Today I Will ______________



  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    G'Morning all!

    I have already been for my run this morning. I have run more this month then ever before I think. With the 10km that I plan to do tomorrow & 5km on Tuesday I will be over 75km. I thought tomorrow was the last run of the month so I didn't think I was going to make it. With a bonus day it will definitely will motivate me to get out there!

    I didn't really follow a recipe for the spaghetti squash lasagna. This recipe is similar to what I made:
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Good morning! Today I'm going to either do yoga or JM. I'm also actually planning this weeks meals. I've always talked about doing it, but never actually done it - today I'm doing it. Got my calendar out and am making a plan. I didn't cook at all this past week. My husband mentioned this morning he thinks he's losing weight because he pulled is belt in an extra notch. I said well maybe it's a good thing I didn't cook at all last week! He didn't think that was funny, so better start cooking! I did make a spicy honey glazed chicken thigh recipe last night and OMG was it awesome! Will definitely be making that again.

    Lisa, great job on the running!! You rock!

    Have a great day!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Happy Monday!

    I am up bright & early (way too early actually) and getting ready to go to the gym. I ran yesterday. It was a struggle but I did 7.3km. It was a battle to get myself out there. Even though it was a beautiful day, it was a little hot & humid for the end of September. We actually turned our AC on last night! DS had a hockey game at 9am so I ran after that because I didn't have time to do 10km before, so going out later made it really hard for me.

    I volunteered to help moderate the fitness challenge that I joined in September. It is a 9 month challenge (goes to May) that I really love the idea of. Their tag line was "In 9 months a new person is born" the founding moderators didn't have time, and since I am coming into slow season, where my only focus will be fitness, I volunteered. I think that is the reason I have done so many kilometers this month. Moderating will ensure that I stick it out.
    Here is the link if anyone is interested in joining:

    Have a good day!
  • summerluno2
    Happy Monday (if those 2 words can even belong together :wink: ).

    Lisa, thanks for the squash recipe - the picture is enough to make me want it now!!!! Will try this week. I'm going to check out your blog for the 9 month fitness group. I'm worried that within a month when it's cold and I can't get out there I may start to not be as dedicated.

    Brenda, Nice on meal planning!!! Funny your husband didn't think it was okay you didn't' cook. You can give him a map to the kitchen and stove ;-) Honey glazed chicken sounds yum … i'll take the recipe! Glad you're going to try the chicken burgers - they are easy and good! I don't even use a bun with mine and still really like. The secret is enough onions, garlic and seasonings to give it some flavor and brown up good in the pan (I use parm cheese also).

    Today is 100% the night for spring rolls. My son isn't working and even if he is; I waited too long and it's on the menu for tonight :)

    Lisa, I too got a lot of miles in for the month with 2 more days to go. My goal was 50 and I made that plus a few extra. With the upcoming cold months, I'm going to keep that as a focus to make sure I get out there.

    Going to the chiropractor today, neck has been bothering me for a month or two and I think a visit there will help straighten it out. I usually go 1-2x a year and it really does feel good afterwards.

    Have a great day …. and think skinny this week!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Good afternoon! Slept in this morning:frown:. Told myself yesterday that starting Monday I would get up at 5:00 am every day, including weekends, so I could exercise and have some time for myself and make the 5:00 am thing a habit. Guess I'll have to start that tomorrow now. Makes me crabby all day when I don't get up and exercise, so I must make a point to do it. Now today I will have to exercise when I get home and my son doesn't like that so much because he wants to play!

    Lisa, I looked up your squash lasagna recipe and it looks awesome! Printed it and will add it to my meal plan. I actually planned an entire week for meals! Feels pretty good knowing what I am going to make when I get home tonight. I'm hoping this will also help with my grocery bill!!

    Cindy, here is the link to the spicy chicken - Enjoy!

    Have a great day!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning all!

    I am procrastinating going out for a run. It is dark, chilly & might still be raining! I even cleaned out the veggie drawers in the fridge this morning :laugh: I have done already over 70km of running this month. That is the most I have ever run in a month. I even took a week off! I am proud of that, but would like to finish off with another 5km.

    I am a little (actually a lot) frustrated that my weight is not moving. I have exercised 8 days in a row, had less than 1500 calories every day & my weight went up 4lbs. I know it is probably water from extra exercising pain, TOM, and who knows what else, but it sucks. I am pretty hungry, have cut my calories to a net of 1090 because I really want to lose 30lbs by the cruise in January. I was hoping for 10lbs for the end of October. Hopefully I will get a sudden whoosh soon & it will just be all gone!

    Brenda: I love meal planning for the week. Cooking ahead on Sunday also helps. I don't always stick to the order of the planned meals, but it helps to not have to think about it when I get home. I find that meal planning helps with wasted food. I have a lot less when everything is planned & cooked.

    Cindy: How were the spring rolls? Are you liking your fitbit? Is it motivating you to move more? Good job meeting your miles goal! I joined the challenge because of those winter months. Last winter I did not run at all December-February. Hopefully this will keep me moving the entire year.

    Have a great day!
  • summerluno2

    Brenda, I've grown to learn I will never get up early to do anything. It's not like I sleep til 9 or anything, but I've always wanted that extra hour for myself and even in the summer on the nice warm days, it just doesn't happen for me. I'll be envious if you make it work! Good luck :) Thanks for sharing the recipe as well.

    Lisa, that is awesome on the miles - especially with a week off!!! I joined the group for that same reason; keep me moving in the winter. Thanks for sharing the link to it. Sorry for your no weight loss; keep at it --- it will happen! But definitely sucks in the meantime. You are so dedicated so I can say with confidence it will work. One thing I learned int he past few months is to put my fruits and carbs before 2:00 to give that sugar extra time to burn - can you try a small change like that? I also try to keep my carbs within the Fitness Pal ratio and only use the real/good carbs - sweet potato, oatmeal, etc. Trust me, I'm not perfect in this area by far; but when I do these things I notice a difference that week. Cheering you on - I know you'll make it!

    Maureen, just saw your post you are on vacation - enjoy!!!!!!

    Last night I realized my nights of outside running are at an end; I barely made 20 mins before it was dark - my streets have no street lights so it's very dark! :( Looks like I'll need to start 2-3 days of walking during lunch, using JM DVDs at night and then weekend runs. It's officially not summer :(:(:(

    Lisa, my fitbit…… I returned. I found the excitement wore off by Saturday and I was doing my regular routines and not changing much around. For $100 I wanted to be really using it and into it. I use the MapMyWalk on my iPhone when i'm outside and I get the same benefits for free so decided to stick with that. Been since Sunday I haven't used it and I don't really feel a loss.

    Hope everyone else is doing great …. talk soon!!!!!
  • summerluno2
    Oh, made the spring rolls. MESSY! Overall they were pretty good. The only thing is they were heavy as I fried them. I definitely want to try again, but wanted to try baking them to see if I can get that crisp without the heavy oil feeling afterwards. If I can master that, these will definitely be a great change. At 170 calories for 3 rolls would be a nice change of menus. I'll try again soon and let you all know.
  • 111YoYo111
    111YoYo111 Posts: 213 Member
    Greetings Ladies,

    I also have a cruise Ipeltenburg but Dec 20. Think I can shave off 41 lbs by then? I doubt it but I have to give it a try. The only other vacation I have ever had was Cancun last Feb. and I looked very pregnant. Then I lost all the weight by Dec and promptly put it back on again. I gotta stop that cycle for good. Looking forward to having others to commiserate with. :smile:
  • summerluno2
    Happy October!

    New month … new goals. Fill up your goal sheet!

    Son's bday today so a little more difficult food wise, but I will make it work!!!!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Happy October! Happy to be finished September. That was a long month for me!

    I have been to the gym this morning. It is the 1st day in 2 weeks that I slept well, and all the way to 5:00! WOO HOO! (my daughter tells me that is just sad that I am happy to slept until 5am, buy hey 3:30am sucks more!)

    Welcome Lonnie. 41lbs by December seems a little over ambitious :) You never know, maybe you are retaining 20lbs of water?! I lost 10lbs in one week once because I had just gotten back from a conference where I gained 10lbs! Where are you cruising to? We are going to Antigua, St. Thomas, San Juan & Nassau.

    Turkey chili is in the crock pot cooking while I work today. I love coming home to supper already cooked.

    have a great day!
  • 111YoYo111
    111YoYo111 Posts: 213 Member
    Thanks lpeltenburg

    I know insomnia well too though it seems to finally have left me. I did 2 1/2 weeks in the hospital trying to find out what was causing it because I finally collapsed in my kitchen. I hope you continue to sleep well. I wouldn't wish insomnia on my worst enemy.

    I am going to Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan and Cabo San Lucas. Hoping the patches work as I usually get awful motion sickness. I will spend a week in LA first. Only my second vacay ever, really looking forward to it.

  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    I slept in till 6:00 this morning so will have to exercise tonight. Son has "Sunday school" tonight so will have an hour to get it done.

    Turkey chili sounds really good! Tonight is our "leftover" night so I won't have to cook - woohoo! I'm really liking the meal planning and knowing what's for supper. Now I just need to plan my lunches! Went out for lunch today to Mexico Viejo. Only ate a couple of the chips and didn't finish the chicken enchilada so probably not too bad, but would be better to eat something healthier! (and cheaper too!)

    Have a great day!
  • summerluno2
    Hello everyone. Today was an off day for me, not awful, but no workout and I did have friend chicken for dinner - only ate 1/2, but lets face it fried anything is fried. I probably wasn't much over my calories (still need to log) as I did real earlier in the day, So won't beat myself up - just push a little harder tomorrow.

    My son and I went to the sporting store before dinner and I bought myself a windbreaker so I'd have to run when gets cool out. I figured if I spent money I'd feel like I have to. I hate the cold so much I always find an excuse to not go out - let's see if a $60 jacket breaks the trend :)

    Brenda, sounds like you got your October goals in place -- and the meal planning is working - keep it up!!!

    Nite all :)
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning all!

    Another good sleep for me! What a difference that makes. I started drinking chamomile tea before bed, for 2 nights, and got a good sleep for 2 nights. Not sure if it is just a coincidence but I will take it!

    Brenda: for lunches to make it simple I usually make up a big pot of soup or a big salad on Sunday, put it in containers and bring that every day for lunch. I cook a huge amount of chicken & bring that with my veggie soup. This week I also cut up celery & bagged them to have with the those 100 calorie containers of hummus from Costco. I am not able to go out to grab lunch, right now as I have no employees, but I never do anyway. I would rather spend $50/week on clothes or shoes then food!

    Lonnie: We went on our 1st cruise last January. I did some reading and they said that vigorous exercise while on the ship helps with the motion sickness & the sea legs after you get off. I was fine on the ship, but for 2 weeks after, every once in a while, I would feel the ship move. I plan to run every day that I am there this year to avoid that.

    Cindy: Good idea about the jacket. I also bought myself a head lamp that I can wear when it is really dark. I haven't worn it yet because I feel like a bit of a dork, but better than getting hit by a car!

    Have a great day! I am almost ready to head out for a run!
  • summerluno2
    Ha Ha Lisa …. nah on the dork - plus who will know it's you! I bough this little thing that clips on my jacket and flashes light. I have a lot of side streets near me so hoping that will be enough. No street lights at all though, so may need to dork it out with you ;-) I like your lunch idea --- I don't get that far ahead but seems easy and would love it M-F!!!!! Since my son's accident I go through spurts where I don't sleep at all … just the other day somebody recommended the chamomile tea to me and I brushed it off --- this may be a sign I shouldn't! Work has that flavor (probably not smart if it makes you tired!), but I'll grab a bag or two and try before I buy a whole box.

    It's rainy and cold here - true fall weather. But I've already called a friend to go out tonight. I figured between a jacket and a friend I have no excuses for no!

    Busy day at work so off now …. everyone have a great one and stay good!
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    Hi all, sorry I joined and then went MIA! I have been on, just quickly! I am stressed to the max trying to get our outdoor stuff done, errands, bills organization of the house for when we are away! For example today, I was up at 8am (unheard of for this night owl!), at the haridresser by 9, in the mall looking for clothes by 10, chiropractor at 12, packing up and taking the dog to his "grandparents" by 1:30, pick up prescription, that wasn't ready, work at 3! Walmart after work, catch up with husband, adding to To-Do List! Still going here at 3 am! I am going to crash hard, hopefully on the plane! Hvae deck finishing to still do, packing, cleaning, banking, argh! We leave for the airport at 3 am tomorrow!
  • summerluno2
    Hi all, sorry I joined and then went MIA! I have been on, just quickly! I am stressed to the max trying to get our outdoor stuff done, errands, bills organization of the house for when we are away! For example today, I was up at 8am (unheard of for this night owl!), at the haridresser by 9, in the mall looking for clothes by 10, chiropractor at 12, packing up and taking the dog to his "grandparents" by 1:30, pick up prescription, that wasn't ready, work at 3! Walmart after work, catch up with husband, adding to To-Do List! Still going here at 3 am! I am going to crash hard, hopefully on the plane! Hvae deck finishing to still do, packing, cleaning, banking, argh! We leave for the airport at 3 am tomorrow!

    3am will be here soon. Enjoy your trip!!!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Good morning and happy Friday!! Going to take today off from exercising, my legs are sore from the JM dvd the other day and my hip is hurting. Pretty sure it's the weather - went from 75 degrees to 40. Cold today and VERY windy. Yep, looks like summer is truly over....bummer.

    Lisa, thanks for the great lunch ideas. I need to eat more veggies and always want to snack in the morning, so I'm going to bag some up this weekend to snack on at work. Soup will be great now that it's getting cold. I have a few garden tomatoes to use up so I think I'll make tomato soup this weekend to have for lunch. Glad your sleeping well!

    Cindytw - enjoy your trip!

    Have a great day!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Well, my store is slow because of rain & cool weather but I have decided to redesign our on-line store & start marketing it. That means I am sitting on my behind for hours Inputting products & learning a whole new system. Sure does keep me entertained so that I am not tempted by the candy in our store! I set my fit bit to buzz me every hour so that I get up & walk around & drink water.

    I wen to the gym this morning after getting up at 4:30. I guess I am only allowed 2 good night of sleep. Hopefully tonight will be another good one.

    Enjoy the rest of your Friday!