April workout check in thread - aprilliant workouts here!



  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Legs Night...

    Warm Up Sets: 45x5, 6x3, 75x1
    Working Sets: 85x5x5 - Kicked up squats to 5 sets, used to do 3.

    45x3 for 60 seconds each set - As strange as it sounds, I really like doing these!

    95x3 for 90 seconds

    145x3 for 60 seconds

    100x3 for 45 seconds

    Workout Analysis - Nothing really exciting to report Good workout & going to kick everything up in lbs next workout.

    Have a wonderful night ladies! :smile:
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    @anna sorry about your loss.

    This weekend was cardio weekend. Hit the elliptical for a couple hours.

    My lift today felt like crap.

    5x5 at 90
    I feel like 90lbs isn't heavy but my freakin wrists hurt. I just can't manage to get the right position! I just feel like my arms are too short or I just can't pull my arms far enough to straighten my wrists.

    4,1,0,1,1 at 85lbs
    I just can't do them. How could I do 80lbs but can't do 85????

    5x5 at 75lbs
    These didn't feel to bad but I felt just so exhausted afterwards

    I still managed to do 20min of slow elliptical work.

    This may be tmi, but does anyone else feel like their cycle messes with your strength? I honestly feel EXHAUSTED around that time. And it was even that way before lifting. Cardio was even a drag. Please tell me I'm not alone
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Ugh, lifting sucked today.

    I was supposed to do 3x5 at 175 for squats today, but after 3, there was no way I was getting another 2 reps in. So, I figured I'd do 5 sets of 3, for the same number of total reps. Yeah, no. By the fourth set, my 3rd rep I was weaving all over the place, and I just gave up. I'll try again, but I see a deload in the near future (I am working off a deload from 165, so I guess at least it's progress).

    OHP, I was hoping to do 3x5 at 67.5. I did 5,5,4 last time, so I figured I had it. Nope. I managed 3x4. Ugh. Stupid crap.

    DL was my saving grace. Got 1x5 up relatively easily (I did have to readjust grip after the first two even with chalk) at 205.

  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Did cycling class last night. Got in 24 miles and burned 734 calories! Crazy! I haven't been to cycling class in a few weeks, so my glutes are definitely feeling it today, but last night felt easier on my body than it used to. Gearing up for Workout B of SL tonight!
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member

    This may be tmi, but does anyone else feel like their cycle messes with your strength? I honestly feel EXHAUSTED around that time. And it was even that way before lifting. Cardio was even a drag. Please tell me I'm not alone

    I've had times where I felt stronger during my cycle :huh: It may be because I tend to eat more during that time, too :ohwell:
  • LadyDeadlift
    LadyDeadlift Posts: 136 Member
    Eh. Spring weather and spring break have messed with my workout schedule. Got a mostly not amazing workout at a gym while out of town last week. But - I did do it! Took lots of walks with kids + dog and got home to find no weight gained. So - there's that.

    Haven't made it back to the gym yet and that's ok. I think I need to get caught up on my rest a bit. I've been commuting to work on my bike so still getting some activity back in.

    The workouts here are inspiring! I'm planning on getting back to the gym tomorrow night.

    Cheers all!
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    Hip thrust victory! I dragged a bench over to my squat rack, found one of those fat grip collars and got down with that barbell... Wait, that sounds awful. Anyway, I think getting my glutes warmed up helped my squats; 150lbs feels easier! Maybe by Saturday I can finally get 155.

    Working sets, 3x5

    Squat: 5,4,5 150lbs
    OHP: 5,4,3 55lbs
    Deadlift: 1x3 175lbs, 1x2 170lbs (Upper back rounded, so I dropped the weight)

    And the thrusts, 3x10 75lbs

    I think I'm getting sick (there's a 'flu/cold running around here), so I felt like napping between sets. Good thing the bros were all doing arm day or whatever over by the dumbbells and benches, because I just sat and hogged the same squat rack for a whole hour. The other one was free, so I figure I wasn't being rude.
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    wow, you guys have been busy!

    @anna How do you feel? Do you have stuff to distract yourself? *hug*

    @rugby hehe *winkwink* If you know what I mean LOL ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrDFGa0juCM )

    @viglet yes, I had the same problem last week, I felt super exhausted and weak, sniff. Especially the bench press was a huge problem, I felt like the bar was wiggeling around.

    You all seem to be super motivated for cardio stuff lately, summer is coming :-D I am too but these days I couldn´t really fit it in my schedule...

    @Katarina Oh, wow, you did it! Great! I think it´s not a bad idea to do that before the squats, I´ll try that out...

    But lifting I did today:

    squats 45kg (99lbs)


    22,5kg (49lbs - finally a bit increased)


    60kg (132lbs) yay, I could really make it to 100kg until june...

    weather is super strange, one day nice, next day grey and rainy, typical northern german april.

    @stef where are your pics? :-D

    I was honestly a bit dissapointed in my fourth week progress pics :-( But I will just stay patient, because that is how I am *muahahaha*

    When did the water storage got better, how long did it take until your body got used to the lifting? And to the girls who shed some weight, when did the scale actually start moving? I mean, if I have about 20pounds+ to lose, the scale numbers have to move down eventually.... *justmypatientmeasking* No matter what, I will go on like I am doing now, cause I love it, I am just curious and maaaayyybe a mini tiny little bit eager
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    Rest day But had to pop in to say 2 things that excited me!

    1- Seen another couple doing SL at my gym!! I almost wanted to go high five them! lol. <except when I seen the chic doing heavier OHP than me- hehe:laugh: >

    2- I felt stronger on the bench and on my ROWS!!! Yes my ROWS... haha. Just wanted to share my excitement....:blushing:

    Great work outs ladies!!!!:bigsmile:
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Oh and I guess I lied about rows. For the first time ever I have DOMs from them. Entire back hurts. :sad: :laugh:
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Neon - You should be getting close to losing again if your diet is on point. It can take 4-6 weeks so you are almost there. I can't be any example because I never did just SL. I always had something else going on and had been doing some strength training before starting SL. :flowerforyou:

    So after SL yesterday, I made it to boxing class. Today I went back to the gym and did two 1 km rowing intervals mixed in with some core work. Wow, I was shaking by my last set of V-sit toe touches. Doing accessory work tomorrow afternoon and then boxing class at night. At this point I am tired and hungry, but feel like:

  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Neon - You snot getting younger herld be getting close to losing again if your diet is on point. It can take 4-6 weeks so you are almost there. I can't be any example because I never did just SL. I always had something else going on and had been doing some strength training before starting SL. :flowerforyou:

    So after SL yesterday, I made it to boxing class. Today I went back to the gym and did two 1 km rowing intervals mixed in with some core work. Wow, I was shaking by my last set of V-sit toe touches. Doing accessory work tomorrow afternoon and then boxing class at night. At this point I am tired and hungry, but feel like:


    Thank you for your answer :flowerforyou: yeah, I was a lazy person lately, but it's getting better :-) I suddenly want to do more stuff, which is great - not getting younger here ;-)

    Hui, your training sounds exhausting, hope you managed to get yourself fed!? :-D

    The gif *giggle*
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member


    That is one lazy (and cute) dog! Thanks for posting. :laugh:
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Lol the dog gif. Lol.

    I didn't lift today. I am tired and sore. And my knees are killing me. :(
    I ran/walked on the treadmill and stretched well.

    I hope to lift tomorrow and just do 2 lifting days this week. I've been drop dead tired everyday and by the end of the week i am just a waste of oxygen. Seasonal allergies do not help. :/
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    @Neonbeige, it took me 6 weeks for my weight to start leveling out, before that, I was spiking all over the place!

    I would go from 153 to 156 to 159 then down to 151 then back to 155 etc. over a 4 week period, and my pictures didn't show much of a difference either. I was driving myself crazy, so I just ignored the scale for a month and concentrated on how my clothes were fitting.

    Btw, I LOVE Monty Python!

    @jstout, I love the dig gif too! I took my little bichon for a 4 hour walk on the weekend, and that's what he was like with his water when we got home.

    My workout yesterday did not go well, I did my hardest week on OHP.

    Warmup Sets:
    5 x 45 pounds
    3 x 50 pounds

    Working Sets:
    5 x 60 pounds
    3 x 70 pounds-Barely got this set.
    1 x 75 pounds-Didn't even get one rep up, even after resting for 5 minutes :grumble:

    Assistance Work:
    Assisted Dips-3 x 10 @ 40 pounds supported
    Assisted Chins- 3 x 10 @ 40 pounds supported

    My back and shoulders were still sore from my weekend activities, and I did OHP on Thursday of last week, so I'm thinking I just didn't give myself enough time to rest before attempting it again. Oh well, next round I will do it!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Decided to dance instead today. Twerking happened, among other things. :bigsmile:
  • myrealname
    myrealname Posts: 90 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Today was workout A.
    Squats 5x5 - 95#
    BP 5x5 - 70#
    Row 5x5 75#

    I tried doing assisted pull ups today and had a really hard time. When I last did them on Friday, I managed to get in 10 reps but today with a wide grip, I could only do 6. I researched and think the other grip is called a "V" grip(?) and I only manged 8 and 7. Dips I just barely got 3 x 10 all at 30# assistance. I think maybe I had a harder time tonight because I hadn't done anything since Friday.

    Does anyone have a problem with calluses? I for some reason have always had one on my right hand but am noticing it getting bigger and I'm developing them on my left hand. I think I'm going to get gloves. Do these help?
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Workout B
    Squats - 5x5 @ 120
    OHP - 5x5 @ 60
    DL - 1x5 @ 120

    Holy crap, OHP's were HAAAAAARD!
    For DL's, is it bad to do more than the 1x5? At 120, I totally felt like I could do 5x5, but if I'm only doing 1x5 I could go heavier...

    @jstout - love the gif!!
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Tonight was Upper Body 5x3

    Warm Up Sets: 95x5, 125x3, 165x1

    Working Sets: 190x3 (Rep PR-Woo-Hoo!), 190x2, 185x3
    190x2 was my old PR. Will get out the fractionals & kick it up to 192.5 next week

    Warm Up Set: 45x5

    Working Sets 62.5x3 for 5 sets - Easy Peasy. 65 is my sticking point so next week's workout will be interesting.

    Warm Up Sets: 60x5, 75x2

    Workings Sets: 87.5x2, 87.5x2, 87.5x2, 85x3, 85x3 - Craptastic set. :grumble: Will drop it down to 85 next week. I hate Bench Press-there, I said it!

    Workout Analysis-Strong workout except for Bench Press. Might have to do some videos next week & check my form.
  • lizafava2
    lizafava2 Posts: 185
    Today was good even though we started at 10pm....

    Squat 165 5x5. This is a repeat for me and I felt really strong except for this same annoying pain - I think it might actually be my round ligaments. But I will go ahead and move up to 170 since the weight felt good and doable.

    Bench @ 120! I have no idea why this is so exciting. I never, ever would have thought I'd be bench pressing 120. I did 5,5,5,5,4.

    Rows 100 5x5. Meh. Rows.

    Overall, I am just so surprised by how well progressive weightlifting works! Its so great.