Daily check in



  • Bettyboag
    Bettyboag Posts: 218 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new here too. I want to lose the 5 kg's that have come back unwanted!!! Beer is my enemy as I love it and I believe a beer or two may bear most of the responsibility for the weight gain. I am going on holidays in 7 weeks and want to feel good or ok in my bathers so must put the beer down up to the holiday.
    Therefore my two goals are
    1. Don't drink any beer until I'm at the airport waiting for my plane
    2. Stick within my set calories
    Geez this is no easy feat.... :yawn:
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    How are you finding the couch to 5k? I think I can run about 4k on the treadmill atm, but I'd kind of like to get that to 5 or 10k. I just ugh, am lacking the motivation atm!

    I swear my husband puts on so much weight with beer! Beer belly is totally right!
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Exercise: t25 cardio, logged it for the weekend

    Logged everything: ... sort of. I picked at a few of my daughters things and guessed!

    Met goal: Maybe 50 over, not sure ^
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    I did the Couch to 5K app. Loved it! Sometimes you think you can't do it (OMG REALLY RUN 20 MINUTES NO WAY!!).. but then you do it and you're really proud. I think its a good program to push just enough and getting to that goal of running 30 mins non stop. Then you know you can do anything!!

    So no run yesterday (hello 38 degrees with humidity!!!). Log everything: yes!

    Today I am doing a plyometrics workout in the gym, and of course log everything and stay under calorie goal.

    Bettyboag: BEER: omg yes me too. If I drink beer I immediately gain so much weight. I love it too though :( Did you have one yesterday or were you able to keep your goal?
  • Bettyboag
    Bettyboag Posts: 218 Member
    Hi all! It's official... day 2 no beer and I'm still ok :) Gen beer is my weakness! I it helps me unwise at the end of the say. I have to keep focused on the bintang at the end of this seven week drought!
    Also within calories for the day. Good start. Where do you get info on couch to 5k? Sounds intriguing...
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Bettyboag - couch to 5k info and app: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml .. Good job on the no beer!

  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    @ KiwipowaRoo I'm on Week 2 (repeated) of C25K and it's really good. Last time I tried to start running I joined a "beginner" (ha!) class at my uni gym - they started us running 20 mins and hills on the first day. Needless to say, I didn't last long.

    @ Bettyboag Good job! Beer is my weakness too. I start with one and then suddenly I've had three, but liquid calories never fill me up so I end up eating more food anyways and then I'm over.

    ETA yesterday:
    Exercise: yes! Stronglifts. Actually made myself do it after a long day of work, which is always a struggle.
    Logged everything: yes
    Met goal: pretty much
  • Bettyboag
    Bettyboag Posts: 218 Member
    Day 3 holding strong no beer still- very hard today considering the fact that DH and brothers were having a few beers to celebrate my sons birthday. Calories in limit. Thanks Gen for the link :)
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Good morning!

    Hope you all are having a fantastic day so far!

    Yesterday's goals were met yay!!

    So today, Stronglifts in the gym, log everything of course and be as close as possible to calorie goal! I am really hoping Friday's weigh-in will pay off. Those last 10 pounds are really the worst!!! :angry:
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    So today, Stronglifts in the gym, log everything of course and be as close as possible to calorie goal! I am really hoping Friday's weigh-in will pay off. Those last 10 pounds are really the worst!!! :angry:

    Can I just second everything you said? Good luck on your lifting today!

    Exercise: C25K Week 2 Day 3
    Logged everything?: yes
    Met goal: oh yes. In fact, even though I am still making up for Sunday's excess I came home after work to find an extra 100 cals waiting for me, so I got so have a snack before bed :)
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Hating the last 10lbs! :P
    Well done on the beer!!!

    Yesterday and today
    Exercise: Pump, lifted heavy, cardio x 2
    Logged everything?: yes
    Met goal: Had to use up my stored cals yesterday as we had indian for dinner with friends. Made cauli rice though so it cut down on the cals heaps! Today we of course went out for Yum Cha! Ugh! I think I'll be ok. Probably went over, but it was a guess. I doubt it was a over what I burned, just over my goals!
    Felt such a change in my body just sticking to it for two days. I love eating out with people, just need to not do it two days in a row!!!
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Good for you Kiwi! I am new to this group, so this is my first daily check in. So far, I think I have stayed in my calories this week. I have been eating back my exercise calories, so hopefully that's ok, and I'll see a good result at weigh in this weekend! I have a huge tendency to nibble, and that doesn't get tracked. So no nibbling today!
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Good job Kiwi! Eating out is tough... especially when it's such good stuff. I'm almost never tempted by fast food or chain restaurants, but put some dim sum or curry in front of me and I can't stop myself.

    Hi Dana! welcome to the group :flowerforyou:

    Exercise: Stronglifts
    Logged everything: yes
    Met goal: yes

    Today I got up at 5:45 to go for a run before work (typing as I eat breakfast).... WTF. I think I may actually be becoming somebody with an active lifestyle. Me! The person who hated gym and skipped every track and field day she could!
  • Bettyboag
    Bettyboag Posts: 218 Member
    Good work everyone :wink:
    Unbelievable CoadyMarie getting up at 5:45am to exercise! That's dedication!
    Today within calories and no beer. Must introduce some exercise soon :noway:
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Good job everyone!! Seems like we are all on track :)

    Yesterday's goals were achieved! Ok I went 45 calories over my daily set limit but I dont care ;) Last night I even made pasta and italian sausage for the kids and husband while I had tuna and avocado. Wow! I impress myself. hahaha!

    Today is rest day so just logging everything.
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Omg, I couldn't even get up at 5:45, let alone go for a run :)
    Im a nibbler too :( My daughter leaves so much food around untouched, and I have such a hard time not eating it!
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Exercise: Walking and t25
    Logged everything: yes
    Met goal: 50 over, but doing my t25 now so ill be up 150ish ;)
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    I have the same problem with nibbling kiwi! Two small kids, and there is always a box of crackers on hand and leftover food on their plates. Before I had kids, I just eliminated temptations but now it's so hard.

    Anyway, I stayed in my calories yesterday :)
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Hello all :)

    Today's plan is gym for Stronglifts, log everything accurately and try to enjoy it, it's FRIDAY!! Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Bettyboag
    Bettyboag Posts: 218 Member
    Today I went out for lunch- much harder to log but overall I think calories were still in check. Beer replaced with coke zero. Time will tell tomorrow on the scales. Good night everyone! :yawn: