Today I Will ______________



  • summerluno2
    Happy Monday Morning! I say that like Monday Mornings are so fabulous ;-) Had a wedding last night, who gets married on a Sunday night?!?! Made getting up this morning no so easy. And tmrw I have an early flight to TN so another early morning. But I'll make it all work!

    This will be crazy for me with travel … hoping to eat as right as possible. I decided to pack some yoga pants and a workout shirt and in the room at night I can do my 7 min butt app so I'm getting something in. I'll definitely get a an hour outside tonight just to make sure I'm moving.

    I'll check in as I'm able throughout the week …. hope you all have a great one!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good Morning and Happy Thanksgiving to anyone here in Canada!! And Happy Columbus Day too!

    We had our thanksgiving dinner last night, just us and my parents at my place. There is nothing better than a turkey dinner in my mind...Mmmmm. Didn't overdo it, just one plate but I did have a piece of pumpkin pie.

    We are re-shingling our roof and they started today. Its pretty loud and things are banging in here. Lol My kids were both home for the long weekend and have both just left to head back to University. One will have a 3 hr drive and the other a 2 hr drive. I will anxiously wait for the text that they have arrived.

    I did get a run in on Friday and Saturday, but took sunday off. Hope you're all doing good :)
  • summerluno2
    Happy Thanksgiving Maureen!!!! So strange it's a month apart - but I agree turkey dinners are heavenly. And I will also enjoy the pumpkin pie -- my fav!!!!
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    Hi all! Back from a wonderful 2nd honeymoon in Jamaica! I feel like I need a vacation from my vacation! I think Sat. really killed me, we were travelling from 9am to after midnight! Still catching up on rest, doing some housework, trying to get ready to go back to work tomorrow! Gained 6#, I am sure a lot is bloating as it already started coming off. Hope everyone has a great Monday!
  • summerluno2
    Welcome back Cindy! Glad you had fun …. start working on those 6 today and don't worry about the past -- it was needed and deserved!!

    All, I just logged in to say a quick hi/bye before I head out for the week. Traveling to TN for work tomorrow, back on Friday. Will dance a lot to help burn those extra calories. I'll keep you in mind as I make my decisions. :)

    Have a great week!!!!!!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Good evening all! Ran today. Tonight actually. Didn't get up early enough this morning - I really don't like Mondays!! Wasn't a good run, but at least got it in.

    Welcome back Cindy - glad you had a great vacation!

    Cindy, catch you in a few days - have a great week!

    Happy Thanksgiving Maureen! Yep, would have to agree that pumpkin pie is the best and must have for Thanksgiving!

    Have a great rest of the day!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good morning all! Sorry I have MIA, again! Had a busy Thanksgiving weekend, but very little sleep, so very little motivation.

    We went to Cedar Point in Ohio on Sunday & spent the night since it was Thanksgiving yesterday & we had a day off on Monday. I did over 18000 steps that day & was not sore and exhausted. I ran to get to the end of a line at 8:30pm. I was proud of that, thinking of the progress I had made. We were with some people who were thinner then me, but had WAY less energy! Eating was ok, just because it was SO expensive, so I wasn't willing to spend too much money or waste time eating food.

    Yesterday we drove home & I had to bake for Thanksgiving dinner with family. I made really yummy apple crisp bites. I think I could fix the recipe so that it is healthier & still taste good, so I will make it again.

    My challenge group is having a no sugar, no flour, no dairy week. Last week it kind of put me into binge/craving mode, with the thought I could have no flour & sugar. Hopefully this week I am more realistic & realize it won't kill me to not eat jelly beans or bread (that I NEVER eat on a normal week)

    I lost my streak by being away & not logging on. Today I start fresh. Heading out for a run. 67F mid October! Gotta enjoy it while it lasts (even in the dark!)

    Have a great day!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Got my run in. Beautiful sunrise followed by a double rainbow as the rain started. Makes it worth getting out there
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good Morning :)

    Yesterday was kind of an "off" day for me. They are re-shingling our roof (almost done!) and it was on the verge of raining all day, so i worried all day long about that. Plus it was kind of windy and just a nasty day. However the rain held off and today they are back in the sunshine and will finish up. I did get myself on the treadmill (first time on that in forever!) for a short run and then last night went to my exercise class.

    Very warm here today, unseasonable warm. Suppose to get up to 20*C I think (68*F) which is pretty much summer temp for where I am. Planning to run this morning, hard to believe I will be able to wear a tank top!

    Lisa - great pic - beautiful rainbow! We are having the same temps as you I believe!

    Brenda - glad that you were able to get your run in....better late than never!

    cindytw - welcome back, sounds like a fantastic vacation

    cindy - have a good trip and great time dancing!! :)

  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning all! Another beautiful day here. I wish I could just sit on my porch enjoying a good book and soaking up the beautiful sunshine, after a run. I can't though, I have to work.

    I went to the gym the this morning for weight lifting. I have been going easy on myself so that my mom can keep up. I am not doing that anymore. I successfully squatted 130lbs & benched 85lbs. I am also doing lunges when I am out and about in the store. I just discovered that it is 15 lunges from my desk to the cash out area. So if customers are not in the store I can do silly things like that :D

    Maureen: It does sound like we are getting the same weather. I just wish that it could be like this for a little while longer. I know it will not last though!

    Have a great day!
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    Thanks everyone for the welcome back! I have already started losing the bloat! Got right back on track when I got home, over calories but back to what I need to do (Paleo/Primal). My tummy was certainly not happy either when I got home! I took a "vacation" from worrying about what I eat too and am not better for that either!

    Re-started Couch to 5K last night, and did weights and walking tonight. Doing a modest calorie deficit, so I will be able to stick to it easier. So far so good!

    Have fun Cindy!

    Good job Brenda!

    Lisa I hear you on the exhaustion from walking around like that! My highest was 20,000 steps and it was when we were camping and went to a concert at an amusement park! Whew! I am usually no flour or sugar, and need to be no dairy too but cheese is like crack to me! I continue to try and shake it! I am likely allergic to some or all dairy.

    Maureen it is really warm here too in Upstate NY! I was worried it would be too cold to do outside things like painting after our trip but it was 78F yesterday and 72F today. Guess I didn't need to stress and scramble! I am hoping to finish painting the deck Sunday.

    Hope everyone has a great Thursday!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning all! This week is flying by.

    I went for a run already this morning. I am getting used to running in the dark & it isn't bothering me as much. I get to watch the sunrise as I run, so that is pretty lucky. I sure am slow this week though. Not sure what is going on there.

    Cindy: I am going away in a couple of weeks & I am trying to figure out how to avoid that yucky feeling from not eating properly. It is not easy!

    Have a great day!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Morning girls!

    Can't wait to go for my hair appt this morning, a cut and color is much needed here! Its raining, windy, I guess its part of hurricane Gonzolo. So, I doubt there will be running in store for me today, maybe on the treadmill. Or maybe I'll do a JM workout in the basement. It will be nice and cool down there.
    Lisa - glad that you're getting your early morning runs in, I think once you get use to getting up it would be a great time for running.

    Cindytw - glad that you're getting back into the old routine and the vacation bloat is disappearing. It usually doesn't take too long, drink up lots of water to flush it out.

  • summerluno2

    Back from TN late last night. Had a great time, but boy is it hard to eat healthy down south!!!! I did okay, not awful, not where I would want to be, but okay. I didn't get any workouts in :( so have some extra to do this weekend.

    Just saying hi … have a lot of emails to catch up on.

    I'll try to check in over the weekend -have a great one all!
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    Hi! I have been doing good with getting my steps in an with re-doing C25K, but my food is less than stellar. I start out good and blow it late at night! Hubby and I both struggling with cravings and just not feeling satisfied. Must be from not giving a crap what I ate for about 2 weeks! At least I haven't eaten "real" junk, just went over calories and made some homemade chicken tenders late nights. Had a gluten free grilled cheese tonight, which is not the greatest for me either, but not as bad as I could have done. Slowly but surely, I WILL get back in the swing of things!

    Welcome home Cindy!

    Lisa I usually do better because I am much more worried about my GI stuff! I took a vacation form worrying about it and it mostly worked out! Until the end! Plate of nachos at the airport that was loaded with things my body hates! Plus, the stress of coming home didn't help anything! I usually focus on the negative consequences when I sit down to eat to help keep me on track. Sometimes it isn't enough though, and whatever it is I want at the time is worth the crappy feeling after!

    Maureen I like running in the rain if its warm, but the wind will definitely kill it for me! I have been on runs where I was running uphill against the wind and I swore never again! LOL
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Happy Saturday! Well it's been a busy - only got my exercise in on Monday. Was up at 5:30 every morning, but only so I could get to work. Had to be home by 4 pm each day when my son gets off the bus, then it was running here and there moving equipment and combining - yep, it's harvest season again! Up early again this morning to move equipment to another field, then back home to clean and do laundry. Hopefully we will finish up this weekend so I can get back to "normal" next week. I'm planning on starting JM 90 day Body Revolution on Monday. I need to get back into a solid routine with the holidays coming.

    Have a great day!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Good morning! Well, I'm a little sore today from four hours of cleaning out the gardening yesterday. My fault since I haven't been doing any strength training for over a week. Tomorrow I start JMBR, so will rest and recoup today....well...after I clean the garage and wash windows :) .

    Have a great Sunday!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    edited October 2014
    I am just sooooo tired! I am waking up too early EVERY day. Went to DS's hockey game I instead of running. Last year I used to drive in early with them & run home. I may have to do that again to get my butt in gear.

    I might be going to see mama Mia with a friend tonight. Should be fun.

    Have a great day!
  • summerluno2
    Lisa - Mama Mia sounds so fun - hope you went!!!

    Brenda, good luck with JMBR, I have that but never got past week 3 last year. This summer I've built up stamina with the running so maybe once the cold hits, I'll try it again. I just bough the 80's "Buns of Steel", ha ha, but the reviews were just recent on Amazon, saying if you could get past all the 80's the workout is awesome so I'm starting that tomorrow along with my runs.

    Maureen, you 90 min runs are amazing!!!!!!!!!!

    Cindytw, funny on the wind. I just went to the HS Track with my friend and we started running and the wind was against us so I said we should turn, we did. All was good … until we got to the other side of the track (duh me, it was a circle and we weren't getting away from the wind!). Oh well…..

    2nd week of changing up my foods and I must say I like being out of the rut of the same ole. I've even adventured into some 'bad' meals (like lasagna tonight), but I'm keeping the rest of the day good and may calories at 1200 so I'm okay with it.

    Have tomorrow off; shopping with my friend, be a good day :)

    Babbled enough …. nite all!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning all!

    Mama Mia was great! It was fun to hang out with an old friend and laugh and relax. I don't do stuff like that very often. My family and business take up the majority of my time. Hopefully I will start making the time more often, because it makes me feel more myself (not just mom, wife, business owner, boss!)

    Today of course I slept until my alarm. I probably would have slept forever! Oh well. I am heading to the gym to get my workout in.

    Next week we are on vacation for 3 days. The count down begins!

    Have a great Monday!