Starting OMAD? Introduce Yourself Here!



  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Welcome, Katie!
  • OmadRyback
    OmadRyback Posts: 45 Member

    ...your name or preferred username
    ...your weight
    ...your height
    ...any past struggles you've faced or are facing
    ...your goal weight range
    ...the time of your OMAD
    ...and your OMAD start date.
    5 foot eight inches
    The truth of the matter I have been a chronic binge eater and grazer my whole life. Was 280 pounds in the second grade alone and the weight only climbed as I went from grade to grade. Now I am 33 and the last time I weighed was back in February at 584 pounds. That should have been a huge wake up call but I continued to emotionally binge eat till may 21st when I finally decided to do intermittent fasting because being around 600 pounds was just taking its toll on my body. Since I started intermittent fasting and then omad I have not looked back not one bit.

    175 to 200 pounds
    5 pm
    May 21st
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    A hearty welcome, Ryback!

    Please start your own progress thread and others will surely jump in on the fun!

    I will reply to your email at some point within a day or so.
  • OmadRyback
    OmadRyback Posts: 45 Member
    Thank you for the hearty welcome! A progress thread is a good idea! Take your time, when ever you get the chance there is no rush. It is good to know that it went to the right e-mail.
  • jvcinv
    jvcinv Posts: 504 Member
    Welcome Ryback. You've come to the right place to take off weight. Put in the effort and you'll see what I mean.
    Good luck.
  • ket0gal
    ket0gal Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there! I'm Brenda in New Zealand, and I just finished my first week of OMAD with a 1.6kg (3½lb) loss which I find thrilling! I'm so happy I found this plan. I won't bore you all with my version of the "tried everything, always gained again" but suffice to say in January this year I tried ADF. I stuck to it religiously, only eating every second day, and when at month's end I had only dropped 2 kg I thought 'to heck with it' and for the following months I tried to eat intuitively. Managed to pretty much maintain so at least THAT :-) but the other day I felt so desperate and disillusioned I decided to eat nothing all day and then just eat dinner.

    Well I then remembered a "one meal a day" comment someone had made sometime, so I googled and found Watched the videos and got hooked! Thanks Joe!!

    I am so loving this plan. All the diet books, websites, articles etc etc that you see now seem so redundant. I've got a LOT to lose (like, about 80kg!) but I know I can stick to this, so I know I'll get there eventually.

  • kayem2015
    kayem2015 Posts: 3 Member
    I am kayem. 31 years old. Am 1.58m and weigh 63 kg. At my heaviest I have been 74kg but I am tired of yoyoing. I want to get to 55 kg but I have been stuck here because I have failed to be consistent. I officially start today again and I intend on keeping this way of eating for the next 6 months. I lift and I love working out, and am excited to see how this will change my body
  • jvcinv
    jvcinv Posts: 504 Member
    Welcome Brenda and kayem.
  • kevycan
    kevycan Posts: 4 Member
    My nickname is Hollie, I'm from New Brunswick, Canada.
    I'm 39
    SW: 133.8
    Height: 5'2
    Goal weight: 105-110 lbs
    Time of OMAD: 5-9 pm
    OMAD start date: June 19th

    My struggles are: i enjoy a few beer at night. It's just been the last 2 years I put on 25 lbs due to medication and being inactive. I also eat when I'm bored or emotional, and for entertainment. I've tried cutting calories, not drinking any soda and started walking but the scale isn't budging. I'm frustrated. I feel like this way of eating makes sense.

    Hello everyone!
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Hi, Hollie.
  • kevycan
    kevycan Posts: 4 Member
  • OmadRyback
    OmadRyback Posts: 45 Member
    Welcome and hello Hollie, Brenda and kayem!
  • kevycan
    kevycan Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you
  • NneKK
    NneKK Posts: 11 Member
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Lisa
    I'm 40 years old
    Height: 5'9"
    Current weight: 266
    Short term goal weight: 220
    Long term goal weight: 160
    OMAD start date: Today (June 26, 2017)
    OMAD window: 11 am - 3pm

    My struggles: I'm an emotional eater. I eat when I'm happy, sad, tired, bored, angry, stressed, you name it. I don't even have to like the food. As long as it's within reach, I'll eat it.

    I'm a mom to two very active little boys, and my husband travels a lot for work, so it's just me with them most of the time. I also work full-time, and the stress of it all, causes me to eat.

    OMAD seems like the way to go for me. Knowing I can only eat within a specified window will motivate me to make healthier choices, and stop with the grazing. I know I can do this, and with the support of this group, I believe I will reach my goal.

    Wish me luck as I embark on this new journey!
  • minigrrll
    minigrrll Posts: 1,590 Member
    Welcome and good luck!! :)
  • ArizonaToast
    ArizonaToast Posts: 231 Member
    ...200 lbs
    ...over eating and loving junk food
    ...130-150 lbs
    ...June 26, 2017

    I have been a lurker on MFP for years, however, I have not had very much success at losing weight. I will cut calories for a few days and then rebound back. The most weight I've ever lost is 14 pounds. I have a very hard time cutting calories and eating within a weight-loss range. I often bump up above 2,000 calories and have tried so many times to spread my meals (and calories) throughout the day to avoid being hungry and uncomfortable. It just hasn't worked for me.

    While reading through success stories on MFP forums over the weekend, I came across the one that talked about using OMAD. Having just returned from a weekend trip where I had pigged out and needed to fast due to being bloated, I figured I'd give it a try. I am only a couple of days in at this point.
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    ...200 lbs
    ...over eating and loving junk food
    ...130-150 lbs
    ...June 26, 2017

    I have been a lurker on MFP for years, however, I have not had very much success at losing weight. I will cut calories for a few days and then rebound back. The most weight I've ever lost is 14 pounds. I have a very hard time cutting calories and eating within a weight-loss range. I often bump up above 2,000 calories and have tried so many times to spread my meals (and calories) throughout the day to avoid being hungry and uncomfortable. It just hasn't worked for me.

    While reading through success stories on MFP forums over the weekend, I came across the one that talked about using OMAD. Having just returned from a weekend trip where I had pigged out and needed to fast due to being bloated, I figured I'd give it a try. I am only a couple of days in at this point.

    Hi, Christine! Welcome!
  • barbheart
    barbheart Posts: 433 Member
    Hi guys I am freaking out just weight myself after few years and gosh heavier than ever 322lbs. My heigh 5.2 (I am 49 years old, menopausal)

    I am super sedentary... but I eat also super healthy organic although I have been eating too much bread, pasta and the lot...
    I have been doing OMAD for the last 15 days without knowing my actual weight. I do a meal a day... According to renpho weight machine my BMR is really showing a slow sluggish metabolism, 2084 calories

    I feel like going really strict on my OMAD meal not sure whether to drastically reduce calories to drop fast a big bunch of weight or carry on as I have been doing in the last 15 days which was quite gentle...I ate wholesome food and treated myself with some bread and/or a nice bisket and a organic cacao drink with xylitol to finish my 1h window meal. Been doing 23:1

    Or else start walking which I haven´t been doing...
    Agrrggg !!!!

  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    barbheart wrote: »
    Hi guys I am freaking out just weight myself after few years and gosh heavier than ever 322lbs. My heigh 5.2 (I am 49 years old, menopausal)

    I am super sedentary... but I eat also super healthy organic although I have been eating too much bread, pasta and the lot...
    I have been doing OMAD for the last 15 days without knowing my actual weight. I do a meal a day... According to renpho weight machine my BMR is really showing a slow sluggish metabolism, 2084 calories

    I feel like going really strict on my OMAD meal not sure whether to drastically reduce calories to drop fast a big bunch of weight or carry on as I have been doing in the last 15 days which was quite gentle...I ate wholesome food and treated myself with some bread and/or a nice bisket and a organic cacao drink with xylitol to finish my 1h window meal. Been doing 23:1

    Or else start walking which I haven´t been doing...
    Agrrggg !!!!


    Follow strict OMAD as I laid it out. You need to make it a priority to drop all that weight. Of course, those with more years on them have less time to do it. The good news is, you know yourself, right?

    Don't stress too much about calories, but instead, about making sure you eat one emotionally fulfilling meal each day. The happier you are when you finish your plate, the longer you feel satisfied.

    Start your own thread and we'll follow you. Let me know if you need more help, which is available professionally.

  • barbheart
    barbheart Posts: 433 Member
    Thanks Joe I will open a thread and consider your professional advice. Thanks so much for what you´ve already shared!!!
