Daily check in



  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Yesterday was really bad for me too, Auburn. Hosted a brunch party, then a 1.5 hour drive down to city to see baby, and then drive back. All fun stuff, but at the end of the day I was tired and just went nuts with a bag of popcorn. I may go down this weekend and stay with my brother- and SIL a couple nights to help with the baby, so this weekend could be a total diet killer. I need to take it one day at a time for the next few days and focus on not cheating. I think I will feel more ready to really start this diet when the "baby weekend" is over, but I need to not do damage in the meantime.
  • auburn3535
    auburn3535 Posts: 37 Member
    Dana - try and remember what Monica's new profile pic is from Jillian Michaels. Don't slash 3 tires. I know when I try and be good knowing something is lying a head that may sabotage my nutrition plan I have this instantaneous click in my head that gives me permission to blow it knowing after the event I will get back on track. Not a good idea cause this keeps me in that cycle of binging, then under eating up and down cycle that isn't healthy for mind and body. Stay strong and your brothers feel good about yourself that you didn't over eat. Stay in touch.
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    Auburn... i didn't realize you where older than me. i hadn't looked at your profile. I am 42 and have 2 grown kids with their own kids and another that is almost 17. I am also self employed so i don't have a lot of the same stresses as most people. So i just assumed that you would be younger i guess...LOL I Love Jillians way of looking at things. That is why i chose to use her posting as my profile pic. It resonates with me often...LOL

    Dana... Take the weekend off and enjoy the new little one. Some times we need to "re-start" our weight loss by letting go and tricking the body into losing again. Almost like when we update our phones and some of the apps don't work right unless we shut down and restart the phone. Same idea with our body.

    I had a great day till i realized i drank almost a whole bottle of Chard .... But i am good on my weigh in this a.m. so no biggy !!
  • auburn3535
    auburn3535 Posts: 37 Member
    Monica. Good one drank wine and didn't gain. You two are doing so well. You both keep exercising. I still can't seem to get into it. After my nasty Oreo binge yesterday. I didn't eat wasn't hungry. For dinner had some rotisserie chicken. Drank water today. Still feel like I need to eat light tomorrow. I don't know if it's possible to loose 1lb a week without exercise. But I'm hoping at least for awhile until I feel like getting back into exercising.
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Thanks for the pep talk guys :) I do like that quote! I found I wasn't able to stick to an exercise routine until I found one I enjoy. Going to the gym and doing exercise videos doesn't do it for me. I love the outdoors, so once I started running, I was addicted. Now I am completely addicted to working out. I do go to the gym and do videos, but only as fillers when the weather is bad, or when a friend wants to join me at the gym. Running is what I love. What is your usual exercise routine?

    So, Monday was a good day, I saved some calories. Yesterday was a no exercise day and I did go over. I should be exercising every day now, so I plan to save some more calories before the weekend.
  • auburn3535
    auburn3535 Posts: 37 Member
    My exercise routine i have tried going to gyms end shortly after. Never ever been a runner. I like walking with my dog but its Cleveland weather and I haven't done this past 2 months. I have a 10 year old elliptical in my home that I do love. I have a bench and 5-8-10lb weights and stretch bands. I had a friend who is a personal trainer write out for me a weeks strength routine which I like too. I was in the elliptical and strength routine in December. I am going through a very stressful work situation which I think is blocking me from exercising. I know exercise is a great stress releaser. I just can't get past this exercising block I have right now. So frustrating. You two keep exercising because it makes me think about you two and I better get my self exercising or I won't reach 125 by June 12th.
    Dana and Monica do you guys have an exact # of lbs you want to loose by a certain date?
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    Auburn... I am down to my last <10 lbs. I am hoping to have it gone no later that mid spring.

    As far as exercise I just do what I can on a given day. This month I am doing a couple 30day challenges and running for my main things. Then hubby and I like to go walking/hikeing.
    My best exercize days are my work days. Witch are sparatic right now.

    Good luck today !
  • auburn3535
    auburn3535 Posts: 37 Member
    Monica. I see you have lost 45 lbs. how fabulous for you. What an achievement!! I know you can loose the last 10. Go go go
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Auburn, I hope your work gets less stressful soon. When my life gets stressful, I tend to both exercise and eat more. Unfortunately, the eating far outweighs the exercise when things are not going well for me! But the exercise sure doesn't hurt. Hang in there, take it one day at a time.

    I am 134 pounds now, and I would like to be 125 by the first day of summer. For background, I gained 55 pounds while pregnant with my son, now 2.5 years old. After childbirth, I was 165. During his first year of life, I lost 30 pounds on Jenny Craig, but since then, I have been totally stuck with the last 15 pounds. I was down to 127 this past December, then the holidays happened...

    Yesterday was a good day, I was well under calories. I plan to keep it up!
  • auburn3535
    auburn3535 Posts: 37 Member
    You are very inspiring. That is fantastic to get 55 lbs off. Great comment about taking one day at a time. Sometimes I break it further down to a few hours especially with food. We both have the same goal to get to 125 by summer. I know we can do it. I have had 4 days of not over eating and that feels good. I'm weighing myself everyday as a kind reminder to not over eat. Still over 140 a little. Need to be 139 come Monday morning. Keep going very proud of you and Monica
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    That's great Auburn, good job on 4 days of success! Yesterday I was right at goal. I wanted to be under, but my son had me up at 4:30, and I don't do good on sleep deprivation. Today we have a playgroup in the afternoon, which will have some temptation. Tomorrow morning I go to help with the new baby in the family who is 1 week old. So I might not check in again till Monday. I don't know if I wil stay up on tracking this weekend, but I am hoping to be so busy helping that I don't pig out...

    Daily weigh ins really help some people. I read a study that showed that it dos help weight loss, so it is probably a good idea Auburn! For me though, I have tried it, and the daily fluctuations mess with my head too much, so I stick with weekly.
  • auburn3535
    auburn3535 Posts: 37 Member
    Dana. Have a great weekend with your niece. Keep up your great success through out the weekend. I was excited this morning weighed in at 139. Need to stay there till Monday. Next week work on getting to 138.
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    That's great Auburn, congrats! So it turns out I'm only going down for a day this weekend, so that makes everything so much easier. I was a little over yesterday, but not much. Overall, it has been a pretty good week, but Sunday was a binge, and i only made up a few of those calories. Today I will not have a chance to exercise, and tomorrow I think will be weigh-in. So I am going to have to really watch my eating today.
  • auburn3535
    auburn3535 Posts: 37 Member
    Dana What a crazy cycle we all live in with constant watch on food and exercise. I spent some time last night reading this Middles group from the beginning. It was cathartic in a way that what goes through my mind and behavior is so absolutely common with so many other people. I never have read real live peoples struggle that was so similar to me. I have talked with friends, family and husband on a very surface level about my food, body, weight issues but nothing like this. I really like it. I see it helpful for me. Even though I have never met you and Monica it's oddly comforting to know you guys are there. Eat light today and weigh in tomorrow with a smile.
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    I did go over yesterday; not surprising--it was a long day with no exercise. I missed weigh-in this morning so I will weigh in tomorrow, after hopefully making up some calories today.

    I am glad you found us Auburn; your commitment to this is definitely helping to motivate me. I feel like people pay a ton of money for this kind of thing in weight watchers, but it sucks that you have to pay so much just to find friends to support each other. MFP is great in that way :)
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    I was really hoping for good news today, but I weight in a pound up, at 135. I'm sure the fact that we baked cookies yesterday, and I was picking at the batter, didn't help. My two year old son is really into baking lately, and he is constantly asking to bake something, especially being stuck inside with freezing weather. It's a lot of fun, but not healthy. Today we are decorating the cookies, so there will be more temptation. I will try to commit to just a taste and one cookie, and to log it carefully.
  • auburn3535
    auburn3535 Posts: 37 Member
    Dana - I hear ya about that damn 1 lb increase. Just doesn't seem fair when we try hard all the time. I would be eating the batter too and the baked cookies. That's a tough challenge for you. What is your plan to not derail yourself?
    I hate this weighing in but I have to. I had to deal with some issues with my mom and was in the ER yesterday didn't eat until evening and I was good had tomato, green beans 1 bite of steak and 1 bite of cake. Was hungry this morning had oatmeal with walnuts and 1/2 scoop protein powder and weight up to 140. ARGH!! If I didn't weigh in I would have thought I would have been down to my goal of 139 for this week. So now its a 2 lb loss goal for this week. I still don't want to exercise - major problem block in my head.
    Goal this week is to drink lots of water, eat healthy and light (no more than 1000 calories) and no alcohol. Haven't had alcohol in 9 days. Dana we are going to keep trying because we have the goal of 125 to reach by summer. Just saying that tells me EXERCISE!!!.
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    YESTERDAY WAS HORRIBLE !!!! Way to much food and drink and not nearly enough exercise :s . SO today i need to pay more attention to what i am doing. I am up 3lbs after TOM left last week and my diet is not helping !! Must be a thing for this weekend though because a LOT of the people i have on my friends list didn't fair to well either. Well on ward and downward as they say..
  • auburn3535
    auburn3535 Posts: 37 Member
    Monica - what happened? Is TOM your boyfriend? Guess what happened tonight. I am on this surge to eat less no alcohol and loose 2 lbs by this coming Monday. So my husband comes home and talking about Fat Tuesday we have to go out. I end up drink 3/4 bottle of red wine and lots of food. So now I know I won't be 138 come Monday 2/23. I know I *kitten* to say its not fair. Why can't we eat and drink and be merry and not worry about this *kitten*. Monica and Dana what should we do beat this or give in. I say we can't beat it and we can't give in. I want to come up with a middle plan. Oh I'm so mad right now.
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    TOM is just that Time Of Month !! For some reason this month has set my body into a up swing even after its over. My food and exercise has gone to S*** !! Each day I tell myself that I won't repeat the day before. But in the end I don't to much better. So today I will work on it again and hopefully this time it will work.