Daily check in



  • ekat120
    ekat120 Posts: 407 Member
    Exercised: Yes - Biking
    Logged everything: Yes
    Met Goal: Yes - I had a very long bike ride so it was easy to stay under:)

    Long bike rides are the best! Mine was very slow and leisurely, but we ended up going further than planned. 16.5 mi in about 1:45. I skipped the recovery jog I'd planned for the evening but did a longish dog walk instead to get my 10k steps in (ended up making it to 11k). Calories were under, too, which took a little effort because I burned less than usual but wasn't too difficult. I've been eating more on active days, so I think my body is happier with me overall :smile:
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Exercised: No but it was a planned rest day
    Logged everything: Yes
    Met Goal: No but I was only over 31 calories
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member

    Long bike rides are the best! Mine was very slow and leisurely, but we ended up going further than planned. 16.5 mi in about 1:45. I skipped the recovery jog I'd planned for the evening but did a longish dog walk instead to get my 10k steps in (ended up making it to 11k). Calories were under, too, which took a little effort because I burned less than usual but wasn't too difficult. I've been eating more on active days, so I think my body is happier with me overall :smile:

    I try to get my 10,000 steps in but it has been much harder since I have been biking more - only 5 days over so far this month.

    I do think having our bodies feeling better is great benefit of using MFP:smile:
  • ekat120
    ekat120 Posts: 407 Member
    5 mile run and a total of 15k steps (mostly from the run). Calories were over, but only by about 150. Dang mint chocolate chip ice cream sandwich!

    dancingj, I agree! It's nice to not feel like I'm fighting myself all the time :smile:
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Hey everyone!!

    Newbie here, but I figured I will need all the help I can get since I have been stuck for a while now.

    Some stats.. I am 32 yo female, 2 kids, January 1st I was 180lbs and set my goal weight at 140lbs. BUT I think I would like to see 135lbs. I have been stuck at 150 on the DOT for about a month now! Ok it's summer and I may drink a few beers on the weekends... and wine. Then I overeat. At least I am maintaining 150 no? haha!

    So today I went to the gym, strenght training (I do the stronglifts 5x5 routine). Love it. Yesterday was an intense plyometrics/tabata style workout. I logged everything so far this week.

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone!
    Have a great day :)
  • ekat120
    ekat120 Posts: 407 Member
    Hey everyone!!

    Newbie here, but I figured I will need all the help I can get since I have been stuck for a while now.

    Some stats.. I am 32 yo female, 2 kids, January 1st I was 180lbs and set my goal weight at 140lbs. BUT I think I would like to see 135lbs. I have been stuck at 150 on the DOT for about a month now! Ok it's summer and I may drink a few beers on the weekends... and wine. Then I overeat. At least I am maintaining 150 no? haha!

    So today I went to the gym, strenght training (I do the stronglifts 5x5 routine). Love it. Yesterday was an intense plyometrics/tabata style workout. I logged everything so far this week.

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone!
    Have a great day :)

    That's awesome progress! My high weight was mid- to high-180s (though that was at the beginning of college) and I'm currently 32 and shooting for 135, too :smile: My motto is: "Lose, maintain, just don't gain!"

    Yesterday was good for me. 20k steps including a 5.5 mi run and cals came in just under goal. I still felt hungry after dinner, but instead of the snack I wanted I had a fat free hot chocolate, and then I felt satisfied. Was proud of myself for that!

    Today, I'm going to do trail run for the first time in a long time, and hubby is going to bike next to me (I don't really feel safe doing trails by myself). And I'm planning a long walk to the mall :smile:
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Keep forgetting to actually come and check in... that will be my goal for this week.

    Last week I did really well and met my goal every day. This week... well I had a serious sugar craving yesterday and gave in to some ice cream and a cupcake I found in the freezer, but I spread out logging the calories over 3 days so I should be good. Weird work schedule meant that I missed a couple workouts - I usually work nights but got switched to mornings, so I need to get in the habit of getting up earlier, because after work I have no motivation.

    Tonight I have a buck and doe ....

    Ummm .... I have no idea what that means.

    It's a fundraiser part for a wedding - games, raffles, food, drinks etc. I had never heard of them either before I was invited.
    So today I went to the gym, strenght training (I do the stronglifts 5x5 routine). Love it. Yesterday was an intense plyometrics/tabata style workout. I logged everything so far this week.

    I do Stronglifts too! :flowerforyou: Only started in May, but I'm loving it
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    CoadyMarie: nice!! I really love the program too. I started first week of June! :flowerforyou:

    ekat120: thanks for the warm welcome! Great run that you did there, 5.5 miles! I run too. I am hoping to go tonight. although mine look more like 2 to 3 miles.. :)

    Today I go to the gym - weight lifting, and after supper when the kids are asleep hopefully I'll have the energy to get a little run in.
  • ekat120
    ekat120 Posts: 407 Member
    Super active day yesterday, with a ton of walking (more than anticipated). Calories under goal. Today is a rest day (yay!). I'm pretty hungry, so I'm not optimistic about calories, but a day at maintenance would probably do me good.

    I'm going to have to check out Stronglifts. I want to start back to weight lifting after my marathon in a couple months.
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    I'm going to have to check out Stronglifts. I want to start back to weight lifting after my marathon in a couple months.

    You definitely should, it's a real confidence booster :)

    Exercise: 1/2 hour run/walk intervals
    Logged everything: yes
    Met goal: just barely

    I have 3 days off this week so I'm finding it difficult to get as much walking in as I normally do.
  • Mommyand4
    Mommyand4 Posts: 12
    Hi ladies

    I haven't been on for several days. I seem to have lost my motivation. I have been feeling really drained with the heat and I don't even want to work out. The more I don't work out the lazier I feel. I have also been eating really bad. My time of the month is here which makes me feel even worse. I am not usually like this and I do want to go back to my usual self but I just feel down right now.

    Any ideas?
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Hi ladies

    I haven't been on for several days. I seem to have lost my motivation. I have been feeling really drained with the heat and I don't even want to work out. The more I don't work out the lazier I feel. I have also been eating really bad. My time of the month is here which makes me feel even worse. I am not usually like this and I do want to go back to my usual self but I just feel down right now.

    Any ideas?

    I know exactly the feeling you have right now. When that happens to me I usually wallow for a few days and kick myself later. My best suggestion is to go for a walk. Even if you don't want to, tell yourself you'll just go out for ten minutes or around the block. Usually the fresh air and even light exercise makes me feel better right away, but even if you still feel gross at least you got out for a bit and ten minutes is better than nothing - and then tomorrow you can do a little bit more, until you're back into a routine.

    Good luck, you can do it - remember a setback isn't a failure as long as it's temporary :)
  • ekat120
    ekat120 Posts: 407 Member
    Hi ladies

    I haven't been on for several days. I seem to have lost my motivation. I have been feeling really drained with the heat and I don't even want to work out. The more I don't work out the lazier I feel. I have also been eating really bad. My time of the month is here which makes me feel even worse. I am not usually like this and I do want to go back to my usual self but I just feel down right now.

    Any ideas?

    I know exactly the feeling you have right now. When that happens to me I usually wallow for a few days and kick myself later. My best suggestion is to go for a walk. Even if you don't want to, tell yourself you'll just go out for ten minutes or around the block. Usually the fresh air and even light exercise makes me feel better right away, but even if you still feel gross at least you got out for a bit and ten minutes is better than nothing - and then tomorrow you can do a little bit more, until you're back into a routine.

    Good luck, you can do it - remember a setback isn't a failure as long as it's temporary :)

    I was going to suggest a walk, too :smile: If it's too hot out, maybe you could walk somewhere like the mall? Or go swimming.

    Completed exercise and walking goals yesterday and was just under calorie goal. This morning was a 12-mile run (this marathon build-up is killer! I can't imagine doing another 14 miles...), and this afternoon will be a short bike ride to a local festival where I'll walk around a lot but eat yummy/unhealthy foods and have a couple drinks. So despite the long run this morning, I'm going to try to eat lightly until then.
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Exercise: 40 mins weight lifting
    Logged everything: yes
    Met goal: yes

    Exercise: 30 mins walk/run intervals. Then 8 hour retail shift (hey, it counts)
    logged everything: yes
    met goal: so far... I put down my unplanned dessert a few days ago for today because I knew I'd be burning more calories today. But it also means that after a long day of work all I want is beer and chocolate....and I have no room left :( going to a BBQ tomorrow too so I doubt if I can shift anything to tomorrow's count. So abstinence it is
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Hi Middles! I'm new. Finding it hard keeping on track with my last 5lbs! Started at 190 (after baby/birth). Now Im at 132, but I'm just cheating so much atm. Need to keep on track! I lift heavy, and exercise heaps. But just keep throwing my eating to the wind...
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Hi KiwipowaRoo! :flowerforyou:

    Awesome progress so far! I feel your pain on the eating - I'm pretty active and lift heavy, but then I go and throw all my effort away by cheating

    Speaking of, I gave in to my craving last night, but only had 1 bottle beer and about 30g chocolate. So that's not too bad. It's just that I've been giving in almost every day this week so it's not really a treat anymore. Going to try and be really good tonight when I go out.
  • ekat120
    ekat120 Posts: 407 Member
    Was under calorie goal yesterday, but too much beer and wine! So far so good today.
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    I think Ive done well today. Need to tally up! But lifted heavy (squats/deadlifts) did a core killer class and a tiny bit of cardio. I'm going to log half my workout for today and then save the rest for any other day of the week where I need a top up. I work out 3-5 times a week, but you know, life happens too, and sometimes you need a few more cals ;)
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    @KiwipowaRoo good idea :) always nice to have a little something put aside


    Exercise: Couch to 5K week 2 day 2 - not a great run, felt like my feet had concrete shoes on. But I wanted to give myself as many calories as possible because I was eating out

    Logged everything: ... sort of. I had to find some generic entries because I wasn't sure about the recipes for stuff like pasta salad

    Met goal: uhhh... no. I've spread it out over the week, because I never actually manage to just eat less on the other days if nothing is logged as a placeholder for how many calories I'm overdue. Not looking forward to paying this off, especially as my family reunion is next Sunday and it's going to be the same thing all over again, although hopefully I will have more self control. I actually didn't do to badly food wise (veggies and dip, sausage on a bun, cup of pasta salad which I regretted immediately since it wasn't very good, two bar cookies and a marshmallow) but there was a keg open and... yeah.
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I haven't been on over the weekend, I was at the cottage. And cottage life = no logging. It's that bad.

    Anyways, back on track today! Workout = lift heavy weights. Log everything (I even logged what I plan on eating!!).