Did you swim today?



  • blackcoffeeandcherrypie
    Yes I did, my usual mile. I noticed the other day that my shoulders looked bigger and rounder. I actually had to change tops because it looked a little unusual in what I was planning to wear. Anyone else notice this after daily swimming?

    Bigger shoulders from regular swimming? Definitely. It took a while to notice but a definite difference. As a woman with wide hips, I like the balance that larger shoulders provide.

    Yes I also have bigger hips, so I guess it does balance out. I'm not someone who feels the need to conform to gender stereotypes, but I have to admit that I felt a bit butch when I was trying to look floaty and beady, so I went and got changed lol. I guess it will look more kick-*kitten* as I get thinner and start to see the definition, not just the size change.
  • LauraRae2
    LauraRae2 Posts: 107 Member
    I've always been super broad shouldered - when I was born, the dr told my dad he had a linebacker on his hands. Then they delivered the rest of me :wink: I haven't noticed my shoulders getting bigger (I think I'd cry if they did) but I have noticed my upper arm getting more toned and less flabby looking, which I love.

    Today's swim...

    300 warm up
    4x50 pull, interval+10
    100 kick
    4x50 pull, interval +10
    6x75, 50 easy, sprint 25, 5 seconds rest between sets

    1250 yds in 35 minutes. Working on speed right now, doing another mile on Saturday or Sunday and hope to see at least a slight drop in time.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Today's NSV-- first time in 12 years I've done a full TWO MILES!
    Not too bad for this 54-year old 216-lb fat chick who just started swimming again 4 weeks ago!

    I don't know if I'll ever have Fishgutzy's stamina or patience-- since at my pace, a 5-mile swim would take me more than 3 and a half hours--but I was pretty damned happy with myself!

    3600/ 72 laps/ 2 miles
    * 200 easy back/breast warmup
    * 2600 freestyle + intermingled back/breast microrecovery
    * 500 kickboard
    * 150 freestyle
    * 150 easy back/breast cooldown
  • Kida_Adeylne
    Kida_Adeylne Posts: 201 Member
    Alarm didn't go off this morning, so I missed coaching. :( Went down to the lake after work, and managed half an hour of sprints (work involved 2.5 hours of walking today, so it wasn't surprising that I was so tired).

    I'm doing my 3.8k race on Saturday morning. I do not feel prepared. Many things have gotten in the way of training. But it's along the shoreline, so if I can't make it, I won't drown. (And my coach says I'll make it, stop being silly, etc.)
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Today's NSV-- first time in 12 years I've done a full TWO MILES!
    Not too bad for this 54-year old who just started swimming again 4 weeks ago!
    Bows Head in Humble Humility.
    Yesterday's swim with the Triathlon group and the regulars. 60 mins 2250m.
    750m free, 750m breast, 750 back and then Hot Tub.
  • MarissaTriesAgain
    MarissaTriesAgain Posts: 766 Member
    4th swim of the week. 20 minutes, 500m. New personal best for me. I couldn't enjoy it though because I shut my mind down to stop thinking about stressful things that have happened this week. :/
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 945 Member
    Thursday - dryland gym work (very sore after)
    Friday - 2.5 km in 58 min (real sore from gym yesterday hence the time)
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Yes I did, my usual mile. I noticed the other day that my shoulders looked bigger and rounder. I actually had to change tops because it looked a little unusual in what I was planning to wear. Anyone else notice this after daily swimming?
    My kids noticed it before I did. "Dad, you got shoulders!" And when I was doing reverse angels in the weight room my son said, in a rather surprised tone, "your shoulders are ripped." :)

  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    4 mile wake up call.
    3x2000 free.
    500 kick board/fins
    550 fins and hand pads.
  • LauraRae2
    LauraRae2 Posts: 107 Member
    Yoga today, followed by car shopping (which is a mix of YAY and UGH)

    Back in the pool tomorrow.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    4th swim of the week. 20 minutes, 500m. New personal best for me. I couldn't enjoy it though because I shut my mind down to stop thinking about stressful things that have happened this week. :/

    Yay you for persistence! AND for the personal best!

  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    2700 y in 65-70 min:
    *200 easy breast/back warmup
    *1550 mostly free + back/breast for micro recovery every 5 - 6 laps or so
    *500 kickboard
    *250 free
    *200 easy breast/back cooldown

    5th swim of the week! Now, to rest over the weekend!

  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,267 Member
    Wow. There are some awesome swims here, people!! Kida, you won't drown. I'm sure of it ;) Marissa, hooray for a personal best! I found that I swam longer than ever when things got stressful. I'm glad you found the pool again. Hopefully it helps.

    I was 6 laps short of a mile last night (I jumped out because I had a friend meeting me at the aqua fitness class and I thought it would be rude to join late when she didn't know anyone--plus, I had no idea that I could swim that far!)

    Went back this morning in spite of myself. I was afraid that I'd be too pooped out after last night, but it felt really good. I did MsJ's workout. It was slow. I am slow. But I don't care. The internal dialogue was "swim ON TOP OF the water, NOT UNDER IT" today...
  • stephenrhinton
    stephenrhinton Posts: 522 Member
    62 minutes, 1800m, mixes strokes, 15 sprint laps ...i was hoping to see more distance today since yesterday was a rest day ....but c'est la vie
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member

    100 free
    100 back
    100 br
    100 fly/br

    100 fly
    100 fly drill

    4x50 free as 6 strokes head up/6 head down

    8x25 alt free back fast kick slow arms

    4x200 free as
    2x100 on 1.40
    4x50 on 50
    1x100 on 1.40
    2x50 on 60
    1x100 on 1.40
    2x50 on 60

    All at 90% effort holding pace. Apart from the two sets of 2x50s which were sprints.

    8x25 br drill

    100 easy

    Was a bit intimidated by the main set but pleased with how it went. 100s were 1.20 1.21 1.21 1.18 and final 50 was 35s.

  • mpeters1965
    mpeters1965 Posts: 370 Member
    Emma - your times are awesome. I find them a bit intimidating. :smile:

    I swam this morning and my eldest daughter came along and took some video both above and below the water. I did the same for her so we didn't get a whole lot of yards in. Maybe 1,000 tops. I'm going to try and post some of the video later today to get some critique and tips on my stroke from you guys. Not swimming in Masters has left me to my own devices. I can see some of my bad habits are still there.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Pushed it today. 10km plus a Monk lap.
    Can't stop at 219 :) +1 to make 220. :)
  • stephenrhinton
    stephenrhinton Posts: 522 Member
    lol ....monk lap ...i like that ...ah tony shapiro we miss you ...

    1850m, 62minutes, 15 sprints, mixed strokes
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    lol ....monk lap ...i like that ...ah tony shapiro we miss you ...
    Swype auto complete fail :)
    Tony Shaloub :) Very funny as Monk.
    We all have a little bit of Monk in us.
  • LauraRae2
    LauraRae2 Posts: 107 Member
    Today was a mile day...39:59! That's a PR by 2:43 seconds!

    It was funny, I just set out to beat my previous time (42:42). I was watching my splits and knew I was on track to beat it, but with 10 laps left I realized that if I upped my pace I could hit 40 minutes. Last length (25 yds), I glanced up and realized I only had 24 seconds to come in at 40 minutes even. I touched the wall at 23 seconds! I was so happy and proud that I just started laughing.