April workout check in thread - aprilliant workouts here!



  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member

    Also my new weapon. I have just the scary face to pull this off if someone has been watching me for too long... I don't mind guys checking out what I'm doing or even admiring me and my form (after all, that's part of the reason I'm at the gym!), it's just when the attention turns to leering or distracts me from my lifts!
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    Today a guy told me "Sooo, you like deep squats, huh?" during my squats. I blushed, completed my set then asked "was that a dirty joke?"... He told me it wasn't, he noticed I always squat and he wanted to ask if I'm having proper rest days! I feel so bad for being such a b****h to him :laugh:
    Haha, at least you asked him if it was a dirty joke instead of just telling him to beat it!

    But more importantly, yes. Deep squats everyday.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member

    AHAHAHAHA!!!! What a creeper!!! :laugh:
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Went with supersets for my workout last night! I already forgot what weight I did and how many I did, but I completed 3 sets of each. Does anyone know of an Android app that's similar to the SL's app but that allows you to put in your own exercise? I had to keep looking at my Google docs spreadsheet that I put these into to remember which ones to do!

    Set 1
    Single-leg DL's
    Reverse lunge with kick

    Set 2
    Alternating renegade rows
    Sumo squats w/ delt fly

    Set 3
    Cross body hammer curl
    DB chest press on stability ball,

    Set 4
    30-sec planks
    Oblique toe-touches
    Reverse crunches

    Set 5
    Cable triceps pulls
    Forward lunge w/ cable OHP
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    You need to share the creepy more easily :smile:


    Workout A today. I think I just didn't push myself hard enough with squats on Tuesday, so I was going to try harder, and then I was thinking about what Steph said about increasing her rest periods, and I realized I have no clue how long I rest between sets. I'm low tech (yay dumb phone that's cheap!) with pad and paper, but there is a clock on the wall, so I randomly decided to try a 3 minute rest. IT FELT SO LONG! So, I'm guessing my rests were far shorter, and I got all my squats in. Funny how that works...

    Squats 3x5 at 175lbs

    Bench 2x5, 1x4 at 92.5lb. Roll of shame made it easy to throw the bar on the ground to attempt rows. :laugh:

    On my rows, I was going to try underhand grip, and I couldn't get the bar anywhere near my chest (granted, it was a total of 92.5lbs). I deloaded down to 85, and it was still a no go, so I decided to abandon the bar entirely and go wander around the machines to see what was around (I changed gyms a few weeks ago; they have a ton of machines and I've never really gone over there). They did have a seated cable row, which I knocked out 3x5 at 90lbs. And I actually felt it in my back , which is great, but the weight increases in increments of 15lbs, and there are no loose weights to add to the stack (there's specifically something on the top of the stack to make it not flat so you can't put anything on it. Boo. So, I guess I'm going to need to work on some weird new progression for rows. *Sigh*
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    You need to share the creepy more easily :smile:


    Workout A today. I think I just didn't push myself hard enough with squats on Tuesday, so I was going to try harder, and then I was thinking about what Steph said about increasing her rest periods, and I realized I have no clue how long I rest between sets. I'm low tech (yay dumb phone that's cheap!) with pad and paper, but there is a clock on the wall, so I randomly decided to try a 3 minute rest. IT FELT SO LONG! So, I'm guessing my rests were far shorter, and I got all my squats in. Funny how that works...

    Ah, yes, should have done that, thanks for fixing it :-D

    I feel the same about the rest time, I was always wondering how people have enough time to play on their phones or so :-D But last time i rested way longer as usual between my bench presses and yes, like you, i got it done way better. Some things you need a bit longer to learn, haha
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    @auddii - Maybe try some bent-over dumbbell rows just to try and get back into the swing of it? Those you will definitely feel in your back!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member

    I see your creepy and raise you

  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member

    I see your creepy and raise you

    Now she needs to do this dressed as a zombie or vampire...
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member

    I see your creepy and raise you

    Now she needs to do this dressed as a zombie or vampire...


    Imagine her doing this beside you :-D
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
  • rdkstar
    rdkstar Posts: 260 Member
    Love the pics. :laugh:

    Haven't posted much but still moving along. Had a good workout today.
    Squats 65
    Ohp 55
    Deadlift 100
    Leg press 200
    Hanging leg raises did 2 sets of 3 with toes going to the bar. :smile:
    1.5 chinups and several negative chinups

    Finishing up with a lot of yard work today. Cutting grass, planting shrubs/flowers, etc.

    I am stuck on what to do with my squats. Gym doesn't have squat rack. I can't lift 70 lbs over my head (at least not yet). So I'm stuck with 65. Tried doing front squats with 30 but doesn't feel right.
  • beckty
    beckty Posts: 118 Member

    Bench 2x5, 1x4 at 92.5lb. Roll of shame made it easy to throw the bar on the ground to attempt rows. :laugh:

    I TOTALLY should have thought of that last night
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I really wasn't feeling the workout today, but here it is:

    Squats 180 lbs. 3x5 These were pretty ugly. I think I'm going to stay here next time for good measure. Did some more after my sets with 135 lbs getting below parallel.

    Bench: 90 lbs 3x5 No problem here since this was a deload from 100 lbs.

    Rows: 115 lbs 3x5 but only halfway on all of them. I've got one more try before I deload on this one. Maybe I need to work on my breathing for this lift. I don't feel like it's right.

    Hip Thrusts: 75 lbs 2x10
  • beckty
    beckty Posts: 118 Member
    I think I'll jump in here too:

    Workout A for me last night.

    5x5 Bench @ 80 lbs --- failed on final rep so I'll be at 80 again.
    5x5 Barbell Row @ 90 lbs - complete and going up
    5x5 Squat @ 110 lbs - complete and going up, but not feeling confident about it. These were tough!

    So, all in all, I am finally hitting what's feeling like some real weight for me. I did quite a bit of prelim strength training last summer with a trainer, so much of this came easy until now. But I'm bad in that I don't bother with warm up sets. I suppose it's time to do so. I need to do some research on how to properly do that.

    I also started with 1.3 miles on the treadmill. I am still struggling with my runs, but since I've decided my gym time focus is going to be on lifting, I didn't beat myself up over it. I re-re-RE-started C25K outside the day before. I need more than 3 days a week working out, so I am going to work on the running on non-gym days and see how that works for me.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Becky - yeah, warmups are a good thing. For squats, you can do bar, 65, 95 since you are just about to the 35 lb plates. Bench would be bar, 2x65 lbs then working weight. You should be warm for both deadlifts and rows. OPH would depend on where you are, but bar and then at least the weight between bar and your working weight.

    A day for me:

    Squats: 3x5 @ 140, 1x5 @ 145 - 140 seemed better so I'll move up to 145 next week. The 145 set was okay.
    Bench: 5x5 @ 110
    Row: a messy 5x5 @ 115 so I will stay here another round or two until I get all to the chest. I have about half of them.

    Then started to work on being able to do a dragon flag. I find leg lifts to flag easy, but they hinge on the hip. Dragon flags take more stability work and hinge on the upper abs close to the traps. So I'm starting by doing negatives and hopefully will be able to do a full rep in the next few months.

    Oh and then I ran a mile. Got to the locker room, showered, dressed, and realized I was still sweating.
  • beckty
    beckty Posts: 118 Member
    Becky - yeah, warmups are a good thing. For squats, you can do bar, 65, 95 since you are just about to the 35 lb plates. Bench would be bar, 2x65 lbs then working weight. You should be warm for both deadlifts and rows. OPH would depend on where you are, but bar and then at least the weight between bar and your working weight.

    Thanks. This is very helpful. My OHP is at 65 so I guess I'd do bar and then 55.
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member

    I see your creepy and raise you

    Now she needs to do this dressed as a zombie or vampire...


    Imagine her doing this beside you :-D

    These are fantastic thanks for the laugh!!!

    I was being chicken to do the lifts with out a partner so Wednesday I went to body-pump instead. I was not impressed! today I put my big girl panties on and flew solo

    ( i did unnecessarily so as it turns out, back down on my weights a tad though )

    Squats 130# 5x5,
    OHP 60# 5x5,
    Dead lifts 165# 5.
    Pull up 3x5
    Chin up 3x5,
    Hip thrust 45# 3x10 ( speaking of awkward hip thrust. guys in the weight-room is one thing. try an instructors whos class you take 3x a week and he is also now a co-worker. Yep that was awkward! LOL )

    Oh & some core work.
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member

    Squats: 155lbs, 3x3

    OHP: 45lbs 1x5, 50lbs 2x4, 55lbs 1x5

    Deadlifts: 175lbs 1x5

    Taking a gym break next week. Thinking I might add a 4th day to my week when I return and just do my accessory lifts (overhead squats, thrusts, good mornings, etc.), because I'm trying to respect my workout partner's schedule -- I just finish my SL in time before we have to leave.
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Omg is that what hip thrusts really are?

    Squats 5x5 115 lbs. was supposed to be 110 but I was working out with my hubby and thats what he wanted and i am not loading/unloading a billion times. Should i repeat 115 next time too? Or just go up 5 more?

    Bench 5x5 75 lbs

    Rows 5x5 30 lbs. i started back at the bottom becaus I just wasn't getin them done right.

    1 mile run.