2014 MFP Grand Tour Challenge - SIgnup/Discussion Thread



  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Hey Team 4 - Sorry guys but I've been treating a dog all day that ate someone's Meth. I'll see what I can do this afternoon but I may have to post a goose egg for today. I managed to get one in at sunset yesterday so I'm not writing the day off yet, but it's not looking good. If you're going to have a party, make sure you know what your guests are on.
  • Lard_Vader
    Lard_Vader Posts: 138 Member
    Hey Team 4 - Sorry guys but I've been treating a dog all day that ate someone's Meth...

    HOLY CRAP!!! If that isn't the best excuse I've ever heard (poor dog, of course...) No worries, amigo we have next week. It's been a good week all-around.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Team 4 - Sorry guys. I've tried to get out but it's just been a bad day for dogs and cats. We haven't lost any yet but we've had everything from dogs that ate Meth to cats with Mycoplasma Haemofelis and even one dog that ate the owners bi-polar meds. I'm going to have to log a zero on this one. I'll try to make it up on Tuesday.

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Here is a random question. What do you consider a "big" km ride?

    It's a personal thing really isn't it. For me, it's anything over 4 hours out of the door - say 90km or above.

    And I know that that's nothing to some people on here, and, in fairness, in my prior riding career, it wasn't for me either - I used to be a pretty keen time-trialist, specialising in the longer distance events - I used to ride 10's and 25's because they were the regular events, but I prefered the 50's 100's and 12H rides of the BBAR competition. I even did a 24h once but was rained off after 20h, and sadly had a racing career ending injury before getting to attempt my second the following year.

    25 or more years later, my rides are limited only by my boredom threshold - as I'm too slow to join a club, I ride solo, and frankly after 5-6 hours I actually begin to get bored of my own company, so that's the limiting factor rather than the legs.

    But the important thing, in the context of this particular challenge, is that it's of the same nature as a time-trial - the measure of what is a long ride is in each individual riders own opinion - i'm sure that for some of you "400k or more. Anything less is kiddie pool stuff. " - i'd never say that, because for others on here, a couple of hours riding is pushing the limits of endurance... and frankly, i'm far more cheered that this challenge is motivation for THOSE people to get out and ride than the "mileage monsters" who frankly don't need any additional motivation to ride.

    It's important to remember that we have a mixed cross section of people on here - MFP is not a hard-core cycling website, completely inhabited by lean, ripped, teak-thighed racing snakes - i'm maybe 70lb heavier than my racing weight for example, and never likely to get back down there.

    If I thought that this challenge was going to end up with only over-competitive Type-A personalities, and that this would discourage the more laid back members or put off the people who were earlier on their journey into the world or cycling, then frankly I'd pull the plug on it.

    So - as a request folks - have a little consideration as to what you say on here - wind back the trash-talk a little, and maybe all try and be a little more supportive - NOT JUST TO YOUR TEAM, but to EVERYONE on here... After all, we're all just people out there riding bikes, saving the world one pedal stroke at a time.
  • Lard_Vader
    Lard_Vader Posts: 138 Member
    “400k or more. Anything less is kiddie pool stuff. " Yes, I said that and it was pure sarcasm. I apologize to those who may not have read it as such. It seems there is no wiggle room for banter here, so I’ll leave my future posts to the “rides only thread.”

    The first 30 miles of my long ride on Saturday was spent with a beginner drafting off of me. She has never ridden from her house and is working up the courage to riding her first century. I always encourage others to work towards their potential (regardless to what level it may be). I suppose I could be racing with club/teams on the weekends but I choose not to. Being close to home and my family time is above all importance to me.

    Good luck to all in the challenge.
  • FatDadSlim
    FatDadSlim Posts: 497 Member
    Most of us can accept it as intended... a bit of banter, but not everyone will read it in the same way and i think TBY just doesn't want to make this seem to be an exclusive challenge for the mentally unstable absolute nut-jobs of cyclists who think that 100km commute to work is normal, but more of fun and friendly open to everyone kind of thing. Telling people that anything less than 400km is child's play is going to scare off those who don't know how to use strava and see that your longest ride (granted reported ride but then if it isn't on strava then it didn't happen so i will take it as gospel) is a measly 274.10km :ohwell: also sarcasm doesn't come across well on the internet unless you use emoticons :wink: yes you just need to use more emoticons i think! :drinker:
  • kerrylikesbikes
    kerrylikesbikes Posts: 64 Member
    “400k or more. Anything less is kiddie pool stuff. " Yes, I said that and it was pure sarcasm. I apologize to those who may not have read it as such. It seems there is no wiggle room for banter here, so I’ll leave my future posts to the “rides only thread"

    I took it as intended as well...! I've been following your rides and enjoy your commentary. So keep on, please. Yeah, those silly emoticons do help. :flowerforyou:
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    I don't mind riding in the kiddie pool...:smile:
  • kerrylikesbikes
    kerrylikesbikes Posts: 64 Member
    Hey Team 4 - Sorry guys but I've been treating a dog all day that ate someone's Meth.

    The dogs and cats are way more important than ANY ride. At least in my world! Have made my share of emergency trips with pets...last one when my foster dog got bit by a copperhead snake in my quiet suburban yard (and my other dog stepped in to "seek and destroy") So thankful for folks like you!!!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    “400k or more. Anything less is kiddie pool stuff. " Yes, I said that and it was pure sarcasm. I apologize to those who may not have read it as such. It seems there is no wiggle room for banter here, so I’ll leave my future posts to the “rides only thread.”

    Perhaps it would be best. I've never responded well to sarcasm, especially addressed to something that I feel strongly about, and put an awful lot of effort into the organizing and on-going running of. Maybe it's just that some things don't cross the pond too well - 2 nations divided by a common language, and all that.

    Good luck with the riding, and the rest of this challenge.
  • Kupe
    Kupe Posts: 758 Member
    I apologise to all, for the question was posed out of curiosity and not intended to create a sh1t storm. The idea behind it was when someone asks or you want to blow your own trumpet that you have an idea comparatively to others what is a 'big' ride.
    At the end of the day, we all have other things happening in our lives and would love to spend as much time on our bikes as possible and that is why we 'compete' with each other because no matter what anyone says you always want to be better than the next person at something.

    Over and above all that, TBY I am truly grateful for all the time and effort you put into these 'competitions' and love being part of them. Thank you. ????????????????
  • kerrylikesbikes
    kerrylikesbikes Posts: 64 Member
    My apologies to Team 4... the heat and the wildfires kept me off the bike Thurs and Fri, and out of town activities yesterday. However I'm on a quest to get a massive (for me) ride in today by riding about 33 km to the coast for a hamburger and a shake :D

    Stay safe! Those wildfires scare the you know what out me.... I will be the official Team 4 slacker this week. I'm able to ride today which doesn't count, and then I need to take a few days off. I hate that I will not be putting in the miles this week to keep our second place strong! (Do we need to drug test Team 1? THAT IS A JOKE!!!!! :love: )
  • Jakess1971
    Jakess1971 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Another piece of advice, wear plenty of sunscreen, after all that riding last week even though I put sunblock on I now look ridiculous in the gym (more then usual):


    Berry showed me some others, the pitfalls of sports :)

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    PMSL @ "Computer Programming"

    actually - I remember maybe 10 years ago, when I used to be more into MTB riding, one of my regular routes used to be a bit overgrown with Brambles. Consequently my arms would get quite "scratched up" in the summer. One day I got a call from the HR person, who "wanted a chat" - apparently, the scratches/cuts were so visible through a white office shirt, that someone I worked with had said that they thought I was "self harming" and asked HR to see if there was anything that they could help with that was causing it...

    I got my phone out, and showed them a series of photo's i'd taken to prove it was a MTB trip rather than some goth/emo angst issue...
  • Jakess1971
    Jakess1971 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Yep I'm programmer and cyclist so my white bits are very very white! Fortunately I don't sport the self harm look lol
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    LOL. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I was laughing at the tan lines. I think an overnight ER vet looks about like the computer programer. :laugh: :laugh:
  • Jakess1971
    Jakess1971 Posts: 1,208 Member
    btw this is a big ride for future reference ....

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    btw this is a big ride for future reference ....


    When I Grow up, I'm going to be Didi's Stunt Double...
  • CentralCaliCycling
    CentralCaliCycling Posts: 453 Member
    Big rides and racking up the KMs:

    I would say that depends on what else is in your life. I work full time and don't get home until around 6 pm most nights, have three teens and a seven year old in the house that need more than food in the refrig, or at least the seven year old does. Lucky for me I have a wife who loves to ride or that would be another limitation to the miles. So, all said, a long ride has to take into account what is happening with the rest of your life. When the time is there which is usually every other weekend when the seven year old is otherwise occupied we try and get something over 100Km and I do like to do two or three centuries each year plus my big ride - Climb 2 Kaiser the last Saturday in June.

    Cycling really is a lifestyle to a degree, a matter of priority as well but it is also addicting as we all know so just remember not to allow it to damage other important areas of your life. After all we want to tell others how it has made our life better not how it contributed to a divorce ;)
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    Big rides and racking up the KMs:

    I would say that depends on what else is in your life. I work full time and don't get home until around 6 pm most nights, have three teens and a seven year old in the house that need more than food in the refrig, or at least the seven year old does. Lucky for me I have a wife who loves to ride or that would be another limitation to the miles. So, all said, a long ride has to take into account what is happening with the rest of your life. When the time is there which is usually every other weekend when the seven year old is otherwise occupied we try and get something over 100Km and I do like to do two or three centuries each year plus my big ride - Climb 2 Kaiser the last Saturday in June.

    Cycling really is a lifestyle to a degree, a matter of priority as well but it is also addicting as we all know so just remember not to allow it to damage other important areas of your life. After all we want to tell others how it has made our life better not how it contributed to a divorce ;)

    Very well said Sir! :drinker:
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