June is Busting Out All Over



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    lol Carol.... that's okay...there will be other challenges, and this one was last minute as such so no worries!

    Actually I was thinking it might be a neat idea if maybe we kept doing some different challenges here and there... everyone could throw one in here and there - doable short term ones on anything we like... and it can be a completely voluntary participation anytime... no pressure to join in on any of them.... any thoughts?

    I am happy to report I completed the challenge today - and I feel great!! I could have got a little more water in, but it really felt good to have a whole day of delish, healthy food! Like Tammy, I'm going to try again tomorrow to keep it up as well... and hopefully it will soon become habitual again!! Yippee!!!:laugh:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    WTG Susan!!!! :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Awesome job and well done you high five indeed my friend!! and love both pics lol.. altho you're second one is making me HUNGRY at bedtime hahahaha!!

    ditto with susan on passing up the choc too carole! :drinker:
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Day 2 has been a success !!! So glad to read that everyone one has done so well with the challenge :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    My sister from WY comes in Wednesday and we are hosting a cook out next Sunday. So I have decided that I will continue the challenge for this week in prep for next Sunday. Going to try and save 100 a day for bounce room room on Sunday. Hoping to eat cleaner when the garden producing.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning all!

    Well the scale has actually finally moved a wee bit in the RIGHT direction (right being left lol) - but just seeing it move again at all is definitely motivating me to aim for 100% compliance to the challenge again today! I realize I was getting way too complacent with not so good choices and "treats" becoming a DAILY justification/habit rather than an occasional exception - so i'm also going to continue the challenge to indulge in yummy but healthy choices - I seem to do better with it mentally focusing on just one day at a time for the moment but i'm hoping keeping the challenge in mind will help me reset my "want" to eat good food, as well as help eliminate any expectation of a "crap reward" every day... yesterday made me think about the fact there are loads of foods I love that I can enjoy anytime - and that i'm truly NOT missing out on anything by choosing not to put processed, sugary and/or hydrogenated crud inside me! I will focus on "rewarding" myself with things that are actually good for me and that I enjoy! And one of those today may just be a peach and blueberry crisp made with steel cut oatmeal and nuts for the topping - yum yum yum lol!!

    Tammy - how lovely your sister is coming for a visit!! Great idea on saving the "bounce" room as well!! My sister is moving to our east coast (New Brunswick) at the end of the month after she retires next week.... it's gonna be weird after all these years living 20min away from each other to have to schedule trips to see each other... but I've already set up Skype on both our computers lol! hope you have a lovely time together - will school be done by the time she arrives????

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Check my page ladies... I had an AWESOME weekend... no chocolate, no ice cream and even found time to exercise.... Go Carol Go...
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    So... I was thinking (which I know is scary lol).. since today is a Monday...... what about a wee exercise challenge for this week??

    Maybe sometime between now and Sunday..... picking TWO days to add an extra 10 full minutes of whatever you regularly do onto your exercise?? i.e., add an extra five minutes more than the usual hour i walk on two days... or just add an extra two minutes of stairs 5 times... or whatever... just an extra 10 minutes above and beyond what each of us would normally do sometime during the whole week??

    Anyone interested??? or got another idea ?? :bigsmile:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Check my page ladies... I had an AWESOME weekend... no chocolate, no ice cream and even found time to exercise.... Go Carol Go...

    :laugh: :laugh:

    see above for kudos on the no chocolate Carole!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    I'm in ! So I don't have control over how long the yoga classes are, and too hot to walk the doggies unless I go at 6 AM when I'm half asleep, BUT thinking of adding 2-3 aqua fit classes to my routine so I think I'm gonna tweak the challenge a bit for me and challenge myself to go to at least two aqua fit classes this week :smile:
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member

    I did notice the kudos, but sometimes you just gotta brag on yourself... thanks...

    As for the challenge... I have 2 zumba classes planned, so can't control the timing, I have 3 routes for my walk./ jog - will try to improve my timing - i.e. instead of 30 minutes, will try to finish in 25 mins - hope that makes some sort of sense?:smile:
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Good morning, girls.
    I think I did ok on the challenge, but I will be able to do a better job this week, since Babe has left for work ..he has been out of town , so I don't have to cook, big meals. I ate good things yesterday, but I felt I had to have some of everything....and my body wasn't used to eating so many different things....when home alone , I fix something quick and simple. This week I plan on it being fresh veggies..

    Thanks , for the kick start , Snoozie!
    I really needed it!!
    I , too had started to eat like I did before...no thinking "should I eat it, or do I really want it?"

    Susan, that dinner looks so good!
    Carol, you did it! I know it was tough with out some chocolate....do you like dark choc? A little is healthy for us.
    Tammy, Smart planning on cutting back for your sister's visit.
    Suzanne, that peach blueberry crisp sounds tempting. I still half a carton of blueberries....plus the blackberries Babe did not eat!! I am so happy the scale is moving for you.

    I have a little over a month before I go to Tampa to see my best friend. I haven't seen her in 14 years. I would love to actually be a bit smaller...the airplane belt, almost didn't fit last time...so that's my goal to keep this challenge going. I love the idea of different ones, too!!

    l am in for the exercise challenge. I want to get in 30 min. of gym bike at least 4 times this week. 30 min.
    We can do this!!

    Have yourselves an awesome week. You deserve it!!
  • jmcdonald2011
    jmcdonald2011 Posts: 181 Member
    I didn't eat as well as I should have this weekend. but I didn't go over in my calories so that's good. I had the funeral on Friday, a BBQ on Saturday and a baby shower on Sunday (which I only had 1 small piece of black forest cake and not the giant piece that I wanted) and I did have a white chocolate mocha from Starbucks that was so good I almost wept. but then when I logged it afterwards I felt like crap so I wont be doing that again anytime soon - although I don't regret it lol

    today I am back on track. I bought some organic coconut chips at Costco. they really seem to satisfy that chip craving for me. and I made a huge pitcher of iced green tea. so I am good. I have a staff meeting tonight so I may walk to work that 4.5 KM and then if I do my nightly walk with my husband and best friend so that's another 5KM.

    oh and my pants were falling off at work the other night - it was wonderful. I had to roll the waste band to keep them on. :happy:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    omg I was at the end of a huge post with replies to everyone an I lost it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! arggggggggggggggggg... I will retype shortly but I need a drink first!! arggggggggggg pounding head against puter.......
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    J MC, That is a great BIG IPOU!! To go to all those functions and still not go over on calories...That is awesome!

    Snoozie, you know I've been there with losing a long post. And I know you almost always use a separate word doc. to reply in..
    So you need that drink, for sure!! lol
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Gail - the challenge wasn't about how much we ate, but how WELL we ate, so from the sounds of it you ROCKED it girl!!! well done you!!!!! and I didn't realize hubby had been gone since feb...? hope you had a nice time together.. and people often don't realize its a challenge to cook for one.. if you want any assortment of veggies without waste its tuff.. I started buying the trays of ready to eat veggie platters so I can chomp on them raw, but also can toss a few pieces of broccoli, cauli and carrots and a mini potato or two into one of the Ziploc steamer bags.. and voila.... they're all the same size so they all get cooked perfectly and its a nice assortment.... and quick and easy is my mantra too ... huge kudos to you girl!! And how great you're gonna see your friend - 14 years?? Your decision to do the biking on top of eating better will prolly result in you dropping a few pounds afore ya go - so if that's what youd like, I have no doubt you'll achieve it!!!! you are awesome!!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Susan - two aqua fit classes on top of your yoga???? girl you are gonna blow the mini exercise challenge outta th water... GREAT move!!!! Love that youre gonna tweak it to work for you - you are quite brilliant my friend lol!! I might have to throw in a few strength training sessions just to keep up.... lol LOVE IT!! YOU ROCK!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Carol - if I read your post right, youre not going to do more exercise, but are going to speed up your walking?? NICE!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    jMC - I agree completely with Gail (Time2) - considering the whirlwind of social activities you had to contend with, you rocked it!!! and if you walk to that meeting (which I assume is outside the norm for you?) then you are gonna rock the mini "add 10 min" challenge this week too!!! ROCK ON!!!

    Tammy - hoping you are in as well?? and anyone else who might be lurking and wants to jump in and say hello - :bigsmile:

    I had more but im too hungry to remember for the moment.. perhaps after dinner!!

    YAY on the mini challenge Hatters.. and YAY US!!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Carol - if I read your post right, youre not going to do more exercise, but are going to speed up your walking?? NICE!

    Snoozie - right on!

    And yes, for those of us that don't cook (when I met my fabulous hubby of 21 years (22 in Aug)... I told him the best thing I make for dinner is reservations - still true to this day... (there are other rooms in the house besides the kitchen :love: :laugh: :blushing: )

    I love the idea of pre-made veggies, etc...

    My goal for tonight is for a quick like a bunny walk... tomorrow will be a quick / fast / jog - walk - will try to add a little distance for my on base walk...

    See you all soon....

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Had another great day yesterday "best choices" wise.... so will keep going today ! Added an extra 5min to my walk but running late for forgoteen dental appt so will have to catch up during the week lol! have a fab day everyone!
  • jmcdonald2011
    jmcdonald2011 Posts: 181 Member
    I didn't wind up walking to the meeting - but I did pick up the pace on my 5k. i am going to squeeze in my extra time somewhere. just haven't figured out where yet

    i should add i didn't wind up walking because i had a house full of teenage girl drama going on. anyone wanna buy a teenage girl??? anyone??? please????:flowerforyou: