Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    edited September 2016
    Sept 9-190
    Sept 16-190

    Stayed the same again, maybe the scale is broke...lol....don't think so, but it sounded good
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    phone is acting up. Did not complete my post.

    You ladies all have a great weekend and week. Stay safe, eat clean and let's all get rid of those lbs. :) Beth
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hey, Mary. I can recommend 30 grams fiber daily, 30% fat, 30% protein and 40% carbs on a 1200 calorie diet. Oh and don't eat dairy except for skim milk, and don't eat whole grains except for oats and barley. Really has killed my desire for food. Just kidding! And still whining! Just hard to eat a food guide low fat diet when you have lactose and gluten problems and a low carb husband.

    Seriously. Up your fiber. Change nothing else. Just up your fiber. You will feel fuller and eat less.

    And half a lb is a scale anomaly. You stayed the same. Just hard when you see that beginning number change again.

    Good job!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Gayle, for the new members that we are trying to get in. We could make the group public, have them search and join and then make it private again. Just a thought.

    It's weird Marney, I gave both Natelie and Connie to direct link. How did you guys find this group?
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    9/04/16: 191.1
    9/11/16: 190.9
    9/18/16: 189.5
    Step by little step!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Marney, just saw that I had to push one more "approve" button for Connie. She should be in now!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Yeah!!!! Hi, Connie, when you get here. And good for you for crossing that decade barrier!

    I hit the half decade today. Tried a new bean recipe for lunch. Tasted great. Have two servings but whoa olive oil sure added up fast! live and learn.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi Connie,

    We are a small group and we don't always post daily. We have been together for some time so we got to know each other awhile back. Please introduce yourself. Anything you want to tell us about you and yours or about your diet or anything at all you want to share. We are very unstructured.

    We hang around a lot on Fridays because that is our official reporting of how our challenges have gone this week.

    You know me from other groups but I will start.

    I am 62, only 5'2" if I stand up straight and currently at 165 lbs. I am aiming for less. How much less? Don't know. I am retired and live on a lake in "cottage country" in Ontario, Canada. Nearest town is about 2000 people in summer, less in winter but we are only 45 minutes away from a small city (pop. 200,000) so are not that isolated. I notice the isolation in winter mostly because there are only two houses that are year round homes on this branch of my road. The road gets very very icy and that makes me more hesitate to drive and walk. We have a small bridge on the road because we live on an island and that scares me when it gets icy. But I suck it up and do it anyway to have some people contact. And it is a beautiful place to live.

    I spend my time sewing clothing and trying to stay healthy through walking and golfing when they are available.

    My husband is an Aussie and was diagnosed 2-3 years ago with T2 diabetes. After struggling with his numbers on the recommended diet, the doctor recommended Atkins (after the doctor attended a diabetic conference) and it has worked well. I ate with him but it raised my LDL so I am trying now to lower LDL, not raise my carbs too much since my family also have a diabetic history. So I am currently eating 30 grams of fiber and low fat and lower carbs than most. It is working but it is a work in progress.

    I worked in Information Technology for large banks for 25 years. Then I went back to school and got training in Gerontology Recreation and I also took 4 years to be trained as a fitness coach for seniors.

    That is all I can think of for now!

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi ladies! Phew...finally made it in...thanks so much for the invite, Marney!

    I am 63, 5'5", and weigh 195 down from 240. I have been on the overweight/obese train all my life, but this time and at this age, there will be no do-overs! I think my body kind of knows this is the last time because it is giving me lots of practice at maintenance and is releasing the weight at an excruciatingly slow pace! :s I eat low carb, moderate fat and protein, and have recently started intermittent fasting by giving myself a window of time to eat. My hubs is T2 diabetic so we do not have tempting snacks/junk in the pantry! I love my Aqua Zumba and Aquafit classes at the gym, and I work with a personal trainer as well. I usually start my day with a walk with my fur baby, Cooper.

    I have been married for nearly 42 years, have 2 grown children, and will be getting my first grandbaby late February/early March. I retired from teaching middle school English three years ago. We are enjoying a new home we just had built and for now it is keeping me quite busy.

    Make it a great day, ladies! Stay strong!

  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Hi ladies! Phew...finally made it in...thanks so much for the invite, Marney!

    I am 63, 5'5", and weigh 195 down from 240. I have been on the overweight/obese train all my life, but this time and at this age, there will be no do-overs! I think my body kind of knows this is the last time because it is giving me lots of practice at maintenance and is releasing the weight at an excruciatingly slow pace! :s I eat low carb, moderate fat and protein, and have recently started intermittent fasting by giving myself a window of time to eat. My hubs is T2 diabetic so we do not have tempting snacks/junk in the pantry! I love my Aqua Zumba and Aquafit classes at the gym, and I work with a personal trainer as well. I usually start my day with a walk with my fur baby, Cooper.

    I have been married for nearly 42 years, have 2 grown children, and will be getting my first grandbaby late February/early March. I retired from teaching middle school English three years ago. We are enjoying a new home we just had built and for now it is keeping me quite busy.

    Make it a great day, ladies! Stay strong!


    Welcome Connie, glad to have you aboard
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    I did better this week YEA!!!! Not a big loss, but at least it's the right direction.


    I have increased my fiber and making sure I am watching my sodium. Hope that keeps helping me.

    Everyone have a great week!!!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Ah, Friday check in on our Fall Challenge!

    Great work, Beth! And you crossed a decade. Fiber does work doesn't it? Glad you checked in. It is getting kinda lonely and echoey in here.

    @gaylebodine , how are you doing? Are you back on track? How can we help? Is your friend, I think it was Rachelle, going to join us?

    I did well this week:

    Lost 3 lbs!!!!! After staying the same for 3 weeks. So I am down to 163, the same weight I was when I wandered away last April and subsequently gave up. Six month struggle but next week I lose new weight!!!!!

    I am still not walking or riding my bike regularly but it looks as if my goal for this challenge (under 160) is attainable. I have some challenges through October because I am away from home from most of the month. But only some of it am I eating at other people's tables. Most of it, I can determine the menu. I think that is my greatest eating out challenge. When I am at other's homes.

    Looking forward to hear how the others did this week. And please introduce yourself to Connie.

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member

  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    Welcome Connie!
    Marney - I appreciated your recap too.
    I am also 5'2" and started MFP at my high of 180 and lost 50 lbs in 18 months by June 2015. I have maintained 130-135 since then but gave up logging. I always weigh every morning and aim for an hour of activity. Friday was 134.6. There have been too many celebrations this month!

    I would like to get back to the low end of my range before the holidays, and eggnog, arrive.

    Today I went for some local ice cream after Korean class. We have gone there before - it's set in a semi-rural area with the cows nearby. The sign out front says "Farm Fresh - Homemade Ice Cream". But today I looked at the pints in their cooler. The Ingredient list was a long paragraph with artificial colors and (nearly) unpronounceable additives. But, isn't that twisted advertising? I found it very easy to walk out. A lesson I learned from logging for 18 months was I am not going to waste my calories on crap.

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi Pam,

    Yes, Christmas season is a coming!

    I know what you mean when you read the fine print. We are now making ice cream at home. Eggs, cream, and the sweetener we prefer. Tastes terrific and it is lactose free for me. I think homemade is the problem with their advertising but maybe they have to put the additives in by law. Who knows? But if I cannot pronounce it or do not recognized it as a food, I don't eat it. Like you, I have chosen not to.

    Us shorties do not have that many calories in our diet to begin with, so wasting any on crap is not happening here!

    Good for you for being so steady in your maintenance and catching increases before they get out of hand. I really appreciate you leading the way. I think maintenance is much harder than losing. We all can lose. Few of us can maintain.

    Have a good week.

  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    WELCOME CONNIE!!!!!! Glad to have you aboard!
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    edited September 2016
    Another great Friday, beautiful walking weather and so far this challenge I have lost 2.6 lbs...Just loosing this, had made me so inspired.


    All you ladies have a great day, great weekend and great week. Stay safe, eat clean, and let's make this a great challenge! :smile:
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Hi Pam,

    Yes, Christmas season is a coming!

    I know what you mean when you read the fine print. We are now making ice cream at home. Eggs, cream, and the sweetener we prefer. Tastes terrific and it is lactose free for me. I think homemade is the problem with their advertising but maybe they have to put the additives in by law. Who knows? But if I cannot pronounce it or do not recognized it as a food, I don't eat it. Like you, I have chosen not to.

    Us shorties do not have that many calories in our diet to begin with, so wasting any on crap is not happening here!

    Good for you for being so steady in your maintenance and catching increases before they get out of hand. I really appreciate you leading the way. I think maintenance is much harder than losing. We all can lose. Few of us can maintain.

    Have a good week.



    I agree with you, if I cannot pronounce something I just don't eat it. Some foods you need a dictionary just to understand some ingredients.

    I am short too, so just eating anything is just a waste of calories.

    I find myself making more and more things here at home, that way I know what is in it, and I don't add any unnecessary calories.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Morning Ladies!

    Friday check in. I hope to see more of you here. But I will report.

    Sept 2: 166 (-3.5)
    Sept 9: 166 (-0)
    Sept 16: 166 (-0)
    Sept 23: 163 (-3)
    Sept 30: 163

    I bounced all over this week. High of 167 and finally back to the low again. Still need one more lb for loss of "new" weight. Bouncing is so frustrating but it is what it is and my weight seems to do this. I never count a loss until I see the number twice. The first time is just a tease.

    I am still struggling with trying to keep all fats at 30% of diet without upping my carbs over 100 grams. But it is working, most days. The difference is fiber. Keeping lactose AND gluten out is adding extra difficulties. I am going to go shopping today and buy some gluten free oats for some oatmeal which will help with breakfasts.

    I am also going to find some cook books and it seems Paleo cookbooks may help too. Main problem is the 3pm slump. I want a snack then. Nuts, cheese, and crackers are off the list now but somehow brussel sprouts just don't do it for me. I guess I could go back to my mother's "Have a glass of milk and if you don't want that, you obviously are not that hungry!" although lactose free milk just doesn't taste very good. Maybe I can look/make gluten free, low fat, low sugar cookies. Boy, they sound yummy, don't they?

    I will stop complaining now. I am reading the Obesity Code and it is well written, well researched and quite convincing.

    I hope all of you had good weeks and we hear from everyone this week.

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    9/04/16: 191.1
    9/11/16: 190.9
    9/18/16: 189.5
    9/30/16: 188.5
    Hi there! I will check out the Obesity Code! I've been doing a little bit better with recording and as you can see it is slowly helping. My goal is to get back to the 170's before year's end. Goal for this challenge: keep on recording, continue to notice when I eat my tiredness, anxiety, depression. Working to just "be with" those conditions rather than eat in response to. Glad you guys are carrying the torch! Inspiring!