


  • vcdfw
    vcdfw Posts: 49
    Hi Everyone just a quick check in (logging in from work shhhh). Stats this week:

    Lost 4 lbs yay but I'm really very, very disappointed by this number. I think it was due to the cheat days I actually went up 1.4 lbs that I had to lose again but the amount of weight loss to me seems to be lessoning drastically each week.

    I did make a few new meals that still provide me with nutrion for the week but I exceeded my fat and sodium by too much a couple of days which could be contributing to the slower weight loss.

    Exercise was awesome this week. My goal was to walk 8,000 steps at least one day in the week and well... I did it for all 7 days most days being 8,400 steps. Looks like I'll be hitting that 10,000 sooner than I originally thought.

    I hope everyone is doing great, I'll check in again once I get off work cause I want to read all your entries and celebrate with you all!
  • vcdfw
    vcdfw Posts: 49
    I am checking in early because I know I will not be checking in again for a few days. I didn't have so much of a great week, not really bad but not stellar, either. I went to the doctors today and I got my first blood pressure reading in a very long time that was actually normal!!!! So, that was great. My blood sugar is also under control, now. So double yeah.

    My struggles this week, have included eating fast food. High sodium days.....not meeting my goals. My daughter confessed to me that she binge eats, when no one is around. She is not overweight so, I thought maybe she exaggerated. Then this Saturday night, I witnessed her eat more than I could possibly eat.

    My new goals....

    1. Go to my first OA meeting on Thursday. Take my daughter to a meeting on Saturday.
    2. Go to sleep by 10:30 pm every night. ~ considering how early I get up, you would think this goal would be easier than what it is.
    3. Take all my meds and testing as I have been prescribed to.
    4. Log everything.

    Good luck, girls!

    Oh wow, way to take the bull by the horns with the OA meetings! Good luck and let us know how it goes! Congrats on making the month a loss overall! I know how you feel about the struggle with sodium and fast food. I've been successful in keeping that tile the weekends so far but I'm not ready to do without it entirely yet.... sad truth but truth nontheless.
  • vcdfw
    vcdfw Posts: 49
    Carrieann - Whoo hoo way to go girl!

    Shannon - glad your body is going back in the right direction again :wink:. Great accountability on the exercise front, you assessed the situation and know what you can do to improve there so that's great!

    Alanabanana - I know what you mean about the weekend! Right now this early in my journey I'm using the weekend as cheat days but I don't know how long that will be able to last, especially if my weightloss keep decreasing at the interval it has been. Which completely freaks me out!

    Ladies I have to say this week has been alot harder than the first couple were, I'm really very disappointed in the amount of loss I had and I don't want to stop getting the nutrition my body needs to have weight loss and I don't want to eat the same thing every single day. I think I'm going to have to work a little harder this week on meal plans or something but I might cry if I start only losing 4 lbs a week this early in my journey when I'm over 400 lbs... sniff sniff.

    Am I just being a baby about this? Or do I have totally unrealistic expectations?
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member

    Ladies I have to say this week has been alot harder than the first couple were, I'm really very disappointed in the amount of loss I had and I don't want to stop getting the nutrition my body needs to have weight loss and I don't want to eat the same thing every single day. I think I'm going to have to work a little harder this week on meal plans or something but I might cry if I start only losing 4 lbs a week this early in my journey when I'm over 400 lbs... sniff sniff.

    Am I just being a baby about this? Or do I have totally unrealistic expectations?

    I would call anything down a win. Your body will not always cooperate, some weeks you may lose 1 and some you may lose 8. The goal is sustainable weightloss and getting healthy so remember that when it's a slow week. It will come off faster in the beginning, but anyone can plateau and it's frustrating but you just have to stick with it and not give up and eventually you will be rewarded.
  • vcdfw
    vcdfw Posts: 49
    Thanks Shannon :). I will give it another couple of weeks before I do anything drastic to change up my diet. I know the bacon pancakes over the weekend didn't help things but I guess I didn't realize how long they would effect my weight loss.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    I've found that high sodium days take about 3 days to recover water weight wise for me...
  • vcdfw
    vcdfw Posts: 49
    Okay good to know... I'll have to keep an eye on that... cause I'm over my sodium again today... who knew roasted veggies with no additional salt added had so much sodium... yeash.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    You may wanna check the veggies you are using too because I was entering some fresh green beans as canned and they added a ton of sodium that I wasn't eating bc mine were fresh (yay Costco)! Also, already failed at my watch sodium goal...we had dinner at Costco while shopping and I like doubled what I was supposed to eat. Hopefully my workout will sweat some of the salt out. Tomorrow is a new day!
  • vcdfw
    vcdfw Posts: 49
    Oh good point on the veggies... thanks. You are doing awesome girl! Every time I log on you lost more weight, you're really doing well!
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Haha, thanks, keep in mind I log my weight every day so sometimes it's the same pound over and over...this week however it is all legit :-) 9lbs to 50! I'm so excited!
  • vcdfw
    vcdfw Posts: 49
    I was happy dancing for you at 40 and I blinked and it was 41... you totally got this... 50 will be here soon. Keep doing what you're doing cause it's working.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Four pounds in a week is GREAT!!!! Four pounds a week for a year is 208 pounds in a year. Even people who have gastric bypass, usually take about a year to lose 100 pounds. That's about two pounds a week. This isn't a sprint it's a marathon. BTW, the longer it takes to lose, the more likely you are to keep it off....statistically speaking. Loss is loss and if you are as big as you and I are.....we are beating the odds by losing in the first place. Just be patient and keep doing what you are doing. Before you know it, you will so surprised at yourself.

    PS.....I love the encouragement everyone is giving each other!!!!!! :heart:
  • vcdfw
    vcdfw Posts: 49
    Thanks Meadow! I am coming around to the realization that my expectation were grossly overestimated. I think I'm over it now. This weekend helped but not in the way I expected. Usually when I try really hard and don't do as well as I anticipated I would I get that rude, nasty voice in my head saying well if this is all that going to happen when you try so hard why not let up a little. Then that little snowballs into giving up.

    This weekend I ate mostly fast food for my two cheat days and I'm really not feeling great because of it. I did get my exercise in thank goodness but it was very hard and since I'm not really happy, the indulgence was so short lived. I am really feeling kinda burned out on fast food so hopefully next weekend I can go back to having a little with my family on Saturday but going back to home cooking on Sunday... :).

    Thanks to everyone for the support and being the kind, supportive, helpful little voices that help overrule that rude, nasty little voice in my head that can creep in from time to time.

    Hope we all have a splendid week and looking forward to Wednesday! I'm going to be happy with whatever results I get because as you all have stated this is a life shaping experience not a short term project (paraphrasing).
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    Just popped in to say hello---you guys are doing great!

    I am ready for this week, and I know you are too!

    I miss my swimming pool, and I will be so glad when it is fixed and I can go back to my normal routines.

  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    I have refrained from fast food for several days. I intend on NEVER driving thru a drive-thru window ever again.
    Home cooked meals are better but if I have to get out of my Jeep and walk into a restaurant and eat in front of other
    people....I'm going to be more likely to stick to healthy choices and portions. Hang in there.
    Thanks Meadow! I am coming around to the realization that my expectation were grossly overestimated. I think I'm over it now. This weekend helped but not in the way I expected. Usually when I try really hard and don't do as well as I anticipated I would I get that rude, nasty voice in my head saying well if this is all that going to happen when you try so hard why not let up a little. Then that little snowballs into giving up.

    This weekend I ate mostly fast food for my two cheat days and I'm really not feeling great because of it. I did get my exercise in thank goodness but it was very hard and since I'm not really happy, the indulgence was so short lived. I am really feeling kinda burned out on fast food so hopefully next weekend I can go back to having a little with my family on Saturday but going back to home cooking on Sunday... :).

    Thanks to everyone for the support and being the kind, supportive, helpful little voices that help overrule that rude, nasty little voice in my head that can creep in from time to time.

    Hope we all have a splendid week and looking forward to Wednesday! I'm going to be happy with whatever results I get because as you all have stated this is a life shaping experience not a short term project (paraphrasing).
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Started OA a day early. Took my daughter and she had a very unexpected breakdown during the meeting, which goes to show that it is needed. I forgot my meds one night...(pills only, I took the insulin). I logged everything. GREAT week.

    This weeks goals:

    ~ go to OA meetings
    ~ go to bed by 10:30
    ~ log everything
    ~ No fast food...if I break this one....nothing but shakes the next day....I know this is weird but I'm experimenting
    ~ move more....more specifically, clean and sanitize my bedroom, so when I come back from surgery it will be nice and clean,
    also clean out car and start purging old and unused things. This should take me the rest of my life, lol.
    I went to bed at 10:30 and woke up at 5 and felt much better than usual.
    I am checking in early because I know I will not be checking in again for a few days. I didn't have so much of a great week, not really bad but not stellar, either. I went to the doctors today and I got my first blood pressure reading in a very long time that was actually normal!!!! So, that was great. My blood sugar is also under control, now. So double yeah.

    My struggles this week, have included eating fast food. High sodium days.....not meeting my goals. My daughter confessed to me that she binge eats, when no one is around. She is not overweight so, I thought maybe she exaggerated. Then this Saturday night, I witnessed her eat more than I could possibly eat.

    My new goals....

    1. Go to my first OA meeting on Thursday. Take my daughter to a meeting on Saturday.
    2. Go to sleep by 10:30 pm every night. ~ considering how early I get up, you would think this goal would be easier than what it is.
    3. Take all my meds and testing as I have been prescribed to.
    4. Log everything.

    Good luck, girls!
  • vcdfw
    vcdfw Posts: 49
    Good Morning Everyone! Happy Accountability or Check In Day!

    First things first... the progress report:

    1. I did 9,200 - 11,163 steps each day this week. So definitely exceeded my goal here. I'm starting to be able to walk faster for greater durations of time so the physical activity is really starting to pay off.
    2. Lost 4.6 lbs this week. It's a little more than last week but I had a super fat filled fast food weekend so actually I'm really pleased that the amount of weight lost wasn't less.
    3. Logged everything but I didn't create at least one new salad substitution meal.

    This weeks goals:
    1. 10K or more steps each day
    2. Create 2 salad substitution meals to add variety in a nutritious way to my meal plans
    3. Don't weight for two weeks, as I'm getting a little too obsessed with the amount of weight I'm losing and not focusing primarily on the healthful lifestyle.

    Now for the part I really like:

    Wonderful progress. I might have to look and see if there is an OA meeting in my neighborhood, I'm really pleased that the meetings have been positive so far for you and your daughter. Great progress otherwise, I must had missed you saying you needed surgery but, I sure hope all goes fabulously well with it and I'll keep you in my prayers.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    You are doing great!!!
    That's a nice drop for one week. I think it's good idea to wait two week to weigh in.
    This week might not be that great, because of the big drop you just had. Waiting two
    weeks, may prove to be a little more inspiring for you.

    I have two surgeries scheduled. My right kidney stone on the 8th and my left on the 11th.
    It shouldn't be too's just that they will have to have me under for a long time. I can't
    wait for that to be over with.

    Good Morning Everyone! Happy Accountability or Check In Day!

    First things first... the progress report:

    1. I did 9,200 - 11,163 steps each day this week. So definitely exceeded my goal here. I'm starting to be able to walk faster for greater durations of time so the physical activity is really starting to pay off.
    2. Lost 4.6 lbs this week. It's a little more than last week but I had a super fat filled fast food weekend so actually I'm really pleased that the amount of weight lost wasn't less.
    3. Logged everything but I didn't create at least one new salad substitution meal.

    This weeks goals:
    1. 10K or more steps each day
    2. Create 2 salad substitution meals to add variety in a nutritious way to my meal plans
    3. Don't weight for two weeks, as I'm getting a little too obsessed with the amount of weight I'm losing and not focusing primarily on the healthful lifestyle.

    Now for the part I really like:

    Wonderful progress. I might have to look and see if there is an OA meeting in my neighborhood, I'm really pleased that the meetings have been positive so far for you and your daughter. Great progress otherwise, I must had missed you saying you needed surgery but, I sure hope all goes fabulously well with it and I'll keep you in my prayers.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member

    My goal for this week:

    Get back into exercising. I've been slacking since I've been feeling exhausted and nauseated, I want to get at least 3 days in by next Wednesday.

    Stay under my calorie goal and keep and eye on sodium and sugar.

    Eat more veggies! (I'm terrible at this one)

    I was 291 this morning so up from last week. Which I was bummed about this morning so I put on an old pair of pants that are really loose and that made me feel better.

    As for my goals:

    Exercising: Exercised 4 days and have plans to go tonight. I met a girl on here that lives by me so we've been meeting up a lot.

    Under Calorie goal with eye on Sugar and Sodium: Not so great on sodium but kept sugar and calories in check. Went over on Saturday due to 2 birthday parties but also am well under my weekly goal so I'm not feeling too bad about it.

    Veggies: TOTAL FAIL I did not eat any extra.

    So this week:

    Work out at least 4 times

    Going on vacation so keep logging while we are away for the weekend

    Veggies: Try again and eat more, at least 3 times this week eat some.

    Also, I found out I am not pregnant, I just had the worlds worst case of PMS but I'm feeling much better now.
  • vcdfw
    vcdfw Posts: 49
    Shannon don't despair you'll lose that you gained in no time... seems like every time I log in you've lost weight, so keep doing what you're doing and trying to improve a little each week and I'm totally sure you'll be back to losing soon!

    Meadow - glad the surgeries aren't major, scary ones but, I'm still gonna keep you in my prayers for a speedy recovery :).

    Well ladies I'm off to go hit the treadmill, it was my work from home day today and I've only logged 2K steps so far so I guess it's going to be me watching 2 to 3 episodes of Downton Abbey on the treadmill tonight to get in another 8K steps... yeash.