June Chat



  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    After an uncontrolled weekend I am feeling the opposite to Reba this morning....a bit bloated and heavy....so I have two days to get back in control before our Weekly Wednesday Weigh in .... will defo be running this afternoon and logging and eating sensibly! I think it's having wine at the weekend....adds silly calories and makes me eat more .... sad but true! :ohwell:

    We'll see what happens on Wednesday!

  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    I've been out of touch for a few days - traveling. sounds like everyone had a wonderful few days, some great NSV's and pounds lost. We were on a motorcycle trip, so tried to eat healthy. My weight stayed the same so I will take that. any time I can maintain while traveling I am a happy camper! here's to a good week :flowerforyou:
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Good Morning to each of you!!

    Had a wonderful day yesterday - did nothing!! Well not quite but you know what I mean.
    I love to read mysteries, suspense and etc. Finished a book by Nora Roberts that was great. Then DH & I went to Sonic for supper and then to the grocery store. My cupboards are now full. Yea!

    I did not walk as I use Sunday as a rest day, but also b/c I knew my legs needed a rest. My leg was not hurting but did not want to push it.

    We have had the most beautiful soaking rain. It is too late for the wheat but we will take it for the spring row crops. We all feel it is definitely a God-send.

    I will walk today after the rain stops and our road (dirt/sand) has a chance to dry up a little. Right now it is only 58*. How wonderful is that!!
    I also am planning to plant the last of the flowers I have boughten. With the moisture we have had I think I can dig the holes without help. That would be very helpful to everyone else.

    I better get busy with my morning routine.

    We are striving for onward and downward!!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone!

    It is great catching up on everyone's news. I try to avoid the computer on the weekends, so I get out of touch a bit. Reba - isn't that feeling of pulling off a piece of clothing without unbuttoning, unzipping, or unsnapping great? Save those to have a good laugh in another 20 pounds.

    Jean - I know what you mean about the wine and its evil inspiration to eat more calories. Even when I log it in advance, it still gets me. Trying to keep it out of the house, and only have one glass when I visit my MIL (who is 90 and likes a good "salute to the Queen" from time to time!), but I miss it...

    Charlie - you will have to be careful of the reward of visiting wine country!! I know you'll get there soon, and keep it together, though. Your restaurant tool is fabulous. I have used the meal tool for my own recipes and a couple of restaurant regulars, but I never thought of choosing the meal by the number of calories I have left for the day. Brilliant!

    Got my new workout in this morning, and it feels good to be back on a plan, with someone to report to. The trainer uses a web-based system where you log each session that is assigned, with notes or questions if you have any, and she can review it. She promises to pester me if I miss a session, so that will hopefully keep me from skipping any!

    gotta get some work done...

    have a good one!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Had a good day.....while I was walking this morning I thought it was going to be a really hot afternoon for running....and then.....a three hour downpour with thunder and lightening really cooled it down!!! I got in a 2 mile run to take my steps to over 14,000.

    I was reading a magazine with an exercise programme in it which I thought might be useful for me....I am pretty rubbish at exercises but these looked doable...at a basic level at least and included some High Intensity Interval Training moves too.......of course that is totally relative to the basic starting point but I have done the beginners session this afternoon and felt out of breath and good! It is a 30 day programme but you only do the exercises every other day....I will try to alternate with running... I have tried stuff like this before and never continued so I am hoping that by telling you all I might be more motivated...... I usually end up lying on the floor saying...why the heck am I doing this and just get up! lol

    So we shall see! :wink:

  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hey Jean,
    Would you please tell me the name of the magazine as I might be able to get the exercise program on line. I really am trying to convince myself that I need to something!!

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Reba...it's a magazine called Top Santé Healthy Summer Special ... I am not sure it is available online.....

  • Fig_1946
    Fig_1946 Posts: 98 Member
    Hello. I haven't been on here much at all......kind of shy these days, and finding it hard being new. i figure it's time for me to jump in and start talking, right?

    I struggle with serious depression, but do a lot to fight it. I have a bunch of coping skills that I use every day. My 5 parrots save me, really. I have no human children, so these guys are my babies. Skye, my Quaker Parrot, will be 2 next month. He's quite a talker, and is sweet, affectionate and funny.

    I have a volunteer job at our zoo here...I'm a Docent. I love doing this and it does me so much good.

    I'm a vegetarian, very strict. I feel good eating this way. I don't have much of an exercise routine other than walking, but it seems to work for me. I've gone from 210 pounds 2 years ago to 128 pounds today. My goal is 120. I'm just under 5' tall---
    4'11 1/2''.
  • alexandriabenson
    alexandriabenson Posts: 31 Member
    Joined line dancing today. Quite a workout....it was two hours of dancing. My legs are sore but I feel good so I will keep it up for the 10 weeks.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Hello everyone, and welcome Fig and your parrots!

    I have always loved the idea of parrots and other talkative creatures, but sadly my DH has terrible asthma and all of the hairy or feathered animals must be away from home. My horses are with friends and I go through a huge decontamination routine when I get home, but it is worth it to have those wonderful animals in my life. I miss having all the others I used to have (dogs, cats, rabbits, pigs, goats, sheep) but now I have children and a cranky husband instead! how lucky???

    In any case, short people unite. I am just over 5' and it is a different world for us than for those tall folks -- still, we are strong and compact, ready for anything. Amazing job, going from 201 to 128 -- I am impressed!

    enjoy the beautiful evening, waxing moon, and whatever the world is bringing you tonight.
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome Fig. I sent you an email/message. I believe we know each other :-)

  • alexandriabenson
    alexandriabenson Posts: 31 Member
    Welcome Fig: What am amazing weight loss!! Wow!!! A friend invited me to her home for a glass of wine and her parrot called me a "scum bag"....we still laugh about this every time we see each other.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Welcome, Fig! Amazing weight loss!

    Alexandria, love the parrot story!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    I think dancing is a great way to exercise....more like just having fun!

    Welcome Fig...and wow and congratulations for your weight loss.....a few of us are at the point of almost being there so you should just fit right in!

  • hayleyandpaigesgrandma
    Welcome to everyone. I haven't been able to read all the posts yet. We had a great time in Buffalo on the weekend. Our hotel was 117 years old. A very unique place. It wasn't for penople who want the pool, exercise room, etc. Although it showed its age it was very clean, quiet, comfortable and the staff was wonderful. The baseball game we went to see was a bit of a disappointment. We picked the wrong night to go. It was Star Wars night and the park was filled with kids trying to get their pictures taken with one of the characters. We went to watch the game but couldn't see it because the people around us kept getting up to go to the concessions or take one of the children to the bathroom. It was a great night for the kids but not if you wanted to watch the game. Only problem is that I managed to gain a pound back. We had dinner at the restaurant at the park and the buffet was mostly pasta. Tasted great but not good for the diet. Anyway I am back on track today.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Welcome Fig!
    WOW! to you on your weight loss!! Fantastic job!!

    Even though under my picture it says 2012 I did not really start until March of this year. I have a very long way to go, but with the help of MFP friends I will get there.

    Yesterday was a tough day. The 50th reunion picture was posted on FB and the pic of me showed all of my lovely fat - so I reacted as I did in the "old" (before MFP) days. I ate and ate and ate, and I did not walk - no time as I was too busy feeling sorry for myself and eating!!

    But today is a new day and I am moving onward and downward.

    We ended up with 2 1/2" of rain - what a beautiful one it was - slow and soaking. Just loved watching it come down.

    Everyone please have a wonderful day!!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Just one day Reba...it is gone now...on you go!:flowerforyou:

  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Thanks Jean!
    Thanks for the flower, also!!
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Welcome Fig. You have accomplished so much. This is a group of support and no negativity. So feel free to speak your thoughts. Hi to your feathered friends.:smile:
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Hello Fig and welcome. Well done on your weight loss - I'm sure you will reach your target very soon, you seem very focussed.
    Parrots have real personalities don't they?

    Sorry I've not been contributing much lately but I pop on to see what everyone is doing then don't have time to post back!

    I love Charlie's menu idea - very clever.

    Nothing much going on in my life that is different to any other day, but little improvements every day so I'm happy with the progress. Scales going in the right direction, albeit slowly, clothes looking better.

    Best of all looks like we are going to have a few days of summer weather - I'm almost tempted to take tomorrow off so I can sit out and top up my tan and Vit D! By the weekend it will probably be cloudy again.

    What I like about this group is that we are not snarky with each other like some of the boards. Some of them are really horrible - somebody can ask the most simple question and it turns into a real slanging match. Sad.

    Off to have another nosey around now - bye.
