June is Busting Out All Over



  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member

    Would anyone be interested in a hydration goal?

    Already on a 6-9 glasses of water per day....so, should be easy??? How about a non-sweet / non-soda goal too???


    Love the no soda idea , so maybe something with drinking more water and no soda for one week and a low carbs/ sugar / sweets goal another week?
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member

    Sounds awesome!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Susan - you SLAY me with your pics - LOVE IT!!

    I haven't had any pop in about 5 years now... (umm.. what my neighours call soda I think lol) BUT I am always dehydrated because I truly struggle with getting enough water in every day... so this is a perfect challenge for me Susan! And challenge it will be for sure... so I will definitely log it and try to get.... lets see... I honestly probably only manage 3-4 glasses/bottles a day... so.... I will challenge myself to 5 a day for my entire dayshift... which runs tomorrow til next Friday... gak... if I get more great, but that 5 a day is going to be a struggle so it's going to be my goal! Thanks Susan! :drinker:

    So, there's a few days left for the mini exercise challenge - so far Susan and I have checked in with "DONE!" (yay us lol) but still a few days left to hear from the rest of the hatters who were in... how's it going ladies??? :bigsmile:
  • jmcdonald2011
    jmcdonald2011 Posts: 181 Member
    i added a new exercise. I got out my bike after several years and went for a ride. I felt great after, but my bum hurts today.

    im in for a hydration challenge

    a question - I spoke to my gynie and she wants me to do blood tests, but she is thinking that I have caused my estrogen levels to drop (apparently increased exercise will do that) my question is. do any of you increase your estrogen levels naturally? I am not to keen on using medication for this as breast cancer is in my family.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    So, there's a few days left for the mini exercise challenge - so far Susan and I have checked in with "DONE!" (yay us lol) but still a few days left to hear from the rest of the hatters who were in... how's it going ladies??? :bigsmile:

    Let's see -
    Monday was zumba - 700 calories GONE
    Wednesday was run / jog - 3 miles in 44 mins... 12 minute mile.. yes, stronger, faster...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :smokin:
    Friday (tonight) zumba - hoping she has a 90 minute class :bigsmile:

    Jan - haven't gone to hormone therapy - took birth control pills too long, ended up with blood clots (leg, lung and brain)... major surgery in 2010... so, no ideas my friend.

    See you all soon....

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Great going carole!! So, does that mean you completed the challenge then, or waiting for Zumba on fri to check in?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    J - I've been in menopause for bout 3 years... so i'm no help either.. sowwy! and HUGE congrats on completing the challenge on the extra 10 min of exercise!!!! Sowwy about the sore backside tho!! LOL
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Jan- This is a link to an article I found to be helpful

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    I finished my exercise goal for the week. ...3 workouts. ..2 Zumba+ 1 jog (3miles) ...my average pace was about a 12-14 minute per mile... so I'm going to say I completed the challenge and met my goal:-)
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Yay Carol!!!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hey ya'll. I haven't read all the posts yet, but Susan's hand caught my attention...I love the pics you find!!
    I really need to do the drinking game...lol with water. so I'm in!!

    Mom and I are off the find some varnish for an unfinished bookcase I bought...

    I will try to catch up on reading the posts later, have a wonderful weekend everyone!!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Glad you all enjoy the pictures :smile:

    So sounds like this week is hydration week -

    Snooozie, sounds like you have your hydration goal set with 5 glasses of water daily

    I'm setting my goal for 7 - 8 eight ounce servings of water daily (3 1/2 -4 bottles) and prayin I don't float away lol.
    (I have to drink bottled or filtered water here in a Tucson because our tap water is not safe )

    Jan and Gail, what water numbers work for you?

    Carol: sounds like your hydration goal is no soda- how many days ?

    So starting tomorrow ladies , on your mark, get set, GO for the water !!!

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    My goal is no caloric drinks between Monday and Saturday... I will allow myself one unsweetened ice tea ( with 1 or 2 packets of normal white sugar - not taking any chances with the blue yellow pink or brown packets, based on my major life event in 2010 - real deal or nothing for me) on Fri when I go out to lunch with a friend....(after helping her organize a part of the church for the thift store - I can already fill the calorie burn as I type):laugh:

    Thanks again Susan for the idea:flowerforyou:

    I will do my zumba on Monday

    I will go for a 2 or 3 mile jog on Thursday (since no work on Friday)...:smokin:

    I'm thinking about going to church on Wed to see a movie with the ladies from my church group ... but will probably not... popcorn soda and candy oh my.... plus early up on Thurs for work... (wouldn't even be getting home from church until about 10 pm and that's just too late of a night... esp since I leave for work about 7 am)... :bigsmile:

    And since church is on the way home from work...that would mean leaving my house at 7 am and not getting home until 10 pm... just thinking about the logistics is making me tired.....:) :noway: :noway:

    See you all soon,

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    I need to get in at least 8...but 10 would be better. so I am aiming for 8 - 10. and keeping up my exercise. With Mom here, we have been deep cleaning my clutter, so I have gotten in exercise, I just haven't log it...
    Let's go, We got this!!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Ok, 16 oz. water down, so far.... 16 oz. of cucumber /watermelon water down....equals 32 oz.. 4-6 cups to go...I'm Thinking about blending up some strawberry/ cucumber water.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Looks like no one is posting today, so I am going to wonder a bit and see if I get a bite...

    When you see this posted somewhere:

    burned 1,726 calories doing 120 minutes of Mowing lawn, general

    Do you assume it is with a push mower or a riding lawnmower...I always think....in todays heat no way!! are they pushing one for 2 hours...and you're not gonna burn 1700 cals. riding on one, I wouldn't think... just wondering...
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    i am yippee-ing because I thought I was flunking the challenge... then I saw Susan's post about the bottles of water... and since I drink bottled water, I grabbed one and looked at how much is in it (500ml) then converted it to ounces... and each bottle is 16 oz. which is two cups per bottle.... so I'm NOT flunking after all LOL... hahahahahahaaaaaaaa so thanks Susan - i'm on track phew!!

    lol @ Gail - I dunno... I live in the city - nobody has "ride on" mowers cept the mansion owners on the outskirts... most are electric or gas powered here so that would be my vote lol..

    an awesome job on the hydration today as well, T2!!

    Just finished dinner and am falling asleep on my feet (and it's only 630pm ol)... going to try to head out for a stroll aroun the hood before the thunderbangers hit!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    That's great Snooozie - I was kinda wondering when you said glasses or bottles, so glad that got straightened out - looks like this challenge is an easy peasy one for you!

    Yay T2 on approaching your goal! And ya never know about those lawn mowers - I knew someone who counted sitting in a boat fishing as like a 900 calorie burn lol

    So I'm down 5 bottles -2-3 more to go!!! I'm also personally adding to my water theme one to two water aerobics classes this week lol so I'm off to the pool!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Susan I'm just BARELY keeping my head above water even after realizing each bottle was "2 cups LOL!! Im on my 4th for the day but I'm just thrilled I'm not failing like I first thought when I figured each bottle was a cup lolol!!

    AWESOME job on yur water - and love keeping with the theme an the water aerobis!! i'm heading for bed when I'm done this bottle.. keeping in mind Tammys "it doesn't have to be all or nothing" reminder, I was falling asleep in the chair and decided even tho I didn't have it in me to do a long walk, a 40 min stroll after dinner WAS doable... so I hoofed it out and got one in... but I'll probably be treading water in my sleep with all the sloshing going on inside me lol!! Hpe you have fun at the class!!

    Nite nite!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    NIghty night Snooozie- great job today!!!

    ay yai yai, what a day lol - I broke a tooth Saturday, had to cancel tutoring to go to the dentist this afternoon where he bonded a temporary substance to fill the gaping hole til he had time to do crown prep work on Thursday, whereupon said bond chipped off right after appointment,: :grumble: Plus I think I may have some kind of eye infection:ohwell: Nevertheless, I later drove all the way to the spa for water aerobics only to find out the instructor called in sick an hour earlier :huh: , and now went in the fridge to discover I'm out of bottled water :noway: - arggggg! Well, gotta make the best of things, so tried out my new waterproof ipod shuffle and made up my own water aerobics in our community pool ( turns out I'm a mean instructor-pushed myself so hard I got asthma lol) and now jumping in the shower to go buy some more water to meet today's hydration goal. I am woman, I am invincible!:smile::happy: :smile: :happy: :smile: :happy: