Did you swim today?



  • Kida_Adeylne
    Kida_Adeylne Posts: 201 Member
    Great job Gutzy, and Laura!

    I showed up for the race yesterday - the water temperature was 50f, or 10c. They changed it so you could do 500m or 1k (instead of 3.8k) - I did 200m and said 'forget this'. I swim for fun. That was not fun. But the race served its purpose - I have increased my swimming fitness and not dropped off swimming because or inconvienience during the summer. And I still swam more than the people who refused to get in the water.

    Today I swam 1200 strokes in the lake - ~40 minutes. A much nicer 19c for the water temp. :tongue:
  • LauraRae2
    LauraRae2 Posts: 107 Member
    50*F?! I don't blame you for saying forget it!
  • MarissaTriesAgain
    MarissaTriesAgain Posts: 766 Member
    So, for my mental and physical health, I quit my job today, on pretty short notice. To take my mind off of the new job hunt that is at stake, I did a quick 9 minute, 250m swim.

    Not a long swim by any means, but I followed it up with other exercise. I went to a local swim shop this week and bought an ACTUAL lap swimming suit (instead of the big girl tankini from Target lol), a better swim cap (that says "do work" and is really cool) and some optical goggles.

    Being able to SEE really has helped with my form (maybe seeing with better detail helps??? maybe it is in my head?) and with letting me be able to better anticipate how close I am getting to the end of that length!
  • blackcoffeeandcherrypie
    Yes I did; I swam yesterday and today. Yesterday was a mile but today my friends wanted to leave early so I only managed half a mile. Still good to get in the water though :-)
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member

    200 free
    100 fly
    100 IM

    2x300 pull

    200 free steady
    200 free timed (2.41 which is 2s over PB and this was without a dive)

    100 free steady
    100 free timed (1s over PB no dive)

    50 free steady
    50 free timed (34)

    2x 100 back as alt double arm/single arm

    4x50 as alt br pull fly kick/br pull free kick

    4x100 free focus on holding water

    Was surprised at times so checked pool is really 25m lol (its been certified for national record attempts) but the coach says it's "fast water."

    Anyone know time difference between a fast and slow pool??

  • mpeters1965
    mpeters1965 Posts: 370 Member
    I wonder how a pool can be fast vs. slow. I must be swimming in a slow one!

    1650 yds this morning. Mixed freestyle sets, with drills and kicking and sprints. The workout was shorter than intended as I spent a few more minutes chatting than I intended. Oops!
  • mpeters1965
    mpeters1965 Posts: 370 Member
    So, for my mental and physical health, I quit my job today, on pretty short notice. To take my mind off of the new job hunt that is at stake, I did a quick 9 minute, 250m swim.

    Not a long swim by any means, but I followed it up with other exercise. I went to a local swim shop this week and bought an ACTUAL lap swimming suit (instead of the big girl tankini from Target lol), a better swim cap (that says "do work" and is really cool) and some optical goggles.

    Being able to SEE really has helped with my form (maybe seeing with better detail helps??? maybe it is in my head?) and with letting me be able to better anticipate how close I am getting to the end of that length!

    If it feels like it's helping, it probably is! Good luck in your job search. :smiley:
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    No swimming today. On my way to China. Will get to Hangzhou around dinner time Tuesday.
    Hopefully I'll get to swim this trip. It takes me nearly a month to recover from these trips when i can't swim.
    I'll post when i know :)
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 945 Member
    35 min of sprints!
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 945 Member
    edited August 2015
    I was 6 laps short of a mile last night (I jumped out because I had a friend meeting me at the aqua fitness class and I thought it would be rude to join late when she didn't know anyone--plus, I had no idea that I could swim that far!)

    Went back this morning in spite of myself. I was afraid that I'd be too pooped out after last night, but it felt really good. I did MsJ's workout. It was slow. I am slow. But I don't care. The internal dialogue was "swim ON TOP OF the water, NOT UNDER IT" today...

    Great job on the personal best Curly and at surprising even yourself :smile:
    fishgutzy wrote: »
    Pushed it today. 10km plus a Monk lap.
    Can't stop at 219 :) +1 to make 220. :)

    10 km! Fantastic. How long did that take you?
    Epic swim! Preparing for China break, eh?
    LauraRae2 wrote: »
    Today was a mile day...39:59! That's a PR by 2:43 seconds!

    It was funny, I just set out to beat my previous time (42:42). I was watching my splits and knew I was on track to beat it, but with 10 laps left I realized that if I upped my pace I could hit 40 minutes. Last length (25 yds), I glanced up and realized I only had 24 seconds to come in at 40 minutes even. I touched the wall at 23 seconds! I was so happy and proud that I just started laughing.

    Another personal best! Y'all are inspirational. Keep breaking through the limits of what you thought was possible!
    Great job Gutzy, and Laura!

    I showed up for the race yesterday - the water temperature was 50f, or 10c. They changed it so you could do 500m or 1k (instead of 3.8k) - I did 200m and said 'forget this'. I swim for fun. That was not fun. But the race served its purpose - I have increased my swimming fitness and not dropped off swimming because or inconvienience during the summer. And I still swam more than the people who refused to get in the water.

    And that was without a wetsuit too? No way I could swim in 10 degree water. I don't think so, anyway!
    emmab0902 wrote: »
    Was surprised at times so checked pool is really 25m lol (its been certified for national record attempts) but the coach says it's "fast water."

    Anyone know time difference between a fast and slow pool??

    Fast and slow pool? Wow never heard of that. Perhaps one is deeper than the other making it easier to swim in the deeper pool? Come to think of it, I tend to do most of my swimming in one of 2 pools - a 25m and 33m one. I always presumed the reason for the better times I post in the 33m pool was due to fewer breaks. But perhaps the fact that the 33m pool seems deeper plays a part too, making it a "faster" pool? Hmmm.....
    fishgutzy wrote: »
    No swimming today. On my way to China. Will get to Hangzhou around dinner time Tuesday.
    Hopefully I'll get to swim this trip. It takes me nearly a month to recover from these trips when i can't swim.
    I'll post when i know :)
    Hope the new gym has a pool you can use!

  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    2000 in 50 minutes. Had to make it a short one between a late afternoon meeting and an early evening rehearsal.
    200 easy warmup; 1300 mostly freestyle; 350 kickboard; 150 easy cooldown
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 945 Member
    2.5 km 55 min
  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    1km in 30 mins
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    First wake up in China. COO picked us up at the airport. (she is the CEO's wife) She reiterated that they will get me pool access this time. I'm looking forward to it.
    Tuesday Wednesday morning here.
    @AquaticQuests The 10km swim took me 3 hours 33 minute. Would love to swim it in a competitive 2 hours :)
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    4500 y/ 90 laps/ 2.55 miles in 125 minutes.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited August 2015
    @emmab0902 wrote: »
    Was surprised at times so checked pool is really 25m lol (its been certified for national record attempts) but the coach says it's "fast water."

    Anyone know time difference between a fast and slow pool??

    My experience with a deep pool ( also colder) is that I am a lot faster in the Deep/Cold water. Which is why I look forward to road trips to certain cities that have pools that have hosted International Swim Meets - Commonwealth games, World Championships, Olympics etc. Any excuse to swim is a good thing.
  • stephenrhinton
    stephenrhinton Posts: 522 Member
    Last 2 days I did drylander stuff because i was dog/house sitting again...so glad to get back in the water, but I felt slow ...and my legs were definitely complaining about the drylander abuse

    64 minutes ....i lost my lapcount so distance is around 1800 m
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Recovery session

    2X(100 free 100 br 100 back 50 fly)

    8X50 free kick
    Odds sprint 1st 25
    Evens sprint 2nd 25

    10X100 as
    2 free
    2 back
    2 br
    2 IM
    2 free
    All steady with 30s rest

    9X75 as
    3X free/back/free
    3X free kick on side/free/free kick on side
    3X fly kick on back/back/fly kick on back
    All 20s rest

    25 easy

    Enjoyed it lots!!!
  • mpeters1965
    mpeters1965 Posts: 370 Member
    Stephen - I wondered where you were. Two days without swimming is a long hiatus for you!
    Emmab - "Enjoyed it lots!!" is a great assessment of any swim.

    I worked out with the personal trainer for the second time yesterday. Last week was pretty easy but he picked it up a bit last night. Still not a crazy hard workout but my shoulders were tired this morning.

    I tried two new drills this morning (from the video analysis post), the scull drill and the six kick per stroke. The first seemed pretty easy and the second was quite difficult for me. The swim went like this:

    200 warm up
    2 - 150's - drill, kick, swim (scull drill)
    200 swim
    400 kick set with fins (I was tired of thinking about my stroke!)
    200 swim
    2 - 150's - drill, kick, swim (6 kick drill)
    200 swim

    My calculator says that is 1,800 yds.
  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
    Back in the pool after holiday etc break. It is not going to be consistent until the girl is back at school tho...

    Anyway - 36 mins on 1k mixed drill / IM. I was pleased with the pace after a break...even if it did feel like swimming in treacle at times!

    Hoping my right arm/shoulder had properly recovered in my 2 weeks off, but some twinges already. Rats. Must book that swimming lesson to find out what is going wrong (I know I am pulling too much with the arm and not enough with the back muscles, but can't quite work out how to rectify...tried keeping a wider higher elbow today)

    Enjoyed reading all the news of people's swims - and seeing we have lots of new members too. That all really helped make me get back in the water!