Today I Will ______________



  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Hi! Up late this morning. Took the day off to spend with my son. We went into town and had a great day! Will start JMBR tomorrow.

    Lisa, glad you had a great time at Mama Mia - yep, have to do that once in a while for sure!

    Cindy, let me know how 80's buns of steel is - always looking for something fun and different - even with the 80s!

    Have a great rest of the day!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning all!

    Today I could have slept in & guess what? I woke up at 2:45! Dammit! I stayed in bed until 6, then I was waiting for it to lighten up a bit outside for a run & before I knew it was 7:30 & I had blown my opportunity to run. Turns out it was rainy & windy & cold. Not a good running day.

    I made a decision this morning. I am going to go to the gym for 6:15 every morning that I have to work in order to get my runs in. Running reduces stress & anxiety for me, and just generally improves my mood. I will get over the fact that I am self conscious & just smile & pretend I am having fun running inside.

    Brenda: Nice to take a day off to spend with your son.

    Have a great day!
  • summerluno2
    Lisa 2:45 is AWFUL! So sorry!!! Do not be self conscious at all - you are there and doing amazing so keep it up and enjoy your time at the gym. Everybody has to start some place :)

    Brenda, glad you had some time with your son; enjoy those moments; they go by so fast! The Buns of Steel is working -- my glutes are hurting'! I haven't done the entire dvd as it's still been nice enough to be outside so I've been doing about 15 mins of it after my run. Can't imagine what the entire dvd will do to me, but we have 2 days of straight rain coming in tomorrow so I may be able to let you know. There are some snippets on you-tube you can check out.

    Maureen, Cindytw - hope you ladies are doing well :)

  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi! I basically did nothing for all of yesterday, I really needed a lazy day! Watched marathons on TV, Sex & the City was on! :D I was so sleepy, I didn't get much sleep the 2 days before. Been having more and more trouble sleeping lately. I just bought a supplement to try to help me sleep at night, hoping it works! If not, there are lots more things to try!
    Lisa sorry you were up so early, I have trouble sleeping a lot too. As for the gym, there will always be someone there doing worse than you!
    Brenda glad you had a good day!
    Cindy thanks for thinking of me! I remember some of the 80's videos...I wouldn't mind finding Callanetics again! That was a full body killer that seemed so easy to watch until you actually DID the motions! >:)
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Happy Hump Day!

    I will do my best to not be self conscious tomorrow. It is going to be COLD tomorrow morning so I know I will not run outside, so it will be a gym run. My mom & I hopped on the treadmill after weight lifting & pushups to see how it feels. It was fine & felt good. I will just run in the women's area, & do intervals to make the time pass faster.

    I would love to lose 25lbs before my cruise which is in 87 days (not that I am counting!), so I have to get a move on & get running & being careful about my food. I will be happy with whatever I lose, but that is my ultimate goal. Not going to stress out or be sad or have a ruined vacation if it doesn't happen, but it would be really nice for pictures :smiley:

    Hope your day is going well!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Good afternoon! Was in to work early this morning again so ran when I got home tonight. A little sore from JMBR yesterday, but all is good!

    Cindy, I checked out a video on line - those outfits did make me chuckle, but it looks like a good workout!

    Cindytw, lazy days are great and definitely needed once in awhile!

    Lisa, hope your sleeping gets better. I agree with Cindy, no need to be self-conscious - you are doing great!

    Have a great evening!
  • summerluno2
    Hello … today was my lazy day. Rainy, cold and last day off of work so used it to nap, laundry and get Noah some new tires. I just packed my workout clothes so I can get some gym time in tomorrow as I won't be able to run as it's 1 more day of rain. So Cindytw, thanks for giving me the lazy day idea ;-) Tmrw; let's kick butt!

    Brenda, the dvd IS working … My back legs and butt are sore!!!!!! Sounds like you had a productive day so nice job!

    Lisa, enjoy your run tmrw - I think it's great that not only are you making it a point to still run and not use the weather as an excuse but more importantly, you are doing it even though you aren't 100% comfortable -- True dedication!!!! Keep pushing it and on your cruise it'll all be worth it!

    Nite ladies!
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    It has been really dreary, dark, rainy and chilly here for about a week now and I am having a really hard time adjusting from sun all day every day in Jamaica to THIS! :( I think that is what is screwing up my sleep as bad as it is too. I did great there!

    Lisa, you can do it! Personally, I would rather stab my eyes out than run on the treadmill! I actually had one and gave it away it was so torturous to me! I would rather layer up, dress appropriately and go outside. But some people really like the treadmill in bad weather.

    Brenda, I think we all need them!

    Cindy, sorry it was contagious! LOL
  • summerluno2

    Cindytw, ha ha on the stab your eye out …. I bet if worse came to worse ;-)

    Today is horrific outside - flash floods everyone. Literally saw 2 pumpkins floating down the road this morning!!! Brought my workout clothes so will hit the gym at lunch. They have this machine that is a cross between an elliptical and a treadmill and it kicks my @$(@!!! Haven't been on it in a LONG time so plan on 30 mins of it today. Between that and the Buns of Steel I'll be hurting tomorrow, but a good hurt.

    How's everyone's October goals going? I think I'm going to make them all. This will be my first month completing all of them since we started in May so I'm happy for that!!!

    Lisa, how was the gym?

    Talk soon ladies … 2 more days til the weekend so make them count!!!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning!

    Cindy, honestly I do not look forward to running on the treadmill. Not quite to the point of stabbing my eyes out, but close!

    This morning, I walked out the door with my keys, my towel, & everything that I needed for a run at the gym and turned around dropped it off & ran outside. It was beautiful, starry, just a little chilly, but better than the dreadmill. Still not a fan of running in the dark, but I live in a safe area. As long as I am out the door for 6:25, on work days, I will get my run in. I really don't have an excuse, outside or gym just gotta get out there.

    Thanks for all the encouragement! I was going to go no matter what, just because I wrote on here that I would do it!

    Have a great day!
  • summerluno2
    Hi Hi ….

    Didn't get to the gym today :( First day back at work after 3 days off so was a bit crazy. Figured if I logged in now, added my foods and admitted I didn't work out, I'd feel guilted into a dvd :)

    About to log and then I'll do my dvd - don't want to, but know I'll feel better after.

    Thanks for the accountability!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Evening all! Got my JMBR workout in today. It's definitely easier this time around. I'm using heavier weights and doing the modified version for most of it. Feel pretty good about that!

    Cindy, holy floating pumpkins batman!! Wow! We've had one day of rain this week, but other than that it's been in the 70's.

    I run on the treadmill two to three times a week and have not even gotten close to stabbing my eyes out.....okay.....maybe slightly close. I dream of being able to run outside, but would rather run on the treadmill than risk the chance of getting hit by a crazy driver on our country roads. I listen to Zombies, Run and music as well as watch a video of running in different places (Sidney, Germany, New Zealand, etc.). Gotta do watcha gotta do!!

    Have a great evening!
  • summerluno2

    Happy FRIDAY!!!!

    Lisa, glad you got to run outside yesterday - and that your moto was that you were going to run no matter where!!! Brenda, cool idea to watch video while running!

    I ended up doing JM 30 day shred yesterday to have something different - she always makes you burn!!!

    Have my niece's bday party this weekend and I never do good around food. I'm going to change that this time around and do good!!!! I'll have 1 slice pizza instead of 2 and then eat 1/2 the cake I'm given. Now that I said it out loud; I'll have to ;-)

    Maureen, Cindytw & Emmy (who we miss) hope all is well!!!

    Hope you all have a great weekend!!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning!

    Cindy: Good luck with the bday party. That is always my challenge too! The socializing around the snack table usually gets me!

    I did lift weights today. My shoulder hurts, so much so, that it woke me up in the night & kinda hurts to breath when it spasms.. Some days I feel kinda old. I am probably in better shape then when I was in my 20s, but I feel like things hurt a lot more. Oh well, just gotta keep at keeping at it :)

    Have a great Friday!

  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Good morning!

    Will run today. The afternoon thing seems to be working so will stick with that for awhile.

    Lisa, I know what you mean about feeling old some days. I too feel I am in the best shape I have ever been, but like this week - started JMBR and am still sore from Tuesday! My son told me yesterday he was going to give me a potion so I would live forever and I could pick whatever age I wanted to be at - I choose 45 because I truly feel better now than I ever have!!

    Cindy, good luck with the birthday party - the cake is what always gets me!

    Have a great weekend!
  • summerluno2
    Brenda, your son sounds so cute! How sweet :) Enjoy your run today!

    I will do good at the party today. Found out the menu got worse - mac n cheese, fried chicken, calzone and salads. So…… I'll eat before I leave, take a small piece of calzone and have some salad. I'll make it work. Again, if I tell you all, I'll stick to it, if I don't I'll fail miserably.

    Lisa/Brenda, hope your soreness goes away - but it's a good sore :)

    Just checking in to say hi and morning …. think healthy this weekend!!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning all! I am sitting in a cold arena right now waiting for my son's hockey game to start. Typical Canadian, eh?

    I went for a run this morning. Started our early to make it to watch hockey, planned to do 10, but I fell. I didn't really hurt anything too bad. My hand, my hip, and my leg are a little sore but decided not to run the full 10km because I am always sore after that. I did not want to be injured for our trip this week.

    Have a great day!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Good morning!

    Lisa, glad are ok after the fall!

    Cindy, good idea about eating before going to the party. Hope all went well!

    Didn't run yesterday - well not on the treadmill anyway. After the housecleaning, my son and I carved pumpkins and then ran around outside. It was a beautiful day. So not a "technical run", but still running! Today is my day off. Going to make a point starting Monday to get up at 5:15 every morning and complete JMBR.

    Have a great day!
  • summerluno2
    Kudos to all of you that work out in the morning. I stay in my flannel sheets as long as possible!!!! :)

    Lisa, glad you are okay.

    Brenda I did alright - not as good as I exaggerated in my postings, but much better than the old me. The only extra I had was a piece of apple pie. But I'm okay with it, as I said I did 3-fold better than normal.

    Enjoy JMBR - she does move ya!

    I must get 15 miles in by Friday to meet my 50 miles for October; so I'll be doing a lot of walking this week … I'm not going to miss my Oct goal by a few miles :)

    Have a great day!
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    Hi all! Been having a hard time sleeping this week, and once I get to sleep waking up way too early and tossing and turning. Got some supplements that really didn't work. Been doing a little better the last 2 nights, but still not good.

    Discovered a leak in my bathroom (inside my bedroom) that I thought was from the roof, but nothing seemed amiss up there. Took down the plumbing access panel, and OMG! MOLD, and wet! Thought it was the pipes but it isn't, so IDK. Found a problem with the window too, rotting out the sill. Not fun! No wonder my allergies have been bad! For tonight, I bleached down and cleaned the mold and took out the pieces we removed to throw away, covered the rotten windowsill until I can get at that, and have fans on the wet shower area hoping to dry it out. No idea what is going on, it seems like a plumbing problem but everything is fine!

    Good job to all getting the runs and exercise in! I have not, except stacking fire wood. Been off my game all week from this insomnia! Got close to 10K steps, but only made it 1 day. Tomorrow will probably be all about home projects now, so best I can hope for is Tuesday to get back into it.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!