Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    I went to my family doctor today and he was thrilled with my weight loss. I began this journey at 45 BMI or 238 pounds (I lost a little before coming to MFP). When setting my goal I was thinking I wanted to weigh 130 (24.6 BMI) and then changed it to 115 (21.7). I picked that goal as that is where I was always happiest and it was just about mid-range for me in the healthy zone (97.9-132.3 lbs.).

    I have been reading more and more that after 60 years old, we actually will extend our lives more if we are a little "overweight" rather than in the "healthy" range. (Not so under the age of 60). So I have been very confused.

    My doctor said he would agree that after 60 we would be better to have some additional weight and he would have no problems if I stopped where I am at 148.5; but, as long as I was feeling healthy, I could go a little lower. I told him I had thought 115 and he said, "No way!" I suggested 130 and he said he would suggest 135-140 (these are in the "overweight" range). He said the main thing is how I feel. I told him that I feel healthy and strong -- more so than I have in years! I haven't really had any serious colds or flu and what I have had, I've fought off in a few days. My RA is in remission. My ejection fraction for my heart is all the way up to 60. I seldom have any aches, pains or maladies except for this darn constipation since I started dieting. The only thing that we are testing tomorrow is my glucose as it has been a while, but I don't anticipate any problems as I never have had any.

    I see my cardiologist next week and plan to ask him the same thing! In the meantime, where do you plan to stop as far as your BMI is concerned? Have you picked a weight, a size, or assume you will just "know?"
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Yummm and fun!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    http://diet.lovetoknow.com/wiki/Age_and_Weight_Chart Well, I've been aiming on starting on maintainance at 160. or there abouts. I think I might still lose a little during the beginning of maintenance. The first link states that I should weigh about 150 at the top for my age and height. I don't want to be a boney old lady though. I need a little fat in my face which tends to look pretty skeletal, even when I am heavier. Looks like the average weight for my BMI (which is high) is 168. I'm hoping that my body has a happy weight that will be easier to maintain. So, bottom line, for me, at 63 and 5' 5" it will be somewhere between 160 and 150. I was 130 when I was younger. But that is an unattainable and undesirable goal for me at this point.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Happy dance! I finally got under 180!! 179.4 so will have to work to keep it but so glad to be out of that decade. Don't want to ever go back!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Yea, Gayle!!!! That is a really milestone. Do something nice for yourself!

    I bought a size 10P pants today and a medium top. Actually, I bought a pair of work slacks, a really cute work top, a pair of 10P straight-legged jeans (I know I said I wouldn't, but I haven't had jeans in years that haven't had an elasticized waist and these fit perfectly), and a top for either work for the jeans. Loved a couple of other things, but I can still wear the large tops and even the 12P slacks so, I will wait to buy more. I will need some summer capris and tops. Maybe I'll be an 8 by then!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Oh, that is my goal! I want to be a size 12 again! Good for you Charlie! Think I was an 8 or 10 in high school but my happy place is right around 12.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Good stuff guys! Indeed, happy dance! I just put 4 pairs of pants out for charity. Happy dance here as well.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Aren't we doing well? So proud!
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    I've been reading your posts and everyone seems to have it together.Alot of good points.Marney-you and I are going through the same thing.I have a 4 lb.gain this week and haven't bothered exercising everyday.I just tell myself I don't care but I really do.Exercised today,thinking I can lose a little bit by Friday of the 4 i've gained.I'm just pathetic.At least you're losing.Good job!
    Charlie,you made some very good points.I know I was eating back the calories I burned from exercise,maybe more.My Dr. told me I shouldn't get below 140 because when you get older you need that extra weight to fall back on in case you get sick.Even though I exercise, I do have a habit of sitting too much.
    Gayle,you are always an inspiration.Getting into the 170's is fantastic!!.
    To be truthful I wasn't sure if I was going to post on here .I've really been slacking and not proud of it.Of course,ready your posts has motivated me not to give up.Thanks ladies.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Glad to see you here Mary! Keep on remembering why you have weight loss goals. Think it is important to keep on restating and updating those goals--they really make a difference. Can you tell I teach a college "success strategies" course? My students have to create personal development goals. Love it! So, I am doing this so my body can hold up long enough for me to do my bucket list (travel) and maybe see my son's kids. He is just turning 18 this month so it could be years before a child is in his plans. He just got his first job and his girlfriend lives in another state! Anyway, looking like a blimp and my joints hurting were a great motivator as well. Mary, being "in the 170's" sounds much better than the reality: 179.3. lol.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Mary, we have all been there. Do not give up. Don't put a goal to lose on yourself, but a goal just to get back on track.

    I found myself really slacking off a couple weeks ago. For me getting tough on myself works best, but I never put myself down. Instead I look at what I have accomplished and re-affirm my commitment. Then I plan ahead. Everything that I can is prepared or packed ahead so that when it is time to eat I can just. Grab it. My oatmeal is in the bowl. Just need to add water. Lunch is made and packed along with planned snacks are sitting with it, and I already have a Lean cuisine dinner waiting. I have logged it all ready, so there is no room for surprises.

    If I am tempted for something, I will give myself permission to have it the next day. Probably won't though. Cravings are so fleeting. I keep calories extra low, too. Bump up the deficit. And I don't skip a good work. I have had a good loss this week As a result. But that was not the goal.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi Guys,

    I haven't been doing very well either Mary. I did lose earlier but I am now not looking forward to Friday. However, I KNOW that if I screw down the calories and do the exercise, it does work. I just find that small variations away from 1200 calories count so much. And it is february and we are having trouble keeping the house warm but as Charlie says, I have to choose my 'hard'. And as I say, I have to stop whining.

    Being at home, retired, is new and has it own challenges. I just don't move as much as I did at an office, which sounds funny but it is true.The very act of going to work took a lot of effort as I sure you will all agree!

    And the kitchen is always there. I have to think in terms of 3 square and make the kitchen off limits otherwise. Only way it works.

    Although I am not 'progressing' quite as I would like, I am so grateful you are all out there because it keeps me hopeful and re-committed each day. Success or not. I am doing well on behaviour and although my calories are not quite where they should be, they aren't far off, and my behaviour around food is so much better.

    Hang in there Mary! We will success together.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited February 2015
    Marney, reading your comments about the challenges of being retired made me think of a quote I saw recently: "Since I started wearing my fitness tracker and figuring the calories used to get to and from work, I discovered I burn 1350 calories to Hell and back!"

    It is about 2400 for me!

    But, you are right, I imagine it is hard to get the steps in when you are home. I have a difficult time on my days off even going to the gym!

    If we want to try something as a group, what about this? If you want, just make it 2 times for 10 minutes to start. 20 minutes a day! But you must set an alarm of some kind so that you can't ignore it! I'll do it on my days off. When I get up, in mid-morning, at lunchtime, mid-afternoon, and at dinnertime and mid-evening, I will set an alarm to walk in place or dance in place for 10 minutes if I am home - for me that will be 60 minutes which is my daily exercise goal anyway. I can set my phone or my fitness tracker to remind me and I can set those alarms for as many days and specific days and times that I want, so I can't say I forgot or decide not to. If I'm not home, I'm probably moving anyway at the gym or shopping.

    Come on. Two times a day for 10 minutes each (you want 10 minutes as you need to get your heart rate up a little -- just a little -- and you don't need to sweat. Fat burning heart rate for most of us starts at just mid-90's). You don't need to put in a video. If you are watching TV, stand up and watch it while walking in place. If you are reading, put the book or Kindle on the kitchen counter and walk in place while reading. If you are really ambitious, put in the headphones, take out the vacuum and dance while you vacuum for 10 minutes. Get creative. This Harvard article tells how good 20 minutes can be: hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/staying-active-full-story/

    It always amazes me when I put on music and start to dance. I love it! No one is watching and my heart rate goes up nicely. Most of all time goes so fast -- only two or three songs usually and you will be done! Anybody in?

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited February 2015
    Oh, got back my glucose and cholestrol results (forgot he was taking that):
    Blood sugar: 86 (I have been lucky and have never had high-blood sugar, even at my highest weight).
    Total Cholestrol: 136
    HDL: 65
    LDL: 62
    Triglycerides: 45

    Now, for full disclosure, I do take cholestrol meds, but even with them, I see a big difference now that I have lost weight. Total had been around 190s for a long time even on meds.

    So, I am very, very happy as was my doc. I see the cardiologist on Tuesday and have a device check, too. Fingers crossed for good results there.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Charlie, what great strategies! Planning is huge and not have things I can't have within arm's reach is important too. I am hoping to go to a health fair soon so I can get my cholesterol checked. Last time I had that done I was at the weight I was when I started on mfp. It takes most of my energy, it seems, to stay strict with myself about my food, still not ready to add much exercise but I totally agree, it makes a huge difference to be retired! I've just been retired since November. I don't do much shopping except for groceries and art supplies but it really makes a difference when I am walking around stores or the schools I teach for once or twice a week. Still need to get a step counter, I think that would really motivate me. Fingers crossed on your device check Charlie! Mary and Marney, don't give up---and you haven't! Think of all those people who who have never heard of mfp and are eating fatty, starchy, salty, sugary food every day. I think it takes a lot just to be mindful and work as much as you can to develop healthy habits, one day at a time.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Terrific health check, Charlie! So good.

    10 minutes 2X daily? I can do that. AND we are planning a trip south in March so back to golfing again. At least I hope so. Your weather is almost as bad as ours! But it will be warmer and walking is possible even if golf isn't. So it should be easier for the rest of the challenge.

    Thanks for the encouragement. As you say, one day at a time.
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member

    Jan 23rd-160.5
    Feb 6th -161.0
    Feb 20th-162.0
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Marney: I sure hope it is warmer by March, too. Was -8 (windchill -17) when I came to work this a.m. Will be great that you get to golf then. You really get a good workout then, don't you?

    I had a good week: good dr. visit and labs, size lower in both tops and pants, and a 3 pound loss without any major gains in between. Here's the stats:

    1/2/15: 155.5 lbs.
    1/9/15: 159.5 lbs.
    1/16/15: 154.5 lbs.
    1/23/15: 154
    1/30/15: 153.5
    2/6/15: 151.5
    2/13/15: 151.5
    2/20/15: 148.5

    I think my goal is 145 for Easter, so what looked impossible a few weeks ago, may be possible now. I have really tightened up and have been eating low -- some may say, too low. But I'm feeling great, so I'm not going to rock the boat too much. Really needed to get tough with myself for a while as I was just inching those calories and cravings up and up.

    Bad report: I didn't do the resistance bands at all (wish someone would challenge me on that) and only meditated twice.

    I did go to Tai Chi twice and had a private lesson on Wed. (everyone else has quit) and only one other person last night because no one else braved the cold. Got up to move 58 of 108. We are getting to the point now where some of the moves are repeating so there won't be 50 new moves, but many. Still you have to remember the order. I really am liking this more and more. I want to get good. By the end of March, we should be done with all 108 moves. I will begin again. My membership is good up through April. Think I will ask for 4 more months for my birthday. Love that you can go as often as you can without having to pay extra.

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Oh, oh! Just looked back. 140 was my goal. There is no way I can do that at this late date. (Frankly, there was no way I could do that when I chose it!) That would now be 8.5 in 5 weeks! I'm taking a pass on that and aiming for 145. 1/2 pound a week is more realistic. What was I thinking?
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    1/02/15: 187.3
    1/09/15: 186.1
    1/16/15: 184.8
    1/23/15: 183.3
    1/30/15: 182.0
    2/06/15: 181.0
    2/13/15: 180.1
    2/20/15: 179.1