August workout check-in thread - August one more rep!



  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    @Canadianlbs I hope you feel better soon!

    My workout today:

    Squats: warm up + 5@55, 65, 75, 75
    OHP: 5@45, 45, 45, 50
    DL: 5@70, 85, 95, 110

    Hope your Humpday was better than mine! Hitting the weights was nice after my crumby day at work.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    i know could go to the gym and try to deadlift/otherlift around the knee thing, but i've just got this really strong instinct-voice saying not to do anything until it's better. right now i just can't keep myself from making form experiments and this is probably the worst time ever to be playing with that.

    Listen to your instincts!!! This is not a race. :)
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    Still in LOVE with 5x5 :) Tonight was Workout A and Day 5:

    Squats - The deep tissue (torture) massage has made a big difference in my range of motion, but not enough to get the barbell behind me yet. But rather than doing a leg press, we've moved on to standing squats holding a 25 lbs. weight. The big bad wolf has nothing on my huffing and puffing. :)
    2x15 @ 25 lbs.
    1x20 @ 25 lbs.

    Bench Press
    1x5 warm up @ 50 lbs.
    5x5 @ 60 lbs.
    - I lost count so may have done 6x5.

    Barbell Row
    1x5 warm up @ 55 lbs.
    5x5 @ 65 lbs.

    Is it Friday yet?
  • laraeverhage
    laraeverhage Posts: 53 Member
    Workout A this morning and I'm continuing to increase at 5#/workout, but it is starting to get heavy! I am still resting only about a minute between sets and that is sufficient, but I can tell that, especially with bench, this will increase soon.

    Finished this week with:
    DL and Squat - 95#
    Bench and Row - 70#
    OH Press - 40#

    This morning between my 4th and 5th sets of squats, two guys started hovering behind me and the squat rack. As soon as I made eye contact they said, "Are you doing Strong Lifts?!" I think they saw the app open on my phone. They were on their 3rd day. Seems I might have even more competition for getting one of the two squat racks at my gym.

    I have seen a couple people use the bar from the squat rack for rows, deadlifts, cleans, and other barbell work, despite there being several bars from the bench presses open. I've thought about asking them to move over a bit so I can use the squat rack with one of the other bars, but the one time I did that, the guy just did deadlifts right behind me while I was doing squats (and basically looking right at my rear end) - it was rather uncomfortable!
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    I've been MIA for a while... lots of changes lately. I went to yet another job interview Tuesday afternoon, they offered me a job on the spot. I gave my notice at work yesterday... the sh!tshow has commenced :laugh:

    Did workout A yesterday:

    Squats 145 3x5
    BP 80lbs 3x5!!!!!
    Rows 65lbs 3x6 - doing 3x7 next time and then 3x8 after that before trying 70lbs again, can not do 70lbs at all lately... I don't know what my issue is with rows.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    @willrun Congrats on the new job! I'll be looking for one of those myself pretty soon.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I ended up deloading after writing my hungry post the other day and seeing that I had been lifting for 6 weeks without a recovery week. Um, yeah, I'm a moron and a hungry one at that.

    My stats before deload:

    Squat: 120 5x5 (but form sucked at that weight)
    Bench: 80 5x5
    Dead: 145 1x5 (hex sled), 155 just wouldn't come off the floor
    OHP: 60 5x5, failed two sessions at 65
    Row: 80 lb 4x5, 1x4, although I had done 85 lbs 5x5 prior with sucky form

    After deload:
    Squats: 85 5x5
    Bench: 85 1x3, 65 5x5 (I wanted my 85lb bench, dammit)
    Row: 65 5x5

    Planning on doing OHP @55 5x5, and going back to 95lb for deadlifts using the bar instead of the sled. Will probably go up to 90lb on squats tomorrow, then keep squats at 95 lb next week and vary reps and sets.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    the one time I did that, the guy just did deadlifts right behind me while I was doing squats (and basically looking right at my rear end) - it was rather uncomfortable!

    that's really obnoxious and yeah, uncomfortable. if you don't feel up to calling him out or asking him to go somewhere else, i guess you can always hope that he'll injure himself by watching your butt instead of attending to his own form.

    i've seen people do the same thing with hogging the rack, and it always frustrates me. nothing against them using the bar since there's at least one spare, but if they don't actually need to be in that space . . .
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    B day today

    Feeling much better with all the food I've been shoveling in. :laugh:

    Squat 120 was only going to do 3x5 but was feeling good about them so did all 5's. rest 90-120
    ohp 55 I really had to work to get the last rep on last 3 sets up so i rested all 3 mins on those.
    DL 145 felt great here so i will add 5 next time again.

    SC ugh these are killing me.
    Hip thrust with a pause on last 4 of the 10. 75 3x10
    i was to do a high step up but seriously who can get their foot up that high and try and stand from there. I don't have a ceiling that high or a stand that is hip level :huh: so i did single leg box high step ups. 3x8
    Russian kettle bell swing 40lbs 3x20
    half kneeling band anti rotation 15 each side.

    Hoping the pre workout will wear off soon cuz my client just pulled up...
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Today I had to roll dead and ohp into one session since I fell asleep last night when I wanted to just lie down a tiny bit before gym.

    Dead 531 week
    45x10, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 280x3, 310x6

    paused deads
    135 3x5

    Back extensions 3x12 (bw)

    45x5, 65x5, 80x3, 85x7

    Superset x3
    Assisted pullups x10
    Assisted dips x8

    I'll have to do prowler sprints tomorrow cause I was at the gym with the assisted dip machine instead of at the one with the prowler. #fitgirlproblems
  • bruerin
    bruerin Posts: 124 Member
    Workout A tonight
    Squat 115 lbs 5x5
    Bench 90 lbs 5x5
    Row 90 lbs 5x5-definitely going to have trouble with 95 next workout. I am expecting to fail on at least some of the reps. I am planning to do "A" on Tuesday. I am going to get a day pass for a gym where we will be vacationing. Not looking forward to struggling with weights in front of people. I like my setup in the garage.

    Tomorrow's Friday! Hope it is great for all of you!
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Got the last workout of the heavy Wendler's week out of the way tonight. I PR'd on deadlifts so I am super happy!!!

    OHP - warm up + 5x60, 3x65, 5x70

    DL - 5x145, 3x165, 4x185 <<<--- holy crap, that's my body weight!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Got the last workout of the heavy Wendler's week out of the way tonight. I PR'd on deadlifts so I am super happy!!!

    OHP - warm up + 5x60, 3x65, 5x70

    DL - 5x145, 3x165, 4x185 <<<--- holy crap, that's my body weight!

    Hooray congrats! !!!:drinker: :smokin: :drinker:
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    @katro nice DL!

    So I work with a guy who also lifts, and he's about my age (which is strange I generally work with guys in their 50+)He is always going "You should check out my gym, I have guest passes blah de blah blah blah" and it's starting to get annoying, I work with him a lot, I don't need to workout with him too... It is just really weird and to make matters weirder, we are both getting married on Jan 31, 2015. We were discussing that one time in the food court and some old lady congratulated us :/ My plan on dealing with the gym thing is to never miss a workout so I am always not ok to go to the gym at lunch.

    Anyway Squat day today.
    warm up 115 lbs 130 lbs 140 lbs all sets of 5

    Straight leg DL 95 lbs, glute bridges 95 lbs and burpees, sets of 10 in a circuit 5 times. This was week 2 so a little heavier on the main lift and I definitely found the accessories to be harder to get through, next week will be even worse.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    guys, this isn't lifting but i'm excited . . . i went out and did the 11-mile ride again, and it was GREAT. i set out after sunset and discovered my front light was low on juice when it was already too late to turn back. so i was riding in the dark a lot of the way to save my light for the streets, which meant i couldn't take real advantage of the easier stretches and i got slightly lost a few times. and i still got out there in just over an hour!

    then i bought a can of chick peas and a can of black beans for @CHFay's bean salad thing, ate a slice of free-sample bread in the grocery store out there, got a coffee and read for a while, and came home. i thought i'd struggle with it after not even an hour of rest considering that it is the part with more hill, but it took pretty much the same time as the ride out.

    felt so good. i love it. the ride back is pretty much hill for i dunno, six or seven miles - nothing steep except for a couple of different sections in the first mile. but it's a consistent climb the whole way, and you don't get any level patches or little downhill slopes to break it up, just faint variations in the degree of the slope. but i felt so strong the whole way. nothing hurt and i could actually use my legs for the first time in at least a week. i've been stretching the bejabers out of my quads for two or three days, and it looks as if that might be the charm for my knees.

    i'm not saying i was just drifting along. i've had about enough exercise for today, thanks so much. but still, it was great.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    @canadian glad to hear your ride is making you happy.

    Bench today. Warm up them 65 lbs x3, 80 lbs x3 and 95x4

    I realised this week my work sets were supposed to be 3's not fives and that the app had the wrong 1rm in it some how, so the last weeks have been miscalculated. Oh well it is right now so I'll just carry on.

    Accessories negative pullups, tricep kick backs 10lbs, upright rows 10lbs. All sets of 10 in a circuit for 5 sets.

    Now I need to go get the bikes into the back of the truck. Considering how much my upper body is drained this could prove to be interesting...
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    @katro - DLing your bodyweight it's totally badass! Good job!
    @canadian - awesome to hear about the ride :flowerforyou:

    Lifted last night

    Squat 5x5@ 130lbs
    Bench 5x5 @ 70 lbs
    Row 5x5 @ 77 lbs

    Then played around with some curls, pistol squats and one arm thruster things lol
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Happy Friday! I'm so thankful for the long weekend :tongue:

    Squats: warm up + 5@50,65,80,90, 3@105, 8@75
    Bench press: 5@35,35,45,50, 3@55, 8@45
    Rows: 5@45,45,50,55, 3@65, 8@45
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i'm back in the gym . . . kind of. pretty chaotic in there with one of the three oly bars missing, so i did a kind of kludgy workout for my comeback. was supposed to be workout b, but i kind of mixed it up based on what was available.

    squats: nothing in the rack. i'm experimenting very carefully with form, so just bodyweight with the 30lb bar. did around 25 squats that way with a parallel stance and the weight over the middle of my foot. felt fine at the time, but it's all about waiting to see what my knees think tomorrow morning.

    rows: 3x5@50, then 6x6@60. i've backed up on weight but i'm adding sets, obviously. DAMN rows. i don't even know what kinds of parts of what bits of me they're supposed to be good for. how can it be that something so hard is also something that i just don't 'feel' the way i feel most of the other lifts?
    bench: 1x10@45, then either 5 or 6x6@50. ten-pound deload, if i'm remembering right. fine by me, believe me.
    deadlift: 5x1@100, then another 2 just because. nooo problems. also a ten-pound deload, and it was easy-peasy.

    honest, what i want for my birthday this year is for someone to come along and tell me i can just deadlift all the time from now on, instead of squatting.

    added some roumanian deadlifts to kinda-sorta compensate for the lack of squats, and some lat pulldown sets for missing ohp.

    back to eating all the food. this older guy in the gym . . . this has never happened to me before and i Did Not Like It. eyeballing me when i came in, then doing that thing from across the room where eye contact just 'somehow' happens every time you're just looking round until you don't even want to look around anymore. and then 'somehow' just 'happening' to be 'working' (hah) anywhere that would put him just a few feet away from whatever i was doing . . . and finally coming up out of nowhere and taking one of the fricking plates right off my bar while i was stripping them down. here-let-me-help-you type line. i said no, of course. told him i like to do stuff my own self, and i will say he backed off. but it took him quite a while to leave after that, and i'm still a little bit squicked and/or steamed.

    i'd have no problems telling him to get knotted, and also no problem with speaking to the rec centre staff about him, IF he continues being uncomfortable. but he has to do/be/produce something a bit more overt before any one of those options would fly. i was lifting way more weight than him anyway. even at this most pitiful point. so maybe he'll feel all out-macho'd and leave me alone.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    Row 90 lbs 5x5-definitely going to have trouble with 95 next workout. I am expecting to fail on at least some of the reps. I am planning to do "A" on Tuesday. I am going to get a day pass for a gym where we will be vacationing. Not looking forward to struggling with weights in front of people. I like my setup in the garage.
    First, don't worry about the gym peeps -- they'll be impressed with what a bad *kitten* you are!
    Second, try to go in expecting to succeed. You are stronger today than you were yesterday, and it can be so easy to let our minds dictate what our bodies can do. (And by the way, I have felt that way just about every time I've done this workout so far, so I totally get it. My friend pushes me and lo and behold! I actually can!) I just don't want you to let your expectation of failing become a self-fulfilling prophecy. :)
    Got the last workout of the heavy Wendler's week out of the way tonight. I PR'd on deadlifts so I am super happy!!!

    OHP - warm up + 5x60, 3x65, 5x70

    DL - 5x145, 3x165, 4x185 <<<--- holy crap, that's my body weight!
    AWESOME JOB! Congrats! :)
    guys, this isn't lifting but i'm excited . . . i went out and did the 11-mile ride again, and it was GREAT.
    ... but i felt so strong the whole way. nothing hurt and i could actually use my legs for the first time in at least a week. i've been stretching the bejabers out of my quads for two or three days, and it looks as if that might be the charm for my knees.
    That's great -- glad you're feeling so good about it!
    And sorry about the old skeezer. :(

    Finally, can you all tell me more about recovery weeks? Is that something I should be planning on as a beginner, or is that really for more advanced folks?

    T minus 2 hours until SL5x5 Day 6! Can't wait! :)
