June Challenges



  • bethann316
    I'm new to this challenge thing....so my goal for June is (don't laugh) just for me to track my foods each day and make it to the end of the month. I'm like a yo yo when it comes to staying on track....do I or don't i? In addition, I'm going to continue to walk outdoors at least 30 minutes a day. Summer in Indiana is here....finally! Thanks for letting me be a part of the group.....and if ya want to be my friend...that's awesome...I need motivation, and support and I love to give it in return.
    Have a healthy day.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Beth...those are great goals to get you started..it's all about making the changes we need but also the changes we can sustain....... just make sure you are still here for the July Challenges!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Beth, logging is the most important thing you can do whether you are under or over your goal, so no one is going to laugh at that. Your fitness goal is a good one, too. Keep us informed on how you are doing!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hi all!

    I am talking now to meet my 3rd goal!
    I ate lunch with my brother & DSIL today. Had a great lunch - 3 fish tacos with grilled fish, green apples, and red cabbage. I did not get the sauce as it is too hot for me - actually too hot for my stomach.

    Anyway, they were delicious!

    I am on my way out the door to do my second walk for the day. I haven't done that since the leg started hurting, but I want to try.

    Talk tomorrow!!
  • bethann316
    Jean and Charlie, I will be here for the July challenge. I make goals to myself as well. I love this group because everyone is so honest, and upbeat and I'm glad I joined. I need a group like this to keep me motivated.
  • alexandriabenson
    alexandriabenson Posts: 31 Member
    Welcome Bethann. Glad you joined us; we keep each other motivated and we are not judgemental or negative; just supportive. Best of luck to you & looking forward to reading your posts. Alex:flowerforyou:
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Good morning!
    I am reporting on yesterday's challenges

    1) 9013 steps - did two cardio walks outside and my leg is not hurting today :smooched:

    2) I was under the MFP calories but over where I want to be. I can thank my binge to that :grumble:
    but did great the rest of the day. :heart:

    3) I did post on message boards last night :flowerforyou:

    I am going to wait till this evening to do my outside walking as I will be walking a lot in the house today to catch up from being in town for 3 days.

    We did have a thunderstorm go through early this morning with thunder and lighting but gave us just a few sprinkles. I love a good thunderstorm but I would prefer rain with it.

    This weekend I have my 50th class reunion. I really debated about going since I am so heavy, but decided I would. I think back, Larry and I were married when I was 20 and weighed 117# at 5'8". So you can see why I was debating. Oh, well, it is what it is!

    Off to get caught up!
    We are onward and downward! Let's make today count

    Jolly June
  • alexandriabenson
    alexandriabenson Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Reba: I'm glad you have decided to go to your reunion. You have done so well with your weight
    25 lbs. gone
    you should be so proud of yourself. I do know how you feel though, I think it's a "woman thing" where we feel we must loose weight before attending a function. We all do it. Why? Do we think others will judge us? I have felt this way so many times and then I have to have a wee chat with myself and remind myself that people like us for who we are and how we make them feel, not because of our size. We don't like our slender friends better than our heavier friends. So go and enjoy yourself and keep up your good work and your wonderful enthusiasm!! :flowerforyou: Alex
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Hi Reba, Alex is so correct. Go to your reunion and enjoy yourself. Your friends will always like you for who you are, not what size you are. You are still the friend they remember :-)
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    BethAnn, it is so nice to have you in this group. We are here for each other. Together, we can reach our goals. Some days are tougher than others but that's life. As long as we stay focused, we will reach our goals :-)
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I'm added to my personal challenge for June.

    I listened to a local pbs radio talk program yesterday where they had the Dean of Nursing from OSU. She said something that was important. To improve the quality and quantity of your life, you need to only do 4 things!

    1. Don't smoke.
    2. Get 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week.
    3. Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day.
    4. (My personal favorite) If you drink alcohol, women should have one glass a day!

    I quit smoking about 14 years ago. The exercise is no longer a problem for me. Most days I eat close to 5 servings, but I will now improve that! And I have been trying not to drink, but think I will leave room for a drink a day!

    Claudine, will you join me in #4? :drinker:

    Reba: Have fun at your reunion. You are beautiful. You have no reason to stay home.
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Charlie, Count me in, even for number 1. I quit smoking over two years ago (finally.) I was never a big smoker but I enjoyed 5-8 a day. Then it became such a hassle and so taboo that I said the hell with it. People don't realize that when I was young, smoking was encouraged and chic (never achieved chic) and don't forget 3 out of 4 doctors recommended Tarreytons. Do you remember those days?

    Anyway, after I quit, my belly fat expanded, I tried to watch what I ate (or so I thought) and put on about 25-30 pounds :-(

  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member

    Time to report on my Jolly June Goals:

    1. walked 6664 steps yesterday. I did my cardio walk last evening. But morning is so much better for me as I walk faster and further. By evening I am becoming too tired.

    2. Calories - under MFP goal but over my goal :ohwell: Larry brought me a Heath ice cream bar after my diary was completed. He knows I love them. He is so very supportive of me with the weight loss as he has been concerned for sometime. So he wasn't trying to sabotage me. Just being a wonderful thoughtful hubby

    3. I am enjoying being on the message boards and keeping up with all of you. You certainly keep me going onward and downward :bigsmile:

    I MUST add one more goal for June: no eating after 9:00 period! Again, NO EATING AFTER 9:00!!

    We are having a cool morning but very high humidity. Hopefully, that means we will get the rain forecasted for us.

    Hey Charlie, I would like to join you and Claudine with the 4 items.

    I quit smoking when we planned to have our first child. I was not a heavy smoker - only smoked when we went out to dance, drink beer and have fun. Of course I started in college!! Didn't most of us 1960's kids do that!!

    I also try to do the 5 fruits and veggies / day as I was doing that with Weight Watchers.

    I am working up to the 30 min of cardio per day - almost there

    B/c of meds I am not suppose to consume alcohol, but I do cheat on occasion but really cannot have 1 per day.

    It is time for my walk. Barkley is sitting by the door waiting on me! :bigsmile:

    Let's keep June Jolly by working the MFP program to our advantage :happy:
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    I read thru some of these the other night and was so inspired by all of your commitments. That seems to be my problem-commitment. So I am going to commit to being a better friend, which I could use some more if anyone needs another, I am going to try to lose 4 lbs. this month, log daily, exercise daily, and give up sweets for the rest of the month. I have walked 10,000 steps the last two days.
  • angelsail
    angelsail Posts: 8 Member
    I am day 3 on the program and leaving for a short vacation tomorrow. Reading all your posts gives me the tape I need to keep playing in my head...committment! My goal is to diary everything, do my best to make good choices and most of all, don't lose faith if everythig does not go perfect! :flowerforyou:
    Happy Weekend Everyone!!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    We are glad to have you with us "learn to live"! Just keep working the program as it does work!!

    Have a great long week-end Angel!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Reba and Claudine, you guys were novices! I was a chain smoker! Finally was working at a place where I couldn't smoke where I worked. I smoked up to 3 packs a day at times. I actually started as a little girl. My mom might say if she was in the basement doing laundry, "Go light me a cigarette." By the time I was 15, I smoked.

    But, it wasn't health that got me to quit. It was price. I would go to visit a friend in KY because they were $5 a carton cheaper so I would buy enough for 6 weeks and then go visit her again. That was actually illegal! That is when they got to $3 a pack in Ohio. I can't figure out how anyone can smoke now.

    The nice by-product of not smoking was that I could travel more! Before, I wouldn't travel without a stop-over so I could smoke. After I quit, I could fly to Europe and afford it!

    However, after 14 years, I still want one sometimes and it even seems like I forget I don't smoke. I'll think about how I'll have a cigarette after lunch or later with a glass of wine. Have to remind myself that I don't. I know if I ever have one, I'll be back to smoking by the end of the day.
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Learn to live, Thank you for joining, this is a great group, I have made so many MFP friends, so inspirational and so impressive.

    Angel, go on vacation and enjoy yourself. If your eating plan isn't always perfect, don't give up, do the best that you can as often as possible. This is is a lifestyle change not just another diet.

    Reba, I have to stop eating after dinner. If I snack too late, I don't sleep well and I keep more bloat on the following morning.
    Yes, the 60's were our time. Too complex to go into it all but definitely a special era.

    I also have no problem with the 5 fruits and veggies a day (I just never knew if it was 5 of each or a combo so I eat a lot of both.).... Well, now that I mentioned it, I have no problem eating anything except for bananas and mince meat, dislike them both.

    Charlie, it's so funny you said that because sometimes, I still get the urge to smoke also. I have had a puff here and there but nothing that makes me want to start up again. I picture my grandchildren, the lights of my life, and I tell myself that if I don't smoke, I will see them grow up. (No guarantees but keeps me straight, LOL). The story of how you started is funny in a way. I know our parents had no idea of the consequences of what they asked us to do. Being French, my mother thought it was normal for kids to drink wine. Actually, I didn't start drinking more till I moved to Arizona in 2005.

    Keep your Friday happy everyone,

  • alexandriabenson
    alexandriabenson Posts: 31 Member
    Charlie, Claudine & Reba: I will join you in that glass of wine! Cheers :drinker:
  • alexandriabenson
    alexandriabenson Posts: 31 Member
    Welcome to our group and enjoy your vacation. Slow and steady wins the race. Alex