June Chat



  • Fig_1946
    Fig_1946 Posts: 98 Member
    Howdy! #:30am here. I've been up since 2. This is "normal" for me, this very early waking. It's been going on for months now. I usually get to sleep around 10pm, sometimes 9, wake frequently during the night, then wake for good at 2 or 3. I just get up and start my day. Yes, it does make for a very long day and I'm tired, but that's the way it goes.

    I plan to go to the zoo today. I need to see my animals and I need the cheering up that the zoo gives me. I'm just too deoressed.

    I hope you all have a good day!
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,142 Member
    Hi Fig: congrats on your outstanding weight loss and working towards your final goal. Welcome to our supportive group, and yes, please join in at any time! The more the merrier!

    I grew up with budgies and yes, we still had dogs and cats. One of our budgies attacked and bit the cats ear, so then they had an understanding and the cat stayed away from the bird. Later, we only had the budgies and they were allowed out of their cage during the day, my Dad was the great trainer so they only landed in their specific areas so they didn't mess up the house! I used to tell new friends, oh btw we have a budgie, not mentioning that he flew free! So of course, when I got home, it would fly to my shoulder to say hi, quite fun to see their reaction! My Aunt had a fear of birds so he had to be caged when she visited! So pls share some news of the birds!

    Your parrots must be of great companionship to you and they are so clever and fun! Good for you, volunteering at your zoo, well done! We need more caring people like you who give of their time! Hope it is a good day for you! :flowerforyou: Cheers, Marian
  • Fig_1946
    Fig_1946 Posts: 98 Member
    Good morning, Girls. It's 5am, and I've been up since 2....again.

    I did go to the zoo yesterday and saw my friends...Abe, the Bald Eagle, in particular. I had to leave early, tho' because I developed a terrible, crushing headache. It was so bad I had earaches. I came home and took one of my special pain pills...Tramadol..darkened the room and lay down. Skye, my Blue Quaker Parrot came over to sit with me. "I love you" he said.

    Today I woke up with remnants of that headache, and it seems to be revving up. **#@%^. I hope it doesn't get full blown, but.......

    Marian, I'm also a Marion! I spell mine with an "o". Funny, when I was in school there was no one with that name. Now I run into Marions and Marians everywhere!

    I love Budgies. I have 2...Cloud and Sam, both males. Also, 2 Cockatiels, male and female (Rascal and Joy) and the Blue Quaker, Skye. My boyfriend lives down the hall. In his apartment are our other birds....Shami, a Senegal Parrot (male), Isaac, an African Grey, Cookie, a Cockatiel (male) and Sadie, a Zebra Finch. I love them all to the Moon and back.

    Skye is quite a talker, and very sweet and funny. He's 2. Shami is 22, Isaac 19, Rascal 17, Joy 14, Cookie12, Cloud I'm not sure (I got him from a man who came to the zoo.). Sam is 3 and Sadie I don't know. She's also a "re-homed bird. That's my little family.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Marion: I'm asking you the same thing I asked early bird poster Holly:

    How many calories in a worm?

    However, I see where yours was because of insomnia. Know that feeling. Hope you get a better night sleep tonight.

    Me, it was not my turn to drive and I overslept. My carpool came to pick me up and ended up calling me because I wasn't waiting! ZZZZZZZZZ! I told them to go ahead and I drove myself. This is second time in the last month. I had only done it once before in 5 years! I made it, but only because I showered last night and parked closer than I normally would. I don't punch a clock, but still don't like being late.

    I have noticed something. Since I upped my cardio walk to 3 miles, I try to break it up, but yesterday it rained as it did the day before at lunch time so I had to do the whole 3 miles at one time after work. Then on to my stationary bike. When I do that, I'm so much hungrier in the evening it is hard to keep away from the snacks. Did it, but I had to drink lots of water and I shouldn't do that.

    Anyone else notice hunger or differences depending on when and how you exercise.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    What a slow day! I feel like everything was kind of fuzzy and I could not buckle down to much. Must be the rain! I finally got to the gym after 3:30, and boy did I need it. I had a series of phone calls from the same person who gets very agitated, and I finally lost it -- it feels like the "rules" are being applied in a more and more unfair way, and I told him I was going to fight it and hung up on him. He's just the messenger and trying to do his job, so I sent him an apology by email saying I just could not talk about it any more today, and then went to the gym to sweat and lift heavy things! It really helped. Then I spent time with a couple of colleagues and calmed down, figured out ways we can try to fix the problem, and walked a long way in the rain.

    I think I'll be ok now!

    Knowing that you are all there with your various ups, downs, quirks, great questions (like how many calories in a worm!) really, really helps. Thanks!
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Home again! I was sooooooooo happy to get here, got my bag and went to call my husband to come and get me (he was waiting in the cell phone parking area) and I didn't have my phone.

    It must have fallen out of my purse onto the floor of the plane when we did the surprise roller coaster ride 15 minutes before landing. The case also had some cash and my driver's license. Because we were late, there was nobody in the airport who could really help me, and I couldn't get back through security. Have filed a report, but am not optimistic :sad: Am going to wait a couple of days to see if I get lucky, but may have to spend some time at AT & T next week. I'm so bummed about it.

    I did manage to lose weight last week, which was nice, and today I'm spending unpacking, doing laundry, and getting ready to leave again this afternoon to go to the lake for the weekend. If these cats will leave me alone long enough to move - they don't want to be more than 2 inches from me since I got back :laugh:

    Claudine - I'm so sorry for all the bad stuff that happened in your life yesterday. This will be a trying couple of days for you now; know that we are all sending you warm thoughts.

    Nice to see so many smiling faces & success stories!

    Edited to add: United just called - they have my cell phone! Including my DL & the $68 cash I had in the case. YIPPPEEEEE!!!:drinker:
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member

    So happy to read that your goods were found. I truly hope you had an overall good visit with your Mom.

    Enjoy your lake time, hope you get to relax and reflect on your time with your mom :-)

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    That is good news Ker.......would have been a real hassle!

    I decided against a run today - so opted for a swim instead...... I am ok swimming if the pool is not busy...I chose a good time today - just 5 of us swimming....so not fighting the waves....really enjoyed it doing 32 lengths of relaxing breast stroke....all good with a bit of exercise first thing and steps almost up to 18000 :bigsmile:

  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Marion: I'm asking you the same thing I asked early bird poster Holly:

    How many calories in a worm?

    I looked it up - 70 calories in an average earthworm. KNEW there was a reason I wasn't an early riser! I'd happily trade my 4 earthworms for a sweet treat :bigsmile:
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Ker so glad your phone and all were found. Such a relief !!

    Overslept after an poorly slept night. The phone work me up and continued to ring for 2 hours...did not get in my morning exercise routine and now it is almost time to make lunch. A late start really messes up my day. Got to find some time to work in work out.

    But it is a lovely sunny day and not too hot so that is enough to make me smile.

    How you are all having a great day :love:
  • Rocel135
    Rocel135 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello. Newbie here learning how to navigate. I am very discouraged with my weight. Started exercising more the past couple weeks and up 2 pounds .... I know .... muscle .... don't quite believe it in this case. I look terrible and I hate it. I hope I can hold myself accountable here and meet friends in the same struggle .... and progress!
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Yes, you've come to the right place Jeannee Rose. Welcome! Join and stay with this group. Give it a try. I'm so happy you joined MFP. You will like it.... You can have your wine and drink it too. You can make your food diary public to your 'friends' if you want. I have found it very helpful. Plus lots of encouragement and support.

    Pat (Missyfit) and Marion (fig...) are here also.

  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    TGIF! Aloha Friday :) I did my first one hour, one lap swim today. I am working on everything, logging, weighing my food, and exercising regularly. Actually I feel grateful for being alive, and not taking for granted that I can work on getting fit and healthy. I visited a dear friend today who is not this lucky and she inspired me. Hope you all have a nice Father's Day weekend. We are going to have good friends over and I will BBQ ribs, serve fresh fruit salad as in papaya, pineapple and watermelon, and bean dip and chips. Oh, and remember my Dad who is 93 this month. He has dementia and life is tough right now for him. Remember to be happy to be alive!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    All happy and positive here......... so glad to be alive...the alternative is not good!

    :bigsmile: Big smile :bigsmile:

  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Happy Saturday! I got woken by our loud birds on the lawn, which is okay. If I start my day early it is cooler. I like it in the 70s, but the daily temp is usually 80s. Getting into it, though. I did my bug patrol and cleaned the pool so far. Looking forward to a walk. Have a great day!
  • ginnylee75
    ginnylee75 Posts: 29 Member
    Good Saturday Morning All,

    It's great to see all the positive exercising and accomplishments from everyone. I have been working in my yard all week. We live in the desert and the biggie is Cheat Grass. Easy to get rid of by pulling out when young. I can Round up the stuff in the driveway but we have rock in the yard around the house so it pops up but can't go deep. Easy to pull. However it does have to be pulled out. It's a real fire hazard.
    So that has been my exercise all week. Actually my BodyMedia tells me that I'm burning more calories than when I do my stationary bike or walk the dogs. Been too hot to take dogs out.
    So that's my week, Not much exciting but my flowers do look so pretty with the weeds around them gone.
    So off to do some grocery shopping today. Then back to the yard after church tomorrow.
    Have a good day all.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Ker: Thanks for the update on the worms. I'm an early riser, but not by choice. If I were allowed to awake naturally everyday, it would be about 8:30 a.m. But, I'm stuck with 5:30 on workdays and then tend to sleep too late when I can on my weekend.

    I have been very, very tired lately. I tend to stay up too late. I fight sleep. I must admit that I am rethinking my exercise routine. I might be overdoing. If I can't get out at lunchtime (as it was this week), I try to get in my whole 3 mile walk and 1/2 hour on the stationary bike at the gym. Then I eat. If I have to stop at the store or anything, I'm not home until after 9 p.m. I still have laundry, housework, etc. I don't get much feet up, Kindle on "me" time and I have always found that essential. If I want it, I have to stay up too late.

    I love all the exercise, but, I'm beginning to think I need to just stop at an hour (although, frankly, I'm not sure I can). 30 minutes on bike and 30 minutes walking or so. Otherwise my life is commute, work, exercise, sleep. Not much "fun" or "relaxation" in that day.

    Any ideas?

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Exercise plans usually have a couple of rest days built in .... I tend not to count my normal walking as exercise so do that most days...but running, exercises, swimming etc I do every other day ... we need time to recover especially as we are all over 30...lol:bigsmile:

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Jean: I don't count my regular walking either. And I walk a lot in an average work day! I'm at almost 5 miles so far today and I've spent most of the afternoon at my desk! I will say that have been working out almost every day, but never less than 6 days (my original plan was 5 days a week). It takes about 90 minutes + time to get where I'm going whether it is the park and/or the gym. I find it so invigorating, but I think I'm just getting to the "too much" level. You are at your goal, I've still got a long, long way to go, so that also motivates me to keep up the pace. Plus I spent so many years barely able to walk a block without feeling like my heart would explode that I find it very liberating now. I think that is what has made it so addictive.

    I think you are right. I might back off to two miles a day. See how that goes. Just like I gradually got to this level, I probably should back off gradually, too.
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Ginny - I love your new flower picture.

    Charlie- maybe you do need to figure out some me time. I bet you walk faster than you used to and you get the job done in less time.

    Smiles - you got a lot accomplished early this morning.

    My husband I watching World Cup this weekend....So I have some great me time. After working out, I have all day to watch tv just for me and my book, of course. Ahh,