June is Busting Out All Over



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    yay carole!! great to have you aboard!!!!

    I assume the hoagie and chips are scheduled for sunday then :bigsmile:

    I'm choosing Sunday but am also "practising" today with good for me foods ! :drinker:
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Sorry snoozie... gonna have the 1/2 hoagie and 1/2 the normal size of chips...

    BTW welcome back Gail and Tammy - you were missed, but life happens and we move on...

    Move it Move it and Move it.... Drink your water, stay away from the crap and keep moving forward my fellow mad hatters...
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    so far so good...no chocolate , no chips yeah me!!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    OK Game On! Here's to a 100% Healthy Choice Sunday for me - I'm opening my diary for today , too :smile: Sounds like some of you got started already - yay for you!!!

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Morning all!

    Nourishing the body is a great way to lose some lbs, too. I am trying to really limit myself to anything processed in a

    factory...except my bagel. I can't quite make them.

    I recently had fresh blueberries with some real whipped cream...I love them..

    I had only had them in processed stuff and wasn't a big fan. but fresh is a different story.

    May have some with a half of a bagel with cream cheese .

    The bread may not be the healthiest, but I have found a whole wheat half will hold me through lunch.

    Babe is home he has been gone ,off and on ,since March...so lots to do to get him back on the road. Young son is still in Pittsburgh.

    Snoozie, it's green bean day!! I'm going to grill some ribs, and put some squash on the grill also . that should make 'em healthy....no frying involved!!

    Have a wonderful day everyone. Gonna' be a hot one...DRINK your WATER!!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    So far so good...

    Yesterday was a bit of a downfall with the food choices... but the hoagie and small serving of chips were yums..

    Luckily the car washing burned about 500 cals...

    Today is gonna be another non-chocolate, non-ice cream day....

    Going for a short walk... gonna burn about 100 cals...

    See you later...

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Today's my challenge day.. no crap ... totally healthy foods only... hay bales and assorted berries for brekkie, doing up a huge spinach salad with egg onion sprouts spinach and mushrooms for lunch and dinner will either be fish and green beans or some lean beef sliced into another salad wth tomatoes and grilled peppers and onion.. nuff berries left for dessert so i'm set! and actually feels kinda good to know gonna be a delicious and healthy day! :bigsmile:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Gail - YOU ROCK!!!! wayyyyyyy to go on skippin the processed crap, and the ribs are an excellent source of protein (specally grilled!) an the squash and green beans are chock full of vitamins and delish!! Im coming for dinner - WELL DONE YOU!!!!!

    and there's nothing wrong with a whole wheat bagel chickie.... grains are a good part of a balanced intake of nutritious stuff!)
    doesn't it feel kinda great to know you are eating stuff you love, and its all good for you??????????? YOU ROCK!!!!!!!

    YAY US!!

    P.S. I know what you mean about the fresh berries... I had a mixed bowl of fresh rasperries, blueberries and blackberries with a little whipped cream on it last night... was sooooooooooo good!! Today will just be on their own due to the challenge lol.. but mmmmmm delish!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Susan - you are the queen of perfect pics!!!! Too funny that you posted that just before Gails blueberry revelation!!! Thanks!!!

    hope your anniversary trip was luffly - and thanks for opening your diary today too!! I have no pride.. im totally up for stealing ideas from other people lol...

    I am making sure that my healthy choices today are also foods I love - totally helping me get back on track to realize that eating healthy doesn't have to be boring or blah... but yummy-licious too!!

    Tammy - I know you were in but I can't remember which day.. senior moment lol... hope to hear how it went for ya later!

    Carole - good job on the car washing - def a good calorie burn!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Susan , you do find the best visuals. it made me remember my blueberries in the fridge. I got a small basket of blackberries for hubby, I kinda' hope he forgets about eating them and I will devour them after he leaves....They are the super big juicy ones!

    Snoozie, I love salads like that, but I lose the health factor when I put Ranch on it....I know about all the other lite ideas....but nothing tastes as good as a good ranch dressing to me.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Gail - I used to be a die hard ranch dressing chick.... wouldn't think of eating anything green without drenching it in ranch - so I totally understand.. and I wanted to punch everyone who went on about balsamic dressings.... blech... but one day I bought one to try.. and it was pretty darn good!! I ended up buying a bunch of different ones, paul newmans, renee's, etc... but believe it or not my favourite one now is plain old Kraft balsamic .... who knew the cheapest one would turn out to be my fav??? LOL... and it fits into y macros (specially the sugar one) perfectly.

    and now I find ranch too.... I dunno the word..... goopy??? LOLOL... weird eh??? maybe one day just for the hell of it... have a small green salad and try it with a little balsamic ... just to see if you love it or hate lol.... or even just a few slices of tomato if you like em with a little balsamic dressing drizzled on it.... might be like the blueberries and you'll find out you have a new love!!!! But I totally get the ranch love believe me!! :laugh:
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    I do like Balsamic...I use Maple Grove farms sugar free ( The strawberry one is great on spinach salad.).....it is yummy on grilled chicken..too...but I still mix in ranch with it..... well balsamic on one side and ranch on the other....weird I know...
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    lmao Gail..... never tried it straight up??? lol.... you mix the ranch and balsamic together??? like a ranch "chaser" alongside... too funny!! But hey.. I used to dip my grilled cheese sandwiches in French dressing... so I aint' throwing any stones at your mix :laugh:

    and thanks for the water reminder....... off to guzzle!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Wow, sounds like everyone is off to a great start! I'm excited for today ! Glad you all like the sign :smile:

    Lol about the Ranch dressing Gail. I can totally relate. If I want to indulge in ranch or other yummy dressings I use that weight watcher's trick of dipping my fork into a side of the dressing first before taking a bite of the lettuce. That way the dressing is the last taste i get and I end up using about half the amount of dressing that I normally would :smile: Also here is a great recipe for a somewhat healthier version and it a tastes good !

    Ranch Dressing Written by The Canyon Ranch Kitchen
    Nutrition Information (per serving)
    calories 60
    protein 1 g
    sodium 208 mg
    carbohydrates 4 g
    fat 5 g
    Fiber Trace
    cholesterol 6 mg
    Servings 16 (2 Tbsp ea.)

    1 cup yogurt cheese
    ⅓ cup canola oil mayonnaise
    2½ Tbsp cane sugar
    ½ tsp s fresh minced garlic
    1 Tbsp minced onion
    2½ teaspoons dried parsley
    ¾ tsp s dried basil
    ½ tsp s cream of tartar
    ¼ tsp s freshly ground black pepper
    1¼ tsp sea salt
    2 Tbsp buttermilk
    3 Tbsp 2% milk
    Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl and whisk with a wire whip. Store in refrigerator.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Susan, sounds like a good recipe. I may look into making some .... I have heard of one using Snoozies,:noway: favorite "Greek yogurt"...with spices

    hahaha.:laugh: ..no, Snoozie, I put ranch on half of my salad in the bowl and balsamic on the other half...but what you thought would be a good way, like Susan said I would eat less of it...

    Exercise done...on to the dishes..... :sad: they are still waiting on me..
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    I just got back... 188 calories gone...(1.6 miles) now I have 1128 cals left for the day..... and no ice cream or chocolate....:sad:

    Check out my page..

  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Looks like everyone is off to a good start and making good choices. GREAT WORK everyone !!!!

    I picked Saturday for my challenge day. I am proud to announce that I made good choices and it was a successful day !!! Feeling inspired to do the same for today.

    When I crashed and burned once I got back on the wagon the damage was terrible, but I am working hard this month and feel confident that when weight in day comes (June 20) that I will see good results. With the numbers on the scale going in the wrong direction I decided a once a month weigh in would help me not focus in the numbers as much. I am happy that I can once again breath in my carpi pants :happy:

    Keep taking them steps when put together they lead to success !!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Tammy !!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY YOU!!!!! way to go !! I wasn't sure if you were doing Sat or Sun, so I'm thrilled you let us know... and even more thrilled you were in for the mini challenge, and that you DID IT!!! WOO HOO!!! So proud of youuuuuuuu!!! AND that you're continuing on for today???? you ROCK!!

    Its funny I thought I would have been going a little crazy knowing I couldn't have any crap - but i'm surprising myself at how yummy everything i'm eating today is!! and how much I'm enjoying that great feeing again of knowing im eating well and moving - like you Tammy the regain I had over the winter did a number on my head for a while, but the past couple of weeks of slowly getting back to basics has reminded me how good I feel about myself when I eat properly - with the added bonus of making sure I eat what I love rather than something I dislike just ause its good for me (insert greek yogurt here lol).... it's been a GOOD day!!

    And now I better tackle the chores I've been avoiding so I can make my yummmmmmmy dinner - including those fresh green beans Gail!!

    WtG Tammeroooooooooooooo!!:laugh:
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    WhoooHooo Tammy!!!!! That's fantastic!!!!! :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

    OK, so I just made that ranch dressing with some tweeks (I starred the tweeks) and all I can say is YUM!!!!!
    *1 cup plain no fat fage greek yogurt
    ⅓ cup olive and canola oil mayonnaise
    2½ Tbsp cane sugar
    ½ tsp s fresh minced garlic
    1 Tbsp minced onion
    2½ teaspoons dried parsley
    ¾ tsp s dried basil
    ½ tsp s cream of tartar
    ¼ tsp s freshly ground black pepper
    1¼ tsp sea salt
    *1/4 cup nonfat milk

    It's in the fridge now, and I may thin it a little with skim milk when I go use it.

    Thanks Snooozie for this challenge- I haven't been psyched to make my own dressings and cook instead of eating out for a long time :happy:
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    231 / 177 in 5 - all awesome choices

    the only thing I ate this weekend that wasn't the best choice were the chips yesterday, but hey, I did wash my car and earned them...Carol