JUNE 2014 - Move Your @ss Challenge



  • jakki1227
    jakki1227 Posts: 93 Member
    I am going to try for 35 this month.

    06/07 5 miles
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    6/1: bicycling 16.92km
    6/3: bicycling 11.4km, rowing 2km
    6/4: bicycling 14.22km
    6/5: bicycling 21.17km
    6/7: running 4.04km
    6/8: running 7.82km
    6/9: bicycling 18.43km

    Total: 96km
    Left: 74km

  • ala140
    ala140 Posts: 140 Member
    6/2 - 4.6 miles (3.6 bike, 1 treadmill)
    6/3 - 5 bike
    6/7 - 5.74 (1.24 trail, 4.5 bike)
    6/9 - 1.36 trail
    Mtd - 16.7 miles
  • spikesmom
    spikesmom Posts: 441 Member
    Rainy day didn't keep me from getting in a long run yesterday!

    8.74 miles including warm-up, cool down. My longest run ever!

    That's great, I hope to be able to hit that mileage someday :)
  • SqueakMonster
    miles thru Sunday, June 8th:

    6/2 - 1/2 mile
    6/3 - 1/2 mile
    6/4 - 1 mile
    6/5 - 1 mile
    6/6 - no miles
    6/7 - 3.1 miles (5K race)
    6/8 - 1/2 mile
  • JennyKCarty
    JennyKCarty Posts: 457 Member
    I'm going for 165 miles this month.

    6/1- 4.1
    6/2- 3.7
    6/3- 4.6
    6/4- 5.4
    6/5- 2.8
    6/6- 7.4
    6/7- 1.2
    6/8- 9.9

    Total- 39.1

  • phytogurl
    phytogurl Posts: 671 Member
    6/9 9.39 miles mtb today before work and before it gets really hot, mtd 46.56
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    Back for another month - The heat is on - Setting my goal for June at 120 miles !!!

    June 2nd: 5 miles (*Running*)
    June 4th: 10 miles (*Road Cycling*)
    June 4th: 1.75 miles (*Swimming - Drills*)

    ***JUNE 8TH - GREATER NASHUA TRIATHLON (Spint Distance)***
    It was truly a great day – Here’s my recap: The weather was amazing, the water temp was perfect and a friend was ready to check an item off his “bucket-list” and try not drown in the process. My bike was prepped, gear laid out in the right place/order and I squeezed into my wetsuit and headed down to the water. I was in wave 10 and watched the younger “kids” go 1st – it was awesome. Then it was my turn … cap on, goggles secured and into the water I went (felt nice and cool). Had a fantastic swim (.33 miles) got into my stride before the 1st turn and lead my wave out of the water w/ a time 9:08 (*1:32 faster than last year). Transition #1 went well and I was on my bike quickly. The course was 10 miles and my pace was 16.5 mph with a finish of 34:55 (*2:24 faster than last year). Transition #2 went quickly and I was off and running. Got my “running legs” under me by the 1st quarter mile. Everything was going great until about mile 2. I started to cramp up, both hamstrings, the left was worse, I slowed my pace, but I kept pushing myself. *Note: I had been hydrating the entire morning and throughout the race, but apparently not enough to account for the higher than forecasted temps and severe lack of shade on the course (Blah, blah, blah . . . excuses, excuses). Somewhere just after mile 2, I had to stop, stretch and massage my legs for a bit. The stoppage was less than a minute and I hated it, every second of it!!! I started running again and kept going determined not to stop until I finished and I never did . . . I finished the run with a time of 38:12 - not my best time for a 5k that’s for sure. My total time for the triathlon was 1:30:21. Ultimately, I was faster than last year in total, but I know that I could have been faster and that is what still bothers me and will motivate me . . . So now it’s back to training for the next race (RibFest 5-miler on Father's Day), back to researching hydration/fuel solutions, back to conditioning drills and even back to my life. PS: I hate running :-)
    **Swim: .33 miles
    **Bike: 10 miles
    **Run: 3.25 miles

    June 9th: .5 miles (*Drills*)

    *Total (So far): 28 miles
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Hopefully back on track this month after May's accident put me off the bike for 5-6 days

    Going for the usual 1000 miles

    01-06: 40.97 miles (7.08 on turbo)
    02-06: 45.18 miles (2.63 turbo)
    03-06: 42.38 miles
    04-06: 45.13 miles
    05-06: 45.25 miles
    06-06: 50.18 miles
    07-06: 45.58 miles
    08-06: 60.10 miles
    09-06: 45.30 miles
    June Miles: 420.07

    YTD Miles 5908
  • jennybex
    jennybex Posts: 33 Member
    22.92 so far this month
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    Sorry, three days to book

    7th June 3.96 miles

    8th June 4.98 miles

    today 4.92 miles

    38.29 miles walked to date
  • Lovemyalex
    Lovemyalex Posts: 3,842 Member
    Exercise total for

    Monday 6/09

    (Exercise bike 34.10 miles & walk 1.25 miles)

    **total 35.35 miles for today

    ***305.57 miles done and 644.43 miles to go....:happy:
  • CorrieJane
    CorrieJane Posts: 249 Member
    adding 5!! 2.5 on friday and 2.5 on sunday!

  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,156 Member
    3.7 mile walk.

  • AreUjoking2
    AreUjoking2 Posts: 142
    June 1st- 25.3 miles
    June 3rd- 40.5 miles
    June 5th- 32.2 miles
    June 9th- 4.8 miles with kids

    Total June miles 102.8
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,335 Member
    New total 24 .18 miles
  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,463 Member
    Taking a rest day, just a short walk.

    06/08 - 20.5 miles biking
    06/09 - 1.5 miles walking

    Total: 97.5 miles

  • JTH11706
    JTH11706 Posts: 2,944 Member
    3 miles walking around the city. Slowly getting my computer working again - had to remake my ticker though.

  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,399 Member
    June 9: 10 miles walking and running

    TTD: 128 miles

  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    17.3 miles added today during spin class - this was my last spin class before I head off to vacation... I admit, I'm a bit nervous about missing the class for 2 weeks straight. I'm going to stay active, but it's really not going to be the same.

    I will keep track of my walking/running/hiking mileage while I'm gone (I don't leave until Thursday, but have a lot of appointments between now and then which will keep me out of spin class), but likely won't be able to post much while I'm gone - so have a great couple of weeks and I'll post as I'm able :)

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