


  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    JULY week 1

    I need to track, every every every bite!

    Exercise 5 days of 7

    looking forward to a cool week, temperature wise---we have flooding in my town, fireworks are cancelled....I will be going to a blues festival, and I really want to have a funnel cake, so I will have to budget my calories for that!

    How about you all? Plans for the holidys? plans to SURVIVE the holidays? :wink:
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    I was 296.4 this week, I guess I should be happy I went down but .2 lbs seems like nothing to cheer over. I've been paying closer attention to my sodium and trying to stay under or if I go over, just over by a few hundred rather than thousands. Working on getting in more veggies but we haven't done a meal plan so I'm only getting them in with dinner right now and my goal is dinner AND lunch.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Oh and my plans for 4th of July, we're going to my brother-in-law's for dinner and I'm in charge of dessert which helps me keep control over how indulgent the dessert is. I'm thinking something fruity, maybe angel food cake or shortbread with strawberries. Or a Berry Pie. My plan is to get a work-out in the morning of and eat a light breakfast and lunch so I can have a guilt free dinner.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    I'm budgeting myself, lol. Well, I'm actually modifying. I bought some turkey burgers last night. I checked the ingredients, macos and micros. Sodium is a little high but not too bad, so I have to watch it. I need to find some low sodium cheese, lol. I can't have a burger without cheese. I will eat that on Friday. I need to also find some multigrain rolls that won't overload me with carbs. You know it's a little hard if you have to watch your carbs, sodium, calories, fats, triglycerides or whatever but I have to watch them ALL. Can I get a new body, please. I promise I will take better care of it.
    JULY week 1

    I need to track, every every every bite!

    Exercise 5 days of 7

    looking forward to a cool week, temperature wise---we have flooding in my town, fireworks are cancelled....I will be going to a blues festival, and I really want to have a funnel cake, so I will have to budget my calories for that!

    How about you all? Plans for the holidys? plans to SURVIVE the holidays? :wink:
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Try this one on for's got the berry thing going on and it's low in calories, sugar and fat. I've taken it to parties and people tore it up....not even realizing it is sugar-free and "diet" food.

    Recipe name

    Blueberry Jello Salad

    Serves people 8

    Ingredients Calories Carbs Fat Protein Chol Sodium

    Blueberries - Frozen, unsweetened, 2 cup, unthawed 158 38 2 1 0 3
    Jello - Black Cherry- Sugar Free (Box), 2 container (2 cups ea.) 80 0 0 8 0 480
    Cool Whip - Whipped Topping Sugar Free, 0.5 container (50 ts ea.) 250 38 13 0 0 0

    Per Serving:Calories 61 Carbs 10 Fat 2 Protein1 Cholesterol 0 Sodium 60
    Oh and my plans for 4th of July, we're going to my brother-in-law's for dinner and I'm in charge of dessert which helps me keep control over how indulgent the dessert is. I'm thinking something fruity, maybe angel food cake or shortbread with strawberries. Or a Berry Pie. My plan is to get a work-out in the morning of and eat a light breakfast and lunch so I can have a guilt free dinner.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    I think we are all doing great. I also think that one thing that we all need to do is meal planning. I will let you guys know if I find a tool to make it easier. Great job!!!!
    I was 296.4 this week, I guess I should be happy I went down but .2 lbs seems like nothing to cheer over. I've been paying closer attention to my sodium and trying to stay under or if I go over, just over by a few hundred rather than thousands. Working on getting in more veggies but we haven't done a meal plan so I'm only getting them in with dinner right now and my goal is dinner AND lunch.
  • Elaicea73
    Elaicea73 Posts: 28 Member
    I'd like to join >.< I'm returning after a long hiatus... last time I did anything on here was last September but I think I'm really ready this time. I'd love to get into your accountability group :D I can't weigh myself this week because... sigh... admitting is so hard >.< The scale I currently have only weighs up to 330lbs... and I'm about 350 or so right now... *double sigh*... BUT, I ordered one from Amazon and it should be here tomorrow, along with a food scale because I'm sure my eyeing of things is wayyy off, and a blender to make smoothies so I stop lazing out on breakfast! You guys are doing so great and I want in on some of that greatness :D If you guys'll have me >.< I'm hoping for a better go of it this time around... found out my thyroid was being a pooper and not doing it's job... like my cruddy eating didn't get me into enough trouble! So... doc is working on regulating that now I need to start doing my part... getting some of these many many extra pounds off! >.<

    My goals:

    - Stationary biking morning and night : 30min.
    - Tracking every day, every meal.
    - Don't let this stupid bout of vertigo sidetrack me!

    Favorite snack is a cup of the frozen triple berry mix :D
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    I'd like to join >.< I'm returning after a long hiatus... last time I did anything on here was last September but I think I'm really ready this time. I'd love to get into your accountability group :D I can't weigh myself this week because... sigh... admitting is so hard >.< The scale I currently have only weighs up to 330lbs... and I'm about 350 or so right now... *double sigh*... BUT, I ordered one from Amazon and it should be here tomorrow, along with a food scale because I'm sure my eyeing of things is wayyy off, and a blender to make smoothies so I stop lazing out on breakfast! You guys are doing so great and I want in on some of that greatness :D If you guys'll have me >.< I'm hoping for a better go of it this time around... found out my thyroid was being a pooper and not doing it's job... like my cruddy eating didn't get me into enough trouble! So... doc is working on regulating that now I need to start doing my part... getting some of these many many extra pounds off! >.<

    My goals:

    - Stationary biking morning and night : 30min.
    - Tracking every day, every meal.
    - Don't let this stupid bout of vertigo sidetrack me!

    Favorite snack is a cup of the frozen triple berry mix :D

    Welcome to the group! We're glad to have you and I'd say having a good support network on MFP has been crucial to the success I've had so far. I'll send you a friend request too!
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Yes, welcome!!!! I understand the whole scale thing. It's getting better, it is way easier to find a higher weight scale than just a few years ago. Unfortunately, it's because there are more and more people in our situation. So, you don't have to wait a week to post. You can post every little success and setback that you have along the way. I want this group to be super supportive. We all have a lot in common and help each other along the way. Looks like you are really in it for the long haul, like myself. I weigh a bit more than you but the good news (sort of) is that I used to weigh 430. My insurance will not pay for bariatric surgery and I can't afford it myself, so I'm doing the harder way. (I say harder because, it's still hard if you have the surgery). Anyway, I'm rambling. Good Luck!!!

    I'd like to join >.< I'm returning after a long hiatus... last time I did anything on here was last September but I think I'm really ready this time. I'd love to get into your accountability group :D I can't weigh myself this week because... sigh... admitting is so hard >.< The scale I currently have only weighs up to 330lbs... and I'm about 350 or so right now... *double sigh*... BUT, I ordered one from Amazon and it should be here tomorrow, along with a food scale because I'm sure my eyeing of things is wayyy off, and a blender to make smoothies so I stop lazing out on breakfast! You guys are doing so great and I want in on some of that greatness :D If you guys'll have me >.< I'm hoping for a better go of it this time around... found out my thyroid was being a pooper and not doing it's job... like my cruddy eating didn't get me into enough trouble! So... doc is working on regulating that now I need to start doing my part... getting some of these many many extra pounds off! >.<

    My goals:

    - Stationary biking morning and night : 30min.
    - Tracking every day, every meal.
    - Don't let this stupid bout of vertigo sidetrack me!

    Favorite snack is a cup of the frozen triple berry mix :D

    Welcome to the group! We're glad to have you and I'd say having a good support network on MFP has been crucial to the success I've had so far. I'll send you a friend request too!
  • Elaicea73
    Elaicea73 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks so much, guys... It's been a pretty yucky day with this stupid vertigo :sick: ... I ended up making an appointment with my doctor today and I'm medicated so expect typos and senseless gibberish :) I'm having to move my starting weight up to 353 :sad: But it's better to do it now, I suppose. Knowledge is power and all that good stuff. And of course, with a wrench thrown into the mix, there will be chaos:grumble: . Turns out, I'm still not great at reacting to chaos:ohwell: .. Mom stopped to buy fries on the way back from the doctor... Yes, I'm 40... Yes, it's terrible >.> Not only did I eat my large fries, I ate half of hers as well :( The up side... She gave me her whole order or fries because she had gotten an ice cream cone and decided she didn't want the fries... I actually felt full and stopped halfway through her fries... I know that's a crappy victory but after being a bottomless pit foreverrrrr, actually leaving something... especially in a fry box :noway: ... I'm happy with it... and even with eating that for lunch, I may not be over my calorie intake if I can feel well enough to burn 52 calories, which is what I'm over :smile:

    Meadow, you're probably so much more in shape than me even though you weigh more... It's so funny how "250lbs and gaining" can feel like hell compared to "350 and losing"... I'm sorry to hear about your kidney, that sucks :( Did they schedule your surgery yet? I know it's hard to look on the bright side of things, but just think of how much harder recovery would have been at 430lbs rather than the weight you are now :happy:

    And about bariatric surgery, you're right about it being hard. I know a few people who have gotten it, lost hundreds of pounds, and are either back on the upswing or back to their starting weight. I personally would never consider it. Not because I'm against it, but because I know the surgery wouldn't give me the willpower to change my eating habits.. I figure if I ever did feel like my eating habits were set enough to consider the surgery, then they'd probably be set enough to do it on my own :(
    She took blood again today to see if doubling my meds last time pulled my thyroid function into a healthier range so that's a good thing.

    So I'm back in the saddle for dinner and I'm ready :happy: I think this will be a good place for me... I needed accountability from people who are like me! Awesome but not perfect :bigsmile: So I don't feel so guilty that I binge out if I slip up :heart:
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    I have learned that I do better if I am forgiving of myself when I slip. If not, it's not good. I'm having a nuclear renogram done next Thursday, which will demonstrate to what level my kidneys are functioning. If the left isn't up to par...I will have the kidney stone removed from my right kidney on August 8th and the left kidney removed on August 11th. If my kidney function is okay, the kidney stone in my left kidney will be coming out on the 11th and that is what I'm hoping for. I'd like to keep the things that are supposed to be in my body, right where they are, lol.

    I was the same way about bariatric surgery.....I wanted nothing to do with it. My sister died three years ago from a pulmonary embolism after having surgery. The last thing I want to do is get cut for any reason but my health is getting worse because of the diabetes and high blood pressure.

    Thanks so much, guys... It's been a pretty yucky day with this stupid vertigo :sick: ... I ended up making an appointment with my doctor today and I'm medicated so expect typos and senseless gibberish :) I'm having to move my starting weight up to 353 :sad: But it's better to do it now, I suppose. Knowledge is power and all that good stuff. And of course, with a wrench thrown into the mix, there will be chaos:grumble: . Turns out, I'm still not great at reacting to chaos:ohwell: .. Mom stopped to buy fries on the way back from the doctor... Yes, I'm 40... Yes, it's terrible >.> Not only did I eat my large fries, I ate half of hers as well :( The up side... She gave me her whole order or fries because she had gotten an ice cream cone and decided she didn't want the fries... I actually felt full and stopped halfway through her fries... I know that's a crappy victory but after being a bottomless pit foreverrrrr, actually leaving something... especially in a fry box :noway: ... I'm happy with it... and even with eating that for lunch, I may not be over my calorie intake if I can feel well enough to burn 52 calories, which is what I'm over :smile:

    Meadow, you're probably so much more in shape than me even though you weigh more... It's so funny how "250lbs and gaining" can feel like hell compared to "350 and losing"... I'm sorry to hear about your kidney, that sucks :( Did they schedule your surgery yet? I know it's hard to look on the bright side of things, but just think of how much harder recovery would have been at 430lbs rather than the weight you are now :happy:

    And about bariatric surgery, you're right about it being hard. I know a few people who have gotten it, lost hundreds of pounds, and are either back on the upswing or back to their starting weight. I personally would never consider it. Not because I'm against it, but because I know the surgery wouldn't give me the willpower to change my eating habits.. I figure if I ever did feel like my eating habits were set enough to consider the surgery, then they'd probably be set enough to do it on my own :(
    She took blood again today to see if doubling my meds last time pulled my thyroid function into a healthier range so that's a good thing.

    So I'm back in the saddle for dinner and I'm ready :happy: I think this will be a good place for me... I needed accountability from people who are like me! Awesome but not perfect :bigsmile: So I don't feel so guilty that I binge out if I slip up :heart:
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    I always tell myself that I shouldn't say anything to myself that I wouldn't say to a friend. I wouldn't tell my friend she's failing because she slipped up for a day so I decided that I won't tell myself that. That's kind of my new mental filter "would you say this to your friend?" It's helped me with a lot of negative self talk.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    That is great way to look at things. Very positive approach. Love it!!!
    I always tell myself that I shouldn't say anything to myself that I wouldn't say to a friend. I wouldn't tell my friend she's failing because she slipped up for a day so I decided that I won't tell myself that. That's kind of my new mental filter "would you say this to your friend?" It's helped me with a lot of negative self talk.
  • JanLynnemfp
    Awesome! A very wise man once told me treat everyone as if they were wrapped in bandages from head to toe! No one truly knows what another has been through! Have a wonderful day All!
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Good advice, Jan. We don't. I think that I, personally, am becoming more proactive, than reactive. That perspective is a good way to remember that somebody may be having a bad day or be going through something, so it's good to treat them with kindness.
    Awesome! A very wise man once told me treat everyone as if they were wrapped in bandages from head to toe! No one truly knows what another has been through! Have a wonderful day All!
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    Look at all the support on here---fabulous!

    Are you all ready for the holiday weekend?

    I think I am ready for it---we will be walking around a lot, at a blues festival. I will need to pull my knee brace out, but that's cool.

    I am super busy at work at the moment, but really looking forward to being on a 3 day weekend----I am sure I will get stuck doing a little work, but hopefully not much.

    I don't think food will be too much of an issue, but I really need to plan my weekeneds better. My week meals, I have that down! the weekend? not so much.

    Have a great time, what ever you are doing. Love yourself a little bit----
    See you all Monday!~
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    So we went to my brother and sister in-laws for the 4th and she is awesome and considerate and made a totally healthy bbq of pulled bbq chicken and even had the sandwich thins for buns! I was able to have dinner and pie and still be in my calorie range! Hope everyone else had a good 4th!

    Oh and my exciting news, I've been gaining and losing the same 1.4 lbs for a week and a half it seems (I weigh every day) and today I finally broke my low and lost another 1.6 so now down 36 lbs! Happy weekend!
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    That is great. I struggled all weekend but I managed to stay within range and I logged everything, including the crap that I ate. I was surprised that I ate those things and still stayed within my goals. I guess since I've been going hard core during the week, a few indiscretions on the weekend wasn't really so bad.
    So we went to my brother and sister in-laws for the 4th and she is awesome and considerate and made a totally healthy bbq of pulled bbq chicken and even had the sandwich thins for buns! I was able to have dinner and pie and still be in my calorie range! Hope everyone else had a good 4th!

    Oh and my exciting news, I've been gaining and losing the same 1.4 lbs for a week and a half it seems (I weigh every day) and today I finally broke my low and lost another 1.6 so now down 36 lbs! Happy weekend!
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    My goals for last week.

    "Prep foods for the week on Saturday. ~ Failed!
    Stay on point with carbs, at least six out of seven days. ~ I DID IT!!!!
    Keep sodium below 2000 six days." ~ I did it for four days again.

    New goals.

    1. Meal planning and prepping ~ spend the next couple of nights creating my meal plan. - Saturday, shop and prep.
    2. Keep my carbs within my allotted amount everyday.
    3. Keep sodium below 2300 everyday.
    4. Move more!!!!
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    This week I'm down to 292.8 which is about 2.2 lbs down from last week. I've been sick since Monday so not doing great on my goals for this week but still managing to be below my calorie goals at least.