April workout check in thread - aprilliant workouts here!



  • TGDMJNoles
    TGDMJNoles Posts: 26 Member
    I want to thank everyone in this group for your support. It has meant more than I can tell you.

    @neon - I am getting through this but it is just going to take time. Right now I am not working so I am stuck at the house quite a bit and my hubby is in a constant state of overtime at work right now. I am trying to stay busy. I am anticipating being called for an interview next week and I believe the other position I have been waiting for will also come open next week. I have started writing about all my memories of Jack and I spent the better part of this morning getting our pet burial plot called Happy's Garden ready for planting flowers. I need something beautiful to commemorate Jack's passing.

    Yesterday was Workout B for me.
    Squats 5x5 at 90 pounds
    OHP 5x5 at 50 pounds
    DL 1x5 at 130 pounds (used my 45 pound plates for this, my barbell only weighs 40 pounds instead of the usual 45 pounds)
    Glute Bridges for the first time 3x12 at 40 pounds

    No cardio today. All the raking and axe wielding today left me feeling like mush. I'm pretty sure I hit muscles today that SL doesn't. I think I'll be sore tomorrow but I hope to get my workout A in tomorrow. I probably won't up my squats though.

    @SezxyStef - I thought your pics were amazing. Your abs were killer. How did you manage to not lose your boobs?

    Again, thanks everyone for the support. It means a lot to have this group to turn to.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I completely agree that you have to ultimately have to choose progress on the bar or progress on the scale. For all of 2013 I mostly chose progress on the bar. I only lost 14 lbs the whole year, and gained 7 of it back although my measurements didn't go up from my lowest so I must have gained some muscle! This year I decided after my January 25th meet to suck it up and actually go after weight loss. I am aiming for .8ish lbs/week though which does allow me to maintain and slowly increase strength.

    Todays workout:

    Front squats
    45x5, 95x5, 120x5, 155 2x5

    45x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 320 2x1 I was a little disappointed that I didn't get 2 on 320. I've done it belted x3 so I thought for sure I had it. I think the combination of my barbell complexes yesterday and a deficit might have been the issue. I'm normally not sore at all after complexes, but my booty and hamstrings were killing today. I'll try again next week.

    135x5, 185 3x5 These are still feeling a bit odd on my hips, but it seemed fine at 135, so I think I just need to build up.

    15# Curlsx10
    Leg raises x6

  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    @ Anna I had a tabby named Jack when I was little. I'm sorry about your kitty. The coyotes in my neighborhood got my Hobbes in October. He was 13. I was sad for months.

    @viglet Strangely enough I have excess energy during my TOM, but low energy the week BEFORE. Low energy but really high endurance. I try to schedule long cardio sessions the week before and then lift like usual that week.

    @ myrealname I love my callouses! I know it is weird, but when I shake hands with a person and their hand is softer than mine I immediately judge them as not being able to work hard. I only use gloves if I am hitting my heavy bag, and those are padded.

    This has been a off week. I was only two weeks back to lifting, and had a meeting during lifting time Monday. Choose to run yesterday because I needed something brainless to deal with high stress and only walked the dog today. I am going on vacation tomorrow with no gym, so I may just wait to lift until I come back. Am already starting to see a difference again with only two weeks back though.
  • GoTimeBaby
    Hey all, I havent posted in the group for ages.
    Today's workout I focused mainly on legs bcz I missed MOn, so I have today,thrus/fri, So I broke it down to legs and am saving rows for tomorrow and will do that plus OHP and bench, so Im not squatting two days in a row.
    I was squatting 200lbs prior but I deloaded to the bar bcz I wasnt getting much depth and am working my way back up

    1x10 95lbs
    1x5 115lbs
    5x5 145lbs
    2x5 95lbs

    1x10 135lbs
    1x5 155lbs
    1x5 185lbs
    1x5 200lbs
    1x1 205lbs
    1x5 185lbs
    1x5 155lbs
    1x5 135lbs


    leg extensions
    5x5 110lbs

    leg curls
    5x5 90lbs

    leg press
    3x8 230lbs
  • MissB46
    MissB46 Posts: 143 Member
    I was supposed to be lifting this morning, but after Tuesday and last nights kettlebell session I feel I could really do with a day off, I might do an easy run tonight as the weather is getting really nice & just to get some fresh air. Back tomorrow morning with the lifting....
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Hey hey :-)

    @stef, thanks, I found them after my question, really awesome!

    @rugby I forgot what I wanted to say, but also don´t have time to go back and check, i will back to this :-D

    @anna, that´s a lovely idea. My best friend just had to bury her second cat and put her right beside her brother in a nice park (yeah, it´s not allowed, but nobody knows and they have a great place to be now). Good luck with the job thingy :-)

    I own gloves and used them two or three times cause in the beginning the deadlifting really hurt. But it didn´t feel good and I sweated a lot more with them. Now my hands are not that delicate anymore, I lift "naked"

    My Workout was cool today, I didn´t increase in weights but still felt fine. Might post numbers later...
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Well, last night's boxing class was fun...if you enjoy insane circuit training :laugh: So it was conditioning night and I'm glad I cut my run short earlier in the day because I needed the energy.

    Breakdown went something like this:
    6 total rounds consisting of 6 stations.
    Round 1 started with 40 seconds each station. Each subsequent round took 5 seconds off the clock, leaving only 15 seconds per station by round 6.
    Every round one exercise changed and did not change back.

    Rnd 1: Situps, pushups, 6" hold (legs up 6"), wall throws, shadow boxing with 3 lb weights, and high knees in a big squishy gymnastics mat. (40 seconds/station)
    Rnd 2: squat jumps, pushups, 6" hold (legs up 6"), wall throws, shadow boxing with 3 lb weights, and high knees. (35 sec/station)
    Rnd 3 - squat jumps, burpies, 6" hold (legs up 6"), wall throws, shadow boxing with 3 lb weights, and high knees. (30 sec/station)
    Rnd 4 - squat jumps, burpies, star jumps, wall throws, shadow boxing with 3 lb weights, and high knees. (25 sec/station)
    Rnd 5 - squat jumps, burpies, star jumps, wall sits, shadow boxing with 3 lb weights, and high knees. (20 sec/station)
    Rnd 6 - squat jumps, burpies, star jumps, wall sits, bag squats (holding a ~60 lb punching bag in a bear hold and squatting), and high knees. (15 sec/station)

    Despite having done an earlier workout I feel I did really well at getting through it. I actually knocked out 21 pushups round 1 and was happy with that. A bit sore today, but I think it is more from the lifting yesterday than the circuits. Plan on doing some light cardio and core work today.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    I took Water In Motion last night. I was expecting to hate it, but I really enjoyed it! It was pretty intense and boy is my body feeling it today. Lots of shoulder work, ab work and legs, but since it's so low impact it's a different kind of sore.

    Debating if I want to do SL Workout A tonight or throw in something different and do some circuit training...
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    Slipped and slid down the stairs yesterday, so my bum was a little sore going into the gym...

    Working Sets
    Squats: 135lbs 3x5 (using the bruise on my rear end as an excuse to deload)

    Rows: 65lbs 5x5 (I still feel really awkward on the Rows, and my back doesn't like staying straight. I tried the more upright position today and liked it better. Can I do these in place of the Pendlay or should I just suck it up and keep trying to get it right?)

    BP: 65lbs 3x5

    When I finished, I was watching my workout partner do her last OHP and realized: she keeps her elbows up and forward, with proper Rip form. I asked her to watch me do them (did 2x5, empty bar) and she says I let my elbows turn out to the sides so they're barely in front of the bar. Fixed my form and damn, that's a different feeling. It pays to have someone check your form!
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Oh, I also increased the weight on my hip thrusts to 66lbs (with two plates above each other - I have to find a better solution :-D) and wow, did 3x10 and was spent afterwards, wow!
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    Did 10 minutes of HIIT on the elliptical (It counts even though it's 10 minuntes. It got my heart rate to 196 :tongue: ), good mornings with 65 lbs. Those really stretched my hamstrings. I love them, though. I did a few assisted pull ups, chin ups, and dips. My SO and I walked outside on the track for a bit. I was going to do barbell hip thrusts with 75 lbs today, but there were too many dudes in the weight room. One is fine, but more than that and I feel awkward. I'll just have to do those at home. :ohwell:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Had an awesome workout...

    OHP- 55 lbs (PR!!!!) 5X5
    Last set was a killer but I pushed through. I need to look up some form videos on this lift. I think my elbows come out way too much.

    Shrugs with curls superset

    Lateral Raise and Overhead press machine done.
    Finished with a zombie run of 3 miles. :bigsmile:
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    I was going to do barbell hip thrusts with 75 lbs today, but there were too many dudes in the weight room. One is fine, but more than that and I feel awkward. I'll just have to do those at home. :ohwell:
    I totally feel you on that one. I didn't do them this morning because there wasn't time, but Tuesday I was doing them and a guy came and sat on the leg press behind me and then another one was nearby on a Smith... they seemed to take rests whenever I started a set. :indifferent: Had to ignore and thrust on!

    Speaking of guys, this morning I witnessed my first "curls in the squat rack" man. Hilarious, and I don't even know why. I guess because it's something of a joke on fitness sites!
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I was going to do barbell hip thrusts with 75 lbs today, but there were too many dudes in the weight room. One is fine, but more than that and I feel awkward. I'll just have to do those at home. :ohwell:
    I totally feel you on that one. I didn't do them this morning because there wasn't time, but Tuesday I was doing them and a guy came and sat on the leg press behind me and then another one was nearby on a Smith... they seemed to take rests whenever I started a set. :indifferent: Had to ignore and thrust on!

    Speaking of guys, this morning I witnessed my first "curls in the squat rack" man. Hilarious, and I don't even know why. I guess because it's something of a joke on fitness sites!

    I was just thinking how funny it was that I feel self conscious doing those in front of a lot of guys, but didn't think anything of the guy behind me while I was doing good mornings :laugh:
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I was going to do barbell hip thrusts with 75 lbs today, but there were too many dudes in the weight room. One is fine, but more than that and I feel awkward. I'll just have to do those at home. :ohwell:
    I totally feel you on that one. I didn't do them this morning because there wasn't time, but Tuesday I was doing them and a guy came and sat on the leg press behind me and then another one was nearby on a Smith... they seemed to take rests whenever I started a set. :indifferent: Had to ignore and thrust on!

    Speaking of guys, this morning I witnessed my first "curls in the squat rack" man. Hilarious, and I don't even know why. I guess because it's something of a joke on fitness sites!

    I was just thinking how funny it was that I feel self conscious doing those in front of a lot of guys, but didn't think anything of the guy behind me while I was doing good mornings :laugh:

    I think I was doing hip thrusts as a guy was doing squats in the rack in front of me yesterday....I can't recall if any of our movements were in sync. :laugh: I have no shame in the weight room and do what I need to regardless of how things actually look.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I was going to do barbell hip thrusts with 75 lbs today, but there were too many dudes in the weight room. One is fine, but more than that and I feel awkward. I'll just have to do those at home. :ohwell:
    I totally feel you on that one. I didn't do them this morning because there wasn't time, but Tuesday I was doing them and a guy came and sat on the leg press behind me and then another one was nearby on a Smith... they seemed to take rests whenever I started a set. :indifferent: Had to ignore and thrust on!

    Speaking of guys, this morning I witnessed my first "curls in the squat rack" man. Hilarious, and I don't even know why. I guess because it's something of a joke on fitness sites!

    I was just thinking how funny it was that I feel self conscious doing those in front of a lot of guys, but didn't think anything of the guy behind me while I was doing good mornings :laugh:

    I think I was doing hip thrusts as a guy was doing squats in the rack in front of me yesterday....I can't recall if any of our movements were in sync. :laugh: I have no shame in the weight room and do what I need to regardless of how things actually look.

    Me neither. I like attention makes me feel like I'm doing something right. :bigsmile:
  • myrealname
    myrealname Posts: 90 Member
    Workout B for me today.

    Squats: 1x5 - 45#, 3x5 - 65#, 4x5 - 85#, 5x5 - 100#
    OHP: 1x5 - 45#, 3x5 - 55#, 5x5 - 60#
    DL: , 1x5 - 95#, 1x5 - 115#, 1x5 - 125#

    I didn't do much in the way of accessories because I did kickboxing at lunch today except for 2x10 assisted pull ups with 38# assistance.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Squat 55kg 5x5 (warmup 2x5, 30x5, 40x5)
    Bench 37.5kg 5x5 (warmup 20x5, 30x5)
    Barbell row 40kg 5x5

    Upright rows15kg fixed barbell 3x8
    Lat raise 4 kg dumbbells 3x7
    Lat raise 5 kg 7
    Pec fly 14 kg 3x7

    That bench must get to 40kg!
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    I was going to do barbell hip thrusts with 75 lbs today, but there were too many dudes in the weight room. One is fine, but more than that and I feel awkward. I'll just have to do those at home. :ohwell:
    I totally feel you on that one. I didn't do them this morning because there wasn't time, but Tuesday I was doing them and a guy came and sat on the leg press behind me and then another one was nearby on a Smith... they seemed to take rests whenever I started a set. :indifferent: Had to ignore and thrust on!

    Speaking of guys, this morning I witnessed my first "curls in the squat rack" man. Hilarious, and I don't even know why. I guess because it's something of a joke on fitness sites!

    I was just thinking how funny it was that I feel self conscious doing those in front of a lot of guys, but didn't think anything of the guy behind me while I was doing good mornings :laugh:

    I think I was doing hip thrusts as a guy was doing squats in the rack in front of me yesterday....I can't recall if any of our movements were in sync. :laugh: I have no shame in the weight room and do what I need to regardless of how things actually look.

    If you think of it, also barbell rows are a bit ....hehe. The worst thing was when I wanted to finish my workout with my pants having exploded during squats. That was the only time I actually moved my behind to the window :-D (nobody can look inside).

    When I did my hip thrusts yesterday there was also a guy and when I dared to look at him (during a break, haha - did you see that gif from bret, where he advises you not to make eyecontact during hip thrusts?) he just nodded at me...

  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    If you think of it, also barbell rows are a bit ....hehe. The worst thing was when I wanted to finish my workout with my pants having exploded during squats. That was the only time I actually moved my behind to the window :-D (nobody can look inside).

    When I did my hip thrusts yesterday there was also a guy and when I dared to look at him (during a break, haha - did you see that gif from bret, where he advises you not to make eyecontact during hip thrusts?) he just nodded at me...

    Today a guy told me "Sooo, you like deep squats, huh?" during my squats. I blushed, completed my set then asked "was that a dirty joke?"... He told me it wasn't, he noticed I always squat and he wanted to ask if I'm having proper rest days! I feel so bad for being such a b****h to him :laugh: