May 2014 Walk Challenge



  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    startergal53. I will continue with 1 km (0.6 miles) a day challenge. My primary goal is not to reach a certain weight or walk a certain distance, but to FORM A HABIT. And I have chosen 1 km as the habit forming action. If I walk more, good, but 1 km is enough for habit forming. And it is so low that I can do it even on the bad days :smile: .

    Well done, lidenalex! The goal of small sustainable actions toward creating a habit is much better than an overwhelming goal that only serve to discourage sooner or later. I was glad to read that you have chosen to continue on in making your habit a true habit. Good for you!

  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member

    0 miles: No DVD today.

    80 minutes: walking briskly outdoors, humid but windy so it was do-able.

    Goal for May: 40 miles, Continuing an emphasis on strength and outdoor minutes will change my usual mileage from previous months.

    So far: 11.5 Leslie/ or other walking DVD miles

    So far: 190 outdoor minutes walking

  • Reddirtblacktopqueen
    Reddirtblacktopqueen Posts: 79 Member
    5/12 1.95 miles outside walking plus did several hours of shopping with my daughter so I know I got some steps in :laugh:

    47.41 miles so far this month.

    Happy walking everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    5 advanced miles with Leslie today

    57 miles with Leslie to date

    13.5miles outside to date

    70.5 miles total to date

    goal 100 miles
  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    70.5 miles total to date

    Bandit5125. 70.5 miles :flowerforyou: . Woot!
  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    Walked 10.4 km (6.5 miles) today.

    I am happy to see so many folks post their progress here. The important thing is not how many miles you have walked but that you actually walked. As Woody Allen said: Eighty percent of success is showing up.
  • startergal53
    startergal53 Posts: 120 Member
    Beautiful day out there went to the track instead of the trail did 4 miles. Had planned for 2 but my sis is in a boot so I decided to walk 2 for her. Anything to stay on the track eh?

    New May total: 36 miles woot

    Fabulous seeing everyone working it! Keep moving and setting those goals. Appreciate the focus on developing habits. Thankful to be able to "show up."
  • ChaiyaChaiya21
    ChaiyaChaiya21 Posts: 37 Member
    Feeling a difference with all this walking it feels good to keep moving.


  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,456 Member
    May Goal: 50 miles
    5/3 Exercise TV-Walking at Home-3miles=47 to go
    5/4 Walk it Off & Tone it Up-5 miles=42 to go
    5/5 WAP-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=38 to go
    5/6 WAP-3 Fast Miles=35 to go
    5/7 WAH-3 miles with weights=32 to go
    5/9 WAH-Walk Slim-5 Really Big Miles-5 miles=27 to go
    5/10 Just Walk-4 Mile Power Walk-4 miles=23 to go
    5/11 Endomondo recorded -neighborhood walk=3.14 miles=20 to go
    5/13 WAP-3 Fast Miles=17 to go
  • heavenlyb14
    heavenlyb14 Posts: 303 Member
    I'm back.

    Still in a little discomfort following last weeks surgery but ready to get out for a proper walk today. I've been going on short, gentle strolls but not logged the miles so I'm just going to take it from there I was.

    I'm going to try and complete five miles today and will report back later.

    Happy walking everyone.
  • Reddirtblacktopqueen
    Reddirtblacktopqueen Posts: 79 Member
    I got in 3.35 miles outside yesterday. Making my total so far 50.76 miles! :love:

    Still have many more miles to go to reach my goal this month but I know I can do it!

    Happy walking everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    5 advanced miles with Leslie today

    62 miles with Leslie to date

    13.5 outside to date

    75.5 miles to date

    goal 100
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    70.5 miles total to date

    Bandit5125. 70.5 miles :flowerforyou: . Woot!

    thank you! I am trying hard!
  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    I'm back.
    Still in a little discomfort following last weeks surgery but ready to get out for a proper walk today.

    Nice to have you back :happy: . Take it easy after surgery, there is lot of time for you to accomplish your goals.
  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    so far 50.76 miles!

    50 miles, Great ! Keep up the good work.
  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    Walked 9.6 km (6 miles) today. I did not feel like walking today, because the rain has been drizzling, but I have a daily goal of 0.6 miles. From where I live there is a church and the city park 0.3 miles away. So I said to myself, just go to the church and then back, that you can do, n'est pas. When I reached the church and the park, I saw several people walk in the park. Well I can walk a little bit I said to myself. I continued in this manner and before I knew it I have walked 3 miles. That gave me energy to take two small walks in the evening.
    GOOD afternoon Y'All hope it's been a WONDERFUL Wednesday for all of ya... It's been a hectic week and 2day is the 1st day I've been able 2 do my 4 mile SUPER CHALLENGE Leslie walk... I've been walking a lot at work and running around trying to help MOMMY packing up her HOME. BITTERSWEET this time is... I grew up in this home and still consider it home... she's down sizing it's just her now since DAD passed away a little over 3 years most of my walking has been non Leslie ='(... still trying 2 meet my 72 (Leslie) miles I've lost track so I guess I'll start from 2day.... NO MATTER WHAT I'll do my BEST 2 meet my goal if I don't I'll go 4 my goal in JUNE... TAKE CARE & BEST OF LUCK 2 ALL of YA doing this CHALLENGE :smile:
    GOOD 4 U lidenalex , U didn't give in 2 not walking that's AWESOME...:smile:
  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    Strange thing happened this evening. I had walked 6 miles and ate as I usually do and was looking forward to dinner and a nice evening. My wife had baked potatoes in the oven and had a good sauce (called Skagenrora in Sweden). We ate our potatoes in front of the TV (first mistake) watching a program called Escape to Countryside. I ate 2 big potatoes and 8 oz of the sauce without looking how much calories it contained (second mistake). When I entered the calories for the dinner in MFP I saw that the dinner added up to 1200 calories :explode: . Good gracious. I was over my calorie limit. I got mad at myself :devil: . But it was only 8 pm, so I could still lessen the damage. I went out and walked 4 km (2.5 miles). Still not happy, but at least not totally hopeless :grumble: .
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,456 Member
    May Goal: 50 miles
    5/3 Exercise TV-Walking at Home-3miles=47 to go
    5/4 Walk it Off & Tone it Up-5 miles=42 to go
    5/5 WAP-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=38 to go
    5/6 WAP-3 Fast Miles=35 to go
    5/7 WAH-3 miles with weights=32 to go
    5/9 WAH-Walk Slim-5 Really Big Miles-5 miles=27 to go
    5/10 Just Walk-4 Mile Power Walk-4 miles=23 to go
    5/11 Endomondo recorded -neighborhood walk=3.14 miles=20 to go
    5/13 WAP-3 Fast Miles=17 to go
    5/14 Just Walk-Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan-Tuesday-4 miles-13 to go