June Chat



  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Everyone is doing so great that it makes me feel guilty that I'm not keeping up. Now that the grandchildren have gone home, I'm really going to make an effort to get back on the exercise wagon and better my eating habits. Today was a rest day because hubby and I are both exhausted from having the 3 kids for 10 days, but it was lots of fun and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

    Today I overindulged and didn't do any exercise, even walking! Just laid around and ate too much (LOL). I do seem to be maintaining, though, so I'm guessing that I'm doing things right and good habits have kicked in. Will ease myself back into a routine starting tomorrow.
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    I think spreading out your exercise through the day will keep you from feeling overwhelmed. When I worked at my desk job, I used to walk 15 min on each of my 2 breaks and then 30 min for my lunch. I'd drink Slimfast for lunch so by cutting down my calories one meal and increasing my activity level, I was able to lose 30 lbs over a year. I think it helped me build up stamina and endurance. Today I swam my hour and did 1 mile for the second day in a row. I feel proud of myself. I also have used BodyBugg for the past 3 yrs. I know my basal metabolic rate which is 1340 calories and that is very informative. I have gained weight from overeating and backing off of daily one hour exercise. I really enjoy checking in here to see how others are working on their exercise and eating goals. No one is perfect and I am inspired that people are not quitting. I just keep trying to get it all together with logging and exercise in order to lose 30 lbs. I am optimistic and more determined every day. I have been here on MFP for 3 yrs and actually gained 10 lbs from not putting it into action. In that time I semi-retired with my husband. Sort of in limbo a little, but no excuse! Have a wonderful Father's Day tomorrow everybody!
  • Fig_1946
    Fig_1946 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi. 4:30am here. I got up at 3...that's late for me.

    Today I go out to breakfast with The Boyfriend and grocery shop...that's our Sunday ritual. He's going out to see his family in the afternoon. I never go with him. Long story there... let's just say his sister is abusive, they all drink (he doesn't) and I don't need the grief. My afternoon will be pleasant....playing with the birds and watching TV.

    I see my therapist tomorrow morning. She's great and is very helpful. Tuesday I hope to get to the zoo...that's when I get most of my exercise. I walk around the whole place..it's about 11/2 miles.

    Hope you all have a good day! :wink:
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hey everyone, I am not one of those individuals who craves chocolate, but once in a while I would like something chocolate. What do you suggest that is not full of calories? Thanks!!
  • retiredholly54
    retiredholly54 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey everyone - I was sloth to the max yesterday and even had a small fish & chip:devil: - over my calories of course, but hey not going to beat myself up, back in play today. I was a real pain the a**, cooked for breakfast and lunch but there was no way I was cooking supper:grumble: - DH was going out to town in the evening after his nap so I didn't eat until 10pm. Sorry to say it was yummy - don't know if it was because it was something I loved or because I didn't have to cook and clean up after. Did I tell you I hate cooking lol. Got more sleep than usual - Fig I feel your pain - I had stopped taking the sleeping pills I've been on for 2 years (cut dose down over the past year) woke up at 3 this morning but made myself go back to bed at 5 and slept til 7 so had my energy today, got off my butt, did some dancing and weights since the weather was lousy and had a great supper that I cooked, so no over the calories today. Hoping to find just a small amount of dedication Charlie has to working out these coming days and maybe even get to like it - horrors.

    Have a great start of the week everyone and will touch base on Wednesday.

  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Hey fig - Cannot do that before dawn wake-up regularly, only when I have to. Love the zoo too, I'd go everyday if I could if only to see my family tree monkey's uncle! Proud of you for figuring out how to stop messing with your mind by being somewhere that is unhealthy for you! Took me a long time to give myself permission to do what is best for me. Part of getting smarter in my old age at 62.

    I am going to swim for an hour and post exercise. I keep logging food but have to get better at weighing. Other than that, my Dad is having some loss of vision that is scary. Keeping him in my thoughts now. Hope you and your loved ones are well.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Hi all,

    It has been a weekend of weird emergencies -- I blame the big big full moon of Friday having a lasting effect! Saturday I went to ride our horse with my daughter and her BF, and after we finished, we saw the barn cat in an absolutely terrible condition. We had seen him getting kind of matted and rough looking, but after not seeing him for a couple of weeks, he was shocking to see. A huge wound on his side, horrific mats that were pulling at his skin, and he had shrunk down to a skeletal size. We grabbed him and brought him straight to the vet. Two hours later he was almost completely shaved, his wound was clean and lanced, he had a huge shot of antiobiotics and some food in him, and he had had a most undignified bath. He looks quite pathetic and has some serious healing to do. In any case, he cannot go back to the barn -- he is obviously no longer suited to the hobo life -- my DD is keeping him for now, and the BF and I are taking turns with the hydrotherapy for the abcess, and feeding and cleaning care until we can find him a good home. Poor little thing - he has always been a sweet cat, but he is in sorry condition now.

    Then I had to go to a concert last night where one of our students was performing (I'm a university music prof), so I brought my MIL along to enjoy. We ate just before the concert, and by the time I got her home, she had some indigestion, which is not too unusual, but then she called early this morning and had been sick all night. She is 90 and still lives in her own house (with her fierce guard chihuahua!) so I went down to spend most of the day with her making sure she was ok. She has had a peaceful day and will be fine, but I sure did not get much exercise or anything today. Took a walk while she slept, but otherwise, no sweat. Hmmph.

    Tomorrow back to sweating!
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Everybody is so busy! Very cool!

    I drove to Houston today and got my phone back from United Airlines. They matched my driver's license (that was in my phone case) to me, and i actually looked at the picture. UGH!!! :sad: Next picture I swear I'll look better (even though next picture is 4 years away).
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Hi Jugar, I respect your animal care a lot. Having had cats get mauled by coyotes I know they can quickly respond to antibiotics and tender loving care. I am also empathetic about your Mom. My Dad just lost his eyesight 10 days ago and at 93, it is very hard for him. He has live-in help emergently now so he can continue to live in his house independently. Praying for yours, mine and anyone else's loved ones having tough health problems.

    Hi Ker, glad you got your phone back - that is amazing that your id was recovered too! My dh lost his phone and external hard drive en route through airplanes, terminals etc, but not worried about it. Glad you have your commitment in hand to lose weight! I also recently saw a photo or two of me on a hike - and NOW I AM DETERMINED like you to get healthy fit :)

    Current log includes a 20 min walk this morning that I am proud to say I did finally without any more excuses. I gardened an hour as in trimming and hauling branches away. I plan to swim for an hour today too. Hope everyone has an active day today :)
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Hi all -- thanks for the encouragement about taking on this poor cat and for your companionship with taking care of our aging parents. It is hard sometimes, but I really enjoy my MIL, and it is not too much of a hardship to go and help her out. The cat, on the other hand, gave me quite a workout today! Had to completely disinfect his whole space (he is closed in my DD's bathroom for now), and it was both hot, sweaty work, and rather tough to see him still struggling. He is doing much better, but has a long way to go yet. Still, sick as he is, after his treatment, he snuggles up, wrapped in a towel, and purrs. He loves the attention after so much neglect.

    Off to work in the city tomorrow - and hopefully a good workout while I'm there. We have a great gym at work, and it is always good to get in there.

    Thunderstorms coming. Yay!
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Returned from a great beach vacation!! GAINED WT, however I will not disclose, I'm leaving my weigh-in as written and will chart when I start to lose again ;( OH the pain of having fun!!
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Good humor Wanda! I saw a photo of my oldest son today and he has trimmed down a lot. I am inspired! It has taken him several years of going to the gym after work and it is starting to show. I am not going to quit here because I want results too! Good luck to you all striving for your goals. It is a journey we share together and I am grateful for that! sending hugs :)
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Hi everyone! I wanted to share an idea my son came up with that really seems to work (for me anyway).

    I won't say I'm a tightwad... let's just say I'm frugal :ohwell:

    So, I start every day with, say $1200 (1200 calories). Some goes to 'maintenance' (supplements, my morning protein shake), and then I get to spend the rest of my 'money' every day. Where this has really helped me is when i look at something in my pantry or at the store/restaurant, and ask myself - do I really want to spend $160 on that? Sometimes the answer is (think skinny cow cone) heck, yeah. Usually the answer is , heck no. $80 for some salad dressing? I think not....

    it's all the same, but for some reason turning my calorie allowance into money allowance has helped decision making. Then again, maybe I'm just weird :huh:
  • Fig_1946
    Fig_1946 Posts: 98 Member
    Good morning! 5am here. I got up at 4,which is late for me. I can really use the sleep.

    Ker, I love that idea of $ instead of calories! I'll "budget" from now on. Thanks for a wonderful tip.

    I went to the zoo on Tuesday,and it did help. I love being there.....being around the animals and talking to the visitors,answering their questions, is such great therapy for me. (especially the animals!).

    I haven't posted much....and yesterday didn't log my food. I'm having a very hard time with my depression.It's pretty bad. I'm using my coping skills, but things remain dark. My anxiety is up there, too. I don't give in and crawl into bed....I stay active,I fight it, but oh man is it hard.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Happy Thursday, everyone -

    Great to hear about vacations (OK, even if it interferes with being a loser!), work, kids, life -- it reminds me of a piece in my fave fitness blog. Check out Coach Stevo's blogs - he posts sometimes on MFP but has his own site and is one of the most inspiring and realistic trainers I have read. He is extremely well educated and keeps up his research, but has a great sense of humour and loves people. He talks in one piece about a woman in our age bracket, shall we say, who was having trouble staying motivated and on track with her exercise. His first reaction would have been to think she was somehow slacking or not committed, but then he made the effort to learn more about her life. She was doing all kinds of important things with family, work, and community. He realised that looking at someone's whole life and activities is important to understanding how they will be able to keep themselves healthy and fit. He was impressed and moved by her - I think he would feel the same about this group!

    I have to get my workout in quickly. Then it's back to the vet with the rescued cat (he is not doing too well), shopping with my son who just got a new summer job and needs to look a cut above hyper cool and scruffy, and then to an open house at the future son-in-law's business. Now if I could only find time to go get a haircut. Overdue!!! :sad: No rest for the wicked! :glasses:
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I have not dropped out of MFP or our 60's group!!

    I am having lots of family this weekend - all 8 of my grands! First time they have been together in 5 years. Three have never seen our youngest two. Everyone will be here except our son from NC. Business would not let him make the trip.

    My house was not ready so I have been hitting it very hard and still at it!! :noway:

    I will talk next week.
    Weight has risen slightly - but I am doing great with steps. Even hit 10,000 one day :bigsmile:

    Have a great weekend:drinker:
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    ((((((fig))))))) I HATE it when depression takes over & the world becomes gray, even when you know that it's full of color. :angry: I wish there was a way I could help, but you are doing all the right things. Hang in, girlfriend, the cloud will lift.

    Aww.. jugar, i hope the kitty makes it. And won't you look dashing in your new haircut?! Reba, sounds like an terrific weekend with a houseful of kids. How fun!

    And i need to take a card from Reba's deck and start working on this house. The hospital picnic (being held at our place) is this Saturday- RSVPs to the (ditsy) lady in charge sound like about a 100 or so folks. Picnic is from 2 to 6. Then there is our private after-picnic-party for ten or twenty people, probably going from 6 to 2 :wink:

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Great to read about all your "doings"......... :smile:

    We have been to buy a new TV this afternoon...it is being delivered tomorrow. I got my hubby to drop me off two miles from home and had a lovely walk in the sunshine ... kept my step count up for today. :laugh: The new TV is a gift to ourselves for our 40th Wedding Anniversary which is at the end of July! :heart:

    Can I tell you what my son is doing this weekend......he is flying to Norway, to Tromso in the Arctic Circle to run his first ever MARATHON! It is an evening run on June 21st, the longest day and the sun will not set up there so it is called the Midnight Sun Run. He is doing it in memory of his sister, Heather, who died of heart disease when she was 17 and he was 12. He has raised almost £15,000 for the British Heart Foundation Charity. Needless to say, we are very proud of our David! :heart:

  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    You all are very interesting people, and I am glad to read about your lives.

    Just a thought of how we are not always in the pink like fig says. I took St Johns Wort for winter times, and switched to 5-Htp supplements. We are all born with our individual chemistries and sometimes it is low on the serotonin and endorphins. So feeling happy and not in pain can be sometimes the norm. I don't drink as that bums me out. I eat carbs and that perks me up for awhile and then bums me out. It is all sugar and moderate with Splenda. Eventually I will let that go, but working on losing weight first. So we all have to know ourselves and prioritize, then work with what we have to improve our lives. I get help from support groups, exercise and letting go of the small stuff - and it is ALL small stuff (remember that one?)

    YES! to personal care stuff - make time for you Jugar!
    Yes! to grandkids and family get togethers enjoy yourself Reba!
    Yes! to social time Ker and then relax!
    YES! to happily married 40 years Jean that's awesome!

    Today is Aloha Friday in Hawaii, as is every Friday, which simply means to me that I share my positive spirit and let go of my stresses as I head into the weekend.

    My challenges today and every day it seems :grumble: is to think of exercise as I would showering - just do it! Feels good afterwards - it is the getting started and making it my routine.

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I've been very busy this week so haven't lurked around here much.

    Ker: Like your money idea. When my son was little and he was learning math, the teachers said he only seemed to understand it if it was put in terms of money. 1+1. No. $1+$1. $2! If you asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up, he said, "Money grubbing scum." He has a masters in finance now! :laugh:

    Wanda: Glad you enjoyed your vacation.

    Reba: So happy the family is all together AND you really are burning up the steps.

    Me, I've been trying to book a vacation in Quebec City. Had talked to a woman with a beautiful, modern condo for rent for only CAD650 for the week! But she said she had to check on something. Called back and said that all the building's balconies were having major work done and she didn't want to rent it then. The next condo I found was about CAD500 more. So, I think I have found a decent European-style hotel for about CAD150 more. I don't want to go until early September. But I've got to book something and use my frequent flyer miles by the end of the month. Quebec City is very popular and pretty expensive to stay in the old town.

    Tonight I am having dinner with friends and seeing the local univerisity's production of The Fantasticks! Haven't seen it performed in years. It should be fun! Otterbein University is well-known for their great theater program. I always get season tickets for both their summer and winter series. I also have season tickets to a couple of Community Theater groups, too. I would almost always rather see a play than a movie.

    Gotta run! Enjoy the Summer Solstice!
