


  • vcdfw
    vcdfw Posts: 49
    Shannon, Girl I understand your frustration! Personally, I think there are quite a few things you could do but I don't know how much effort you want to put into it, I mean is this a venting frustration or do you definitely with no reservations what-so-ever want to get off that 4lbs and start bouncing back and forth on the next 4lbs down?

    Kidding of course but, a little flux is normal, I think you're normal just happens to be over a week period. If you want to get rid of those 4lbs for good. Add in a 3mile walk every single day of the week (in ADDITION to what you are doing now exercise wise) AND cut out 250 empty calories a day. So in other words, something you don't need nutritionally and if has a high sodium content all the better. Do that like you would a no interest payment plan... LOL you know the ones where if you pay off this amount within this amount of time you don't have to pay any interest BUT if you don't you have to pay ALL the interest that was accumulated over the duration, LOL. So keep to this like if you succeed you'll lose at least 4lbs but any failure on any day and you'll gain 5lbs.

    If you're willing to go extreme I'd bet you get rid of that 4lbs over the next week for good.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Good news, tried weighing myself on my usual spot (I had moved the scale about a week or so ago because my husband kept tripping over it) and I was weighing in another spot, didn't even think about how many times I've read to weigh yourself in the same spot...weight this morning and was same as yesterday and then though hmmm...I wonder if that's making a difference, and YEP! It was making a HUGE difference. So, lesson learned. I think I'm gonna mark some tape on the floor to line up my scale to. What do you guys do? Do you have big enough bathrooms to leave the scale in one place?
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    I'm back, for now. There were some complications with the surgery on Friday, so they rescheduled the surgery for Monday to next Monday. I am in a lot of pain a lot of the time because I'm passing fragments. When I say fragments.....some of my fragments are the size of other people's kidney stones that they need surgery for. Otherwise, I'm doing better. Moving around a lot more. As a matter fact, when I having an episode when I'm passing a stone.....part of what I do to get it out is drink tons of water, while walking from room to room. Seems to help.

    Anyway, welcome to any newcomers. I will check back in tomorrow.
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    Meadow_sage, so sorry this issue has not resolved yet. I hope all goes well with your surgery. Keep the water flowing!
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member

    So I was up again this week, 292.6, pretty frustrating to be up 2 weeks in a row, but I was low on Friday, down to 289, so I think this is just left over from this weekend.

    This week's goals:

    Drink 8 glasses of water a day minimum.

    Workout 4 times.

    Eat Veggies 3 times with dinner.

    This morning I was 290.8. I realized this week you really do need to keep your scale in one spot! It made a 4lb difference for me...though I know the floors in our place are uneven (you can see it).

    I did meet all 3 of my goals if you count lettuce on a sandwich, which I feel BARELY counts.

    My goals for this week are the same:

    8 glasses a day

    Workout 4 days

    Eat Veggies 3 times

    We are making a meal plan so I'm hoping to blow the veggie goal out of the water.

    Meadow: I'm sorry things didn't go right on Friday! I hope you start to feel better soon. I've never had a kidney stone but I've heard next to birth they are just about the most painful thing to go through.I'm glad walking and water seems to help. Hopefully things will go smoothly this week for you!

    Everyone what are your goals for this week and how did you do last week?
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    Goals this week:

    8 glasses of water - This one has turned out to be pretty easy for me. I measure it out in bottles in the morning, keep them nearby and it just disappears during the day one sip at a time. But it is a goal still because I don't want to lose the habit and go back to soda and Southern sweet tea. (which is LOADED with sugar)

    Log all food and drink - Logging makes me think about what I am eating, even if I still eat badly. It helps me make better choices because i don't want to have to log junk.

    Get to the gym every day! - This one is new. I just joined a fitness center and, because I cannot (yet) go all out on the machines, I walk in the pool. It is easier on my knees.

    Eat "healthy" - I know that term is somewhat broad, but since I am making sweeping changes to my lifestyle, I am giving myself some freedom. Natural ingredients, no deep frying, no added sugar, more veggies...blah blah blah, you get the idea. I have not completely cut out carbs, but bread and wheat products are minimized.

    TL;DR version... Goals = Water, Exercise, Healthy food
  • vcdfw
    vcdfw Posts: 49
    Hello All! Happy Check In Day!

    Okay time to fess up! The last couple of weeks have been a real struggle for me. I can't seem to get my stuff together and get the noise out of my head. It's been causing insomnia and some weight flux so over the last week I've lost 4 lbs but I think it was the same 4 lbs I had lost the week the before and gained back and have now hopefully lost yet again.

    The food logging and exercise goals didn't go well this week. I missed yesterday entirely (logging) and my streak of hitting my exercise goal everyday went down the drain when I got sick for a couple of days. So now it's really hard to pick back up at 10K steps a day. I've been soooo depressed and withdrawn that I just couldn't bring myself to be inspiring much so I apologize for my lake of zest regarding everyone's accomplishments, I really am happy for all of you and concerned about Meadow and her health but I just wasn't able to pull myself up for a few days.

    Today is a new day and now that I have confessed my short comings and transgressions I am leaving them behind me and starting anew.

    Goals for this week are:
    1. Plan, plan, plan those meals for the next couple of weeks. This week is wash so I'll just watch my calories and try to remember the good things to eat and give myself a few days to get back on track.
    2. Start hitting my steps goals for each day again.
    3. Do something nice for myself
    4. Fine 3 things that are better now than they were 40 days ago when I started and post them so I can appreciate them everyday this week.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    4. Find 3 things that are better now than they were 40 days ago when I started and post them so I can appreciate them everyday this week.

    That is an awesome goal....I think we all should do that this week!
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    You slipped. Most of us do at some point or another. I do often. Health is not a destination, it's a journey. It is also not a sprint but a marathon. This little bump in the road is just that. If you hit a pothole in the road, do you turn around and go home, no you keep driving forward. There will be more bumps. What makes you successful is that you keep coming back. You may not have perfect will power and be as enthusiastic about things as when you first started.....but this is when it counts the most. When you keep working toward your goals regardless of setback. Anyone can follow a diet for a week or month. Making lifestyle changes is much, much harder but much more successful. Maybe, your body needed a break. If you are set at losing two pounds a week, try dialing it back a little. Make the goals a little easier for a few weeks. Do what you can stick to, while still moving forward.

    You are doing great because you are still here. That shows that you still have the desire and the will to continue on, even when things are getting hard. You can do this!!!

    P.S. I'm fine. Still some pain, but much better and I can get around a lot better. My second surgery was reschedule was rescheduled for this coming Monday. This one should be a little easier on me. The stone is a bit smaller than the other one. I think they should be more successful at breaking it up. Most of my pain past the first day was from passing stone fragments, not from the surgery itself. My itty-bitty wounds don't hurt that much and are healing up quite nicely :) So, hopefully I will be good as gold in a couple of weeks.
    Hello All! Happy Check In Day!

    Okay time to fess up! The last couple of weeks have been a real struggle for me. I can't seem to get my stuff together and get the noise out of my head. It's been causing insomnia and some weight flux so over the last week I've lost 4 lbs but I think it was the same 4 lbs I had lost the week the before and gained back and have now hopefully lost yet again.

    The food logging and exercise goals didn't go well this week. I missed yesterday entirely (logging) and my streak of hitting my exercise goal everyday went down the drain when I got sick for a couple of days. So now it's really hard to pick back up at 10K steps a day. I've been soooo depressed and withdrawn that I just couldn't bring myself to be inspiring much so I apologize for my lake of zest regarding everyone's accomplishments, I really am happy for all of you and concerned about Meadow and her health but I just wasn't able to pull myself up for a few days.

    Today is a new day and now that I have confessed my short comings and transgressions I am leaving them behind me and starting anew.

    Goals for this week are:
    1. Plan, plan, plan those meals for the next couple of weeks. This week is wash so I'll just watch my calories and try to remember the good things to eat and give myself a few days to get back on track.
    2. Start hitting my steps goals for each day again.
    3. Do something nice for myself
    4. Fine 3 things that are better now than they were 40 days ago when I started and post them so I can appreciate them everyday this week.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Do you not like veggies?

    So I was up again this week, 292.6, pretty frustrating to be up 2 weeks in a row, but I was low on Friday, down to 289, so I think this is just left over from this weekend.

    This week's goals:

    Drink 8 glasses of water a day minimum.

    Workout 4 times.

    Eat Veggies 3 times with dinner.

    This morning I was 290.8. I realized this week you really do need to keep your scale in one spot! It made a 4lb difference for me...though I know the floors in our place are uneven (you can see it).

    I did meet all 3 of my goals if you count lettuce on a sandwich, which I feel BARELY counts.

    My goals for this week are the same:

    8 glasses a day

    Workout 4 days

    Eat Veggies 3 times

    We are making a meal plan so I'm hoping to blow the veggie goal out of the water.

    Meadow: I'm sorry things didn't go right on Friday! I hope you start to feel better soon. I've never had a kidney stone but I've heard next to birth they are just about the most painful thing to go through.I'm glad walking and water seems to help. Hopefully things will go smoothly this week for you!

    Everyone what are your goals for this week and how did you do last week?
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    No, I don't. It's taken me a long time to find ones I'll eat and hubby and I don't necessarily like the same ones. I did just buy a HUGE pack of broccoli at costco though and some asparagus so we are going to be trying to have one every night. I'm trying different ways cooking them, I like grilling, I'm gonna try roasting....if you have any good recipes please share!
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    It may be a good idea for you to sneak your veggies in your food. Make soups, stews and casseroles that are full of vegetables. This way the flavor of the other foods will cover up the taste of your veggies. You can use a grater and grate carrots, broccoli, cabbage and zucchini and then put the shredded vegetables in chili, spaghetti sauce, beef should barely taste them. Over time you may become acquired to their flavors and learn to like them.

    I love veggies.
    No, I don't. It's taken me a long time to find ones I'll eat and hubby and I don't necessarily like the same ones. I did just buy a HUGE pack of broccoli at costco though and some asparagus so we are going to be trying to have one every night. I'm trying different ways cooking them, I like grilling, I'm gonna try roasting....if you have any good recipes please share!
  • vcdfw
    vcdfw Posts: 49
    You slipped. Most of us do at some point or another. I do often. Health is not a destination, it's a journey. It is also not a sprint but a marathon. This little bump in the road is just that. If you hit a pothole in the road, do you turn around and go home, no you keep driving forward. There will be more bumps. What makes you successful is that you keep coming back. You may not have perfect will power and be as enthusiastic about things as when you first started.....but this is when it counts the most. When you keep working toward your goals regardless of setback. Anyone can follow a diet for a week or month. Making lifestyle changes is much, much harder but much more successful. Maybe, your body needed a break. If you are set at losing two pounds a week, try dialing it back a little. Make the goals a little easier for a few weeks. Do what you can stick to, while still moving forward.

    You are doing great because you are still here. That shows that you still have the desire and the will to continue on, even when things are getting hard. You can do this!!!

    P.S. I'm fine. Still some pain, but much better and I can get around a lot better. My second surgery was reschedule was rescheduled for this coming Monday. This one should be a little easier on me. The stone is a bit smaller than the other one. I think they should be more successful at breaking it up. Most of my pain past the first day was from passing stone fragments, not from the surgery itself. My itty-bitty wounds don't hurt that much and are healing up quite nicely :) So, hopefully I will be good as gold in a couple of weeks.

    Thanks Meadow I know you are right, no doubt about it. It is a great help to get these reaffirmations, I do truly appreciate your support. I am so glad you are feeling a little better and will keep you in my prayers for your second surgery :-).
  • vcdfw
    vcdfw Posts: 49
    No, I don't. It's taken me a long time to find ones I'll eat and hubby and I don't necessarily like the same ones. I did just buy a HUGE pack of broccoli at costco though and some asparagus so we are going to be trying to have one every night. I'm trying different ways cooking them, I like grilling, I'm gonna try roasting....if you have any good recipes please share!

    Shannon, have you tried a fruit smoothie? You can hide some kale or baby spinach in there quite easily and depending on the fruit you use it will still be sweet or tart enough to mask the taste of a cup of either of those. Any dark green veggie will give you so much nutritional benefit that it would be worth doing what Meadow suggested and hiding them with other foods that had stronger flavors.

    I love to roast about anything. It's incredibly easy the only trick is if you combine veggies that soften at different rates that you'll have to start one first then add others. My favorite to roast is butternut squash, carrots, onions, garlic and sweet potatoes. If you buy adult carrots that are fresh you'll need to start with them for about 30 minutes then add the sweet potato for another 15, then the rest for about 30 - 40 minutes. I just take a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and lots of pepper in a big mixing bowl, after you cut up these veggies you toss them in the oil and pepper then line a cookie sheet or roasting pan with aluminum foil and throw them in there, when you add the other veggies at the later times I give them all another toss in the roasting pan to mix them together.

    I do a big batch of them and then put them in freezer bags in serving size portions. You can microwave them from frozen or defrost them in the fridge the day before you want to eat them then just warm them in the microwave for a few minutes. This recipe can be used for zucchini, about any kind of squash, you can roast asparagus this way but you don't need much time to soften them, ears of corn, just about any root or starchy veggie. The best thing is the garlic it turns a little sweet when it caramelizes so you can eat whole cloves at a time and it's so yummy.

    I'm going to try beets next but make them like chips for snacking :).
  • carrieann8
    carrieann8 Posts: 124 Member
    Its been a while since I checked in, but I lost another 2 pounds last week and I'm looking forward to weigh-in tomorrow, but I won't have time to post in groups for a few days.

    Stay 90% on plan! :)
    Exercise at least 3 days. My yard misses me since I went back to work.
    Pack lunch all five days (did good last week).
    Do my cook-up and prep on the weekend to make the work week easier.
  • carrieann8
    carrieann8 Posts: 124 Member
    Quick update. I lost 2.4 this week!! :)
  • vcdfw
    vcdfw Posts: 49
    Awesome job CarrieAnn.

    I haven't weighed this week yet and don't plan to until Sep 1st because I have been WAY to negatively influenced by my obsession with the scale.

    I haven't found as many meals that would be nutritionally the same as salad for this week as I had hoped but there is always tomorrow and the next day, etc.

    Walking has gotten back up to 10K a day so yay on that front.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    So I was down to 286.6 this morning for a loss of 4.2 this week (wahoo). And I had beef and broccoli for dinner fact I had broccoli twice this week and even had a few meatless meals. Hopefully I can keep steady to make it to 50 lbs by my birthday on the 31st.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Where are all you ladies! It's Wednesday so time for check-in!

    This morning I weight in at 285.2 so down 1.4 lbs from last week, and I had more sodium than I ought to for dinner last night because we had Chinese food so if I go by my low I was down to 284.2 (so 2.4 from last week). I've been eating a lot more veggies than normal, so been good on that part and I'm glad to have broken my plateau, but I don't think I'm going to make my 50 by my birthday.5-6lbs in 4 days seems a little much. I'm just glad to be close.

    How are you all doing this week?
  • carrieann8
    carrieann8 Posts: 124 Member
    lost 2.6 lbs since her last weigh-in! Carrieann8's lost 28.9 lbs so far.

    NO fast food stops. Not even for sweet tea!!! (daggone bladder infection)
    Don't overeat on a 3 day weekend just because I have time off!
    Pack lunch, pack snacks, eat right!