
meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
Okay, so we all come on here looking for and wanting to offer motivation and support. I can say that I do experience some inspiration and motivation from sharing with others but I say we kick it up a notch. I propose that we go a step or two beyond the average, "You go girl". What I'm talking about is monitoring each other. Not ripping each others plans or routines apart but making checking in with each other to make sure we are sticking with it and if not talk about why and what we can do to change that.

I remember when I was on WW, one of the biggest motivators was the weigh-in. Knowing that another person was going to know if I lost any weight or not, helped me to work a little harder and stick to it.

So, how about it. Any one want to participate....also any suggestions on facilitating this would be awesome.


  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    hey, I'm in! If we could do a weekly thread where we post 1) weigh in results for the week 2) goal for the week --like a small personal goal as in exercise 3 times, or track every single day. 3) how you did on your last weeks goal.

    With a handful of people it would not be hard to do. Lets say you do a topic every wednesday---we would all put in the results of our last weigh in, be it the prior thursday or sunday or whatever.
    we could list a goal for the coming week
    how we did last week
    even fun it up with adding a favorite snack, or exercise

    food for thought (0 calories!!)

    but I am in if you wanna!
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    That sounds like a great idea Alana! I'd be up for a sort of weekly check-in.
  • cindyb1984
    cindyb1984 Posts: 203 Member
    Sounds like a good idea...I'm in!
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Okay, GREAT!!! I'm going to send all of you friend requests.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Well, it's Wednesday, so I say we start on this thread:

    This weeks weigh in: 298.8
    I meat a big goal of mine getting under 300 (which is about 30lbs down from my start weight) I'm still not used to writing my weight starting with a 2.

    My goal for this next week is to exercise 5 out of 7 days.

    My favorite snack at the moment is popcorn, but my tastes tend to change.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Alana's ideas are on point!!! So, here it is. Please, list three personal goals for the upcoming week....the more specific, the better. Next Wednesday, we will all share our loss and how everything went with our goals. You chose what goals you want to achieve, because we all have different priorities. What we will do is hold each other accountable for sticking to our goals. This does not mean that we berate each other for shortcomings but we check in and encourage each other. We can explore WHY we are not able reach our goals or what challenges we faced in reaching our goals. That is the part that I feel will help us grow. I don't know about the rest of you but I really struggle to meet my goals and I think that if I'm going to have to explain what happened, I'm either going to avoid deviating from the plan or I'm going to learn in the explanation process. So, here are my goals for the upcoming week.

    1. 20 minutes of exercise (or more) daily.
    2. Do not exceed 60 carbs for any one meal for six of the seven days.
    3. Eat a minimum of two servings of whole grains, two servings of fruit and four servings of veggies everyday.

    My weigh-in is 380.4 which is 50 lbs. from my biggest weight (at least).

    I'm not sure about my favorite snack....that's half my problem, I like everything, lol.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Way to go, Shannon for beating that hurdle. I haven't been under 300 lbs. for over 16 years. when I was 23, I weighed 336 and lost about 50 lbs. then got pregnant with my daughter. They day I had her, I was 336 again. I hurt my knee a few years later and gained 70 pounds that year and I've been yo-yo'ing ever since. I went all the way up to over 430 lbs. I was down about 70 lbs. last year, then hit some medical hurdles and gained about 25 pounds back over the last nine months. Now, I'm back in the saddle again. I refuse to give up.
    Well, it's Wednesday, so I say we start on this thread:

    This weeks weigh in: 298.8
    I meat a big goal of mine getting under 300 (which is about 30lbs down from my start weight) I'm still not used to writing my weight starting with a 2.

    My goal for this next week is to exercise 5 out of 7 days.

    My favorite snack at the moment is popcorn, but my tastes tend to change.
  • spooks1960
    spooks1960 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, I'm in for sure. My weight today was 335.2. My goals this week is to track three days of meals (currently not doing). Do exercise video twice this week and lastly to write in my journal three times this week. Look forward to getting to know you all
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Sounds great, Spooks! Good luck!
    Hi, I'm in for sure. My weight today was 335.2. My goals this week is to track three days of meals (currently not doing). Do exercise video twice this week and lastly to write in my journal three times this week. Look forward to getting to know you all
  • carrieann8
    carrieann8 Posts: 124 Member
    Hi. I guess I'm starting today so no loss yet. But I so want in!!
    Goals for this week
    1. No cheating. I need a good sugar detox to get through my horrible sugar cravings.
    2. Exercise daily as much as possible.
    3. Lose anything by next week.

    Favorite snacks - I love summer for snacking on fresh fruit - right now blackberries and strawberries
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Welcome CarrieAnn! Glad to have you!
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Well it's Wednesday again! This week I was 296.6 for a lost of 2.2 lbs.

    I did make my goal of exercising 5 out of 7 days last week but this day it may be a struggle. My allergies are acting up giving me a terrible sinus headache that makes me just not want to get up early. I'll try to get some in this afternoon so I can keep up with 5 days this week.

    My favorite way to eat a veggie (which was just an idea for this week maybe?) is to spritz some olive oil, and sprinkle salt and pepper on my asparagus and then BBQ for 4-6 minutes. Delish and my husband even likes it!
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Way to go!!! Keep it up. Hang in there, do what you can, when you can.
    Well it's Wednesday again! This week I was 296.6 for a lost of 2.2 lbs.

    I did make my goal of exercising 5 out of 7 days last week but this day it may be a struggle. My allergies are acting up giving me a terrible sinus headache that makes me just not want to get up early. I'll try to get some in this afternoon so I can keep up with 5 days this week.

    My favorite way to eat a veggie (which was just an idea for this week maybe?) is to spritz some olive oil, and sprinkle salt and pepper on my asparagus and then BBQ for 4-6 minutes. Delish and my husband even likes it!
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Okay, so this week was a wash for me....for the most part. I mostly stayed within my carb allotment. I didn't meet my exercise goals but it was close. I strayed away from my eating plan. I found out that I have kidney disease and I am waiting on my insurance company to approve a nuclear test to determine the levels of my kidney function. I just learned, Thursday, that my left kidney is atrophic (shrunken) and if it has lost too much's coming out. This all was a shock to me, because I was expecting that appointment to consist of me scheduling two kidney stone removals....and he tells me that he may be removing my KIDNEY instead of the stone. With that being said, that is just an excuse for letting my emotions sabotage my progress. So.....moving on.

    I did not weigh myself, yesterday because well....I couldn't use one more bad piece of information.

    So, moving on....

    This weeks goals.

    Stick to my sodium goals at least five days.
    Stick to my carb goals at least five days.
    I will spend Saturday, preparing a weeks worth of food with all natural ingredients.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    I'm happy to hear that your news hasn't derailed you...I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. That would be very hard to hear.

    I think you have great goals this week! It is sooo hard to stick to the sodium macro!

    Let's rock this week out!
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Thanks! I'm thinking the more simple that I keep my goals and more they are in sync with what's most important with my health....the more likely I'm going to have progress. I'm thinking the difficulty with sticking to coming in under the sodium goal is one of the main reasons I'm in this mess in the first place. I used to think that the clean eating/paleo eating craze was extreme and impossible. Now, I'm realizing that is because we have been programmed to eat a bunch of poisonous crap that we shouldn't be eating at all. There are "foods" out there that no other animals would eat but we are stupid enough to. There is a reason why animals won't eat the garbage we's not really food.
    I'm happy to hear that your news hasn't derailed you...I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. That would be very hard to hear.

    I think you have great goals this week! It is sooo hard to stick to the sodium macro!

    Let's rock this week out!
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    OMG---oh my goggely gosh! I totally missed posting and making goals! I am closing down June and getting ready to tackle July.

    I will think on a few goals I want and be back to post them up.

    You all are amazing!

    I was sad that I did not lose one ounce, not even one ounce! this week at weigh-in, so I know that tightening up my tracking will be on there. I need to amp up some differently calorie burning routine.
    And maybe changing up my menu---I find that for some reason if I eat the exact same meals for too many days--weeks in a row, I stall out.

    See you soon---
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Yeah, I'm having a hard time getting back into the swing of things. I'm trying, though. I know once I get the test that I need to have done and the results, I will be more focused on what I should be. With that being said, I'm still trying hard to focus, regardless. :frown:
    OMG---oh my goggely gosh! I totally missed posting and making goals! I am closing down June and getting ready to tackle July.

    I will think on a few goals I want and be back to post them up.

    You all are amazing!

    I was sad that I did not lose one ounce, not even one ounce! this week at weigh-in, so I know that tightening up my tracking will be on there. I need to amp up some differently calorie burning routine.
    And maybe changing up my menu---I find that for some reason if I eat the exact same meals for too many days--weeks in a row, I stall out.

    See you soon---
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    So, what I left out last week is that the first week of being back in the saddle, I lost 8 lbs. I gained them back last week :(. I'm back down 4 lbs. I kept to my sodium goals four days (my goal was five, but that is serious progress) and my carb goals five days (on goal). I have to get better at tracking. My doctor put me on insulin and I have to test my blood four times a day, now. I am using MFP notes to log them. This helps because I have one place I'm doing it all, which makes it easier because well, if I'm already here logging my results, I will just log my food and exercise as well. I failed to do the prep that was supposed to do Saturday, which would have meant that I would have stuck to my plan more and would have eaten more veggies. So, with that being said, my goals are the same this week.

    Prep foods for the week on Saturday.
    Stay on point with carbs, at least six out of seven days.
    Keep sodium below 2000 six days.

    Good lucks, Girls!!!!

    Okay, so this week was a wash for me....for the most part. I mostly stayed within my carb allotment. I didn't meet my exercise goals but it was close. I strayed away from my eating plan. I found out that I have kidney disease and I am waiting on my insurance company to approve a nuclear test to determine the levels of my kidney function. I just learned, Thursday, that my left kidney is atrophic (shrunken) and if it has lost too much's coming out. This all was a shock to me, because I was expecting that appointment to consist of me scheduling two kidney stone removals....and he tells me that he may be removing my KIDNEY instead of the stone. With that being said, that is just an excuse for letting my emotions sabotage my progress. So.....moving on.

    I did not weigh myself, yesterday because well....I couldn't use one more bad piece of information.

    So, moving on....

    This weeks goals.

    Stick to my sodium goals at least five days.
    Stick to my carb goals at least five days.
    I will spend Saturday, preparing a weeks worth of food with all natural ingredients.