


  • wonderwoman325
    I'm down 7 lbs total, but hopped on the scale this morning and saw that I'm retaining a bit of water weight. Makes sense as I've fallen off the wagon to drinking as much water as I should be. So that is my goal for today - logging at least 8 glasses of water.

    NSV: my blood pressure is normal as per my doctor, my resting heart rate is down and I've lost an inch around my hips (of all places!)

    To do this week:

    2. Drink my water
    3. Hit 3500 calories burned in exercise
  • bbrat333
    bbrat333 Posts: 158 Member
    Yay, it's Saturday. Time for a new start.

    Alana & Shannon, good for both you not gaining. Water is a hard one to get in on a regular schedule.
    Wonderwoman, great NSV's as I keep saying, you are doing great, keep up the trend.

    I was 303 on Friday which means no change (I was 301 on one day, but apparently back up the next). I have been grabbing those little snacks & greasy chips while I'm cooking the real food. Bad habit I need to re-break.

    The upcoming week's goals:
    Avoid Greasy snacks (only popped or baked snacks).
    Drink water (that appears to be a big one for all of us).

    See y'all next week :ohwell: may it be a great one for everyone.
  • RedfootDaddy
    RedfootDaddy Posts: 274 Member
    All y'all are wonderful inspirations, I love reading this thread. ;_;

    I weighed in this morning and finally calibrated my scale to do body fat (both yay and boo). 307.2lbs and 51% body fat. I AM MORE THAN HALF FAT THIS IS NOT OKAY. No panicking though.

    Goals for the week:
    Drink all my water (duh - a bigger challenge at home than work)
    Not go "hey, I have some calories TIME TO EAT ALL THE CHIPS OMFNOMFNOMF" every night
    Actually get off my *kitten* and do the C25K program three times this week. I did the very first day on Friday and thought I was going to die.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    dbeaut I did a Pre-Couch to 5k to get started and it really helped...Week 1 was 15 sec and 2:15 walk for 20, Week 2 was 30 Sec to 1:30 walk and Week 3 was 45 Sec Jog to 1:45 walk. It helped me a lot. I haven't ran in about a month but I was up to week 2 after doing the 3 weeks Pre C25k. I'm finally ready to get back to it so we'll see if I'm still on week 2...
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    Hey Hey Hey! Happy Monday Fierce Warriors!

    So this week I lost another pound. a pound a week is GOOD for me, I work so hard for that one pound----sometimes it's hard to see just the one, but I always try to look at my graph, and my overall downward trend---it helps!

    I have been super grouchy----and its food related
    how sad that food rules my life the way that it does----it is up to me to change that.
    Food is such a jealous mistress!

    I did much better at drinking water over the weekend. I stayed under all days except Sunday---birthday party for my pops. We--hubby and I-- need to learn that when we make food for a potluck, we only need a serving per person---and a small serving at that----we have so much leftover that I could not give away. arrgh.

    Dbeaut---this IS a great thread----I try to make time to catch up and I am happy to see you here!!!!!!
    Bbrat---good job being aware of fixes you can make---and I'll take a maintain any day over a gain!
    Wonderwoman---WOW! you are losing weight and getting healthy! that's a victory all right!
    Shannon---you are creating good habits, and you will see the results!

    Here is what I am working on this week:
    Water---keeping up the theme---getting the weekends is my challenge
    Exercise---6 days out of 7---once again the weekends are my challenge
    Motivation--when I feel deprived, I need to find something fulfilling. I need to put my mind to a hobby, or some kind of activity or even a low cal treat so I don't get so damn grouchy!

    that's it for me

    I hope you all have the most FABULOUS of weeks!

  • RedfootDaddy
    RedfootDaddy Posts: 274 Member
    @shannonin - pre-C25K might have been a good idea. Oh well. I'm into it now. And! And! Today I JOGGED THE WHOLE NINETY SECONDS! TWICE!!!!! I had this stupid big grin on my face when the timer went off and I was still going.

    @alanna - Hellooooo! I have the problem of overfeeding people too. Like last night. I made three nice moderate portions for myself (one for that night, two for work lunches) and ALL the food for my wife. Ooops.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    @dbeaut that's fantastic! It always seems like the first one of the week was the hardest and then by the end of the week you have it down...I've heard some of the later weeks are tougher. I'll have to get back started again and we can do it together! I'll have to see how bad losing this past month was. I'm planning on starting the 30 day shred again too to alternate with the C25k.
  • RedfootDaddy
    RedfootDaddy Posts: 274 Member
    I don't have a ton of free time during the week for something like 30 day shred - that's like a video workout series things like P90X, right? I'm doing C25K because I can do it on my lunchbreak at work. Will not go tomorrow, give my body a little break.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Yea it's a video workout, but it's only 1/2 hour which is why I like it. It's one heck of a workout for 30 min and it's a good way to get in strength training along with cardio.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    I was back up to 281.6 today. Still thinking I could see 50 lbs (279.4) any day now.

    I've been logging every day and drinking my water every day so we are back in the habit.

    This week my goal is to keep going on the logging and water and get back into working out. I'm finally starting to feel back to normal so before next Wednesday so I want to work out at least once, maybe twice.

    Ok, still haven't seen the 50 lb mark, I was down to 281 (48.4lbs) this morning after a sodium filled weekend. I've been good on my water and better at logging, I was sick a few days so I wasn't logging those days and now hubby is sick so haven't gotten in the work out, been taking care of him. So my goal this week is to work out again.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I am happy to say that I am back. It's quite an adventure for me but it is over, yay!!!!! Four visits to the OR and one visit to the ER, later. I am doing much, MUCH better, now. There will not be any more surgeries or procedures. I am so ready to get back into the groove. I LOOOOOVE that you guys have kept in touch with each other, while I was incognito. There is nothing like genuine motivation and support.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    I did it! I hit 50 lbs! Thanks for all your support ladies it means the world to me and I seriously couldn't have done it without you. On to the next 50!
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Woop Woop!!! Go Shannon!!!
  • bbrat333
    bbrat333 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm a day late and a dollar short. Yesterday wasn't my day. But, I'm here, so lets get started,

    Dbeaut, great to see you here. Those are some great challenges, lol, I know I see my extra calories and have to remind myself they are not for fried chips and cheeseburgers all the time. I agree with Shannon, start your workouts slow and build your way into them. If you feel like you are going to die, you might be less motivated to continue, if you enjoy yourself and feel a bit of burn, that's a good workout. Sounds like it got better though. I love the stupid grin, I get so few of them lately.
    Alana, you've been doing great. Congrats on the loss this week. Birthday's I've made up so many excuses now not to eat a huge slice of cake and a cup of ice cream like my family dishes out every time... my tooth is sore, I have a loose filling, I just ate, oh look the baby wants it... lmao, last birthday party my 1 year old dumped my plate on the floor, whoops, but it saved me a ton of calories. Next party if you do make a lot, try to make something you can freeze after, then thaw it in small portions when you want it.
    Shannon, you hit 50 down YAY congrats to you, you've worked hard for it and as it should be the hard work is paying off.
    Meadow, welcome back glad the surgeries are over for you.

    As for me...

    I was 298.5 on Friday which means I'm down 4.5 lbs from last week's 303.
    YAY I made it to Twondlerland?

    Gonna keep up doing more exercise, less junk food more water :)
  • carrieann8
    carrieann8 Posts: 124 Member
    Lost 2.2 last week. I'm having a friendly competition with hubby to lose weight this month. (He thrives on competition.)

    Goals for the week:
    Massive planning and prepping today to get ready for the week
    No stress overeating - its going to be a busy week
    Save money by making no unplanned stops
    Be reasonable when I go out to dinner Wednesday!
  • carrieann8
    carrieann8 Posts: 124 Member
    I found my measuring tape... And here's the fun part!!! Since I started (108 days ago), I have lost 1 inch from my neck, 7 inches from my waist, and 6 inches from my hips!!!! No wonder my old pants don't fit!!!
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Carrieann that's great! Time to go buy some new pants! I was trying on some of my old clothes last night and it was nice to see that some of them are starting to fit again. Glad I saved them so I'm not having to go shopping all the time. One dress in particular has been my goal since I started to fit back into and I was able to get it on and zipped yesterday (though it was pretty tight)

    Also bbrat Hooray on twoderland which definitely needs a better name....deuceville? twinning? Feels so good when you reach a new first number on the scale...or a new second # for that matter!

    Hope everyone has a good week this week! We are having people over to watch the Seahawks (my team) on Monday Night Football and it's a potluck so my plan is just to stay within reason. We made teriyaki chicken wings so I know what I can at least have there.
  • RedfootDaddy
    RedfootDaddy Posts: 274 Member
    shannonin wrote: »
    Hooray on twoderland which definitely needs a better name....deuceville? twinning? Feels so good when you reach a new first number on the scale...or a new second # for that matter!

    I was thinking about this the other day. Deuceville sounds awful though. Hmmm . . . SNAKE-EYES nope don't think so.

    I am down another amazing 5lbs! I gotta slow down at some point, this has to be just water weight. But then yesterday I had a *kitten* stressful day at work so I ate pizza after dinner and felt awful. Today is much better though. As I was eating it I was going "this isn't even tasty, why am I doing this . . ." and just felt ill.

    On the downside, it is now too cold to go jogging on my lunchbreaks (damn you, Canada). Guess it's down to the treadmill I go.
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    Everything looks new on here----another update to the site---nice!

    A couple more pounds down, and going strong! I was going to change up my menu this week, but starting my day with eggs is really working for me. SO one more boring week. :neutral_face:
    so much good stuff happening! I am sorry it took me so long to get back online. Rough work week, had to terminate employees, never ever a fun thing.

    SHANNON---hitting your 50! whoo-hoo!
    MEADOW---so glad you are back and looking at a better month with no more procedures!
    BBRAT---a TWO in front of your weight! Love it!
    CARRIE ANN---look at the inches melting from you!
    DBEAUT---you are doing great!
    WONDERWOMAN--how's it going??

    For me,my anniversary is this weekend--so our tradition is out to eat at a fancy restaurant---plan to swim the calories off before even going to eat!
    Next week I am road tripping..always rough but its just a few days.

    so goals----
    That water thing is working well for me--I am going to drink 90 ounces a day, even weekends.
    I want to change my menu to a low carb one i think. that works well for me.
    more weight lifting---I tend to focus on cardio and I need the balance of strength too.

    You all have a great week!~
  • carrieann8
    carrieann8 Posts: 124 Member
    NSV: I was shopping yesterday and my shoe came untied. This is usually bad because I need to sit down and put my foot up and tie them... But yesterday, I bent over and tied my shoe. I haven't done that in years....