Leslie Sansone July 2014 Walk Challenge



  • Healthymom_5
    Healthymom_5 Posts: 244 Member
    2 miles - Walk it Off in 30
    Been so busy, I haven't had time to catch up on everyone's progress, but I did notice Texasgardner you have quite an injury. :( Get well wishes and prayers for you!
  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    heavenlyb14 thanks for the tip, found the podcast inside out weight loss. Listened to it and it is wonderfully relaxing.

    AnnofB thanks, bought "Shrink Yourself" and reading it now.

  • startergal53
    startergal53 Posts: 120 Member
    Weekend out and about:
    7/25- 4 miles
    7/26- 2 miles
    7/27- 1 mile
    Happy walking folks!
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I had a wonderful walk this morning. I was joined by my youngest son. Today is his 28th birthday and we shared a walk and many laughs. I thrilled we did 5.5 miles and I made my goal for the month.

  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Goal 120 Miles for July!drinker

    July 1st, 4 miles 3 Mile Weight Loss Walk - did mile 3 twice.
    July 2nd, 5 miles 4 Mile Super Challenge plus the Muscle Mile
    Jule 3rd, 3 Miles Walk and Jog plus Mile 1 of the 4 mile super challenge.
    July 4th, 6.8 miles Trail walking with my DH
    July 7th, 3 Miles 3 Mile Power Walk
    July 8th, 4 Mile Super Challenge
    July 9th, 4 Miles 2 of Debbie Rocker's Walking for Weight Loss and 2 of Leslie's 5 Day Slim Down
    July 12th 5 miles The 5 Day Slim Down
    July 13th, 3 Miles Walk Your Belly Flat
    July 15th 7 Miles, 4 Mile Super Challenge and the 3 Mile Weight Loss Walk
    July 16, 8 Miles Miles 1, 4 and 5 of the 5 Day Slime down, 30 minutes to fitness 2 miles and cutting the grass, 3 miles. I'm so tired I can't see straight. What a day.
    July 17, 6 Miles Debbie Rocker AM & PM walks and Belly Blasting Walk
    July 19 5 Miles 5.2 Day Slim Down
    July 20 5 miles 4 Mile Super Challenge and 1 Debbie Rocker Mile
    July 21 6.2 Miles Walking for Weight Loss-debbie rocker and 3 Mile Power Walk Plus Went to Zumba tonight and I think I can safely say I walked 3 miles in that class, maybe more...
    July 22 5 Miles Walk You Belly Flat and Walking for Weight loss by Jessica Smith
    Jul 23 4 Miles Walk, Sculpt and Tone with Debbie Rocker
    July 24 5 miles... 4 Mile Super Challenge and fast mile 2 of Walk of Even More Weight
    July 25 4 Miles of the 5 Day slim Down
    July 26 6 Miles 3 Mile Weight Loss Walk & Walk Your Belly Flat
    July 27 3 MIles Walking for Weight Loss-Debbie Rocker
    July 28 6 Miles 4 Mile Super Challenge and miles 1 and 4 of the 5 Day Slim Down

    9 Miles to go.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    I had a wonderful walk this morning. I was joined by my youngest son. Today is his 28th birthday and we shared a walk and many laughs. I thrilled we did 5.5 miles and I made my goal for the month.


    Congrat's PinkyPan1!!!!!!! Over your goal and well before the last day of July. And you and DS had a wonderful walk. I know you are feeling tiptop today Girl. :flowerforyou:
  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    today: 5.5 miles

    total to date: 199.5 miles

    total calories to date: -13400 ca
  • startergal53
    startergal53 Posts: 120 Member
    6 miles out at the track this morning. May do a bit with Leslie later just depends. Wanted to get this down before I get behind. lol
    I am not going to miss my goal this month!! lol
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    8.81 miles walked today

    131.77 miles walked to date
  • heavenlyb14
    heavenlyb14 Posts: 303 Member
    2 miles today

  • Kaylasmom
    Kaylasmom Posts: 116 Member
    Hi..I just found this group...will there be an August challenge? :smile:
  • Healthymom_5
    Healthymom_5 Posts: 244 Member
    Hi..I just found this group...will there be an August challenge? :smile:

    Hi and welcome!! Glad you found us!! I'm sure there will be a group in August! We all set our individual goals and report in. Lively group!:). I read your profile ... We are same age and similar goals! I have a 14 year old daughter too!

    3 mile Advanced walk done( plus Karen Voight's Great Weighted Workout).
    Have a good night all!
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    2 miles today


    heavenlyb WTG!
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Hi..I just found this group...will there be an August challenge? :smile:

    Hi and welcome!! Glad you found us!! I'm sure there will be a group in August! We all set our individual goals and report in. Lively group!:). I read your profile ... We are same age and similar goals! I have a 14 year old daughter too!

    3 mile Advanced walk done( plus Karen Voight's Great Weighted Workout).
    Have a good night all!

    Healthymom_5, Working it!
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Hi..I just found this group...will there be an August challenge? :smile:



    HealthyMom is right, we'll be doing the challenge next month. We'll be glad to have you join us. :smile:
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    a bit sore today, shin splints I think from what my aunt and hubby tell me. Just the right side. ughhh trying to bring the walking down a bit so dropping the 10 miles and going back to 5 with Leslie until the shin is healed.

    5 advanced miles with Leslie today

    6 miles outside today

    199 miles with Leslie to date

    127 miles outside to date

    326 miles total to date

    goal 150 ----MET MY FIRST GOAL!!!!

    next goal is to get to 245 miles by the end of the month!!! ~~~~~~MADE MY SECOND GOAL!!!!!!

    Congrats to everyone that have made their goals!!!!
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Monday (7.28):

    0 DVD miles:

    90 outdoor minutes. (easy walk)

    Goal for July: 40 + miles (plus focus on strength more)

    So far: 25.5 Leslie/ or other walking DVD miles

    So far: 500 outdoor minutes

    I'm back to walking again, but will stick to outdoor walks for the present time. I just got my cast this afternoon so I'm on my way back again :flowerforyou: ! Thank you all for the prayers and loving words and encouragement :heart: . This morning (Monday) I did my first walk in near two weeks :noway: , I could sure tell I'm not up to par. I'm going to do a shorter one tomorrow. Today's was a bit long. I over extended myself. Now that I have the cast I have hopes of the pain diminishing/ disappearing and being off the pain meds!! I'm so happy to be walking with you all again.

    I have loved reading everyone's posts...so many awesome miles :wink: and even some goals being met:

    @ Kaylasmom :smile: , Welcome! Feel free to walk a couple of miles with us while waiting for the August Challenge!!

    @ bandit5125, Congratz on making your second goal :drinker: . Belated happy birthday :flowerforyou: .

    @ PinkyPan1, Congrayz on making your goal :drinker: . Happy b'day to your son.

    @ alex, You have been going strong, really strong this month as well as previous months. With out really going back and studying all of your posts I was wondering if you have built in rest day(s) each week to allow your body and "all of you" time to rejuvenate and repair? If you do, maybe you need a few extra days of R & R for some reason. I don't see a goal in your recent posts. Do you have one? Forgive me if I missed it somewhere. Take care of yourself :flowerforyou: .

    @ 2essie, Yay for you meeting your goal :drinker: !

    @ Lilymay2, Go you with all your yard renovation going on!! That's impressive strength and endurance, and I see a bunch of miles in your post! Remember miles count no matter how you get them walked. Even minutes or steps count... just count 'em all :happy: .

    @ zichab, you are rocking them international miles and even some hikes on top of that :glasses: !

  • Kaylasmom
    Kaylasmom Posts: 116 Member
    Hi, thanks for the warm welcome.... I will walk along with you:bigsmile:
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    Good morning walkers! My son joined me again this morning. We walked 5.5 miles and he said that he will be joining me every morning. This makes my heart smile. I am loving it.

  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    today: 4.5 miles

    total to date: 204 miles

    total calories to date: -13800 ca