April workout check in thread - aprilliant workouts here!



  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Anna, I'm so sorry for your loss! Our pets are family members and Jack was lucky to have you as your words show how much you cared about him.
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Oh, I am sorry :-(
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Rows 3x5 90 (as per usual, I don't feel these in my back and struggle to get the bar into my chest. I completely don't feel like they are working, and I might just switch to a machine for rows, but I don't want to lose out on the stabilizers)

    Ugh. Rows.

    That's how I feel, too; I only seem to feel them in my shoulder blades and not in my mid or lower lats. If I do them underhand (not the overhand Pendlay style that SL outlines) I immediately feel my upper, mid and lower lats working as well as my biceps.

    ETA: On that note, how important is it that the rows are done Pendlay style e.g. does it make a difference if they are done underhand?
    Hm, I had not contemplated underhand grip. This website is interesting, and it says that underhand naturally pulls you elbows in, whcih can hep target the lats.


    I don't know that pendlays are imperative, although Mehdi seems to think his way is the only way (which would be Pendlay). Because I've had problems with not feeling rows, I've switched between bent over rows and pendlay, and I still can't feel anything. I might give underhand grip a try.
    Thanks for the article - good read! Something that stood out to me:
    "...And because your hands are supinated, you’re automatically stronger because of the mechanical advantage and biceps involvement."

    So true (for me anyway). When I do Pendlay rows I feel so weak. Even though I can get the bar to my chest, the position always feels awkward and like my shoulders are doing all the work. If I did them with reverse grip, I know I could go higher in weight.

    After a little internet research, using underhand grip makes it a different kind of row, but not sure if that's true or not if you keep your back in the near-parallel Pendlay form? I think I'm over-thinking this now! :huh:
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Anna, I'm so sorry.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Aww Anna I'm so sorry about your little Jack. :frown:
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    Oh, poor Jack. It is so hard to lose a pet; I can't imagine losing one so young. :frown:
  • Mercedespony
    Mercedespony Posts: 162 Member
    Anna, big hugs - I am lucky to have been chosen by 2 bichons to parent them (so impudent, so naughty and the cutest ever),

    I know how these small creatures can light up our lives.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Anna, I am so sorry for your cat. That is terrible:(

    Audii& katro: I am totally understand the whole row issue. I do not think it does anything for me. I think the problem is that I am at 80 lb, and the plates obviously small and I can not put it down in each rep. Mehdi says not putting down is like doing partials.
    I am thinking to try by the help of the power cage next time. The problem is that those are in high demand in my gym. It is already hard to get in to do my squats.

    Today I worked out at 11 am, and it was a whole different crowd. Most people were average joes 40+ dads and moms who are working out while they kiddos taking swimming lessons. I have to admit it was away less intimidating than 8 pm when the muscle head giant young guys in their 20's bench pressing 250 lb.

    My today workout was good, but I think I stay same weight for the bench , because my form is getting sloppy.
    Squat: 45lb, x10, 65lbx5, 85 lbx5x5
    Bench: 45 lbx5, 65lbx5, 80 lb, 5x5
    Row: 45lb x5, 80lb 5x5

    Assistant pull-up:8,7,6,at 90 lb help
    Knee ups 4x12
  • lizafava2
    lizafava2 Posts: 185
    Oh no, so sorry about your cat, Anna. :(

    I also don't *feel* my rows in the sense that I am not feeling the fatigue in specific muscles. I am, however, finding them hard and exhausting now so I guess they must be doing something.

    Today I went to the gym and did lots of warmups then squats 165 5x5. Some huge bodybuilder dude asked me for some tips on his squat form since mine was "so good". I am not even kidding. He was bashful and completely non-skeevy and it was just about the best compliment I have ever received. He was having some pain with heavy squats and......well, I hope I was able to help him out :D.

    OHP 75lb 5x5
    DL 210 5x1 (then curls and other odds and ends)

    My grip was slipping all over the place with the deadlift. Kept having to flap my hands around to clear the sweat between pulls. Ridiculous. What is the non-chalk chalk you all use?

    I felt really strong today.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Squat 52.5kg 5x5 (warmup 20kgx5, 30kgx5, 40kgx5)
    Bench press 37.5kg 5x5 (warmup 20kgx5 and 30kgx5)
    Barbell row 37.5kg 5x5

    Lat raise 3x8 with 5kg dumbbells (still hard), upright rows 3x8 with 12.5kg fixed barbell (still easy)
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    sorry Anna, we had to put my dog down after 14 years when I was in high school, so I can only imagine how hard to it was after such a sort time :(

    I've been only lifting 2x a week lately thanks to being busy with work travel, job searching, and whatever else excuse I make up :blushing:

    A this morning 3x5
    Rows: 66.5 lbs
    Bench: 66.5 lbs

    I've started doing more ankle stretches and such (like spelling the alphabet with my toes). The past couple weeks I get pain (doesn't hurt, more just uncomfortable) after about 2 miles into my runs. And after yesterday's 5 miles it still bothers me this morning. I have a 10k Saturday so hopefully I can make it through that and then take some extended time off from running. It hasn't been swelling at all, which is weird to me.

    Happy (??) Monday ya'll!
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    @Random +@ Auddii: I have had such a dilema with this as well. My boyfriend and I started at the same time and he is like this is a joke- I am standing strong next to them and I hope to get the lift high enough that I can put it on the ground my weights are too short so its hard to set it down each time. I am feel like a dufus at the gym not being able to do these its so annoying.

    @Anna- So sorry about your loss. Its hard to see anyone or anything suffer and worse when the time on this earth so short. Healing thoughts are sent your way.

    @Liza WTG for strongness!! Compliments are always nice. I was embarrassed when I got a comment on how great my squat form was- but the guy was also not skeezy and he used to be a trainer so he knew his stuff. FEELS GOOD. :-)

    I have to do workout A tonight. Squats, Bench, Rows.
    Ran for a nice little jog yesterday. feels good to get back to it! :bigsmile:
  • jcdoerr
    jcdoerr Posts: 172 Member
    Sorry to hear about your kitty anna and the way it happened sounds horrible. I had to put my 18-year old kitty down a couple of months ago, and I definitely still miss the little s&%t (yes, that was his nickname on occasion....).

    Sitting at my desk today but it's gorgeous outside and I want to run and play in the sun. But, since that's not possible, I'm catching up a little on these threads. Nice to see the new peeps that have joined and are sticking with it!

    Normally I wouldn't report in on last night's workout. Number one, because I had to deload on OHP (boo!), but I hit an NSV on DL.

    Squats: 5x5 at 110 pounds
    OHP: 5x5 at 67.5 pounds; deload from 75 pounds but this still felt frickin heavy
    DL: 1x5 at 165 pounds. WHOOP, officially lifted my body weight!!!!

    Then 2 miles of sprint intervals after. Whew, those are tough when the legs are already feeling burnt.

    Keep it up everyone!
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    @Anna--so sorry about your loss. Losing pets is never easy no matter how long you've had them. Furry friends have ways of sneaking into your heart rather quickly :flowerforyou:

    @jcdoerr--Awesome on the body weight deadlift!

    @ Stef--can't wait to see your progress pics, either! I'm coming up on six months in May and I never thought my body would transform the way it has.

    Workout today:

    Squats: 175 lbs 3x5 These were tough, but I worked it out.
    Bench: 100 lbs 4-3-3 :grumble: Deload next workout. UGH!
    Rows: 115 lbs 3x5, but not all the way to my chest. I knew these would be tough and I can get them to my chest if I use all of my body to help, but that's cheating, right?

    Lots of Bad*** chicks in here!
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Can someone smack me. Please?? I've restarted SL so many times it's foolish!

    I'm going to try to get back to it tonight. I need to. I'm losing my bum!!! :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Anna, I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty :( It's so hard to lose a pet.

    Great workouts over the weekend ladies!

    I did deadlifts on Friday, my 3 week.

    Warmup Sets:
    5 x 80 pounds
    5 x 105 pounds
    3 x 125 pounds

    Working Sets:
    3 x 145 pounds
    3 x 165 pounds
    3 x 185 pounds-I got 5 on this set.

    Assistance Work:
    Front Squats-3 x 12 @ 65 pounds-I got 10, 10, 8, which is an improvement over last week. I'm still fooling around with foot placement, but I felt like I wasn't choking myself as much this time.
    I was supposed to do Decline Situps as my second assistance, but I think I did back extensions instead by mistake. Oops, not paying attention!

    I also did my hike on Saturday, it was 3 hours instead of 5, which worked for me. I was breaking in my new hiking boots, and the last hill got really slippery, so I basically crawled up it on my hands and feet. Everyone else doing it had microspikes for the bottom of their boots, which I'll be picking up this week. I slid on my butt for the first third of the way back down, because there was no way I was going to do it without falling anyway, and I've got some interesting bruises on my rear from that particular experience.

    Endurance wise, I kept up to the mountain man better this week, and neonbeige, you were right, endurance comes in handy for both outdoor and indoor activities :D

    Since yesterday was so beautiful out (we're finally getting spring here), I went for a walk for my rest day, which turned into 4 hours of meandering through a park close to my house.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Anna: Sorry about your kitty Jack. I lost my Jack the Cat last summer after 12 years. Never an easy thing.

    Lots of awesome lifting in here. I've been busy with travel with work so not checking in much. Hopefully I'll have the next two weeks to make some progress on weights. I've been doing my best to at least maintain from week to week with limited sessions.

    Did B today. Cut down to 3x5 to save some time:

    Squat: 3x5 @ 135 and then did 1x2 @ 140. I did more stretching before and I think I over stretched and started to feel it behind my knee so I didn't feel like pushing out 3 more reps at 140.
    OHP: 3x5 @ 75
    DL: 1x5 @ 135, 155, 195 - getting closer to my PR of 205.

    I decided I wasn't content lifting only twice a week so I'm trying out lifting the same day as boxing class. We will see how I feel at the end of class tonight. I'll do more cardio and core work on the other days.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    @Anna sorry for the kitty..I feel for you same thing happened to my little jerk..yah that was his name...it's hard, they are members of the family...hope you feel better soon.
    @ jcd yah you on BW lift...

    Workout A for me today. Leg is feeling better and better so upped my squats to 120 today.

    Squats @ 120 5x5..no box and got really low...Yah

    Bench @ 108.5 5x5...taking these slow too so I don't have to deload at 115 again...:grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    Rows @ 115 again due to poor hand placement so used my bar with the knurling lines on it so there was no question...

    5x5 Yahhhhhhhhhh :drinker:

    Might stay here or got up to 118.5..not sure yet...will know on Sat/Sun as I have plans again on Friday.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    On the Row Topic. I still don't really feel them like while I'm doing them. I didn't do them for a while, and then started them at like 95 lbs and now I'm up to 130 so I must be doing something right. Bumper plates help. I do make sure to engage my lats before I start and I use a pretty wide grip.

    Todays Workout:

    45x5, 95x5, 135x5, 165x5, 205x5, 240x5, 280x3

    45x5, 65x5, 75x5, 85x5, 100x4 Maybe I'll deload these on Friday. Hrmmm

    45x5, 65x5, 752x5, 95x5, 115x5, 130 3x5

    Knee ups 3x8
    Back Extensions 3x12

    C25k fun
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    @Anna Sorry about your kitty, if something happened to my cat I wouldn't know what to do...

    @Everyone, kick *kitten* workouts

    I ran 2.4 miles today and increased my time by 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Super excited.
    I also did some direct core work.

    Tomorrow I deadlift. Tonight I feast!