April workout check in thread - aprilliant workouts here!



  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    This week felt hectic (I feel like all weeks are becoming hectic lol)!

    Got my first outdoor jog in this Thursday. Funny story... I wear Invisalign and I don't know if that is the reason, but I was producing some serious saliva. So I decided to spit as I was jogging. Told my husband and my daughter I would meet them at her piano school. I show up and my husband is staring at me I'm wearing a clown suit. He points down and I'm covered in spit!!! :sick: I was so embarrassed!

    Yesterday did my lift and felt pretty content with it

    Squat 85lbs
    Moving up next lift!!!!

    4x5 , 1x4 at 55lbs
    Man did I ever feel confident with this lift. I powered through them all and maybe I just got too cocky and failed on the last one!!!!! Ugh! Third fail so now I have to deload.

    1x5 at 125lbs
    I did four with the over hand grip. Did my last one with a mixed grip and I find that it really helped!

    Got some cardio in afterwards. And decided to no longer do the TDEE minus 20%. I found that I felt more motivated using mfp settings. I used to come out eating around the same anyways.
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    Yesterday Workout B

    Worked up my squats to 5x5 60 lbs
    OHP 45 5x5 but failed on my 4th set only pressed 4 but barely got the 5th on my last set...determined to finish strong got that 5th!!!
    worked up to my 1x5 Deadlift 100 lbs

    Was a good work out but didnt get much sleep the night before- knocked out while reading
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hi ladies it's a Saturday workout for me today...missed last night due to "stress" and dinner out with friends to relieve the stress.

    @fit yah I figured it's best to do something light while I am getting it sorted out as 150 was not working. Good news is it is working. I am still doing rehab 4x a day but the muscle isn't hurting as long when I do them and less and less through out the day...and I get to work on form and now my DH is squatting more than me so he feels good...teehee

    @ myrealname welcome and nice workout and yes I use a spreadsheet and log it here on MFP too...2x just in case...:bigsmile:
    @leadfoot I hate that when "I lose it" I have done that with squats before trying to make sure I wasn't toe heavy...scary..
    @liza and all those trying the pull ups I got them by doing "reverse pullups/chinups" where you hang on the bar at the correct level until you can't...seemed to work well
    @kat I agree with the rest times. I started with 60-90secs but I found I would increase with my sets...now based on weight it could be as much as 3:30-4mins...and if I fail on the last rep I know i need to increase my time. I am lucky tho as I workout at home so I read the updates here...respond...and then type up my workouts...during my rests like I am doing now.
    @red Yah on the big plates...I don't have any of those...:sad: just fake ones...35lbs...hehe that is the only thing I think I miss out by working out at home...those looks when I am lifting heavy...hehe
    @sbarella Yah for you..yes being stronger is nice...and I agree lifting is the bomb.

    @fit again jeez woman you amaze me with your weight...amazing...:drinker:

    So for me today workout B...Yah Deadlifts...

    Squats @ 115 again today leg feels almost normal..5x5 and giving me a chance to work on form and leave out the box and get atg.

    OHP @ 80lbs 5x5 I had started with 3:15 rests but after 2nd set upping it to 3.5mins...I want 100lbs on that bar so no screwing around. Upped my rest on last set to 3:45 as the last rep on set 4 was going up hard.

    Deads @ 180 5x5 again still working on form as my barbell math was off the other day...190...hehe will post video link on form thread

    I am 3lbs from maintenance tho so I expect by mid May with upping my calories to maintenance in about 3 weeks my lifts should improve with the extra calories.

    Also looking forward to getting the snow gone so I can get my bike out and start riding it, and of course so I can wear shorts and tanks to show off this new bod...(arms/shoulders/back/legs and butt...belly is coming but still got about 6lbs to get to bf% I want):drinker:

    on that note got a text from DH today..."since you are close to goal we should go do some lingere shopping..." then he sends me a link...hello victoria secret................:devil: :devil: :devil:
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Did workout A this morning:
    Squat (5x5) @ 115
    BP (5x5) @ 70
    Row (5x5) @ 65

    I hate rows. Just sayin'.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Another workout done!

    Bench press day (Personal Record!!!!)

    1X10 @45 lbs
    5X5 @75 lbs (PR!!)

    Rows with barbell curl supersets
    5X5 @80 lbs (rows)
    5X5 @40 lbs (curls)

    Seated Row Machine
    3X10 @65 lbs
    2X10 @60 lbs

    Pec Fly Machine
    1X8 @55 lbs
    3X6 @55 lbs
    1X4 @55 lbs

    Rear Delt Machine
    1X5 @55 lbs
    2X8 @40 lbs
    2X5 @40 lbs

    Followed by a 2.3 mile run from zombies, increased my time by 2 minutes. :bigsmile:
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    We had a nice sunny relatively warm day on tues so I had a nice long run in the park then a SL workout on wednesday and another short run on thurs. My knees got all wonky so I didn't do anything but a little walk on friday. today I was feeling much better so I did a little run/walk around the block in my new vibrams and everything felt great!!! I love them. Then I went out for a walk with my son 6K and now my knees are funny again. Sigh. I guess I really need more of a rest. My husband has the flu/bronchitis and has all kinds of aches. I hope that isn't what I am headed for. We have our 10 K next saturday and I want to be up for that. Another case of the mind is willing but the body is weak.

    Congratulations Redhead!! Big plates!! Awesome!!

    Viglet, Hilarious!

    Kat, I hope your head is ok. : (

    Steff, congratulations on being so close to your goal!! Well done!

    Klt, awesome working out even though you were tired!!

    Katro, Well done!! I think rows get better after a while. They were really uncomfortable for me but they are feeling better now.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    What do you guys do while you are resting between sets? I have a book on my iPhone that I read. I also have a Spanish app that I like to use as well.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    What do you guys do while you are resting between sets? I have a book on my iPhone that I read. I also have a Spanish app that I like to use as well.

    I check out guys and girls. :bigsmile:
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    What do you guys do while you are resting between sets? I have a book on my iPhone that I read. I also have a Spanish app that I like to use as well.

    I check out guys and girls. :bigsmile:

    That is definitely an advantage of working out at a gym!! ; )
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    What do you guys do while you are resting between sets? I have a book on my iPhone that I read. I also have a Spanish app that I like to use as well.
    I just stand around and bop my head to the music I'm listening to and air drum my hands on my thighs. Now that I'm describing it and thinking about it, I probably look crazy! :laugh:
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    What do you guys do while you are resting between sets? I have a book on my iPhone that I read. I also have a Spanish app that I like to use as well.
    I usually do stretching on the muscle I am working on. Except when I do bench press. When I do BP I do ankle circles . It supposd to thin out wide ankles. I know it stupid and you can not spot reduce , but it can't hurt so why not?
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    My lifts kinda sucked yesterday. And I just felt crappier and crappier as the day went on. Ugh.

    Squats: 5x5: 100 lbs
    Bench: 5x5: 70 lbs
    Rows: 5x5 25 lbs
    I hate rows too.

    Great news stef- i am amazed at how consistent you are.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    @Sara You still rocked it!!
    @Everyone.... Keep on kicking butt!

    For me today I am just going to get my 10,000 steps in, going to a reptile expo and getting a new gecko. I need rest so I can kick butt on deadlifts tomorrow.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Well, skipped my lifting on Friday, so today was A day:

    Squats 3x5 170 (highest yet! whoop!)
    Bench 3x5 90 (really struggled to get the last rep up, I may repeat this)
    Rows 3x5 90 (as per usual, I don't feel these in my back and struggle to get the bar into my chest. I completely don't feel like they are working, and I might just switch to a machine for rows, but I don't want to lose out on the stabilizers)

    Ugh. Rows.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    What do you guys do while you are resting between sets? I have a book on my iPhone that I read. I also have a Spanish app that I like to use as well.

    I check out guys and girls. :bigsmile:
    Me too. Although, I usually look at form and footwear (not sure why I check out the shoes; I'd hoped that more stiff soles would correlate with better form, but it does not). The biggest problem with watching what others do is that I have no poker face, and I have to try really hard to not burst out laughing; people do some very strange things in the gym. There are I think maybe 2 people I'd ever ask for form help from; good to identify them though.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Rows 3x5 90 (as per usual, I don't feel these in my back and struggle to get the bar into my chest. I completely don't feel like they are working, and I might just switch to a machine for rows, but I don't want to lose out on the stabilizers)

    Ugh. Rows.

    That's how I feel, too; I only seem to feel them in my shoulder blades and not in my mid or lower lats. If I do them underhand (not the overhand Pendlay style that SL outlines) I immediately feel my upper, mid and lower lats working as well as my biceps.

    ETA: On that note, how important is it that the rows are done Pendlay style e.g. does it make a difference if they are done underhand?
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    During rests I:

    Enter my sets/reps into my diary app (I have my madcow spreadsheet printed on paper, but sometimes I vary it. )
    People watch
    Headbop while listening to music. I might be crazy, but I can squat a crapton :wink:
    Start stretching/myofascial release for my next lift. So if I'm squatting and OHP is next I might start warming up shoulders.
    Stare into space.
    Chat with other gym goers that start chatting with me.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Rows 3x5 90 (as per usual, I don't feel these in my back and struggle to get the bar into my chest. I completely don't feel like they are working, and I might just switch to a machine for rows, but I don't want to lose out on the stabilizers)

    Ugh. Rows.

    That's how I feel, too; I only seem to feel them in my shoulder blades and not in my mid or lower lats. If I do them underhand (not the overhand Pendlay style that SL outlines) I immediately feel my upper, mid and lower lats working as well as my biceps.

    ETA: On that note, how important is it that the rows are done Pendlay style e.g. does it make a difference if they are done underhand?
    Hm, I had not contemplated underhand grip. This website is interesting, and it says that underhand naturally pulls you elbows in, whcih can hep target the lats.


    I don't know that pendlays are imperative, although Mehdi seems to think his way is the only way (which would be Pendlay). Because I've had problems with not feeling rows, I've switched between bent over rows and pendlay, and I still can't feel anything. I might give underhand grip a try.
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Did my workout today instead of yesterday. I was invited to two birthdays yesterday and didn't log my food. I couldn't, we went to a brunch buffet and I didn't overdo it, but also didn't restrict myself too much, later cake and so on *sigh* but I went dancing half of the night, which made me do about 11000 steps :-D

    And I finished my fourth week of stronglifts today, yay.

    Squats, deloaded due to working on my form.

    @viglet and rugby: you were right, I kind of did a low bar squat with a high bar bar position. That pushed my upper body down. When I moved the bar lower today, it was much much better, could keep my back and chest up and it felt better in general.

    45kg 5x5 (99lbs)

    Bench, was me today, I felt just wiggly and örgs

    30kg 5x5 (66lbs)


    25kg 5x5 (55lbs) - the squat rack was not free and the smaller bars didn't have 27,5kg but in the end i was fine with that weight

    Added hip thrusts

    20kg 3x10 (45lbs)

    I am too tired today to answer properly to all of you, soooorrrrryyy

    But, yay, awesome workouts!
  • TGDMJNoles
    TGDMJNoles Posts: 26 Member
    Congratulations to everyone making progress and hanging in there with their goals.

    Here's a weekly summary of my lifting days this week:

    Tuesday - Workout A
    Squat 5x5 75 pounds (working on goal of 100 pounds this month)
    BP 5x5 55 pounds
    BB Row 5x5 75 pounds

    Thursday- Workout B
    Squat 5x5 80 pounds (working on goal of 100 pounds this month)
    OHP 5x5 50 pounds (stayed at 50 pounds this time instead of going up)
    DL 1x5 120 pounds (working on goal of 150 pounds this month)

    Sunday - Workout A
    Squat 5x5 85 pounds (working on goal of 100 pounds this month)
    BP 5x5 60 pounds
    BB Row 3x5, 2x4 80 pounds (just could not get the last reps up fully to my chest)

    A personal note if you choose to read: I was supposed to lift yesterday but didn't and today was a difficult day for me lifting wise. It's not that the weights were all heavy (except for rows) but my heart was heavy. Yesterday early morning our new little cat Jack was attacked in our yard and passed away from a broken neck. We had him for only 3 weeks but it was a wonderful 3 weeks. He made me laugh and smile and I will miss him. The J in my new user name that I changed to last week stands for Jack.

    Whatever it is that you love and/or care about, whether it be your spouse, partner, kids, pets, etc….make sure you hug and love that special person or thing in your life as much as you can. You just cannot take anything for granted in this world and life is very short.

    Have a good week everyone,