Daily check in



  • G01denW01f11
    G01denW01f11 Posts: 22 Member
    Very good with food yesterday. Today I successfully resisted the urge to get french toast for breakfast, for the first time in months! I also went on a four-mile run, that I usually wouldn't be able to push myself to do.

    Got a dinner date at a pizza place tonight, so I'll have to be very careful. Going to have an extra-light breakfast and lunch, just to be safe.
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Not a great day for me... I usually do my heavy lifting on Wednesdays but I got called in to work unexpectedly this morning and when I got home this evening I had no energy left. So I had a beer instead. I'm kind of annoyed - not at myself, because there's not a lot I could do about it - but I felt really close to a breakthrough on squat form. So now I have to decide whether to do my lifting tomorrow and bump my run, or just wait until Friday...

    Exercise: none. Well, standing/walking all day.
    Logged everything: sort of - we had stir fry for dinner so I had to guess a little.
    Met goal: maybe? officially 50 over, but see above re: guessing.
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    @coadymarie; Hate that! lifting or cardio :/ hmmmm...

    @Gen, I'm currently on 1850 (but I have a BFing toddler 100-250cals?), how are you finding this level?
    I wouldn't worry about it! Sounds like you did amazing eating out!!! Im going out AGAIN tomorrow night and freaking out already...

    @G01denW01f11 I normally fail at eating light to compensate! Good job! Lol!!

    @betty, I don't even know how I did it...

    Exercise: Pump, cardio,
    Logged everything: Yes, kind of, had a few bites of a pear and ignored it as I didn't log a few exercise ones... lazy logging day
    Met goal: 87 Over,
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Haven't checked in in a couple days! Husband is on vacation this week and we have been having lots of social festivities. I think I've done ok but I think I will be happy to maintain this week. I just booked a trip to Miami in December (with a slender girlfriend!) so hopefully this will motivate me!

    Gen, good job staying in calories and not working out! Sometimes I feel like I rely too heavily on working out and have trouble staying in goal on days I don't work out., so maybe this is good practice for you but I hope your back is better soon :)
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone!

    My back is back (hee hee!!) to 95% normal I would say!! Yay!!! I can't wait for Monday to be back in the gym.

    Dana: Well here's a great saying I read I don't remember where.... (lol): Get fit in the gym, lose weight in the kitchen. Totally true!!! I havent done anything this week gym wise and just by tracking very accurately I was able to lose 1.3lbs!! That's awesome for your trip! Enjoy :)

    Kiwi: I am loving 1750 right now. If I keep losing I might up to 1850 just to slow down the weight loss and get close to TDEE (I think it should be around 2000-2100). I get your freaking out when going out. Today, my mom wants to meet for lunch, and my husband wants to eat at a Japanese restaurant tonight. UGH!!!! I hate guessing.

    CoadyMarie: Did you decide if you were lifting today? I don't like have gym plans moved around either!

    So today is pretty much of a forget it day with all the eating out. I am trying to find a sensitive solution for lunch. I'll have to get creative!!
  • Bettyboag
    Bettyboag Posts: 218 Member
    Going out for dinner is difficult- harder to track calories and not come across as rude. I'm going out tomorrow night to a friends house so weigh in Saturday could be disappointing. Good luck Gen :happy: happy your back is back too!
    Today I went over bout 50calories even had to skip my snack :noway: hopefully a all good tomorrow. I am starting the Julian Michael's ripped in 30 tomorrow so hopefully see some positive results soon.
    Have a great night everyone.
    Good night :yawn:
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    @G01denW01f11, you have much more restraint than I do - usually I over eat and make up for it later.

    @Kiwi, good luck on eating out... I'm sure you'll do great :)

    @Dana I know what you mean - I hate days that I don't work or exercise because then I'm hungry and annoyed - I prefer to do more so that I can eat lots

    So I decided to do both today - normally I wouldn't be fussed over missing cardio but I have the day off so I'm not moving as much. Plus I knew that with one more run I could crack week 3 and move on. Going to have lunch and then do my lifting... probably I shouldn't try to go two days in a row but I figure once won't kill me.
  • G01denW01f11
    G01denW01f11 Posts: 22 Member
    For reasons that are not entirely my fault, I was forced to choose between fast food and gas station food for breakfast this morning. Not terribly healthy, but I did at least minimize calories while doing so.

    I think I feel my urge to eat decreasing.
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    @G01ldenW01l11, urgh, that sucks :( hope you got to eat something nice today after that

    So my lifting didn't go that well, but I mainly just didn't want to skip a day. Definitely went over, but may have logged today's snack for tomorrow. I don't know, I was just really hungry today.

    Anticipating being over my calorie goal for the week (just by a bit...) but luckily (?) I don't have any food-oriented social gatherings planned for August so I'm hoping for a solid month of hitting goal.
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    CoadyMarie: I did that a few times, SL two days in a row. I don't think it's all that bad. Except if it becomes a habit. Sorry it didnt go so well though!

    So yesterday was a lot of guess work around the calories as I went out TWICE for food. Yes, twice. Boo! And we're going to the cottage on the weekend. It usually means lots of wine and no self control. We'll see, I'll try to limit the no self control part :)

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • G01denW01f11
    G01denW01f11 Posts: 22 Member
    Gen: I went out as well. Felt pretty miserable, but it was a chance to hang out with a friend who's about to move away. Anyway, I'm already back down to the weight I was before I went out.

    Intermittent fasting kind of sucks, but I'm staying strong.
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    G01: that's great you went out and got your weight right back down!

    Gen: sounds like a lot of going out, but you've been doing so well! Maybe some exercise can earn you some wine this weekend :)

    I have been pretty much on target the past couple days with calories so I'm hoping to be happy with my weigh in this weekend! However I am visiting my mom this tomorrow and will have to resist some junk food there...
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Gen: good luck this weekend - there's always room for one or two glasses of wine, I think :)

    So I killed it today at lifting - more than made up for my laziness during my workout yesterday. I was completely certain that I was over by a fair amount because I was snacking before work (5-9 with no dinner break, so it's pretty necessary, sigh) but when I synced my Fitbit after I came home and had dinner I found I was under goal by about 30. I feel like a genius getting that close just by chance.

    Exercise: Stronglifts
    Logged everything: yes
    Met goal: yes
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Yeah, so friday was bad, very very bad. Today wasn't fantastic either as I didn't exercise as my 20month old is sick and I went over again. But friday? %$Q#^%^$

    Probably screwed the whole week tbh! Bring on monday.... :'(
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Sorry to hear that, Kiwi. I hope your little one is doing all right. It sucks going over but everything isn't ruined - next week will be better, I'm sure :flowerforyou:
  • Bettyboag
    Bettyboag Posts: 218 Member
    Fingers crossed Kiwi you have a better week next week :flowerforyou:
    I am a not happy Jan. Friday went over with calories- went out- but exercised so not too bad- up 200grams. Yesterday within calories, exercised and drank more water. I did go out but calories still in check. This morning up 500grams! My legs feel like concrete and my body is sore- I was hoping the scales would be good today but wasn't to be!
    Bring on tomorrow! :grumble:
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Don't worry, Betty! It'll be swollen muscles/water retention from the exercising! Give it a couple of days, and you'll see if all vanish :)

    Hiding from the scales for a few days :P
  • Bettyboag
    Bettyboag Posts: 218 Member
    Thanks Kiwi I sure hope so!!!
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    @Betty, I agree with Kiwi - I think fluctuations of a few hundred grams are pretty normal :)

    Decent day for me yesterday - morning run was difficult as it was really humid but I made it most of the way through. I very nearly had a cheat day when my dad made margaritas and my sister made ice cream, but at the last minute I pulled back - I had 3 margaritas and a scoop of ice cream (er, logged for today instead :bigsmile: ) but I actually managed to stay at goal.

    Oh, and I happened to be trawling Kijiji and found a pair of 25 lb barbell weights for $5, so I'm pretty happy about that!
  • G01denW01f11
    G01denW01f11 Posts: 22 Member
    NIce find, Cody!

    I spent last evening being lazy and eating too much peanut butter. :( Back on track now, though!