JUNE 2014 - Move Your @ss Challenge



  • jennwhite34
    jennwhite34 Posts: 534 Member
    6/21 - 3.1 miles exercise bike

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member


    5 miles for me

    35 total
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    Friday walked 5.91 miles

    Today walked 4.26 miles

    100.61 miles walked to date
  • belle_74
    belle_74 Posts: 934 Member
    ... I have a busy week ahead if I am to catch-up with myself! Was feeling very lazy this week. We have our annual week of sunshine so it was so much easier to laze around than run :laugh:

  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    KAR328 - Bummer, sorry to hear your hip is bothering you again. Mine bothers me when I walk. It's fine when I run. Wanna trade? :laugh::bigsmile: Mine seems to be the piriformis muscle and has the added bonus of sciatic pain...especially when going up stairs. I'm trying to stretch it a couple times a day and I'm also foam rolling the heck out of it trying to beat it into submission. :laugh: Some days it works, others not so well.

    I've been reading up on that muscle. Mine also hurts more going up steps or inclines than down them. I did stop googling hip fractures since the pain was completely gone for over a week and I did a few miles on them. I've found some stretches, the pigeon pose works well and I use a foam roller but probably need to do more. I'm going to NYC in two weeks and need the legs so I'll stick with walking for now.

    PS - you're higher on my Fitbit dashboard than you usually are. Nice going! :flowerforyou:
    What are the odds you're having similar pains?!? I haven't tried that pigeon pose....I'm doing a different variation (don't know the name for it), but it hurts so bad. I can't stretch it very far. I sit on the floor with my feet as far apart as I can, then pull one foot in tight so my knee is bent and then I try to lean forward. Well mostly I lean way to the side because that's the only direction I can go without the pain sending me through the roof. Not sure what else I can do. I've been walking approximately 2 miles every weekday at lunchtime and it starts off so tight, but does loosen up after about a half mile in....enough so I can walk without looking like I have a hitch in my step. I hate it. Not sure what started it or how I hurt it. I remember back in maybe March when I was running on the treadmill and heard a pop in a tendon near my hip and then there was bruising a couple days later, but that pain was more on the direct side of my hip. My previous research pointed at it maybe being my tensor fasciae latae and the noise I heard was a hip bone plucking it like a rubber band. Maybe in letting that heal, it changed the way I walk or run and that caused an inbalance that led to the piriformis acting up? I don't know. I'm not a doctor. I'm not even a health professional like you are. :laugh: Anyway, I hope we can both get this figured out because it's no fun!

    Thanks for the cheers for my Fitbit steps! I'm pretty happy about having a decent week. :smile:


    Man - I'm so sorry to hear about everyone with hip pain - a hip injury is what kept me out of the game for about a year. NO FUN! I really endorse the pigeon pose as a good one... I mean, really, just sit in that pose for as long as you want - minutes upon minutes if you can (warm up first, though - don't just go right into it). My injury doctor also had me do a bunch of exercises to strengthen the other muscles around my hip/butt, etc. He recommended doing something called the Myrtl routine. You can google it. I do it (well, should do it - I've been a bit more lax about it lately but I still try to do it) 3 times per week. It takes about 10 minutes to go all the way through the routine, so not too time consuming, and I noticed a huge difference after just a few weeks of doing it, in terms of my ability to do it and my ability to run further without increasing the pain. I really hope you all get better very very soon!!!

    For myself, I'm adding 22 miles today (1 of which was a mile at 8:30 pace, which I believe is the fastest mile I have EVER run. And I wasn't completely dead at the end! WOOT!)


    ETA: when I said "google it" above, I really meant find it on YouTube. I think it's by some guy named Coach Jay or something like that. The video is just a woman demonstrating the exercises - nothing fancy.
  • JoeMO
    JoeMO Posts: 524 Member
    5.0 miles walked

    21.45 / 60
  • Lovemyalex
    Lovemyalex Posts: 3,848 Member
    This is a correction ...please see below..
  • Lovemyalex
    Lovemyalex Posts: 3,848 Member
    Exercise total for

    Saturday 6/21

    (Exercise bike 45.62 miles & walk 1.25 miles)

    **total 46.87 miles for today

    ***685.01 miles done and 264.99 miles to go....
  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,463 Member
    Second day of my new clip in pedals. Did one of my usual routes. I guess I am building a new set of muscles in my legs, cuz boy I am sore. But it was sunny and hot! Good way to end the calendar week.

    06/15 - 1.5 miles walking
    06/16 - 2.0 miles walking
    06/17 - 13.0 miles biking
    06/17 - 1.0 miles walking
    06/18 - 13.5 miles biking
    06/19 - 1.5 miles walking
    06/20 - 9.0 miles biking
    06/21 - 13.0 miles biking

    Total: 177.0 miles

  • _canuckrunner_
    _canuckrunner_ Posts: 364 Member
    Going slowly this month....
    4.84 K walk this morning then 9.22 K run this afternoon

    Total 71.5 K
  • Luckysusan
    Luckysusan Posts: 947 Member
    6 miles run/walk

  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,405 Member
    June 21: 12 miles walking

    TTD: 259 miles

  • 319Sara
    319Sara Posts: 302 Member


    Mostly riding the homes bike for exercise today = 6.5 miles.

    June total 88.53.
  • GalactusEmpire
    GalactusEmpire Posts: 90 Member
    Biked 6 miles.

    Total: 73/75

    I will end up going over. I will raise the cap next month.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,427 Member
    Today was a good day! I started at 6:30 this morning...

    23.70 miles...my feet are cryin'!!


    Tomorrow won't be like today, but I need to get up into the green (hopeful) and somewhere in the first 25 on the Fitbit leaderboard. This should teach me not to be such a putz!!!

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday!

  • wanderan
    wanderan Posts: 1,369 Member
    Adding 7.69 hiking/walking miles for today

  • scarfe9991
    scarfe9991 Posts: 778 Member
    Adding 5.4 miles walking


    And I too am sorry about you guys w the painful hips..I had that earlier this year. (Piraformis and sciatica also...) tennis ball pressure point massage helped me too. Really helped the sciatica!
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,340 Member
    HKRISTINE & SCARFE - thanks so much for the advice! I had no idea that so many of us here would've had experience with it! That just blows my mind...and at the same time makes me all the more thankful to have this group and all of its wonderful people in my life, caring about and supporting each other. Thank you so much. :flowerforyou:

  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    HKRISTINE & SCARFE - thanks so much for the advice! I had no idea that so many of us here would've had experience with it! That just blows my mind...and at the same time makes me all the more thankful to have this group and all of its wonderful people in my life, caring about and supporting each other. Thank you so much. :flowerforyou:


    No problem... and to sort of "second" what SCARFE said about the tennis ball, my injury doc actually recommended a lacrosse ball. It was hard enough and small enough that it could get to the places I really needed to massage, as opposed to a foam roller, which I have never quite been able to get the hang of using. My injury was to my psoas muscle group though, so my method of treatment might be different from what you need. The psoas is the muscle group that starts at the front pelvic area and goes all the way through to the lower back. To massage it, I basically had to try to push the lacross ball underneath my hip bone in the front. Awkward, but super helpful.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,156 Member
    Man - I'm so sorry to hear about everyone with hip pain - a hip injury is what kept me out of the game for about a year. NO FUN! I really endorse the pigeon pose as a good one... I mean, really, just sit in that pose for as long as you want - minutes upon minutes if you can (warm up first, though - don't just go right into it). My injury doctor also had me do a bunch of exercises to strengthen the other muscles around my hip/butt, etc. He recommended doing something called the Myrtl routine. You can google it. I do it (well, should do it - I've been a bit more lax about it lately but I still try to do it) 3 times per week. It takes about 10 minutes to go all the way through the routine, so not too time consuming, and I noticed a huge difference after just a few weeks of doing it, in terms of my ability to do it and my ability to run further without increasing the pain. I really hope you all get better very very soon!!!

    Thanks for the Myrtl routine info hkristine1. I've heard of it in my google searches. Now I need to try it. :flowerforyou:
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