


  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    If you are here to lose weight, then being below your calorie goals is the most important part. Everything else is nice and important for optimal health but second to the main goal. So, you are doing great!!!! I hope you feel better, quickly.
    This week I'm down to 292.8 which is about 2.2 lbs down from last week. I've been sick since Monday so not doing great on my goals for this week but still managing to be below my calorie goals at least.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Seeing how I already blew one of my goals for the week. I'm going to modify it slightly.

    New goals.

    1. Meal planning and prepping ~ spend the next couple of nights creating my meal plan. - Saturday, shop and prep.
    2. Keep my carbs within my allotted amount everyday.
    3. Keep sodium below 2300 everyday. ****Make that five days****
    4. Move more!!!!
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    What is frozen triple berry mix?
  • Elaicea73
    Elaicea73 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Hi Hi :bigsmile: It's Wednesday again! (Thanks for the email, Meadow! I would have forgotten to post >.<)

    Loss for the week: 3.8lbs

    Last week's goals were:

    - Stationary biking morning and night : 30min.
    - Tracking every day, every meal.
    - Don't let this stupid bout of vertigo sidetrack me!

    And they were a success! I'm also finally seeing some movement on the scale, which makes me really happy :bigsmile:

    I was really surprised I didn't "allow myself" to use the vertigo as an excuse. They always say that getting yourself to get up and start is the hardest part, and it's true. Once I talk myself into getting on the bike, it's all over :bigsmile: I'm there for the long haul :bigsmile:

    So, this week's goals:

    - Ride bike twice daily at least 20 min
    - Track everyday, everything
    - Stay positive about everything

    The last one is more to do with my youngest son than me.. he's having health issues... waiting for an appt for an MRI on his leg at the moment... Gonna be working against stress eating/emotional eating for a bit... gonna focus on the fact that it's not the first stressful event that's ever happened in our life and it won't be the last, I'm sure. As I get older, I notice myself not thinking the ABSOLUTE worst outcome is inevitable. Thank goodness for that... The worry is still there, though :frown:

    But, all in all, a great week :happy: So glad I noticed this post! I love reading you guys' day to day accomplishments and/or trials in the newsfeed too! Helps us keep up with each other between Wednesdays :bigsmile:
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Way to go, Elaicea!!! You had great goals for last week and you did it!!! We all know how hard it is to change behavior and every little success should be celebrated. Please, tell me what are you going to do for yourself for the success you had last week. I plan on saving things like trips to the movies for every five pounds I lose and $100 clothes shopping for every 20, for the next 60 lbs. I will make new rewards and criteria, at that point. The scale is fluctuating so, I'm going to try a new method. I'm going to weigh myself everyday and use the average for the week for my check in. I've read that it is the most accurate way to weigh. The important thing is I'm down.
    Hi Hi Hi :bigsmile: It's Wednesday again! (Thanks for the email, Meadow! I would have forgotten to post >.<)

    Loss for the week: 3.8lbs

    Last week's goals were:

    - Stationary biking morning and night : 30min.
    - Tracking every day, every meal.
    - Don't let this stupid bout of vertigo sidetrack me!

    And they were a success! I'm also finally seeing some movement on the scale, which makes me really happy :bigsmile:

    I was really surprised I didn't "allow myself" to use the vertigo as an excuse. They always say that getting yourself to get up and start is the hardest part, and it's true. Once I talk myself into getting on the bike, it's all over :bigsmile: I'm there for the long haul :bigsmile:

    So, this week's goals:

    - Ride bike twice daily at least 20 min
    - Track everyday, everything
    - Stay positive about everything

    The last one is more to do with my youngest son than me.. he's having health issues... waiting for an appt for an MRI on his leg at the moment... Gonna be working against stress eating/emotional eating for a bit... gonna focus on the fact that it's not the first stressful event that's ever happened in our life and it won't be the last, I'm sure. As I get older, I notice myself not thinking the ABSOLUTE worst outcome is inevitable. Thank goodness for that... The worry is still there, though :frown:

    But, all in all, a great week :happy: So glad I noticed this post! I love reading you guys' day to day accomplishments and/or trials in the newsfeed too! Helps us keep up with each other between Wednesdays :bigsmile:
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    I'm hanging in there!!! I've actually been able to keep my sodium down under 2,300 mg. since I made this post. Two more days, lol. I wish my shakes had less sodium in them, but grateful that actually taste good and fill me up. I've been doing great with my carbs. I went shopping and have the individually frozen chicken breasts and the steam bags of vegetables. I also have the Minute rice microwavable cups. I know me and the easier, the more likely, I'm going to stick to plan. I know it's not Wednesday, but I felt like if I posted while I'm doing so well, it will encourage me to finish the week sticking to my goals.
    Seeing how I already blew one of my goals for the week. I'm going to modify it slightly.

    New goals.

    1. Meal planning and prepping ~ spend the next couple of nights creating my meal plan. - Saturday, shop and prep.
    2. Keep my carbs within my allotted amount everyday.
    3. Keep sodium below 2300 everyday. ****Make that five days****
    4. Move more!!!!
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Btw, I know it's only a few of us really keeping up with each other but I really feel like it's helping. I think because we are sharing all the good and the bad, we are coming to realize that we truly understand each other's struggles. I'm to the point when I see the little successes that each of you are making, I feel proud. It's like your success is my success. I hope that makes sense. When one of you do meet a goal or post your exercise, I feel like we all helped each other accomplish that. So, go us!!!
  • vcdfw
    vcdfw Posts: 49
    Can I join in? Sorry I'm late but I'm new to the group.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    You most certainly may. You are not late, there is no end and no beginning. Welcome!!!!
    Can I join in? Sorry I'm late but I'm new to the group.
  • vcdfw
    vcdfw Posts: 49
    Awesome, thanks so much! So Wednesday is the stats day, right? I'm really looking forward to this :).
  • Elaicea73
    Elaicea73 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Hi! Sending you a friend's request :D
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Yep! Wednesday is stats and goals!
  • vcdfw
    vcdfw Posts: 49
    Good Morning Lovely Ladies!

    This week I've lost 6.6lbs. I keep wanting to add a but there because to be entirely honest I was a little disappointed in that number because the previous weeks had been 8lb weeks. I have been kind talking to myself this morning and reminding myself that it is a very, very good number AND that weight loss was not the only goal.

    Exercise-wise (yep, new word) I hit my step goal everyday! Today's goal is 7415 and it increases about 100 steps a day... until I die because I'm almost certain my Garmin Vivofit is trying to kill me :).

    Nutritionally speaking I've completed another 5 days of great nutrition and the weekend really wasn't that bad from a calorie perspective so all in all, I'm putting forth loads of effort and seeing results.

    Goals for this week:
    1. Find 1 to 2 more nutritionally viable alternatives to salad that I can incorporate into my meal plan
    2. Hit 8,000 steps at least one day
    3. Practice loads of positive talk to myself and others

    God Bless everyone, looking forward to reading your updates :)
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Well, yesterday I was 291.2 for a loss of 1.6 lbs, but overnight I magically gained 4lbs. I'm thinking water weight or hormones or something along the line. I'm either having the worst PMS ever or I'm starting to suspect I may be pregnant (which would be good, but I'm ok if I'm not) as I've been feeling nauseated and been tossing my cookies at least once a day as well as being super tired every day. I think my bed time has moved up an hour or two every night for the past week, which has made exercise negligent for me but I've been maintaining my calorie goal even with a family reunion last Saturday.
  • vcdfw
    vcdfw Posts: 49
    Wow, so I might be able to say CONGRATS on gaining weight (baby)! How long until you find out? I don't know if you've ever experienced this before but I ALWAYS weigh something different at night versus first thing in the morning. I couldn't say why but I try to weigh at the same time for consistency sake. Great Job staying within your calorie goal, even at the family reunion, that is really quite an accomplishment.

    So is one of your goals for this week to find out if you're pregnant or not :bigsmile: ?
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Haha, I think I'm going to wait awhile before taking another test (seen a few very faint have to hold up to the light to see em lines) so I'm thinking it may be too early to say (or maybe I'm seeing things).

    I do weight at the same time of day though, I just meant from yesterday to today I gained 4 lbs, which usually means it's not legit weight. I've learned not to beat myself up when it goes up because I'm doing the right things so it will come back off in a few days.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    The scale has went up and down this week. No biggie because I lost 2 pounds this week. That's my goal!!!! I did some meal planning but not planning for the week, like I want to accomplish. I did great with my carb goals for the week. I good with my sodium goals everyday except yesterday.....yesterday....yeah....that was not good. Anyhow, I did pretty good for the week and plan on doing pretty well, this week.

    I know I am going to go over my sodium tomorrow (crab feast) and Saturday (Mommy/daughter day includes Chinese food). So, my goal for the rest of the week is to keep it under 2,000 per day. Today's number will help to offset tomorrow's splurge. Saturday will be carb and calorie heavy, as well. My goal related to to burn at least twice as many calories this week that I eat at the Chinese restaurant, lol. I will definitely have no guilt, when I meet that goal. Again, I need to work on meal planning and exercise more.

    I'd like to thank everyone for your support this week. I don't know about you guys but I'm feeling like our little team does a little more than the typical "You go girl" and I'm all the better for it!!
  • vcdfw
    vcdfw Posts: 49
    Meadow, you are totally right, two pounds is two pounds and that is so wonderful that you met your goal! Congrats! I had Chinese last weekend and I was so looking forward to it, I loves me some Lo Mein and have been eating so light on the carbs that I was almost salivating thinking about it.

    When my family and I got to the restaurant and ordered we each had one of the lunch specials and they come with an egg roll, soup and a fried chicken wing in addition the entrée. I got the Hot N Sour soup and it was good! Then my entrée came and the Lo Mein was over cooked and didn't have a lot of flavor. I could have eaten it but instead I said to myself, if I am not really enjoying this I shouldn't put it in my mouth... this is a cheat day for crying out loud and I don't want to waste the calories. So instead I ordered another cup of the soup and ate the egg roll with that. To my surprise, it wasn't that many calories at all (2 cups of soup was 350 calories and the egg roll was 200) and I was full and really enjoyed it!

    I didn't send the food back or anything, family owned restaurant and they do lots of other things really well, but I'm really hoping that I get to find other gems like this where I can eat out, enjoy myself, enjoy the food and it be totally within my calorie range for a meal.

    If any of you have any of you have any nuggets like that at other places you've eaten out at please share, I'd love to have a list :)
  • Elaicea73
    Elaicea73 Posts: 28 Member
    Meadow - I actually really enjoy seeing you flounder.. lol... ok, that sounds bad but let me explain! the reason I like seeing your trials and how you get through them is because you've lost 55lbs and, to me, it seems like an impossible feat! :flowerforyou: ... Besides the birth of my children, I've probably never lost more than a couple pounds here and there... I've only ever dieted once before and that was low carb and at the time I was married and he was absolutely not supportive of my goals so yeah... that went stellarly... :sad: So, seeing your day to day trials gives me hope... because you're still doing it... still losing... really doing the "lifestyle" thing... I'm sorry, but if I'm going to go eat out, I cannot foresee in my wildest dreams me ever abstaining and eating like a salad with no dressing or something like that... I need to see someone who's actually eating and successfully maneuvering through real life :drinker:

    I have mad respect for all you guys :flowerforyou: ... I only knew about the difficulties of weightloss secondhand, for so long... Watching my mom lose the same 75 or so lbs (it felt like) 30 times... it was such a sad rollercoaster ride... The struggles, the sadness when the scale didn't move, the elation when she got closer to her goal, the despair and guilt and self loathing as she gained it back pound by pound... I promised myself I'd never do it... And it was an easy promise to keep to myself, lemme tell ya... lol... but I'm ready now... and seeing you guys succeeding without starving and without the strictest "no slip up" policies and doing it... Inspiration ladies! I want to see 50lbs lost on my ticker one day... that will be my first OMG goal, I think >.< A couple of you guys have already passed it and a couple are full speed ahead! :happy: I'm bringing up the rear, but I'm ok with that! I'll meet ya'll at the maintenance finish line! :bigsmile:

    So.... :bigsmile:

    My goals for last week were:

    - Ride bike twice daily at least 20 min
    - Track everyday, everything
    - Stay positive about everything

    No exercise yesterday besides hospital pacing but other than that, Accomplished! :D

    This week's goals:

    - Ride bike twice daily at least 30min
    - Track everyday, everything
    - Stay positive :flowerforyou:

    Positive yardage, girls! Coaches are happy for even a half yard gain on the football field, and so am I!
    Here's to a great week :drinker:
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    I'm a big believer in not depriving yourself, I think that leads to binges. If you look at my diary I have dessert most every night, but I stay in my calorie goals (and I have like 12 more lbs to 50!). I think it really is about changing your thinking and your lifestyle. Also I try to remind myself if I go over, that I didn't put all this weight on overnight and it takes an extra 3,500 cal to gain a pound so going over by a few hundred won't kill me. I've also learned that if I'm tracking if I go over I tend to go a lot less over (500 cals vs 2,000 cals). That being said, I went to my FAVORITE restaurant tonight and managed to not go over :D I guess Indian food is actually not that bad for you.