August workout check-in thread - August one more rep!



  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    Stronglifts 5x5 Day 6 -- Workout B

    Squats -- Still having to modify these. Today was the second day doing them holding a 25 lb. plate.
    - Adductor muscles will be sore tomorrow, for sure. Feeling like maybe I went a little too far today, so am glad for the weekend.

    Overhead Press -- The 30 lb. barbell was missing -- nobody every puts anything back at my gym! Ughh! -- so also had to modify these today too. Did them with 12.5 lb. dumbbells instead.
    5x5 @ 12.5 lbs (dumbbells)
    - My left shoulder is significantly weaker than my right, so form felt off. Also felt like I was arching my back too much. This was the wost part of the night. Grr.

    1x5 @ 85 lbs.
    - My saving grace tonight. At least I got to end on a good note.

    But still looking forward to Monday. :)

    Hope you all have a fun, happy, and safe holiday!


    PS -- Ladies, do you go up 5 or 10 lbs on deadlifts?
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    @crabada If the deadlifts aren't very hard you can go up by 10lbs. I did only 5lbs at a time because my starting weight for SL was pretty high already!

    I'm back! After running the obstacle race (which took just a little shy of 4 hours, made me cry and bruised/scratched me all over, btw, and I discovered a crafty new side of myself for getting out of holes without help, lol) I went on a vacation in Maine and took the time completely off of any strenuous exercise 9truth be told I was in quite a lot of pain anyway). Sadly the drive back home and the day after that were REALLY bad food-wise and my lifting has suffered a bit. Especially the squats. I probably bit off more than I could chew.

    As far as highlights go though (not going to list everything because yikes, I've scheduled way too much stuff, I'll be cutting down after this week), I did:

    Bench Press

    + EMOTM x5 of Cleans x2 @ 85lbs


    Squats (I totally bombed on these. Scaled back the weights for the rest of the cycle, actually.)

    + EMOTM x 5 of power snatch x2 @ 65lbs (and this one was way too easy)

    There was some hollow hangs and hollow rocks and planks in there too and as a result my lower abs are friggin sore. Hoping for a long walk this afternoon to give my ankles a chance to readjust a bit. Then hopefully my running shoes are dry on Monday and I can go back to running :)

    Congrats to all of you guys who stuck with the lifting while I wasn't around much! And best of recovery to the ones that got hurt. I didn't have time to catch up with the whole thread but I skimmed through the last page. Ya'll rock :)
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member

    Finally, can you all tell me more about recovery weeks? Is that something I should be planning on as a beginner, or is that really for more advanced folks?

    Recovery weeks are also known as deload weeks. They're not covered in SL or SS because the theory is you're deloading naturally throughout the program when you stall on a weight so you don't necessarily need them. I wouldn't say they're advanced per se, but not something you need to worry about right away. Some programs include them in the programming, and other programs you just take them as you need them. Typically they are recommended every 4-8 weeks once you really get going. The first say 2-6 months of progressive barbell work you're adapting so fast to your training it's not really needed unless it's for a mental break. You can deload your work weight your sets or both, or just take a whole week off. More information can be found here:
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    @Fittreelol - thanks for the info! Checking out that article now.
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    Okay, today was a crappy, craptastic workout. I made it 3x5x100 on my squats, and then had a painful twinge in my left knee when I went for my forth set. I reset my position, but it twinged again, and now my knee feels cold. Ugh. So I moved onto OHP, and my right shoulder hurt, so I was only able to complete one set before having pain. I didn't even try DL, because by then I was just over it.

    I'm not sure what I'm going to do next week. I may do a considerable deload. I guess it depends on how my knee and shoulder feel.
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    Couldn't sleep after 5 am so I got up and did it before anyone else was up. Kind of like it being done early but also like sleeping in...
    A day
    Squat 125. Was going to go with 3x5's since little one was awake but went with 4x5s.
    Bench 73 4x5, 1x4. Didn't even try the last rep since I struggled to get the 4th up. Haha. I'm happy with it. It's a PR for me there.
    Row 80 5x5 felt good. Will add 3 lbs I think next time.

    DL 125 3x8
    Hip thrust constant tension 60 3x20
    Deficit dumbbell split squat 5 3x12
    Half kneeling band anti rotation 15 each side

    Little guy and hubby went back to sleep by then, so I foam roller for 40 mins. Ahhhh!!!!

    Took 4 month progress pics and although I'm not looking better than last set I'm ok with it. I've been eating at or above maintenance and I know I feel and look puffier. My butt is rounder and I see more muscle in thighs and arms. :happy:
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Okay, today was a crappy, craptastic workout. I made it 3x5x100 on my squats, and then had a painful twinge in my left knee when I went for my forth set. I reset my position, but it twinged again, and now my knee feels cold. Ugh. So I moved onto OHP, and my right shoulder hurt, so I was only able to complete one set before having pain. I didn't even try DL, because by then I was just over it.

    i'd hate it if this sounded like i'm happy you had such a horrible workout . . . but it sounds so exactly like what happened to me a month ago. i hope it all gets better soon. and, y'know. my own experience about my own self seems to say that quitting when i know i'm behind might be the smart thing to do.

    for myself, today - i had myself signed up for this outdoor workshop on chinups in some not-local-to-me playground. i wasn't exactly against the idea . . . but to be perfectly honest, now that i know for a fact it's officially been rained out, i couldn't be happier.

    gonna lie on the couch and knit.
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    Okay, today was a crappy, craptastic workout. I made it 3x5x100 on my squats, and then had a painful twinge in my left knee when I went for my forth set. I reset my position, but it twinged again, and now my knee feels cold. Ugh. So I moved onto OHP, and my right shoulder hurt, so I was only able to complete one set before having pain. I didn't even try DL, because by then I was just over it.

    i'd hate it if this sounded like i'm happy you had such a horrible workout . . . but it sounds so exactly like what happened to me a month ago. i hope it all gets better soon. and, y'know. my own experience about my own self seems to say that quitting when i know i'm behind might be the smart thing to do.

    for myself, today - i had myself signed up for this outdoor workshop on chinups in some not-local-to-me playground. i wasn't exactly against the idea . . . but to be perfectly honest, now that i know for a fact it's officially been rained out, i couldn't be happier.

    gonna lie on the couch and knit.

    I think it's just good to know that I'm not the only one that goes through this, and we all make it through somehow. I'm glad you got a chance to knit, though. I need to get back to that, but I'm horrible with finishing projects.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    I need to get back to that, but I'm horrible with finishing projects.

    oh gawd . . . i keep trying to figure out a way i can use lifting as my excuse to escape from making a button band, and knitting as
    my excuse to not go to the gym. if i could just work out how to make those two procrastinations work together, i'd be unstoppable.

    and i swear, the way my son wears through the heels of plain cheapo cotton socks from the grocery store, he is GOING to wear wool socks this winter and thank me for them. i've got handmade socks that are eight years old.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Playing around with my routine so I can get dem gainz.

    Squats - 3x5 @ 175lbs
    BP - 5,4,3 @ 100lbs

    Split squats - 3x8 @ 75lbs
    Push ups - 3x8
    Bench dips - 8,12,16, 20

    My triceps are going to be angry tomorrow!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I need to get back to that, but I'm horrible with finishing projects.

    oh gawd . . . i keep trying to figure out a way i can use lifting as my excuse to escape from making a button band, and knitting as
    my excuse to not go to the gym. if i could just work out how to make those two procrastinations work together, i'd be unstoppable.

    and i swear, the way my son wears through the heels of plain cheapo cotton socks from the grocery store, he is GOING to wear wool socks this winter and thank me for them. i've got handmade socks that are eight years old.

    I have some darn tough socks, and they have a lifetime warranty. I prefer smartwool, although I do wear through them in 3-4ish years it seems. But, dude, LIFETIME WARRANTY. The cheap side of me loves it!
  • starmickey03
    starmickey03 Posts: 89 Member
    Kind of annoyed with myself because I only got two workouts in last week because of a cold (which was really a 24 hr sneeze fest). It sucked because I had been on a 7 (?) week streak of going 3x per week. But oh well. Tried to make todays workout pretty quick because I had to take my 5 yr old daughter with me, but thankfully she was an angel today and played with her tablet the entire time until I was done. So...

    Squats - 5x5 175 lbs
    Bench Press - 5x5 95 lbs
    Barbell Row - 5x5 95 lbs

    Not sure where my mind was at when I was doing the barbell row, but I was supposed to be doing 100 lbs. Forgot to put the damn 2.5 lbs plates on the bar and didnt realize it until I was finished.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I need to get back to that, but I'm horrible with finishing projects.

    oh gawd . . . i keep trying to figure out a way i can use lifting as my excuse to escape from making a button band, and knitting as
    my excuse to not go to the gym. if i could just work out how to make those two procrastinations work together, i'd be unstoppable.

    and i swear, the way my son wears through the heels of plain cheapo cotton socks from the grocery store, he is GOING to wear wool socks this winter and thank me for them. i've got handmade socks that are eight years old.

    I have some darn tough socks, and they have a lifetime warranty. I prefer smartwool, although I do wear through them in 3-4ish years it seems. But, dude, LIFETIME WARRANTY. The cheap side of me loves it!

    I wear through shoes quicker than I wear through socks... Is that normal? lol. I buy a set of 6 socks of each ankle and low calf socks (ankle socks when it's -30 out is a big no-no lol) per year on average, so I'm basically rotating out with the ones from the past year or 2. Only reason I've gotten rid of socks lately was because they'd gotten too loose. I can't remember the last time I had a hole through them! lol

    Today's workout was OHP 5!


    glad to see so far only the squats seem to have suffered!

    Then did 5x5 of pendlay rows @ 105 and did get all the reps although a few 5th had some momentum behind them so I'll repeat the weight.

    Threw in some handstand work, and am rebuilding the callouses with some Knees to bows xD Supposed to go do a "workout" with my mom and sister tomorrow so I'll try to push them and keep MY own energy >_> Might go for a run this afternoon. Depends how beat up I am after vacuuming and mopping the darn floor lol
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    I have some darn tough socks, and they have a lifetime warranty. I prefer smartwool, although I do wear through them in 3-4ish years it seems. But, dude, LIFETIME WARRANTY. The cheap side of me loves it!

    :D i'm a sucker for superwash sock yarns with a bit of nylon in them. the stash that i have is just horrifying. i'm currently fighting myself to not-buy a whole new pile of this:

    serious bike commuting through a winter rain forest will drive you to things like this, and i basically need at least two pairs per day when i'm in a real groove.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Workout B (Sun) - 2 increases, overhead press and barbell rows...go me!

    Dumbbell Skis - 5 x 25 - 40

    underhand bicep curls 5 x 5 - 140

    Reverse curls 5 x 5 - 100

    Overhead Press, Barbell - 5 x 5 - 70

    Barbel Row, Bent Over - 5 x 5 - 100

    squats 5 X 5 - 190

    flys 5 x 10 - 40
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i have to write this down before it evaporates. i ate two whole packets of starburst candy last night . . . not sure what came over me. and bean salad for breakfast.

    and look what happened!

    squats: 3x10@30, then 1x6@45, then 6x6@65. this is a huge jump back up from 30lbs two or three days ago, but it felt like it was worth trying, and it was okay. form tweak: i'm using a dead-parallel stance, not too wide, and pushing outwards like hell to brace my thighs all the way. feels like piriformis or gluteus medius or something. completely different from tighten-your-glutes and rotate the femurs in the sockets to match a slight outturn of the toes. i also spent every break between sets stretching my quads to death. the form change felt really good at the time, but guess i'll see how it really stacks up later on.

    ohp: i found a swear-word painful area in i-think my left teres minor while rolling initially, and also stretched/rolled my thoraxic spine, which tends to curve over. so when i got to ohp i did 2x10@30 to warm up, and then!
    3x6@45, 1x3@45. ohp is so weird. everything's great, until it suddenly . . . isn't. but anyway, i left it there on the first fail, went and did my deadlifts instead, and then i came back to the ohp and did another 4x6@45. it did start to get ugly, but the ones that weren't ugly felt a whole lot stronger and less asymmetrical, which was so cool i can't stand it.

    and deadliftsssss . . . drumroll. 7x1@115. another huge jump, from friday.

    spent a lot of the time watching my form in the mirrors of course, but also if i'm honest admiring my new 126.6-pound self since i was wearing skintight leggings this time. i guess it's a good thing i got it while i had it, because after today i might puff back up.

    anyway, happy september everyone.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Bench day. Had to adjust my schedule a bit as I wanted to hit the arc training after bench, and the commercial gyms I go to are closed tomorrow. Strength gym is 24 hour so I can go and squat+prowler anytime.

    I did limber 11 and simple 6 today plus some other stuff and my bench felt really good. Sometimes my hips get tight and it's hard to get good leg drive with an arch.

    I also tried bringing the bar more towards my nipples (up from lower sternum) and I found a couple things. The distance between touching my chest for a legal depth and squishing my boobs in a painful way is very short. I also found that I was concentrating on bringing the bar higher so much that I let my elbows flare and my tendonitus is a little mad at me. Not too bad though. I didn't really notice a difference strength wise, but I did feel like I was using different muscle proportions to get the bar up if that makes any sense.

    Anyway here's my workout.

    45x10, 65x5, 85x5, 90x3, 100x3, 115x12, 125x3, 135x2, 145x1

    95 3x5

    Superset x3
    Band assisted pullup x3
    pushup x10