Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Thanks Mary! Having you guys here really helps me as well.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    1/2/15: 155.5 lbs.
    1/9/15: 159.5 lbs.
    1/16/15: 154.5 lbs.
    1/23/15: 154
    1/30/15: 153.5
    2/6/15: 151.5
    2/13/15: 151.5
    2/20/15: 148.5
    2/27/15: 153
    3/6/15: 148

    Got rid of all that extra water, I guess, and I was sick all week. I still haven't worked out and think I will get back to that on Sunday. I had a lot of walking so far today and still not entirely back with it.

    I had to go to a outlaying facility today, so took my own car rather than a pool car and stopped and had lunch in the Conservatory Atrium with the cold outside, but the sun shining inside. Read my Kindle while I had tea, a delicious sweet potato and pineapple salad and a chicken quesadilla. (Enough for dinner, too!) Then I took a quick whirlwind vacation through the Himalayan Mountains, a tropical rainforest, the desert, and a Pacific island cloud forest where butterflies are just being released. The conservatory is one of my families' favorite spots in Columbus. Nice break on a cold winter's workday!
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    1/2/15: 155.5 lbs.
    1/9/15: 159.5 lbs.
    1/16/15: 154.5 lbs.
    1/23/15: 154
    1/30/15: 153.5
    2/6/15: 151.5
    2/13/15: 151.5
    2/20/15: 148.5
    2/27/15: 153
    3/6/15: 148

    Got rid of all that extra water, I guess, and I was sick all week. I still haven't worked out and think I will get back to that on Sunday. I had a lot of walking so far today and still not entirely back with it.

    I had to go to a outlaying facility today, so took my own car rather than a pool car and stopped and had lunch in the Conservatory Atrium with the cold outside, but the sun shining inside. Read my Kindle while I had tea, a delicious sweet potato and pineapple salad and a chicken quesadilla. (Enough for dinner, too!) Then I took a quick whirlwind vacation through the Himalayan Mountains, a tropical rainforest, the desert, and a Pacific island cloud forest where butterflies are just being released. The conservatory is one of my families' favorite spots in Columbus. Nice break on a cold winter's workday!

    5 lb.loss is awesome!!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Fantastic Charlie! Glad you are feeling better after being sick. That salad and quesadilla sounds so good! Sounds like a lovely day.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Thanks, but I can hardly take credit for 5 pounds. I'm still not at my low and the 5 pounds was all water weight. Not one oz. of it fat! I could be up 6 pounds of water tomorrow. I'll be happy when I see 146.5. To me that will be a loss. Down from my ticker weight.
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    I gained 1/2 lb yesterday because of a bad meal choice.DQ chicken strip basket.Back on track today with ,hopefully,better choices.Wishing everyone a good day.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Mary, mfp is all about being accountable, noticing food choices that could be improved, and getting back on track again and again. At least that is my experience. My goal this week is to my ticker weight (again) or below by Friday. I've been losing steadily this week but all getting back to where I was.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited March 2015
    @maryschwarzr: you can't go by one day. If you do, you will drive yourself crazy. Unless you ate 3500 calories OVER your daily limit, you couldn't have added that much weight. Now, chicken strips and the fries you probably had were more than likely pretty salty. Bet most of that weight is water.

    I go by: if I have seen the weight on the scale, that is where I am. MFP feels the same way. My lowest weight always remains my ticker weight. I can go 5-10 pounds over that sometimes (as I am queen of water weight) but I only count it for challenge weigh-ins, not on my ticker.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Finally got back to the gym after 10 days of that stupid cold/infection, etc. Felt so good.

    Added the rowing machine this weekend to my workout. I really like it, but I can't watch a movie like I can with the stationary bike. I like walking with music, because I feel like I'm going somewhere. But, rowing isn't as much fun. I might have to think about audio books for rowing. Working my way up. Did 12 minutes on Sunday and 15 yesterday. Will take it slow and hope to get to 30 minutes by the end of the month although I won't do 30 minutes every day. It will depend on the stationary bike and availability of both.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited March 2015
    Oh, I booked my "reward" finally from last month for hitting a goal of 148. Booked one-night in a B&B in Northern KY (one of BedandBreakfast.com's top 10 B&Bs), with reservations at a local fine-dining tavern and tickets to a "Mummy" exhibition in Cincinnati the next day! Maybe a stop at IKEA on the way back to Columbus! Actually, I got the gift certificate to pay for the B&B for Christmas, so except for dinner and the exhibition, not much expense, but a great little mid-week break for the end of the month!

    I really find that incremental rewards help me stay on track. Clothes don't count unless it would be something very special. Besides, I'm not much for shopping and I HAVE to have clothes. I don't have to have getaways or massages, etc. That makes them more special.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Charlie, that get away sounds so wonderful! Rewards for me are mostly the intangibles: feeling and looking better, although I going to buy myself a new bra and unders soon. Plus my smallest pants are too big now.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    I just don't look at clothes as a reward. Mostly because I hate to shop and I have to have clothes for work and working out. It really helps me to have a non-related to weight loss goal. What about a new book, a movie out or a day to run away from home and spend the day with a friend or alone hiding out at the library or something? Something not too expensive. Or, set aside an afternoon to just pamper yourself with a bubblebath, book, candles, face masque, and paint your nails. An at home spa day! As I said, my B&B is paid for otherwise I probably wouldn't do that and I have to eat anyway. The tickets for the exhibition will only be about $20. IKEA is free!

    Frankly, a little splurge out at a restaurant doesn't hurt either although some people think rewards should not be food! Why not? I can go to a really nice restaurant and still stay under calories with some prior thought. When I do that, I dress up a little and really pretend I'm indulging in something very, very special. I have a gift certificate a friend gave me for taking her wedding photos that is just waiting to be used for a reward when the weather gets nice. This restaurant has the most lovely patio!

    For me, incremental rewards or indulgences are really necessary to keep motivated.

    The only clothes I would consider for weight loss goal reward is a swimsuit. I did one last year when I hit onderland and now it is way too big so I can't use the pool anymore at the gym. It is one of those frivolous buys that I don't "need." But, they are also very expensive! I might just wait until I hit my ultimate goal to buy one.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    A successful MFP friend has been struggling lately and found herself at the end of an evening binge. She took the calories she ate in her binge, divided them by 3 and added them over the next three days to her diary. So she still was within her weekly calorie allowance. She lost weight that week. I think this might be a really great idea for the occasional binge. It reminded her that an hour of binging requires a sacrifice and it wasn't really worth it!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Yes, weight watchers gives you some "extra" points that you can spend how you like, daily or as a single large calorie item or event. That always helped me. It is the weekly deficient, and not so much the daily that makes the difference.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    I am someone who eats out, buys art supplies and books whenever I have room in my budget. I don't wait to reward myself with these things. I also buy myself Christmas and birthday presents (with a fairly young son and two X husbands, who else is going to do it, lol). I also hate to shop, those three way mirrors are really depressing (better now). You do not realize what a big deal it is for me to actually buy needed clothes for myself. You know, you did make me think of a category that could be good for rewards for myself: a massage or a chiropractic adjustment.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Just wanted to say: I made it to 177.7! Just under a previous low for more than a week ago. Feeling good about it!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited March 2015
    Gayle: Congrats on the 177.7! New lows are the best! Good for you!

    Like you, I buy books and craft supplies and eat out a lot. That is nothing special to me neither. But a massage is and so is just a day I allow myself to indulge in pampering.

    My kids are grown and doing well so I don't have any expenses there. I can remember after they were out of college and we would go to dinner and I would always insist on buying even though they would always offer. After all, it is a "mom-thing." Finalized realized that they had more money than me (all that education paid off) so, now I let them buy most of the time.

    Better yet, I have a wonderful ex husband (unless I had to live with him :s ). He is extremely generous and thinks that I never ask for enough! ("Is that all you want?") Actually, it is great! He shovels the snow for me and mows my lawn and buys me wonderful presents for holidays. He pays for one of our family vacations, too. But, I don't have to wash his socks or clean his shower! :D
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi guys,

    It is so great to catch up on all the achievements! From scale to non scale achievements and all the ideas, big and small about rewards.

    I have been almost a week without scale or internet so I am back to Day 1 again! I am out of the snow and ice and down in South Carolina heading for Florida tomorrow. I should have access to a gym, scale and regular internet tomorrow. I hope so. We are currently eating out breakfast, lunch and dinner which I find difficult but I have been concentrating on getting extra veggies and walking so I hope I am holding the line.

    Good to hear you are all doing well. Congrats on all the lower numbers!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Wait Marney, a cold place in winter, now heading to Florida in the Spring? Seems backwards to me, lol. You have been burning lots of calories shoveling snow though!
    Charlie, you must have been very good in former lives because your life is clearly charmed in this life! All the benefits of kids and man with no dirty sox. Wow!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    it isn't spring in Canada! Still very much winter and Peter just could not stand it anymore. We will be home in time for the end of winter. LOL