June Chat



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    End of June already! JB, it is great to hear how much better you are doing since joining this group. I echo you -- it has helped a great deal to get me back on track after a rather long spell of sloppiness. I'm back in fighting trim!

    This morning I had a really fun wild ride, and was reminded once more of the origin of "hold your horses"! :noway: My horse had his feet trimmed first thing, and then my daughter and I thought we'd just turn him loose in the arena for a play session. He was so full of beans! He had not been out in the field yet, and was bursting with energy. Well, after a good play session, I grabbed a bridle and hopped on and had fun running around with him. I'm not sure who was sweating more after a half hour of trotting and cantering - but we had a great time! Then I was all warmed up (and then some) for my weights workout, so feel doubly virtuous today.

    Sleeveless at 60 :glasses:
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    JB: You really are in the swing of things! You've had some really nice workouts in the past week. We are rooting for you!

    Needit: Bet the livingroom looks beautiful! Decorating is always so much fun!

    Jugar: I loved the description of the ride! I have never felt comfortable on a horse, but my 4 year old granddaughter loves her pony, Tinkerbell. Her grandpa has a horse and the land and barn to keep them both. They were both rescues. She is definitely horse crazy!

    I had my usual Monday off. Played with grandkids. Went to lunch. Did some errands (read about the weird thing that happened below). Was going into the gym when I got a text from my D.D. that her S.O. was going into gallbladder surgery. So I ditched the workout and went to keep her company while he was in surgery. He is fine. I still had time to get my workout in after I left her.

    I was in a department store to buy a couple new bras. As I was walking to the fitting room a women coming from another aisle surprised me as we both got to the end at the same time. We didn't collide, but it was a surprise! I said "oops!" and she covered her head with her arms, said "G-- d---! Get the f--- away from me!" and went running away down the aisle! I was flabbergasted! She had a very short, almost a military style haircut. Don't know if she was suffering from PTSD or paranoia! I did go to customer service and told them what had happened, but they hadn't heard anything else and I didn't see her again before I left. I was telling my ex about it later and he said she sounded just like a woman he had seen a couple weeks ago cowering in a corner at Krogers. Was very strange!

    Otherwise, I am still stuck at 182.5. Can't seem to move it. Oh well, I am overdue for a plateau but would have liked to have hit the 170's before I went to the cardiologist next week.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hello to all!

    I am back - but through all of this I have gained 7 lb back :mad: but thanks to all of you and to MFP I know how to get rid of those unwanted lb and to get back on the wagon.

    I will try to catch up this evening!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member

    July Chat page is now opened!