Daily check in



  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Monica, sounds like things are going well. Good luck with the new ab exercises! I was over yesterday, really just cuz it was Friday, so I had a glass of wine, cheated, etc. so overall this week has been only slightly better than previous week, which is not good, since my weight loss has been minuscule. Tomorrow is weigh in, so I am going to try to have a really good day today.
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    WEll,,,, yesterday WAS AN EPICK FAIL for me !! OVER ATE !! NO EXERCISE !! Didn't even get all my fitbit steps in. :s:'( Today i will try to pick up the pieces and put myself back together for next month.
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    I'm sorry Monica, I am looking to a new month as well. I weight in at a 1/2 pound gain today, and my monthly total is a 1/2 pound loss for January. I'm going to chalk that up to a new job adjustment. I have to make things happen now in February. Let's do it!!!
  • auburn3535
    auburn3535 Posts: 37 Member
    I am back posting. It has been a few months and my weight has gone up not done. Need a few friends to keep me accountable and not sure how to do this. I haven't exercised in a month. Weight in this morning 143 and goal is 125 by my birthday June 12 I will be 53. I need a buddy?
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    Yesterday i figured out my exercises for February.
    Ate too much and drank too much. But i am on it from today forward.
    I have this nagging lb that wont go away too. Every time i think its gone it just keeps coming back !!!! Hopefully this week i can kick it before TOM comes in to ruin it for me next week. I can't beleive how tough it is to lose the last 10ish LBS !!!!

    @auburn2014 we are always here for each other. Find a workout that you like and get started there. Also make sure you eat well. And drink LOTS of water.

  • auburn3535
    auburn3535 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks Monica, I do have an exercise routine I do at home elliptical and strength training. Trying to do 6 x a week but I can barely get in 2-3 x a week when I'm motivated. My goal is to get up early and exercise before work. So difficult. I do love to drink wine and then eat way to much the following days carbs, sugar and do nothing but watch tv. Thanks again for reaching out
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    Auburn ... i also have a weakness for wine. I try to keep my goals small so i don't get over whelmed. Some days are easier than others !!! I know the toughest part is making it a daily habit. Once you get past the first week or two it gets easier. I am a good preacher and not always a good follower so trust me on this...LOL ( i know what to do but don't always do it)
  • auburn3535
    auburn3535 Posts: 37 Member
    Monica - Completed 30 min on elipitical this morning. You are right toughest part is making it a daily habit. I know what to do too but don't follow as well. I told myself this morning to just think about today and get your a.. up and exercise. I did and now its behind me. Have a good day!!
  • auburn3535
    auburn3535 Posts: 37 Member
    Why is this so hard when you want it so bad.
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    New habits are tough to make but they are also WAY to easy to break. Keep trying and eventually you will be in a routine.

    My days have been pretty good. Other than my wine intake. Today I will work on cutting that back AGAIN ...lol
  • auburn3535
    auburn3535 Posts: 37 Member
    I didn't get up before work past 2 mornings to workout. It's winter and cold here and that's my great excuse. Love sleeping in till the last minute. Tough habit to break. Monica what is your exercise routine?
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    I don't really have a routine per say. I have a couple different 30day challenges I am trying to stick to this month along with the hopes of getting a 2mile run each day. I also try to get out for a hike with hubby every day but that doesn't always happen. BTW I also HATE mornings... LOL.
  • auburn3535
    auburn3535 Posts: 37 Member
    Thats good variety. I can tell my mood isn't ready to get back into exercise after not doing it for a month. Good news last few days nutrition has been great. Lost the over eating lbs. Weighed in this morning at 139 from 142. Now I say just don't blow it this weekend. Going to a party Sat with a bunch of girls. That always means lots of wine and food. Thanks Monica keep exercising sounds like you are doing very well and staying on course. Have a good weekend.
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Wow, I really slacked off this week! Welcome auburn, congrats with your weight loss! I am glad to have another member in our little group. You are off to a great start. Good luck with your party tonight.

    Monica, sounds like you are doing good! Wine is definitely worth it, in moderation :)

    So, I had two great days this week, way below my calories, and then messed it up in the following days. I have been great with sticking to my workout routine (45-50 minutes of either running, elliptical, or aerobics video 5-6 days per week), but exercise will not do the trick when I am still eating too much. I am supposed to weigh in tomorrow and am thinking of skipping it... I really have to get committed--I'd love to lose 10 pounds by summer.
  • auburn3535
    auburn3535 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Dana, Love that your sticking to the exercise routine. Thats where I need help right now. I think when you exercise a lot you may need a few more protein calories to get you satisfied. Don't skip weighing in tomorrow. It just may be the thing to kick your a.. back in to gear and not over eat this week. Every morning I wish I could just get up and exercise. How lazy can I be I have an elliptical in my house and a strength routine I like. Once I stop like I did early Jan I can't seem to get back into it. My goal is to get to 125 by my birthday June 12. Dana and Monica we will reach our goal if we keep other in check and call each other out on our excuses and support and motivate each other.
  • auburn3535
    auburn3535 Posts: 37 Member
    Monica and Dana - I just wrote out on a calendar 1lb weight loss per week will take me to just before my birthday 6/12 at 125. I'm asking for your support and motivation. I have never reached out for support like this. I think us 3 are very similar in our behavior and goals. What do you think?
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    Auburn... You got it babe !! It so tough to get into things at times and I have been trying to be more and more accountable. Maybe this is what we all need.

    Dana... Just keep at it. Do your weigh in and see what damage you have done if any and fix it if need be.

    So yesterday I didn't to my regular exercises but I did manage a good durn for the day. Between work and a 6mile hike with hubby I got it done. I did pretty good for my food intake too. I am gonna send friend invites to you both. I think it will be easier to check in with each other that way.
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Auburn: Yes, lets do this. You have my support :) I need help too--I think this is just what I need for motivation.

    Glad you had a good day Monica, keep it up!

    So I am 134 right now. I would like to be 120 ultimately, but for now I'll say I'd like to be 125 by the first day of summer. I'm good with the exercise, my downfall is the nibbling (a handful of popcorn here and there...) Today we are having friends for brunch, and then we will be driving down to city to meet our niece who was born this morning at 1am :) So no exercise today and alot of excitement...
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    so yesterday was good for exercise but not so good for my food intake. I am weighing in at 130-131 and am trying to get down to 120ish. WOULD LOVE to have all the extra gone by the start of summer !! I am much older than the 2 of you but i am still young enough to sport a bikini on the beach..LOL and i hope to do that this yr without a pouch on my tummy. Haha I am glad that you have both accepted my friend invite also. Well lets get on with it !!
  • auburn3535
    auburn3535 Posts: 37 Member
    I nneeded to read your Jillian Michaels quote today because I completely ruined my food today. I know this happens to me and I did it anyway. Went out last night drank a lot of wine. So today I ate oatmeal then I knew I was going to be at risk of blowing it and I did. I tend to grossly over eat the day after I drink a lot. I ate whole package of Oreos and slept all day. Weighed in this morning at 141.3 before the Oreos. So tomorrow will have to under eat to get back on track. I hate these days they are so counter productive. I feel awful today but have to start again tomorrow. Don't need 2 fat tires. I thought of you guys and wrote in with my struggles. We want to be 120 to 125 by summer. I know this is tough because we are so close. I think we have to work extra hard. I will need to stop drinking and start my exercise routine. Monica I though I was the oldest at 52. How old are you? Dana so exciting to have a new niece. Talk tomorrow.