Daily check in

I saw several mentions of a daily check in that it would be helpful for others and I agree. Any thoughts to keep us accountable? Do we have a weight loss buddy that we check in with our progress daily that is about the same weight and support each other while we lose weight.

I do weigh myself daily and I would like to find a buddy that does the same. We check in daily after weighing. How awesome to achieve weightloss together and achieve our goal! I have read studies that when you have an accountable weightloss buddy you do lose weight. I am 136.5 and my goal is 125, age:34. Anyone out there that wants to join me?


  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Maybe we can have one thread for daily weight check-in, and another for daily calorie check in - for me I only weigh myself every week or two but I'd like to post my daily calorie count since it's easier for me to go over my goal but say "eh... it's not so bad" when it's only me looking at it.

  • auburn3535
    auburn3535 Posts: 37 Member
    I would like to do a daily weigh in as well. I had stated earlier I don't usually weigh me self on a regular basis. I think I should start as 10 lbs has crept on over the past year. I am 52 years old height 5' 41/2'' weight 140 and goal weight is 125. I will agree to weigh my self in the morning and report this to you.
  • Motivation712014
    Motivation712014 Posts: 33 Member
    Awesome! I agree it does help when it's not only you looking if you went over your calorie count.

    We could do one thread that has our daily calorie intake and another for those who want to weigh in everyday.
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Or if people don't feel comfortable broadcasting their calorie count, even a "here's what I ate today, this is what I did for exercise, I was over/under goal and I feel good/bad/so-so about it" type thread could be helpful.
  • Motivation712014
    Motivation712014 Posts: 33 Member
    So agree with you! I think it should be you met goal or not. :)
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Yes, meeting goal or not was what I had in mind when I thought of it, but only figured out how to say it much later :)

    I see that another thread was started for weigh-in so do you guys want to just use this one for goal check-in, since it's already titled appropriately?
  • maicap22
    maicap22 Posts: 433 Member
    My goal for today is to do at least 30 minutes of cardio and finish day 6 of my 30 days fitness challenge. Yesterday, I've done well although I originally plan to finish my day 6 yesterday but since I was busy, I thought to just move it today. Looking forward to see the daily check in of the other members.
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Well my goal for today was to actually stick to my calorie goal after two weeks of terrible logging - and I was only over by 30, so I feel pretty good about that!

    Rest day for me, so no exercise, only 4 hours working (on my feet).
  • maicap22
    maicap22 Posts: 433 Member
    I wasn't able to do my 30 day fitness challenge yesterday, ugh. But I atleast had a 30-minute walk while carrying my baby. I am hoping I can proceed with the challenge this day.
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Hey, something is better than nothing!

    I managed to stay under (well, just) goal today! Plus a 40 minute lifting session.
  • maicap22
    maicap22 Posts: 433 Member
    I wish I could also do lifts! Maybe after a month I'll buy little dumbbells. I actually plan to restart my fitness challenge today as I've already rested for quite a few days and since I'm not too far from the first day, I'll just restart. I really need to start upping my exercise if I want the scales to move further down. Good luck to all the others!
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    You should definitely start lifting, and don't be afraid to go heavy! It does wonders for your figure. I was intimidated at first too but I joined the Stronglifts group here on MFP and now I love it and make everybody listen to how great lifting is :blushing:

    I am constantly doing that with challenges, it always takes me a few false starts.

    I almost met my goal, but then my brother made cookies and I couldn't resist... but I am cheating a little and logged it for tomorrow.

    Also I started Couch to 5K today, and OMG I am sore. But I really want to learn to like running, and hopefully be able to run a 5 k by the end of the summer
  • maicap22
    maicap22 Posts: 433 Member
    I also cheat like that sometimes ^^

    Anyways, I already did Day 1 of the 30 day fitness challenge and a separate cardio exercise aside from walking with baby. I feel accomplished. I hope I can continue like this for the next days to come.

    Good luck again to the others!
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    That's great! Good luck with your challenge :)

    Nearly spot on calorie goal for me today, plus my Stronglifts workout.

    But the thing that makes me most happy today is that I got a fitbit! I'm really excited to find out how close my TDEE estimate is to my actual activity level and hopefully start losing again
  • ekat120
    ekat120 Posts: 407 Member
    I'm feeling super hungry today, which is funny because I way overate yesterday. I'm always hungrier the day after I eat a lot. It's like my body gets all excited and says, "Again! Again!" (FTR, I eat plenty--2,000 Cals most days, so it's not because I'm not eating enough normally)
  • maicap22
    maicap22 Posts: 433 Member
    I'm feeling super hungry today, which is funny because I way overate yesterday. I'm always hungrier the day after I eat a lot. It's like my body gets all excited and says, "Again! Again!" (FTR, I eat plenty--2,000 Cals most days, so it's not because I'm not eating enough normally)

    Maybe because your stomach has expanded again? I'm not sure but from a smaller calorie intake, if I take in larger calorie intake, I will feel full easily. But after more than 2 days of eating large proportions, I can really eat large amounts without getting full easily.

    Anyways, I've been doing good with my exercise today. I increased my walking session with baby plus additional cardio work out. I am also at day 3 of 30 day fitness challenge. I'm really looking forward to the result of this challenge as I am already seeing slight changes right before I stopped at day 9 before.

    @Coady I actually wanted to have one too but it is not in the priority of my expenses for now.
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    @maicap yeah I got the cheapest one and even then I waited until I found one on sale. I'm enjoying seeing my activity all laid out but the new way of counting calories is going to take some getting used to.... I was doing TDEE estimated from a website - 15% so I could the same amount every day, but it's going to take a week or two to get enough fitbit data to create an average so my eating is all over the map right now.
    I'm feeling super hungry today, which is funny because I way overate yesterday. I'm always hungrier the day after I eat a lot. It's like my body gets all excited and says, "Again! Again!" (FTR, I eat plenty--2,000 Cals most days, so it's not because I'm not eating enough normally)

    Me too! I was out of town two weekends ago and didn't track, and when I got back I had to gradually lower back to my normal amount because I was starving in comparison
  • ekat120
    ekat120 Posts: 407 Member
    I'm feeling super hungry today, which is funny because I way overate yesterday. I'm always hungrier the day after I eat a lot. It's like my body gets all excited and says, "Again! Again!" (FTR, I eat plenty--2,000 Cals most days, so it's not because I'm not eating enough normally)

    Maybe because your stomach has expanded again? I'm not sure but from a smaller calorie intake, if I take in larger calorie intake, I will feel full easily. But after more than 2 days of eating large proportions, I can really eat large amounts without getting full easily.

    Probably. I figure when I overeat it's usually on carbs, too (fries and homemade pie a la mode yesterday!), so those 2 things probably work together.
  • ekat120
    ekat120 Posts: 407 Member
    I'm feeling super hungry today, which is funny because I way overate yesterday. I'm always hungrier the day after I eat a lot. It's like my body gets all excited and says, "Again! Again!" (FTR, I eat plenty--2,000 Cals most days, so it's not because I'm not eating enough normally)

    Me too! I was out of town two weekends ago and didn't track, and when I got back I had to gradually lower back to my normal amount because I was starving in comparison

    I'm glad it's not just me! My never-had-a-weight-problem husband thinks I'm crazy. I'll have to try that, too, instead of trying to eat less than usual and feeling bad when I don't.
  • maicap22
    maicap22 Posts: 433 Member
    I almost went over my allowed calorie intake today but made up for it somehow with exercise. We'll be going out tomorrow. Family bonding. I hope I can somehow control myself.