August workout check-in thread - August one more rep!



  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    people are doing great stuff . . . as for me: workout a.

    i did the limber 11 stretches that some lovely person linked to on one of the other threads before i started today. kneecaps still really an issue, and i think they're tracking poorly or something but i'm just running out of ideas on what to do about them. anyway, the stretch routine sure found a bunch of areas that were locked up like fort knox. not sure if they were directly helpful or not, but obviously parts of me need some help anyway.

    squats: 5x5x70. i'm hanging around at this weight and feeling stronger and stronger each time i do them. not going to move on until i can bust out all 25 and feel strong all the way through every part of every single rep. not just fine in some parts of them and clawing it out for the bits in between. that's coming along quite nicely, i think. i tend to get stuck at the last little top-of-the-hole part and i want to iron that out before i step up, so think i'll do 70 again next time.

    bench: 1x5x65, 4x5x60. same as last time. i tried 65 and got one set, but knew i couldn't have got the next four. 60 was pretty hard actually.

    rows: messy as usual. 5x5x70. i don't remember if this is an increase or not, but it was definitely my max for today. also a few sets of one-arm rows on the left, with i think 22.5 lb.

    going to try out the long ride again tomorrow. doesn't look like this contract is going to move very fast anyway, so i might as well get the fun of free days while i've got them. i hate a contract that wants you to interview on monday and start on wednesday.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Good morning!!

    Workout A for me this morning.

    Squats 140lbs 3x5

    BP: 80lbs 1x4, 2x4. 80lbs is a new PR for me and this was my first attempt at it so I'm quite happy with that.

    Pendlay rows: 70lbs 2x3, 1x4. Also a new PR for me (I've been stuck at 65lbs forever... it took me a very long time to get the hang of rows. I stacked 4 x 25lb plates on each side under the bar to raise it up a bit more from the normal 3 x 25lb plates I was using, and I think that helped. I'm 6'2" and it feels like such a long way down to reach for the bar with only 3 plates stacked under each side. Long legs and t-rex arms... ugh.
  • laraeverhage
    laraeverhage Posts: 53 Member
    Just finished week 3!
    Squat - 85#
    Bench - 65#
    Row - 65#
    OHP - 35# (using dumbells to get to 45#, then switching to the bar)
    DL - 85#

    Going up by 5 for each excersize, though I might bump up the deadlift. My 1RM is around 185#, and it seems strange to be squatting more than I'm DL. I'm still doing all 5x5s fairly easily on each lift, so I will keep on keeping on with the increases!

    I'm going to the gym with my husband, and his routine is taking him significantly longer than this is taking me, plus I have the in between days when I'm not lifting. I tried a yoga class for one day, but I was looking for "bendy" yoga, and this was "fitness" yoga, so I wasn't a huge fan. Now I'm trying to figure out what else to do. I'm thinking of adding some sprints after the SL workout. Maybe my own yoga sequence, the stretching routine mentioned upthread, rowing, swimming... I think I'm overwhelmed by the possibilities! And I don't want to do something else at the expense of getting stronger (like long cardio sessions).
  • bruerin
    bruerin Posts: 124 Member
    I'm 6'2" and it feels like such a long way down to reach for the bar with only 3 plates stacked under each side. Long legs and t-rex arms... ugh.

    This is the problem I've been having. I'm literally a foot shorter than you, but my arms must be disproportionately shorter than my legs. Even though I've been using 15lb bumper plates on the bar for the past three workouts, I'm still having to stack plates under each side.Even with the bumper plates, I cannot reach the bar if it is on the floor. Back is flat, knees slightly bent, abs and glutes engaged. So setup is not an issue.

    I know what the difference is between Pendalay rows and bent-over rows, and that SLs uses Pendalay. But, has anyone switched them out for bent-over because of the arms not reaching? Or is it better to keep stacking?
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    I'm 6'2" and it feels like such a long way down to reach for the bar with only 3 plates stacked under each side. Long legs and t-rex arms... ugh.

    This is the problem I've been having. I'm literally a foot shorter than you, but my arms must be disproportionately shorter than my legs. Even though I've been using 15lb bumper plates on the bar for the past three workouts, I'm still having to stack plates under each side.Even with the bumper plates, I cannot reach the bar if it is on the floor. Back is flat, knees slightly bent, abs and glutes engaged. So setup is not an issue.

    I know what the difference is between Pendalay rows and bent-over rows, and that SLs uses Pendalay. But, has anyone switched them out for bent-over because of the arms not reaching? Or is it better to keep stacking?

    I know a lot of people switch to bent over rows. I think it's personal preference? I kind of feel like a d!ck at the gym because I'm trying to get the explosive lift upward and then set it back down with every rep so I make a ton of noise with the bar and plates... and I only have like a little 10lb and 2.5 plate on each side lmao. People at the gym must me like omg there goes that girl and her rows again.
  • bruerin
    bruerin Posts: 124 Member

    I know a lot of people switch to bent over rows. I think it's personal preference? I kind of feel like a d!ck at the gym because I'm trying to get the explosive lift upward and then set it back down with every rep so I make a ton of noise with the bar and plates... and I only have like a little 10lb and 2.5 plate on each side lmao. People at the gym must me like omg there goes that girl and her rows again.

    Who cares what people think. Most women can't even row the bar without difficulty. (They probably actually can, but choose to believe that crap about lifting anything heavier than 5lbs...blah they don't even try). Too bad your gym doesn't have bumper plates. I'm curious to know if you would continue to have the same issues as me with the bigger plates.

    I think I will try a set of bent over rows next time I do A and see how it feels. I want the most bang for my buck, so whatever I feel more is what I'll probably do.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    This is the problem I've been having. I'm literally a foot shorter than you, but my arms must be disproportionately shorter than my legs. Even though I've been using 15lb bumper plates on the bar for the past three workouts, I'm still having to stack plates under each side.Even with the bumper plates, I cannot reach the bar if it is on the floor. Back is flat, knees slightly bent, abs and glutes engaged. So setup is not an issue.

    Here we row again! (I'm sorry, had to go for the pun!)

    Back is flat but is it parallel to the floor? Bar is up a little further from the feet than it would be for a deadlift?

    Can you touch your feet/toes when you bend over without bending your knees? With a flat back? You might just have some hamstring flexibility issue there.

    And you guys, the last time I did rows I think I was louder than the constructions guys just outside the gym xD (My excuse was going to be "But I can't hear myself lift over the jack hammers outside!" if anyone complained, lol) I do the same with deadlifts and cleans and snatches. They're bumper plates on a rubber floor, it's not like I'm damaging equipment, and at least I'm sparing myself some :P

    (There's also an inherent type of badass feeling that comes with letting the weight drop a bit. Just, um, don't drop from like shoulder height cuz the bounces can be dangerous >_>)
  • bruerin
    bruerin Posts: 124 Member
    Here we row again! (I'm sorry, had to go for the pun!)

    Back is flat but is it parallel to the floor? Bar is up a little further from the feet than it would be for a deadlift?

    Can you touch your feet/toes when you bend over without bending your knees? With a flat back? You might just have some hamstring flexibility issue there.

    Love the pun!!!

    Yes, to back being parallel to floor and bar being further away from feet than a deadlift.
    Hamstring flexibility is not an issue-I can go all the way to the floor without bending my knees, and keep back flat. Can lie on the floor on my back, and bring a straight leg all the way up to flat against my chest while keeping other leg flat on floor.

    Just when I bend my knees with the parallel back, I can't reach. To put my arms into perspective--today I am wearing a 3/4 sleeve shirt that is a size Petite L. It hits about an 1.5 inches above my wrist bone. I have to actually alter petite-sized sleeves on long sleeve stuff.

    I'll just keep stacking and hope my arms grow.
  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    Completed workout #5 today

    Workout A
    SQ 2x5 (45lbs), 2x5 (50lbs), 5x5 (65lbs) - Feeling better and better about squats. Started wearing my chucks instead of running shoes and I "reset" a the top of each squat and really tightened my core and glutes.

    BP 1x5 (45lbs), 5x5 (55lbs) - I am still working on form with these

    BOR 5x5 (70lbs) - I can feel my right elbow wanting to kick out. Not sure how to fix that yet. But definitely feeling better than the first workout!
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    Still have a lil DOMS today but it always feels better after i do a workout.

    A day.
    Squat 110 5x5 felt great - I have been stretching and rolling my calves more and that helps alot. 90-120 second rest
    bench 65 5x5 - grunted getting the last rep in the last few sets, 90 second rest.
    row 75 5x5 - felt good will move up for sure next time. 60-90 second rest

    SC last day of week 8

    back extension 35 3x10
    zercher squat 55 3x10 did those as two as a super set
    Glute bridge 135 3x10
    side lying hip abduction 12 each leg
    progressive pullups 3x10

    Hubby is now sick with the sore throat, we all know what that means. He is way sicker than i was. :grumble:
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Massage: men are always sicker than we are for some reason.. Hope he feels better soon!

    Krok: love the pun lol!

    I did workout A today.

    Squats : actually replaced those with hip thrusts. Experimenting on what else I can do as my gym only has a damned Smith machine..
    Bench : 5x6 at 70lbs YESSSSSSSSSS I rock.. Lol
    Rows - one arm dumbbell row with a 25 lbs dumbbell.

    I'm really happy to know about the "increase reps" method, I do that for most lifts now. I was stalled on pretty much everything but this is helping a ton! I can actually increase the weight after the 5x8 workout. Yay! Slowly but surely, at least it's a progress.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    OHP & DL day!

    Warm up + 3x55, 3x60, 7x70

    Warm up + 3x135, 3x155, 3x170, 5x170
    I did two sets of the 170 because during my first set my cats decided it was time to chase each other around the basement and I smashed the barbell into my right knee cap. Jerks. So I did OHP then came back to the 170lbs DL's and got 5 before I decided I was good. :)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    I'm really happy to know about the "increase reps" method, I do that for most lifts now. I was stalled on pretty much everything but this is helping a ton! I can actually increase the weight after the 5x8 workout. Yay! Slowly but surely, at least it's a progress.

    i was going to ask about this, because i was thinking of going the same way myself. sorry if i'm so braindead you already explained it and i'm making you do it again. i'm assuming it's just add one rep to each set at the same weight, per workout, until you reach 5x8 at that weight? and then add 5 to the weight and start again at 5x5?

    i like the sounds of it. i'm not getting too much further weight-wise myself.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Hubby is now sick with the sore throat, we all know what that means. He is way sicker than i was. :grumble:

    The dreaded man cold :bigsmile:
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Hubby is now sick with the sore throat, we all know what that means. He is way sicker than i was. :grumble:

    The dreaded man cold :bigsmile:
    Ohhhh man, he's not even my husband but I can already hear the whining, "But, but, but, I'm siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick!" :laugh: :wink:
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Oh the man cold... Good luck with that.

    Bench day today and the last 5 day of my first cycle.

    Warm up and 55x5 65x5 75x7

    Negative pull ups, tricep kick back 10lbs, up right rows 10lbs. 10 reps each 5 times through.

    I was still pretty stiff from yesterday (squat day) so I did a lot of foam rolling and stretching since my actual workout only took like 25 minutes.
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    Hubby is now sick with the sore throat, we all know what that means. He is way sicker than i was. :grumble:

    The dreaded man cold :bigsmile:
    Ohhhh man, he's not even my husband but I can already hear the whining, "But, but, but, I'm siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick!" :laugh: :wink:

    :laugh: he went to bed by 9:30. He did do a few things around the house tonight so it wasn't ALL complaining. We are suppose to have a date tomorrow afternoon when little one is sleeping. Not sure it will happen now.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Ohhhh man, he's not even my husband but I can already hear the whining, "But, but, but, I'm siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick!" :laugh: :wink:

    worse for me is when they have the black death but won't admit anything's wrong. 'i'm fine [stagger]'. just lie down, dammit!

    i tried (again) to find the mythical hypothetical workplace for the job they-don't-even-know-i-exist-yet today. got lost. kept going. followed my route-planner printout. got to the place where the bike path goes up and over an overpass and into the next borough along, and said oh get serious. turned around and came back up the hill in a temper. ordered a club sandwich in the first restaurant that i came to. INHALED it. oh my god it was good, but i was virtuous and got the salad instead of french fries and that was insanely good too.

    the whole excursion got logged by mfp as almost 800 calories burned, and i didn't even quite go the whole way or push myself hardly at all because my knees hurt. if i got this offer (which is moot) and i took this job (which i might have to) and i rode to this job (which i won't) every day, just imagine the CANDY that i'd be able to eat.

    sorry. i'm a little loopy, what with endorphins and all. no lifting. today was a *cough cough* 'rest' day.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    Workout A (and Day 3 -- I'm just starting this program!)

    Squats -- Due to shoulder issues, I'm having to replace these with incline leg presses for now.
    1x5 @ 270
    5x5 @ 325 lbs

    Bench Press
    1x5 @ 45
    5x5 @ 55

    Barbell Row
    5x5 @ 60 (small barbell with permanent plates)
    - These went a LOT better today. I think the smaller barbell helped, and my form was better because of it.

    Is it Monday yet?
    :) Courtney

    PS -- Many of you have suggested I do bodyweight or some kind of dumbbell squats since I can't do them with the barbell at the moment. My friend who is training me seems to think the incline leg press is enough, but I do want to make sure I'm getting the stability and core benefits that squats help develop. Do you think doing 5x5 bodyweight squats in addition to the leg press will be too much? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    I'm really happy to know about the "increase reps" method, I do that for most lifts now. I was stalled on pretty much everything but this is helping a ton! I can actually increase the weight after the 5x8 workout. Yay! Slowly but surely, at least it's a progress.

    i was going to ask about this, because i was thinking of going the same way myself. sorry if i'm so braindead you already explained it and i'm making you do it again. i'm assuming it's just add one rep to each set at the same weight, per workout, until you reach 5x8 at that weight? and then add 5 to the weight and start again at 5x5?

    i like the sounds of it. i'm not getting too much further weight-wise myself.

    It's exactly it :)

    I'm effing sore from yesterday's bench press :huh: