way as other machines. This lower the amount of weight you set on the machine, the harder it gets. You essentially pulling up your bodyweight minus the assistance weight.
    If your weight for example 150 lb and used 30 lb assistance, you pulled up 120 lb weight..
    I would suggest to go down on the weight If you already could do 10 reps. Next time maybe try 25 lb? Usually those machines have only 10 lb increments, but most gyms have 5 lb or 7.5 lb additions you can put on. ( so you set the machine to 20 lb next time, and put the little black thing on the top of the weight selector 41OYCCM5ySL._SY300_.jpg
    Since you need so little assistance, you may try actual real body weight pull-ups. If you can do a couple of unassisted pullups, you would be better off to doing those instead of going down to 20 or 10 lb assistance.

    I just went under 90lb assistance, so I am still miles away from unassisted pull-ups, but I will get there.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I had workout B today and the first time I put the big plates on the bar for deadlift. It felt such a badass :bigsmile: Usually people don't even glance over what am I doing, but not today. I could tell that multiple guys was watching surprisingly that what a hell that fat chick doing with those giant plates. And I didn't even fail!

    Warmup: 45lb x5, 65 lb x 5
    Set : 80 lb, 5x5. This was a repeat as I failed last set on Tuesday , but I am ready to go up again
    OHP :
    Warmup: 40 lb x 5, 50 lb x 5
    Set 60 lb :5,5,5,4,4. This was the first failure on OHP, and I am going to repeat this weight. I probably need to buy fractional soon or get washer ( whatever are they) and going up by only 2.5 lb at once.
    Deadlift 135lb 1 x5 :)

    Knee ups:4x12
    Assisted dips : 100 lb assistance :10,9,7. I have ridiculously weak triceps, even my skinny fat nerdy husband teasing me about it. It is virtually nonexistent , I can not even flex it.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Workout B:
    Squat 50kg 5x5 (warmup 20x5, 30x5, 40x5)
    Overhead press 27,5 kg (warmup 20x5, 25x5)
    Deadlift 47,5kg

    I've started adding some accessory lifts for my pathetic OHP, as suggested here (thank you! <3)
    Lateral raises: 3 sets of 8 reps with 5kg dumbbells (struggled with the last set)
    Upright row: 3x8 with 10kg fixed barbell (way too light)

    Thoughts after my first three weeks of lifting (I was a total newbie):
    - I'm starting to see a bit of definition here and there, mostly on my arms. There is still fat to shed and I know newbie gains are limited, but I can definitely see a difference. My core feels tighter too.
    - I'm stronger than I thought. "Less weak" than I thought probably sounds better
    - I love lifting!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I ran 5 miles yesterday. I want to squat today but I am not sure that is wise LOL
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Squats: 5x5: 95lbs
    Ohp: 3x5, 2x4: 50 lbs
    Deads: 1x5 115 lbs, 1x5 130 lbs

    Sore today!!!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Ran a mile yesterday in my new shoes. Ankle was already a bit stiff from, well I'm not a 100% sure what, but it's been taking a toll on my knee too. I wasn't super optimistic for today. Squats 5/3/1+, last day of the cycle. Just before I go away for a week! Perfect for a deload :)


    That last rep looked more like a good morning than a squat, so I decided to call it in. I'll be transitioning to high bar squats for the next program so this oughta be interesting. A bit sad cuz I managed 9 reps at 155 last week, but considering everything, it's not so bad.

    Then did sumo deadlift 150x4x10 and a set of 8. Widened my grip a bit which helped hold the bar, but not locking out so I'm still on the fence on sumos. Eh.

    1 arm DB rows 35x12 and then 40x2x12

    then 3 sets of cable crunches 120x15 and 15 jump squats

    So tired... o.o

    @randomtai congrats on the 5 miles, that's huge! You might wanna take it easy on squats indeed, lol

    Strong lifting everyone else. I do check out your workouts! Just don't have time to reply to everyone lol. Keep on being strong!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    I've been lurking but not so much posting. You ladies are rocking it!

    It's A day this evening, for me. If I remember, I'll post it!
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Great workouts ladies!

    @randomtai, that's awesome! I agree with Krok though, take it easy on the squats :)

    @redheadmommy, congrats on that deadlift with the big girl plates! I remember doing a happy dance the first time I was able to lift 135 on them too, such a great feeling!
    @viglet ah, thanks. Getting low is not THAT of a problem for me but I move too far forward and kinda bend my upper back downish. Really have problems keeping my back/chest up and straighter *hmpf* strangely my knees don't go over my toes.

    I think that is the issue I was having which is why people recommended I move towards a low bar squat.

    @neonbeige, I'm seconding this, that's similar to the issue I was having, and moving to low bar really helped me :)

    For my workout, I did OHP last night, my 3 week.

    Warmup Sets:
    5 x 45 pounds
    3 x 50 pounds

    Working Sets:
    3 x 55 pounds
    3 x 65 pounds
    3 x 70 pounds-Guess what?? I FINALLY got more than 3! I got 4, and the last rep was a trainwreck, but I got it and managed to not drop it on my face. I need 5 to progress up in weights for next round, but this is the first time in 3 months I've been able to get even one more rep at that weight. Yeah, I'm a bit excited about that :)

    Assistance Work:
    Assisted Dips-3 x 10 @ 40 pounds supported
    Assisted Chins-3 x 10 @ 40 pounds supported

    I missed out on rowing last night because I was short on time and someone was on it before and after my lifting.

    I have to squeeze in a super quick DL session today, and then I'm hiking tomorrow. I missed my extra cardio session this week, but I have a feeling I'll be making up for it this weekend, I'm told the "hike" is roughly a 5 hour round trip and we're actually climbing a small mountain. Should be fun if I don't die!
  • jcdoerr
    jcdoerr Posts: 172 Member
    Wow, three pages of workouts already and it's only April 4. Everyone is doing fantastic!!! I have been getting my lifts in this week, just too tired to lift a finger to report in afterward! The weights are definitely getting to the heavy side and I am feeling it!

    So here's last night's workout:
    Squats - 5x5 at 105 pounds; been repeating each weight twice before adding to work on keeping my back straight.
    BP - 5x5 at 95 pounds; going to hit triple digits next time and super excited but afraid of dropping the stupid bar on my face with all that weight on it!
    Rows - ugh - 5,5,4,5,4 at 95 pounds. STILL.DO.NOT.LIKE.THESE!

    Is it weird that I can lift almost as much with my arms as my legs? And it's not like I have little skinny bird legs, that's for sure...hee hee!

    Tonight will be an Insanity workout, not sure which one yet but I'll figure that out later. Adding it back to my schedule has finally helped me drop a few pounds after gaining nearly 10 pounds when I started lifting a couple of months ago. At least that's a little progress!

    Have a great weekend everybody, and keep lifting those heavy things!! :drinker:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    @All- Kick *kitten* workouts everyone!! Thanks for the motivation as well. :)

    I went to the gym this morning and did the squats anyway. Felt good. :bigsmile:

    1X10 @45 lbs
    1X5 @65 lbs
    5X5 @85 lbs

    I had to deload to finally get my form in some sort of order. Good mornings are not squats :laugh: Now I feel I finally have it together. :happy:

    I also did:

    Glute Machine
    5X8 @85 lbs
    Leg Curl Machine
    5X8 @60 lbs
    Calf Extension Machine
    5X8 @90 lbs

    I ended my workout with a 2.5 mile run from zombies... All in all great workout :drinker:
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    It was nice to get back in the gym today! I had to go out of town on Wednesday and did a cardio/weight machine workout in the hotel fitness room.


    Squats: 170 lbs. 3x5 Really hard weight. Now, the outside of my thighs are a little stressed when squatting.
    OHP: 80 lbs. 5-3-2 UGH!! I really, really hate OHP! :angry:
    Deadlift: 225 lbs. 1x5 I had to dig deep for that last rep and let out a loud grunt at the top. SO was a little surprised, I think :laugh: I'm looking forward to getting back to 235 lbs next Wednesday.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I'm so bushed I'm posting from bed on my phone.

    Nice workouts everyone. Reading about everyone kicking *kitten* always makes me want to kick *kitten*, and so I did!

    45x5, 95x5, 125x5, 165x5, 205x5 240x5, 275x3

    45x5, 65x5, 75x5, 85x5, 100x4 not sure the last rep is going up any time soon, but its fun to try!

    45x5, 65x5, 75x5, 95x5, 110x5, 125 3x5

    supersets x3
    Band assisted pullups x3
    Knee raisesx8

    Some relaxing arc trainer with Netflix

    Then an amazing half pound gorgonzola burger with fries. Yum!
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    Oops. Not such a great workout this morning.

    Hip Thrusts: 65lbs 1x20

    Squats: 145lbs 1x5, 150lbs 2x5

    BP: 1x5 65lbs 1x1 70lbs

    Um... dropped half the bar, grazing my forehead, on my second BP rep. Not too bad, but I felt so stupid I just left the weight room and took a 5 minute run. Didn't do my rows. :-(

    Also, my squats were easier! I took almost three minutes between sets, so thanks Krok and Fittree for the advice!