Daily check in



  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Good luck with weigh in Ashley!

    Sorry about the gain 98bikini--sounds like it's probably not real though :)

    Past two days have not been so good, and I am not getting my exercise in. I didn't sleep well last night and am struggling to motivate today...
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    My daughter has been drinking less milk, so my boobs are always a little full. So Im guessing my weight is less than it's showing! So sick of TOM, and stupid periods (35days and then just spotting). My back is probably still swollen as well. I just need to SEE IT if you know what I mean. Damn scale ruling our lives :P

    Will start weight training again next week. First day without painkillers, going alright, might hit me soon...
  • 98bikinisuitedlbs
    98bikinisuitedlbs Posts: 416 Member
    Be patient with yourself Kiwi as you are nursing, lots of changes for you. Today will do double workout as scale is 106, hopefully I can catch up with Monday's weigh scale reading, if water retention. Dana, let get focus and start working out and more water...
  • CoadyMarie
    Seems like we're all in the same kind of mood... I don't know why, but I've just been having loads of cravings lately. Yesterday for the first time in months I had that "I need sugar NOW, or I'm going to snap" feeling. I had a handful of chocolate chips but didn't go overboard. I haven't been weighing in regularly but I was down to 126 even on the scale today - my lowest in years, but I still feel gross and bloated at the moment.

    I think I'm going to take a couple days off from logging just for sanity - I've been consistent for a couple months so I feel like it's time. Next week should be better, anyway :)
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Good idea, Coady! :)

    Finally I had a drop in weight!!! 59kg baby! That's 1.1kg from yesterday, lol. Starting weight training again tomorrow, so should be able to start seeing results again :)))))

    Not looking forward to the bounce back up, that I'm expecting! But woooooo!
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    That's great Kiwi! Glad the scale is going down and you are training again :)

    Coady--your lowest weight in years, that's awesome!

    I lost a half pound in the past two weeks, so I really want to pick up the pace. There has been a ton of social eating out for me lately which is terrible for a diet. I ate out last night and again tonight. It's so hard trying to live a normal live and diet at the same time!!! I am going to focus on careful tracking, since that is often the problem when I get stuck.
  • CoadyMarie
    Congratulations Kiwi! That's huge!

    Dana - I so agree!

    Part of my problem right now is that our kitchen is getting painted, so a) it's hard to cook efficiently and b) I don't want to be doing my weirdo food scale thing while the painters are in there
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Hahaha,we must looks so weird measuring everything!!! :P

    I'm back on board too, so needed that drop!!!!!

    not too much of a bounce back 59.2 this morning (200g), so I'm so happy :)

    Couldn't do weight training today. Had no painkillers yesterday, then weirdly in the middle of the night it hit me, and I got SO SORE! twinges every time I tried to move :( So going to see how wednesday is...
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    Happy Monday!! (sarcasm)

    Didn't get my weigh-in done on Friday cause I had to rush through everything to get to a dinner. Probably best anyway, cause I don't think I would've liked the numbers.

    Didn't do well on ANYthing over the weekend, and my wisdom tooth is coming in so I was lazy and sulky. :P Back to the grind today though, and I'm going to start reigning in my eating habits.

    SO happy for you Kiwi and Coady, glad to hear about your progress!! :D
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Another drop! Woooo! :)

    Omg wisdom teeth are horrible :( hopeful it eases!
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Coady--I know, I am also embarrassed to use my food scale in front of people!

    Congrats on your weight loss Kiwi, that is so great!

    I had dinner out Saturday and Sunday this weekend. I was way over Sunday (and I was too guilty to check in yesterday!). Yesterday I did ok, but not good enough after the weekend. I have no more eating out for awhile, so I need to use this time to make something happen!
  • CoadyMarie
    Good luck Ashley... those are the worst :/

    So eating without logging could be going better. I mean, yes, I don't really have a kitchen at the moment, but that doesn't mean I should eat white chocolate baking squares out of the box for lunch. Not that I would ever do such a thing. I guess I have a ways to go before my eating habits are permanently changed.
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    I find that if I don't log I use it as an excuse to eat bad! BUT, I never used to do it... It's like a random new hurdle...
  • CoadyMarie
    That's definitely happening right now... it's weird because usually i eat very well, not just out of obligation to be healthy but because I genuinely like vegetables and rounded meals! But the last couple days I've just been craving sweets and snacks. I think I'm over it now though - I feel pretty gross.
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Yep! Same with me. TBH I more often overeat on healthy foods than junk! And then I go through a bit of a binge when Im not logging and once that's over I'm half normal again ;)
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Coady: I know how those days are! Recently after a day like that (like when I binged on a bag of popcorn a week or two ago) I've tried to go back and estimate, and log it. I end up with something horrible like 1000 calories over, but at least I am trying to have accountability! It discourages me from doing it again... (Of course I do it again but maybe less often than I would if I hadn't tried to log!)

    Yesterday I was back on track, got a lot of exercise, and I have no excuse to fall off the wagon today :)
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Sick of walking!!! I want to lift :'((((
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    Sorry I've been quiet lately. Not much new with me, though. Wisdom tooth pain is gone, which is nice. A little tender though.
    I've been bingeing a lot lately so I'm tightening the leash. Experimenting again with calories as well, this time lowering. I'm all over the place, but I figured I could lower the cals since I've been over a lot lately anyway.

    Moved up to the building phase of my training which is exciting! Started using a barbell yesterday which is an entirely new thing for me. It was harder on my shoulders than I expected, due to the positioning of my arms.. I'll have to work on finding a comfortable way of holding the bar up.

    Tomorrow is my weigh-in, hopefully it goes well now that TOM is done and over with :P
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Glad your tooth feeling better Ashley, and have fun with the lifting!

    The past couple days have been good, but I feel like I gained weight from the weekend. I just hope I didn't do too much damage. My sitter cancelled today, and there is no preschool cuz of the holiday, so I did a workout video in my kitchen this morning. I'm glad I found a way to burn some calories at home, on a rainy day, with both kids here!
  • IronLizerd
    IronLizerd Posts: 43 Member
    Hello! i'm new on here. My name is Liz or Lizi or whatever.
    I recently lost 25 pounds and I currently weight 145.
    My ultimate goal is somewhere around 130 and i want to get down to 20% body fat. I'm at 30% right now.
    I went to my first strength training class yesterday!
    I start coaching soccer again today which I am really psyched about!
    I need some dedicated friends on here so feel free to add me!