Did you swim today?



  • stephenrhinton
    stephenrhinton Posts: 522 Member
    1850m, 61 minutes, mixed strokes, 15 sprint laps ..tomorrow is a drylander day ...
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 945 Member
    edited September 2015
    Sprints: 33m x 20 then 66m x 10, then a few IM sets.

    The IM sets were difficult, as I need to regain my comfort in butterfly, back and breast, and all in the next 2 - 3 days as I prepare myself for an unexpected swim meet!
    Lots of choking and gulping on pool water during those IM laps.

    With my concentration on freestyle, I've grown so much more in the zone with my freestyle, and so outside my comfort zone with the other strokes!

    Well Tuesday evening turned out to be pretty dramatic - after doing butterfly for the first time this year.
    Went home and at about 10:30 pm started to have quite an intense ache in my back/chest/shoulder/bicep area.
    I thought I was having a heart attack and asked my wife to drive me to the ER.
    My heart rate was elevated, as was my pressure (142/90) but nothing too extreme and heart seemed fine.
    I explained to doc that heart rate was probably still elevated from my sprints earlier that evening, and he then said it was probably muscular, which I agreed with.

    Prescribed pain killers and rest rest next day, and asked me to monitor my blood pressure over the next few days.

    Wednesday morning I stayed in resting, and my resting heart rate Wednesday morning was 58 which was great (and 57 this morning)!
    My pressure today was 125/70 which is great too.
    Haven't swum since the 'attack' but given that the issue was probably muscular, and all my vitals are now normal, may give the swim meet a go tomorrow, despite now not having had the opportunity to reacquaint myself with the strokes which Aj may be expected to swim in!

    Will jump into the pool today and see if everything is still working!
  • MarissaTriesAgain
    MarissaTriesAgain Posts: 766 Member
    Last night I took a huge first step to meeting one of my September goals! That goal is to swim 1km in 30 minutes. Last night, I did my first kilometer, so a new best distance for me, and I did it in 36 min 39 seconds! What made this swim even better, on top of everything else, is that I had accidentally left my kickboard at home, so I couldn't do lengths of kicks as a rest. Instead I went to backstroke or breaststroke.
  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
    Well done Marissa. Take it gently AQ, and know how that one feels BruceA. I am jealous of your 'starting point' HTimp (way faster than me) and also of your mid swim break MP!

    Kid back at school today so at last back (I hope) to usual swim routine after patchy swimming over the summer.

    Gentle intro - 750m untimed as feeling pretty rubbish on too many levels. Hey ho. Tomorrow is another day... and it will include booking more swim lessons.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Yikes, AQ!! Be gentle to yourself. Good that you had it checked though. Marissa, wow!! Congratulations! I LOVE the feeling of meeting a goal and making a new one! htimpaired, a pool at a campground?? How awesome! Never seen it in these parts... emma, your enthusiasm is contagious. I LOVE it when a session goes that well. Feels sooo good! mpeters, I'm not sure which I'm more envious of: the swim or the Cape launch ;) aledba, I know the feeling. I added a pull bouy into my workout a while back. It helped keep myself more level when I didn't have to work arms AND legs. Might be worth a try? And Bruce, glad you are under a doc's watch. It's hard not to get back as quickly as we want, but patience pays off in the end.

    No swims until the 12th :( I'm going a little bonkers without my pool, but I have taken some short runs and my foot seems to be holding up well. I have a 10K coming up in a couple of weeks, and another possibly a month after that. I would LOVE to be able to run AND swim.
  • kallemann67
    kallemann67 Posts: 92 Member
    Getting into the lake today. It was soooooo cold. 2km done though.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    No swims until the 12th :( I'm going a little bonkers without my pool, but I have taken some short runs and my foot seems to be holding up well. I have a 10K coming up in a couple of weeks, and another possibly a month after that. I would LOVE to be able to run AND swim.
    I feel your pain. It's only been 4 days since my pool closed for Maintenance and 3 more weeks of no swimming.
    Hard to get in any swim training for a triathlon when you have no pool.
    Went for a run tonight and it started a light drizzle on the way back home when I noticed there were Little White Flakes mixed in with the rain.
  • mpeters1965
    mpeters1965 Posts: 370 Member
    I'm sorry for all of you guys whose pools have closed. What a bummer! And Little White Flakes in the rain? We are still in the death grip of summer here. One of the things I love about this group is our geographical diversity.

    I decided on a whim last night to go try out the evening Masters Swim group, from 7:15 to 8:15 pm. I've been considering joining them during the upcoming winter once the outdoor pool closes. It had all the things I love about masters, a great group and a tough workout. But swimming at that time of day was much harder in than in the morning! It's like I had already used up most of my energy and didn't have as much to give. I thought I would sleep well but actually slept terribly (which might or might not have to do with swimming that late). I'm going to have to try a few more times before I make a decision. :smile:
  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    It must be a popular time of year to do pool shut down maintenance. Mine closes starting tonight for 10 days. I have to remind myself that last year was 3 weeks for the shut down and I can do 10 days just fine.
  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    Yikes, AQ!! Be gentle to yourself. Good that you had it checked though. Marissa, wow!! Congratulations! I LOVE the feeling of meeting a goal and making a new one! htimpaired, a pool at a campground?? How awesome! Never seen it in these parts... emma, your enthusiasm is contagious. I LOVE it when a session goes that well. Feels sooo good! mpeters, I'm not sure which I'm more envious of: the swim or the Cape launch ;) aledba, I know the feeling. I added a pull bouy into my workout a while back. It helped keep myself more level when I didn't have to work arms AND legs. Might be worth a try? And Bruce, glad you are under a doc's watch. It's hard not to get back as quickly as we want, but patience pays off in the end.

    No swims until the 12th :( I'm going a little bonkers without my pool, but I have taken some short runs and my foot seems to be holding up well. I have a 10K coming up in a couple of weeks, and another possibly a month after that. I would LOVE to be able to run AND swim.

    I do the head up front crawl with arms only using the buoy, do you mean add it in for normal freestyle to help float my hips more? I feel like I might get a little sloppy :(
  • panhandle8
    panhandle8 Posts: 65 Member
    Swam a straight 2550 yds this morning in about 55 minutes. Not super quick, but I felt better than my latest past swims.
  • stephenrhinton
    stephenrhinton Posts: 522 Member
    edited September 2015
    aledba wrote: »
    I do the head up front crawl with arms only using the buoy, do you mean add it in for normal freestyle to help float my hips more? I feel like I might get a little sloppy :(

    Many people do recommend this as a drill to help 'train' you to a more flat body position in freestyle. However, like you mentioned the first several times I tried it I felt really really sloppy. I found that the kicking motion of my legs was doing a lot to 'stabilize' my line in the lane an prevent me from angling from side to side as I rolled for my stroke and/or breathing. Eventually it got easier. But I'm not sure how much it improved my body position. I don't really have a coach or team or anyone to look at my technique and tell me how/if it is changing.

    1850m, 61 minutes, mixed strokes, 15 sprints ...

    Oh and yesterday was a drylander day ...i made it through a Les Mills 'BodyJam' class ...i looked redonkulous ...but I managed to keep pace (if not the beat)
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member

    800 warmup as 400 free 400 back

    600 free as 100 steady 50 hard

    20X50 on 75 as
    5 kick
    5 pull
    5 mixed scull
    5 free max

    200 easy

    The session flew by!!!

  • stephenrhinton
    stephenrhinton Posts: 522 Member
    1850m in 61 minutes, mixed strokes, 15 sprint lengths
  • mpeters1965
    mpeters1965 Posts: 370 Member
    aledba wrote: »

    1850m, 61 minutes, mixed strokes, 15 sprints ...

    Oh and yesterday was a drylander day ...i made it through a Les Mills 'BodyJam' class ...i looked redonkulous ...but I managed to keep pace (if not the beat)

    No future career as a Body Jam instructor, Stephen? :wink:
  • drummer_lady
    drummer_lady Posts: 150 Member
    Lost count of my distance today, but I swam for 45 minutes. Approx half of my swim was front crawl, and I am feeling a lot more comfortable with it now! I am able to control my breathing a lot better. When I started a month ago I would be gasping for air after one or two lengths of front crawl and mostly stuck to breast stroke.
  • MarissaTriesAgain
    MarissaTriesAgain Posts: 766 Member
    No swim today, but yesterday I did my second 1km swim! This time I did it in 32 min 10 seconds! It was about 2/3 breast stroke, 1/3 freestroke, and a few lengths of backstroke thrown in there. I am hoping to slowly be able to swim more and more free, and less of the other strokes. I find that for one length of free I can focus on my breathing and my form, but if I try to follow it up with another length of free, I start struggling to control my breathing, which messes up my form, and it goes downhill from there!

    So if I can build up my freestyle endurance, I should easily be able to swim 1km in under 30 minutes!
  • stephenrhinton
    stephenrhinton Posts: 522 Member
    No future career as a Body Jam instructor, Stephen? :wink:

    Instructor? No ...maybe the equivalent of a Body Jam 'Crash Test Dummy'

    2050m, 62 minutes, mixed strokes, 16 sprint lengths

    So mixed performance notes today.

    I THINK this may be a personal best for me ...i got at least 2k one other time, but I think this is my first 2050 ...so yay!

    On the other hand at the end of my swim a lady started in the lane next to me. Now she was doing breast-stroke kickboard drills (frog kick). And she was lapping me doing all three of my full-on strokes! ...with just her kick! ...and she didn't look like she was working especially hard! yowsa i felt slooooow!

    Tomorrow is a rest day ...which is nice since it is labor day ... in fact unless things change I have no obligations at all tomorrow and I can hide in my house all day an ignore the world.
  • LauraRae2
    LauraRae2 Posts: 107 Member
    Guys, I'm going nuts. Pool has been closed for a week now and I still have 13 days to go. AGH! I have so much pent-up energy it's kind of ridiculous.

    Did an hour of yoga today. Will do a 3-4 mile walk with the dog tomorrow morning. Trying to stay active even when I can't be in the pool and counting down the days until I can get back at it.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    45 minutes

    150 free
    150 kick
    100 back
    100 IM

    12X25 fly kick hands behind back (am noticing benefits from this in my fly)

    6X100 free on 1.40 hold 1.24 or below

    16X50 IMO first 25 steady second sprint on 60

    100 easy

    Good session. First meet in 12 days. Coach says tonight he's off to Thailand on Friday for two weeks holiday!!!

    How rude!!