


  • carrieann8
    carrieann8 Posts: 124 Member
    Hubby and I changed our weigh-in day to Tuesday so I'm a bit ahead of the crowd here. BUT. I lost 1.6 this week for a grand total of 30.5.

    I managed most of my goals last week, but I didn't do great on the three day weekend. Hubby wanted to take me out and I overindulged.

    Goals for this week:
    Limit the coffee. I hate coffee without sugar so I limit myself to 3 per week. I broke that last week.
    Drink lots of water.
    Cook dinner Tuesday through Friday (including leftovers). No ordering out!!!
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    HEY EVERYONE! looks like y'all are doing a great job! I have been away on vacation and had a spendiferous time!
    I ate a lot and was very active----looks like a maintain all in all, and I will take it!

    Sunday is my weigh in day, but a quick check last night had me at the same weight I was at when I left.

    KUDOS to CarrieAnn for a loss!
    Shannon---a loss!
    VCDFW---how did you do on Monday?

    I am seeing great goals for the week. I LOVE the one about finding positives compared to 40 days ago.

    Here are my goals:
    Water-- I will jump on the water bandwagon! 90 ounces a day! when I drink water consistently, i lose consistently. Not saying the water is magic or anything, I think when I focus on my goals i do better all the way around!
    Exercise----this week is a bit rough, but I can exercise 4 out of 7 days.
    Nutrition--keep as low carbs as possible (exempting my beloved popcorn) --recent-studies show fat is better for you than carbs! I have eliminated breads and pastas for the most part.

    And cuz I love the idea, here are some positive for me, from just a few months ago.
    1) one size down! I will be here for a while, size 22. but nice to be here---I have a ton of size 20 pants waiting for me, so I will be moving donw eventually.
    2) I can SEE the 200's from where I am. I am at 302 ish, so I am looking at starting my weight with a 2 by the end of the month!
    3) my face---it really looks slimmer---I can see it for myself.
    4) my WRIST is smaller! My bracelets move around a lot more---kind of freaky!

    Have a great week ladies---I'll try to check back. Work is super stressful right now.
    You guys are SO inspiring!!!!!!!

  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Alana I found the same thing with my wedding ring, it's a bit looser than it used to be. I was up this week but with all the birthday dinners I've been eating out a ton and I'm pretty sure I'm retaining a good amount of water so I'm not gonna sweat it. I relaxed things a little over the long weekend but I'm back at it now! I was terrible with my water intake while we were so busy.

    Hubby and I went to PAX (a video game conference) and we walked around for like 4-5 hours and I was really happy that my feet barely hurt and my back was ok, I definitely could not have done that 6 months ago. We even walked over a mile too and from for our parking spot. I was pretty happy with how much I could do now without having to stop and sit.
  • bbrat333
    bbrat333 Posts: 158 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm going to just jump into this weekly check in. Hopefully I can keep it up.
    I will weigh in each Friday to see how the week went and hopefully have time to post on Saturdays (Wednesday is just be too busy for me, sorry).

    Well, I am at 308 lbs this Friday.

    Goals for next week will be small, but big steps back:

    1. Exercise at least 3 times.
    2. Get at least 6 cups of water in daily.
    3. Not to gaining any weight.

    Hope I make it :)

    Congrats to Alana for maintaining and to losing this past week (I hear you about the water, it keeps the belly fuller so we think about food less, I've been terrible with my water lately).
    And congrats to Shannon & Carrie on your weight loss in the last week. You both appear to be doing great.
  • wonderwoman325
    After 6 months of falling off the wagon, I'm back (noticed I had gained 5 extra lbs), and need accountability goals.

    I also need new friends! So please feel free to add me :)

    My goals for the next week:

    1. Drink more water
    2. Exercise every day
    3. Log EVERYTHING.
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    My weigh-in DID show me up 2 pounds, I'll take it. vacation was great, and the night before weigh-in was drinks and salty snacks, oi!

    It will come right back off!

    This week I have impressed myself with my water drinking, getting in 90 ounces, sometimes more. that is good for me!
    I tracked all week (starting Monday). I need to do better on the weekends.

    I exercised! Every day this week.

    For the coming week I need to:
    ◘ Keep tracking AND do it on the weekends!
    ◘ Come up with a new menu this week
    I tend to eat the same things all the time, and I think my body gets used to it somehow.
    ◘ Try a NEW exercise---i'm thinking piyo, or tai chi.

    It's my birthday this weekend, and I hope to eat one meal out and be done with it.

    Welcome to you wonderwoman! Fall off the wagon for 6 months and just gain 5 pounds? lol, that is indeed a wonder woman!
    BBrat333, looking forward to seeing your friday weigh in results, bet you did great!

    Where are my other ladies? hope everyone is doing great!
  • carrieann8
    carrieann8 Posts: 124 Member
    Bad week last week. I've been sick with that cold that's been going around and I have had no energy to cook. I've been sick for a week. It started with a sore throat and I didn't want to eat anything except scrambled eggs. Then I got the coughing, but I was starving from not eating so I devoured anything fast and easy. Then I got the vomiting and don't want to eat at all. So, I didn't meet any of my goals. I didn't weigh in though because I just don't even feel like seeing the number while I'm sick. I could have lost because of the throwing up and not feeling like eating and that's not really good. Or I could have gained because of the days I was really hungry and chose fast food over cooking. Either way, I don't see the point until I feel better.

    So my only goal this week is to get better and try to stay within my calories even if I give up and order out.
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    oh my gosh carrieann----you feel better soon! I hear that crud going around is just awful :-(

    take care!
  • bbrat333
    bbrat333 Posts: 158 Member
    Carrieann, I hope that you are feeling better today. That's a whole lot to have in one week. :sick:
    Alana two lbs is not bad, normal fluctuation can be up to 4 lbs a day, I'm sure you'll be right back on track in no time. And, I hope you have a great birthday this weekend (just be careful to keep it to one serving of cake & ice cream, lol.
    Wonderwoman, welcome to the "fell off the wagon" club. I'm recently back too. I'm back in but taking it slow, I know cutting myself off the junk food cold turkey won't turn out well (I swear it's as addictive than smoking, I've been done with that for a few years now).

    Now for my results:

    1. Exercise at least 3 times.... If I workout today (which I plan to) I will have met this goal.
    2. Get at least 6 cups of water in daily... (not so great, some days yes, some days no).
    3. Not to gaining any weight.... Success, I'm down to 305 as of today so down 3.

    The upcoming week's goals:
    1. Water Water Water, again at least 6 cups a day, hopefully 8.
    2. Exercise at least 3 times.
    3. Think of one inspiration to get the weight off each day.

    See y'all next week :flowerforyou:
  • wonderwoman325
    Yes, the junk food - it calls to me some days I swear. I only just weighed myself this week so I will do my official weigh in next Friday :)
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Wow, looks like last time I checked in on here is back in August. I've been slacking since it was my birthday and then I got sick. Finally starting to feel better and got on some antibiotics for this stupid sinus infection. I'm not quite back up to the point where I'm ready to work out again but back to tracking everything. I still ended up losing a little from last time I checked in too, I was 284.6 this morning. Sorry I haven't been around much but I'm ready to get back involved on here now that I'm not feeling like death warmed over.
  • carrieann8
    carrieann8 Posts: 124 Member
    Lost 3.2 in the last two weeks. Remember, I was sick last week and didn't weigh-in. :) I'm also happy to report I had to overdry two shirts last week in order to make them fit and today I'm wearing a pair of pants for the last time because they are TOO big!!! *HAPPY DANCE*
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    That's awesome Carieann! I ended up losing another 2.2 so I'm now at a new low down 47. I am SOOO close to 50!
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Ooook, back to Wednesday Check-in's for me. This morning I weighed in at 281.6 for a total loss of 47.8. I'm getting really close to 50. Hoping I'll hit in in the next week or so.

    My goals for this week are simple:

    Get back in the habit of logging everything that crosses my lips.

    Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

    I'm going to wait until I'm feeling a little better before setting any workout goals and just take it day by day. Hopefully I'll be back to feeling normal soon.

    What are your goals for this next week?
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    Oh, been a bit since I was here---work is CRAAAAAZY busy! Along with the rest of my life---sigh. Trying to make time for me is tough sometimes!

    I had a good weigh in last Sunday---I HIT THE 200'S!!!! I was 298 1/2 ---I was pretty psyched to see that 2!

    my loss is so so so so so so slow though. I dont know how others lose 10-20 pounds in a month.

    How did I do?
    For the coming week I need to:
    ◘ Keep tracking AND do it on the weekends!
    ◘ Come up with a new menu this week
    I tend to eat the same things all the time, and I think my body gets used to it somehow.
    ◘ Try a NEW exercise---i'm thinking piyo, or tai chi.

    1) I DID track!
    2) I changed my menu, but wishing I hadn't. I will have to rethink next weeks menu---i do MUCH better on a low carb diet.
    3) I tried a weights and walk routine that kicks my butt!

    I weigh in on Sunday, not anticipating a loss so much as at least a maintain.

    for this coming week:
    *a NEW low carb (except for popcorn) diet menu for the week
    *exercise 6 days out of 7
    *90 ounces of water a day even ****gasp***on the weekend (weekends are rough for me)

    CARRIE_---a big WHOO HOO on your lose of poundage AND clothing-- keep up the good work!
    Shannon---SO close to that 50 mark---you can do it!!!!
    Wonderwoman---glad you are here! Hope your weigh in today is good!

    have a great week ladies!
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Alana! That is sooooo awesome that you hit the 200's!!!! I'm so excited for you! Great job!
  • wonderwoman325
    Lost 3.4 lbs as of today's official weigh in for me. Was hoping for more, but it IS a loss. So now I'm down to 327 and I really hope by the end of the year I can be down to 300 and then work on getting out of the 300's.

    I've been successful in upping my water intake, and have been exercising for 30 minutes every day for this week so far. Have also been logging every day. I've been feeling very frustrated and angry at the whole process, and at my body which I feel trapped in :(
  • bbrat333
    bbrat333 Posts: 158 Member
    Happy weekend everyone.

    Shannon, welcome back good to hear you are feeling better. You'll make that big 50 soon enough.
    Carrieann, Great job, congrats on shrinking out of your clothes, lol.
    Alana, Congrats on getting to the 200's and meeting your goals. I think loss goes faster at first because of the water weight, then slows down as we get to mostly fat loss, so it's slower, but better loss.
    Wonderwoman, you have been doing awesome this week. Be proud of yourself rather than frustrated, 3.2 lbs is a great loss for one week, weight takes time to go on and to come off.

    Now for my results:
    1. Water Water Water, again at least 6 cups a day, hopefully 8. Failed, although I tried.
    2. Exercise at least 3 times. Failed, only one workout.
    3. Think of one inspiration to get the weight off each day. I did do this.
    Saturday - I'm doing this for my boys, to be around longer and able to do things with them.
    Sunday - So I don't jiggle like jello chasing after my my guys.
    Monday - I'm doing this so that I don't feel so tired all of the time.
    Tuesday -
    Wednesday - I'm doing this to fit into my cute clothes again.
    Thursday - I'm doing this to improve my self view.
    Friday - I'm doing this to fit into seats more comfortably.

    I was 303 on Friday which means I'm down 2 lbs from last week
    (I'm thrilled considering the way my week went, I normally would have stress eaten my way up a few lbs.)

    The upcoming week's goals:
    Not meeting my own goals is making me a bit sad, so this week is simpler still.
    Just to do better making time for good food and exercise.

    See y'all next week flowerforyou
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    Monday---the start of a super busy week!

    I lost one pound for the official weigh in.

    I need to be better at weekend water drinking, I failed this weekend....part of it is being out running around---I do not want to stop and pee in some public bathroom! LOL.

    Wonderwoman, 3. pounds in a week is fantastic! I wish I could see that kind of loss!
    BBrat---you will be in the 200's SO soon---how exciting!
    Shannon---thinking of you and happy for the 50 you will be seeing!

    Y;all have a great week, my job is super busy right now, lots of things to work on, but I WILL come back to see success stories this week!

  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    This morning I weighed in at 281.6 for a total loss of 47.8. I'm getting really close to 50. Hoping I'll hit in in the next week or so.

    My goals for this week are simple:

    Get back in the habit of logging everything that crosses my lips.

    Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

    I'm going to wait until I'm feeling a little better before setting any workout goals and just take it day by day. Hopefully I'll be back to feeling normal soon.

    Ok, so I was the same weight this week. I did get down to 281 last Thursday but I was back up to 281.6 today. Still thinking I could see 50 lbs (279.4) any day now.

    I've been logging every day and drinking my water every day so we are back in the habit.

    This week my goal is to keep going on the logging and water and get back into working out. I'm finally starting to feel back to normal so before next Wednesday so I want to work out at least once, maybe twice.