Starting OMAD? Introduce Yourself Here!



  • HestiaMoon1
    HestiaMoon1 Posts: 278 Member
    I'm going to give this a shot. I'm at my wits' end. Been on MFP for 4 years trying to lose 30 lbs and instead gained 20 lbs despite a very healthy food intake. My junk food binges are practically nonexistent, but that hasn't mattered. Even eating 90/10 Paleo and organic I still gain.

    53 yrs old
    Current wt: 202.8
    Goal wt: 140-155
    I want my wedding rings to fit again. I want to just put on clothes without checking to see what's bulging out the sides and back.
    This way of eating makes sense to me, which will help me adhere. I began a week ago. I'm afraid to get on the scale. It tends to ruin my day.
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Welcome, all.

  • shaeliya
    shaeliya Posts: 5 Member
    I don't see a way to start a new thread, so I guess I'll say this here. It's the trouble with leftovers. When I start to cook, I'm so hungry I think I could eat a horse, so I make too much. With only 1 very precious meal a day, I don't want to waste it eating leftovers. So, I gave last night's leftovers to the dogs, but felt bad about wasting food (they didn't think so!) that tonight, I ate it all. And have a really painful stomach as a consequence. I am going to HAVE to start making less than I think I want!
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    shaeliya wrote: »
    I don't see a way to start a new thread, so I guess I'll say this here. It's the trouble with leftovers. When I start to cook, I'm so hungry I think I could eat a horse, so I make too much. With only 1 very precious meal a day, I don't want to waste it eating leftovers. So, I gave last night's leftovers to the dogs, but felt bad about wasting food (they didn't think so!) that tonight, I ate it all. And have a really painful stomach as a consequence. I am going to HAVE to start making less than I think I want!

    Click the OMAD REVOLUTION link at the top and click "Create" to your right and you can create your topic.
    1MADGIRL Posts: 838 Member
    edited April 2017
    shaeliya wrote: »
    I don't see a way to start a new thread, so I guess I'll say this here. It's the trouble with leftovers. When I start to cook, I'm so hungry I think I could eat a horse, so I make too much. With only 1 very precious meal a day, I don't want to waste it eating leftovers. So, I gave last night's leftovers to the dogs, but felt bad about wasting food (they didn't think so!) that tonight, I ate it all. And have a really painful stomach as a consequence. I am going to HAVE to start making less than I think I want!

    Split it into smaller portions (e.g. 25% of a normal meal), freeze it and then mix it up with other leftover portions or as a side to your main meal :)

    if you have 4 different dinners split into 4 parts each, you could end up having an awesome meal of 1/4 lasagna, 1/4 chilli con carne, 1/4 of pasta alfreddo and 1/4 of bbq chicken - for four times ... which you can eat any time in the next 4 months :)
  • Thad81
    Thad81 Posts: 138 Member
    New to OMAD!

    Hello everyone my name is Thad. I go by Thad81 on the MFP site. So I am new to this group and thought I would write my introduction.

    I have a long history with various ways of eating and dieting. I have had great success in the past with the calorie restriction as primary way of eating, but it has wreaked havoc with my metabolism seemingly and it has gotten way harder to keep the weight off, let alone lose weight these last couple of years. As a result I have returned at times to more destructive ways of eating and have put on about 70 pounds give or take. Mind you I am no where near my all time high of 377 (confirmed weight). I also have no intention of getting back there. I want to live till I die, and I need to get the weight off. I don’t particularly care how I look. I just want to do all the things physically that I want to do. And as we all know being heavier makes everything harder. Arguablysamson opened the door to this way of eating for me as a truly viable way, and with further research I am a total convert and a newly christened prokopton of this way of eating.

    So I am on day 10 OMAD and feel great! I am choosing to keep my eyes off the scale for now as this has and can become an obsession for me. I feel better, I feel freer and I know I am losing weight, as all my fat is wigglier than usual haha.

    OMAD eliminates decision fatigue for me when it comes to eating right, wrong or any other way. I eat one plate of food and thats it. During these last ten days I have worked and have had days at home, and have experienced no energy problems, or feelings of overwhelming hunger. I feel no less and sometimes more energized than when eating “normally”. I look forward to when I eat, and have zero guilt connected to the meals I do have. Guilt and food go hand and hand for me and I am glad to be doing something that eliminates that for me.

    Even though I am overweight, I am a fairly fit guy and have worked out fairly consistently for years, so I have chosen to keep that up. I will not increase the intensity of my exercise, but do not feel a need to, like I did when eating “normally”. I feel fine working out and being on the OMAD diet. I feel maybe for people that are largely sedentary this may not be so easy to do. Eating OMAD and exercising. But so far for me I have had no difficulty. If I start to then I will cool out on my exercise and maintain the OMAD. Until then I will do both. I feel in my heart that this will work, as it has already started to. And either way I feel better not having my bowels stuffed full of food all the time. I have a strong hunch that this should be the “normal” way of eating.

  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Hi, Thad. Welcome!
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Welcome everyone :)
  • gypsy8080
    gypsy8080 Posts: 25 Member
    Age: 37
    Starting weight: 236
    Current weight: 218
    Height: 5'7"

    I've been low-carbing for a long, long time, and have had some success with it. But I was never strict about calories, and because I've always had a big appetite, I just overate on low-carb food. I got down to 203 around November, but then ran into some snags around the turn of the year. I was put on propranolol, which made me so exhausted that I quit exercising and got sloppy about my eating habits. And then my job became extremely stressful for a while. Things at work are finally on track again, and my doctor weaned me off the propanolol a couple of weeks ago. I'm ready to get the scales moving in the right direction again.

    I didn't even know OMAD was a thing until last night. I decided to check if there was a diet for one meal a day because I've found that my appetite gets huge at dinnertime, and I always overeat. Why can't I just save all my calories for dinner? Then I can't overeat for the day (not unless I try really hard.)

    I'm starting OMAD in the morning, since I've read all the rules and tips now. I'm going to have my morning coffee as usual, and not have anything else until dinnertime. I'm not sure how I will handle Saturdays, since that's the day I tend to be around food the most, but I'll make a plan for that as I go. For now, every other day will be OMAD.
  • WildEnglishRose
    WildEnglishRose Posts: 6 Member
    Have introduced myself on the community forum, as I didn't realise I had to do it here... baby brain haha! I'm Kelli and I'm 37 and about 154lbs. The rest of my introduction is on the community one. If anyone could give me some support I'd really be greatful. Thanks and hope you're all well ☺
  • WildEnglishRose
    WildEnglishRose Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all, I'm Kelli.
    Long story short, used to weigh between 112-126lbs, even after having my fourth child. I'm 5 feet 4 inches tall and 37 yrs old. Since i started working at Tescos and having lots of quick easy food available for breaks (no longer work there thankfully lol) and having my last 2 children I ballooned to 182lbs. Developed gestational diabetes and had placenta preavia in my last pregnancy, as a result had a c-section 3 weeks early, my son was the smallest child I've ever had (5lbs 9, the rest were all well over 9lbers!) And ended up in special care for 4 days as he stopped breathing, then had blood sugar problems. This was a huge shock and wake up call for me.. as it's the first unhealthy pregnancy I've had. Started 'slim and save' and lost 35 lbs, but then temptation got the better of me and I caved. Been back and forth since then and have only regained 7lbs thankfully. I came across omad whilst looking at diets and realised that this is exactly how I used to eat.. It's such a no brainer and I don't understand how I went so wrong and started eating so differently! Wish me luck please! I start tomorrow. ☺

    Just pasted it from the normal community forum.. I'm still trying to figure this community stuff out so please bear with me!!
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    Welcome newbies and good luck :)
  • Vanguard1
    Vanguard1 Posts: 372 Member
    Welcome, I look forward to seeing your individual threads. Good luck!!
  • suzielaughlin
    suzielaughlin Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Im Suzie- Im 5'5 and so close to goal its not funny. I have only 5 pounds to lose until I hit goal. Omad will make this happen. Ive been on it for about a week and today I noticed a few hours before my meal time my energy level dropped significantly. Could this be a blood sugar issue? Im not diabetic and very healthy. But not eating for 24 hours could have an effect on it I think.

    What are your thoughts?
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member

    No, you are just still adapting. Takes a month to iron out the kinks.

  • suzielaughlin
    suzielaughlin Posts: 3 Member
    i thought so- I was not about to give up. Thank you my friend!!
  • malamin0423
    malamin0423 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All,

    My name is Malik. I'm fairly new to OMAD. I didn't know anything about OMAD and discovered it online when looking for ways to lose weight and get back in shape. I started almost 3 weeks ago. At the time I started I was 301 lbs. Today I'm down to 286 lbs. I'm 6 ft. tall and my target goal weight is to get down to 175 lbs. I've struggled with managing my weight now for about 10 years. I use to be very athletic and engaged in body building over the years. The last 10 years or so I allowed my weight to continuously increase even while I continued my routine of lifting weights. I've tried various approaches to getting back in shape but honestly nothing seemed to work or make as much sense to me as OMAD. After reading up on OMAD and watching a ton of videos, I told my wife that this is a program I can do and stick with. I have the discipline to eat once a day and with this program I can still eat the variety of foods I love as long as I keep myself in a caloric deficit I should continue to make progress. Well, I'm already seeing good results! Count me in. OMAD for life!
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    Welcome Thad, Kelli, Suzie, Malik! This is a great place to be.
  • blainemanuel
    blainemanuel Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Blaine. I am a firefighter from South Louisiana. When my journey began I was pushing the scale close to 300. I am now at 245 up from 225. I was starting to see some of my progress from traditional diet and exercise go away. That's when I ran into the OMAD revolution on YouTube. I was sceptical at first but after finding talks by Dr. Fung I decided this is the plan I need. I am also trying to build muscle/strength to better preform my job as an emergency responder. I have also found several professional bodybuilders use similar programs. So this is why I am here today.
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    Welcome to everyone, you will love it here :)