Did you swim today?



  • stephenrhinton
    stephenrhinton Posts: 522 Member
    Its been too long since this morning to remember the break down. But at least 61 minutes total divided up between breast stroke normal, kick board front crawl, pull buoy backstroke ....
  • stephenrhinton
    stephenrhinton Posts: 522 Member
    25 minutes closed fist breast stroke, 26 minutes front crawl ...tomorrow is a rest day
  • Robertus
    Robertus Posts: 558 Member
    3.1-mile open-water swim this morning. Swam slowly so as not to aggravate my elbow/shoulder. But since I haven't been able to train for 45 days, I couldn't have swum much faster anyway. Arm seems to be OK. At least it isn't any more sore than the rest of my body. I learned it's a lot more work swimming in a lake and that I am not very good at swimming in a straight line!
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Missed logging yesterdays swim. 250m breast x2, 250m free x2 = 1000m
    Today 1000m free ( 20 mins ) 250m beast and 250m back.
    Robertus wrote: »
    I am not very good at swimming in a straight line!
    If it wasn't for Lane Ropes and the Lane marker on the pool bottom I probably would be making circles crossing over every lane in the pool.

    Stephen knocking off a good mix of strokes/drills.

    Emma and Bruce - good job protecting from further injury but still getting a workout in.

    Fish swimming in Yard work - now that I understand.
    Had to go to my Mom's place and replace the support's and blocking under her Deck. Nothing like crawling around on your belly to put in temp supports then tear out the old Damaged beams and install new cement pads and beams, then tear out the temp supports. Why do something once when its sooo much fun to do it twice
  • Kida_Adeylne
    Kida_Adeylne Posts: 201 Member
    Robertus wrote: »
    I learned it's a lot more work swimming in a lake and that I am not very good at swimming in a straight line!

    I thought I was really good at swimming in a straight line - people even complimented me when I did backstroke - but then I got in the open water...
  • mpeters1965
    mpeters1965 Posts: 370 Member
    Ugh. Yard work. In Florida. In July. Swam in sweat and had to take two different showers. It will be good to get in the pool in the morning and stretch out my sore muscles.

    This is me too "If it wasn't for Lane Ropes and the Lane marker on the pool bottom I probably would be making circles crossing over every lane in the pool."
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Masters squad

    250 as 100 free 50 back 50 br 50 free

    16x25 free as 4 breathe on 3, 4 on 4, 4 on 5 and 4 on 7

    10x50 as alt back br on 60

    10x25 as 25 scull on back feet first 25 fly

    10x75 free dps

    6x100 free as 50 steady then build by 25 on 2.00

    150 easy
  • mpeters1965
    mpeters1965 Posts: 370 Member
    1750 yds. 50ish minutes. Mixed swim, kick, pull sets, all freestyle.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Ugh. Yard work. In Florida. In July. Swam in sweat and had to take two different showers. It will be good to get in the pool in the morning and stretch out my sore muscles.
    That was me Saturday and Sunday. :)

    But today, back in the pool. 4 miles.
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 945 Member
    2.5 km 56 min
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 945 Member
    edited July 2015
    Macstraw wrote: »
    Welcome home, Gutzy - hopefully no more swimless trips....
    In summer mode now, so Mondays & Fridays will be at the gym (different branch than my usual), Tuesdays & Thursdays will be at the community pool - it's a 19 yard pool so you will see some unusual yardages logged.....
    A 19 yard pool would just drive me nuts, unless I was doing sprints throughout!
    1500 meters, 48 minutes. All freestyle. 500 swim, 200 pull, 100 kick, 200 pull, 100 kick, 200 pull, 200 swim. I just figured it out as I went along this morning. I was thinking I could squeeze in 500 at the end instead of 200 but I ran out of time and (truth be told) give a damn.
    LOL - I have those days! Especially last week :smiley:
    fishgutzy wrote: »
    4 miles :) Three times this week. So I guess I can now call this my new 'short' swim :)
    Regarding above comments re stroke rate. Increasing my stroke rate requires that I shorten my stroke. I do not have the strength needed to increase my stroke rate while maintaining my current stroke form. :)
    But that brings up another topic for me which I may get to in another thread.

    I just can't even fathom 4 miles being the regular or short swim for that matter. :hushed:
    On stroke rate, I'm looking forward one of these days to doing a swim at a slower stroke rate closer to what I used to do, and enjoy the experience. This more frenetic pace - phew - it is something!
    Today for example, the last 10 or 20, it took all I had just to hold the stroke together without everything falling totally apart! Tough!
    Yesterday was a drylander day on the elliptical. Always makes me appreciate the pool

    17 minutes front crawl pull buoy, 44 minutes backstroke closed fist

    Tomorrow I'm off to a gaming convention from 8am-midnight ...so that means I gotta get up waaaay too early to squeeze my swim in ...Twill be less than 13 hours swim to swim.
    Loving the consistency stephen!
    emmab0902 wrote: »
    Masters squad

    First swim in ten days due to shoulder pain. Still here and reading posts

    300 warmup

    3x200 free 1&3 negative split 2 steady

    4x50 kick as 25 fly 25 free

    2x200 pull as 75 free 25 br

    4x75 as 2 back 2 br

    8x100 IM as alt IMO RIMO
    1&2 5&6 kick
    3&4 7&8 swim

    200 easy

    The IMs were harder than they look.

    Rest intervals all 20s and about 30s between sets.
    Welcome back to the water Emma! Finally scratched the itch, eh?

  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
    Just checking in to say 'hi' - not much swimming going on here. Given painting the kitchen is causing shoulder pain I am taking that really slowly..and any swimming likewise....but hey, the Kitchen is looking good ! And my bike had come out, wow it's a lot easier to cycle when you are swim fit. Ok not quite Tour de France standard, but noticeable easier to get the miles/hills done.

    Swam in the sea on Saturday. When I say swam, I mean skulled and bobbed. Ok I was just mucking about with my girl, but Jeepers how do you sea swimmers even manage to get anywhere? I daren't even put my face in the water, and any time I tried to move any direction the sea just fought back..... A new found respect for open water swimme and real sea mermaids/men here!
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited July 2015
    Ugh. Yard work. In Florida. In July. Swam in sweat and had to take two different showers. "
    Florida Temperatures in Northern Canada, so when your normal high is 70 - 75 F ( 18 - 20 C ) and you get the 85 - 90s ( 30 C ) hitting you it's a real struggle.
  • mpeters1965
    mpeters1965 Posts: 370 Member
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    Ugh. Yard work. In Florida. In July. Swam in sweat and had to take two different showers. "
    Florida Temperatures in Northern Canada, so when your normal high is 70 - 75 F ( 18 - 20 C ) and you get the 85 - 90s ( 30 C ) hitting you it's a real struggle.

    Ugh. I believe it is. We do kind of get used to it here, mostly by staying inside during the hottest part of the day. Also, our houses are built for a warm climate and we have powerful air conditioning. Often, too, we are close enough to a coast to get a sea breeze, albeit a warmish one. It would be tough to be that hot that far north! Go swimming and cool off! :smile:
  • panhandle8
    panhandle8 Posts: 65 Member
    Back in the pool after a 1.5 week break due to vacation. I swam once during vacation but took a beating after trying back kicks in an outside pool. I ran into a ladder but it looks like I got into a knife fight. A good 6-7" gouge down my arm. How do you outside swimmers do back work?? Anyway, eased into it tonight for about 45 minutes.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    4 mile wake up. :) I actually did one extra lap because I wasn't looking at my counter at the end.

    I'm contemplating 5 miles Saturday Morning. Depends on weather. If it is really nice I may stick to 4 so I can take the wife to the outdoor range so she can fire her Christmas present finally :)
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 945 Member
    42 min of sprints
    4 x 33m warmup
    20 x 33m sprints
    4 x 33m easy
    10 x 33m sprints
    4 x 33m warmdown
  • LauraRae2
    LauraRae2 Posts: 107 Member
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    If it wasn't for Lane Ropes and the Lane marker on the pool bottom I probably would be making circles crossing over every lane in the pool.

    ha ha! Me too, I run into the ropes quite often when I'm sharing a lane. Oops!

    Yesterday was frustrating and wonderful. Frustrating because the swim team took over the pool at 3:30, which wasn't on the published schedule. Apparently that is happening at 3:30 M-Th now. Oh well, at least I know.

    But wonderful because....I swam my first sub-2:00 100 yd! Yesterday I did 4x 100 free/50 kick/100 free, then did 250 to end.

    Getting ready to head in and planning on upping it to 4x 150 free/50 kick/150 free. We'll see how that goes! 72 lengths is a mile and right now i'm consistently doing 1/2 mile, working my way toward a mile. Yesterday I did 50 lengths, so I'm shooting for that or more today.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I haven't swum laps since the 1st of July. Between the swim team and summer lessons, the schedule only opens 1 lane when I can get there. Last week, there were 7 swimmers trying to circle. One woman was unbelievably slow. I know that I am not fast, but this was truly an obstruction. Nobody could pass her because there were too many swimmers, and being behind her was just painful. So several people angrily cut short their workouts. I never did get in. I sat on the deck wondering what was going to pan out of the situation.

    anyway, I've been going to my water fitness class instead. One of the instructors is fitting in a lot of resistance work along with the cardio, so the workouts are great. What is not happening though, is my work on swim technique.

    GREAT swims happening here though, people! :)
  • LauraRae2
    LauraRae2 Posts: 107 Member

    150 free/50 kick/150 free
    150 free/50 kick/150 free
    Timed 100 (1:52)
    150 free/50 kick/150 free
    150 free/50 kick/150 free
    Timed 100 (1:58)

    Total of 56 lengths. I was in the water 50-55 minutes, but I estimated that 40 was active. The other 10-15 were me gasping for air and getting water :D Just 16 more lengths to a mile!